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Popularity: 9.23
Rating: 4.92/5
Votes: 78
Views: 255,674
27 Apr 2011 by Niladri_Biswas
This article will disscuss about MEF, how to start working in this, etc.
Popularity: 9.19
Rating: 4.83/5
Votes: 84
Views: 279,055
17 Jan 2012 by Shivprasad koirala
In this article we will explain for real world use of Partial classes and partial methods.
Popularity: 9.18
Rating: 4.94/5
Votes: 73
Views: 332,634
4 Nov 2011 by Nish Nishant
A comparative look at lambdas in C++ and C# with focus on the differences and similarities in lambda usage across the languages and their variants.
Popularity: 9.18
Rating: 4.96/5
Votes: 71
Views: 156,691
18 Aug 2011 by Herre Kuijpers
A utility that allows you to enter simple and more complex mathematical formulas which will be evaluated and calculated on the spot
Popularity: 9.16
Rating: 4.95/5
Votes: 71
Views: 188,592
14 Jul 2011 by Pete O'Hanlon
Learning how to program Windows Phone 7 from the very beginning
Popularity: 9.16
Rating: 4.95/5
Votes: 71
Views: 171,647
10 May 2011 by Sacha Barber
A look into using the Task Parallel Library.
Popularity: 9.15
Rating: 4.98/5
Votes: 74
Views: 142,178
16 Apr 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
No more long switch statements!
Popularity: 9.12
Rating: 4.90/5
Votes: 77
Views: 255,536
22 Jan 2012 by Ali-DN
Restaurant and Waiter project! (WPF - Windows Mobile)
Popularity: 9.12
Rating: 4.82/5
Votes: 81
Views: 879,700
23 Mar 2012 by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
Explains the basics of REST services and create & consume RESTful service in ASP.NET
Popularity: 9.12
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 67
Views: 166,100
16 Apr 2012 by Colin Eberhardt
This article compares Silverlight and KnockoutJS by looking at the implementation of the same application with both frameworks and tries to answer the all-important question "which framework is best?"
Popularity: 9.12
Rating: 4.86/5
Votes: 77
Views: 748,367
Popularity: 9.11
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 69
Views: 458,965
23 Apr 2012 by Ragheed Al-Tayeb
Implementing a MJPEG (or Motion JPEG) streaming server that can be used to steam screenshots or any other source of images over the HTTP protocol to any web browser client (MJPEG stream writer is included in the library)
Popularity: 9.10
Rating: 4.87/5
Votes: 77
Views: 107,467
30 Mar 2012 by Andrew Phillips
There are quite a few fallacies kicking around about how to write good code. This article is an attempt to dispel some of them.
Popularity: 9.10
Rating: 4.91/5
Votes: 71
Views: 195,079
14 Oct 2011 by Sander Rossel
Creating custom collections from IEnumerable(T) to IDictionary(T) and everything in between!
Popularity: 9.09
Rating: 4.93/5
Votes: 72
Views: 122,281
29 Feb 2012 by Nicolas Dorier
You will learn how to create a semi automated crawler, and automate browsing
Popularity: 9.03
Rating: 4.79/5
Votes: 80
Views: 439,726
6 Apr 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
A beginner's tutorial for understanding ADO.NET using a simple application.
Popularity: 9.01
Rating: 4.95/5
Votes: 66
Views: 95,924
29 Aug 2011 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Scattered Polaroids is like when you take an old box full of pictures, drop them all on a table, and start picking them randomly. This article deals with this the CSS3 and jQuery implementation of this concept.
Popularity: 9.01
Rating: 4.95/5
Votes: 66
Views: 118,972
26 Aug 2011 by CodeProject, Sacha Barber
Welcome to our continuing series of Code Project interviews in which we talk to developers about their backgrounds, projects, interests and pet peeves. In this installment we track down Code Project member Sacha Barber.
Popularity: 9.00
Rating: 4.74/5
Votes: 81
Views: 224,596
15 Sep 2011 by Sachin Somanath Mumbare
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) basics for beginners
Popularity: 8.98
Rating: 4.92/5
Votes: 69
Views: 314,615
5 May 2011 by MBigglesworth79
How to resize an Image On-The-Fly using .NET

Page 4 of 5

Rating is the sum of all votes divided by the number of votes. Voting can only be done by registered members and a person's vote is weighted by their level.

Popularity is a measure of how much interest an article generates once it's been read. It's calculated as Rating x Log10(# Votes), where Rating is the filtered rating. See the FAQ for details.

Page views are cumulative from Feb 5, 2002.