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Date Survey #
26 May 2008 -
  2 Jun 2008
Which Company (or type of company) has harmed Software Development the most?
To balance our previous survey we'll now ask which company has done the most harm to Software Development as a profession? (use whatever definition of "most harm" suits you)
19 May 2008 -
  26 May 2008
How many breaks do you take during the work day?
Do you take regular breaks (> 15 mins way from your computer) during a standard workday or just zone out for the entire time?
12 May 2008 -
  19 May 2008
Which Company is doing the most good for Software Developers?
Microsoft provides great tools, Google provides great data and Apple provides a great excuse to buy a new gadget. Which company, however, does more to make Software Development a better profession? (use whatever definition of "better" suits you)
5 May 2008 -
  12 May 2008
What is your favourite OS on which to develop software?
Do you go for Vista's security, develop on the same Server 2008 platform to which you are deploying, or run Eclipse on a Mac and have all your development in one place?
28 Apr 2008 -
  5 May 2008
What office environment suits you best?
Do you like to see and talk to your fellow developers or do you prefer a little privacy?
21 Apr 2008 -
  28 Apr 2008
What is the main reason a deadline would not be met?
We've all experienced that whooshing sound of a deadline flying past. What's your best excuse? (suggested by Paul Jonathan)
7 Apr 2008 -
  21 Apr 2008
Are you a current, past or future Java developer?
Coming or going? Entrenched or just wandering by?
14 Apr 2008 -
  21 Apr 2008
When do you write the specs for your projects?
There's 'When we should do it' and 'When we actually do it'. Your answer is anonymous so be honest!
7 Apr 2008 -
  14 Apr 2008
What is the best starting language for a new developer?
Some developers start with scripting and move to high level languages, while other start with ASM and continue from there. What do you think is best way to start? (Suggested by Christiaan Rakowski)
31 Mar 2008 -
  7 Apr 2008
Self taught or by the book: Who generally is a better programmer?
A self-taught programmer may say they have more insight by solving problems the hard way, while a formally trained dev may counter that there's the hard way and there's the correct way. What's your call?
24 Mar 2008 -
  31 Mar 2008
What most improves the readability of source code?
Reviewing or even learning someone else's code can be hard work. What's the best way to make code easily approachable for someone else?
17 Mar 2008 -
  24 Mar 2008
How long should a company continue to develop drivers for old hardware on new Operating Systems?
We've all been there: we upgrade our OS and find our 4 year old printer no longer works and drivers are not available. As a software developer, how long is long enough to continue supporting legacy consumer hardware?
10 Mar 2008 -
  17 Mar 2008
What do you require in a software library?
Assuming you get full source code with a library, what features are most important?
3 Mar 2008 -
  10 Mar 2008
How brave are you when it comes to new release Server software?
Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 are out. How aggressive are you when it comes to upgrading software on your production servers?
25 Feb 2008 -
  3 Mar 2008
Have you ever engaged in Pair Programming?
(And a related question would be: do you prefer to be the observer or navigator?)
18 Feb 2008 -
  25 Feb 2008
Does your work or organisation arrange "Team Building" trips or exercises?
Rock climbing, paintball or even the dreaded "close your eyes and let someone catch you" thing. Does your team get to do some building?
11 Feb 2008 -
  18 Feb 2008
What are your preferred mediums for getting information?
Do you prefer to flip the pages and learn at your own pace, or do you prefer more of a presentation format when learning new things?
4 Feb 2008 -
  10 Feb 2008
What was (or is) your favourite Microsoft IDE?
We know we missed a few, but during the evolution of The Code Project these were the ones most used by our members.
28 Jan 2008 -
  4 Feb 2008
What database server do you use (or are planning to use) most?
Are you using, or planning to use, the big iron? Or does the free stuff do everything you need?
21 Jan 2008 -
  28 Jan 2008
How many operating systems do you have on your development machine?
Are you a single, dual or even triple boot kinda developer? (and DOS doesn't count!)

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