Dr. Alexander Bell (aka DrABell), a seasoned full-stack DevOps and Data Engineer holds PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, authored 37 inventions and published 100+ technical articles, including those popular at CodeProject totaling 4M+ views. Alex pioneered AI/NLP, Cloud development, .NET/Java technology stacks, advanced SQL extensions, HTML5/CSS3 and other important Web technologies; developed multiple award-winning Web/Win apps submitted to App Innovation Contests (AIC 2012/2013). Currently focused on Microsoft Azure Cloud and GitHub Copilot AI-enabled DevOps.
- Quiz Engine powered by Azure Cloud (Dev Challenge article)
- 'enRoute': Real-time NY City Bus Tracking Web App (IoT on Azure)
- Azure web app: Engineering Calculator VOLTMATTER
- Azure: NYC real-time bus tracking app
- HTML5/CSS3 graphic enhancement: buttons, inputs
- Aggregate Product function extends SQL
- HTML5 Tables Formatting: Alternate Rows, Color Gradients, Shadows
- YouTube™ API for ASP.NET