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Everything / Errors



Great Reads

by Shemeer NS
Error Number 8013150a, 80131515, 80131522, 80070002, 80004002, 80004005, 80070057, 80131500, 80131018
by Aleksandrs Vorobjovs
Error Logging to the Windows Event Log using ELMAH
by Foothill
Complier Error: RC1004
by Sergeant Kolja
This is an alternative for "Memory leak detection for WinCE".

Latest Articles

by freedeveloper
The move of the WEB from server based pages to Client based pages can create a security problem if we don't modify our traditional form to report errors.
by Benktesh Sharma
How to handle 'Which has higher version than referenced assembly' error (Error CS1705) through Package Manager Console
by jgauffin
Coderr automatically detects and analyzes errors so that you can focus on solving them.
by SlavaUtesinov
How to log client side errors with rich and useful information about them at case of AngularJS.

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23 Sep 2012 by Shemeer NS
Error Number 8013150a, 80131515, 80131522, 80070002, 80004002, 80004005, 80070057, 80131500, 80131018
5 Mar 2012 by Aleksandrs Vorobjovs
Error Logging to the Windows Event Log using ELMAH
23 May 2012 by Sergeant Kolja
This is an alternative for "Memory leak detection for WinCE".
22 Jun 2021 by freedeveloper
The move of the WEB from server based pages to Client based pages can create a security problem if we don't modify our traditional form to report errors.
23 Oct 2016 by SlavaUtesinov
How to log client side errors with rich and useful information about them at case of AngularJS.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
A ValidationSummary control is displayed when the IsValid property of the page is false. It "polls" each of the validation controls on the page and
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
This article presents a way to log and mail the errors from any web page.It logs following details -Control on which the error is raisedPage
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Many times we see some annoying javascript errors on websites. I am of the opinion that the javascript errors should not be shown to users. Best
19 Jun 2012 by David Catriel
How to get a list of data rows that caused an exception (or several of them) in a SqlBulkCopy operation
30 Jan 2012 by Pablo Aliskevicius
Do you believe that memory corruption will generate an immediate, repeatable crash? Some programmers actually do...
27 Jun 2011 by OlegKrivtsov
How to write C++ code more tolerant to critical errors.
5 Feb 2011 by Sander Rossel
This article describes multiple implementations of proper Try... Catch... Finally and Using... End Using blocks in your code.
8 Jan 2014 by jgauffin is my new startup for .NET developers. It’s a bit like ELMAH, but for most of Microsoft’s different frameworks, and with a tad bit of analytics. As you might have noticed I’ve not been blogging that much the last … Continue reading →
9 May 2018 by jgauffin
Coderr automatically detects and analyzes errors so that you can focus on solving them.
14 Apr 2013 by Nestor Marsollier
A point of view about business validations on enterprise applications