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Fast IPC - New implementation

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15 Jul 2013CPOL11 min read 45.7K   1.7K   73  
New (faster) implementation of shared memory IPC
//	 SimpleIPC.h
//  This header is part of SimpleWin library, SimpleCore namespace
//  Author - Kosta Cherry
//  License: use any way you want, except the following:
//  1. Don't claim that you are the author of this code.
//  2. Don't try to prevent others from freely using this code. It's in public domain now. It is free and always will be free.
//  3. Don't hold me responsible for any bugs or malfunction, or alike. Use at you own risk. Absolutely no guarantee here whatsoever.
//  Description: defines and implements class CSimpleIPC (and few helper structs). CSimpleIPC is used for inter- or intra-process communication.
//  This is fast "multiple writers - multiple readers" implementation, using shared memory.
//  History:
//  Version 1.0 - initial implementation
//  Version 1.1 - 2 bugfixes, both were prominent when INFINITE timeout was specified:
//                1) optional handle stopOn was ignored when INFINITE timeout was specified
//                2) due to race conditions writer was not always informing reader that write operation was completed, thus causing reader to hang forever when INFINITE timeout was specified

#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h> 
#include "SimpleThreadDefines.h"
#include "SimpleCriticalSection.h"

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 28159)

namespace SimpleCore
	#define SCD_STOP_REQUESTED		0x0001
   #define SCD_PREALLOCATE		   0x0002

   struct SimpleIPCMemoryBuffer
      VUINT32		      m_totalBlocksCount;
		VUINT32		      m_WriteStart;				
		VUINT32		      m_ReadStart;				
      VUINT32		      m_writersWatingCount;   // to signal some writer to wake up
      VUINT32		      m_readersWatingCount;   // to signal some reader to wake up
      // Generic aka "static" data:
		uint32_t				m_blocksCount;          // Blocks per one memory file; sets up once during createConnectionPoint, never changes
      uint32_t  		   m_blockSize;            // Size of one block; sets up once during createConnectionPoint, never changes
      uint32_t          m_blocksLength;
      uint32_t          m_maxExpansions;        // Max number of memory files; sets up once during createConnectionPoint, never changes
      uint32_t          m_minExpantionDistance; // Min distance between writeEnd and ReadStart when we signal need for new expansion; sets up once during createConnectionPoint, never changes
      // to share information:
		VUINT32		      m_flags;
      uint32_t          m_reserved;             // reserved for future use

		void	init(uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t initialBlocksCount, uint32_t maxExpansions, uint32_t minExpantionDistance) throw()
			m_ReadStart = 0;
			m_WriteStart = 0;
         m_totalBlocksCount = initialBlocksCount;
         m_writersWatingCount = m_readersWatingCount = 0;

         m_blocksCount = initialBlocksCount;
         m_blockSize = blockSize;
         m_blocksLength = blockSize * initialBlocksCount;
         m_maxExpansions = maxExpansions;
         m_minExpantionDistance = minExpantionDistance;
			m_flags = 0;
		bool					isFlagSet(uint32_t flag) {return (m_flags & flag) > 0;};
		void					setFlag(uint32_t flag) {m_flags |= flag;};
		void					clearFlag(uint32_t flag) {m_flags &= ~flag;};


   struct BlockWriteDescriptor
      VLONG*   status;

   struct BlockReadDescriptor
      VLONG*   status;

   class CSimpleIPC
		struct IPCDataFileHandle
			HANDLE		m_hDataMapFile;
			void*	      m_pData;
			void*	      m_pStatus; // 2 bytes each flag
			IPCDataFileHandle() : m_hDataMapFile(NULL), m_pData(NULL), m_pStatus(NULL) {};
		typedef std::vector<IPCDataFileHandle> IPCDataVector;
		// constructor
		CSimpleIPC() : m_connectionPointBuffer(NULL), m_hMapFile(NULL), m_hMapSignalFile(NULL), m_hDataAvailable(NULL), m_hSpaceAvailable(NULL), m_hStopAllWaits(NULL),
                     m_dataVectorTotal(0), m_maxSpinLocks(SCD_IPC_MAX_SPINLOCKS), m_stopWaits(false), m_isValid(false), m_isSingleThread(false), m_preAllocateArray(false) { };
		~CSimpleIPC() { close();};
		// manager functionality:      // When supplying your own connectionPoint name, you HAVE to guarantee this name is UNIQUE in the system!!!!!!!!!
		bool					createConnectionPoint(uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t initialBlocksCount, uint32_t maxExpansions, bool preAllocate = false, uint32_t minExpansionDistance = 0) ;
      bool					createConnectionPoint(const std::wstring& connectionPoint, uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t initialBlocksCount, uint32_t maxExpansions, bool preAllocate = false, uint32_t minExpantionDistance = 0); 
		void					requestStopCommunications() throw();
      void					requestResumeCommunications() throw();

		// client functionality:
		bool					attachToConnectionPoint(const std::wstring& connectionPoint, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout = INFINITE);
		bool					detachFromConnectionPoint();
		DWORD					read (void *pBuff, DWORD buffSize, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout = INFINITE, HANDLE stopOn = NULL) throw();
		DWORD					write(void *pBuff, DWORD bytesCount, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout = INFINITE, HANDLE stopOn = NULL) throw();
      void*             acquireBlock(BlockReadDescriptor&  blockDescriptor, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout = INFINITE, HANDLE stopOn = NULL) throw();
      void*             acquireBlock(BlockWriteDescriptor& blockDescriptor, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout = INFINITE, HANDLE stopOn = NULL) throw();
      void              releaseBlock(BlockReadDescriptor&  blockDescriptor) throw();
      void              releaseBlock(BlockWriteDescriptor& blockDescriptor) throw();

		// common functionality:
		const std::wstring&  getConnectionPoint() const throw() {return m_connectionPointName;};
      uint32_t             getExpansionsCount() const throw() {return m_connectionPointBuffer ? m_connectionPointBuffer->m_totalBlocksCount / m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount : 0;}
      bool                 setMaxExpansionsCount(uint32_t maxExpansions) throw();
      void                 setMaxSpinLocksCount(uint32_t blockAccessSpinLock, uint32_t expansionAccessSpinLock); 
      void                 doSingleThread(bool isSingleThread) throw() {m_isSingleThread = isSingleThread;};
		inline bool			   isCommunicationStopped() const throw() ;
		inline bool			   isValid() const throw() {return m_isValid; }
      // manager's functions:
		inline bool          allocateBlocksFileMap(uint32_t index) throw() ;
		bool					   close();
		bool					   createEvents();
		bool					   createMainFileMapping(bool doCreate, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout);
		bool					   createSignalFileMapping(bool doCreate, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout);
      // common functions:
      inline bool          getBlockByIndex(const uint32_t blockIndex, void*& pData, VLONG*& pStatus) throw();
      inline bool          getNextAvailableBlock(uint32_t& blockIndex, void*& pData, VLONG*& pStatus, VUINT32& cursorStart, VUINT32& waitersCount, long valueCheck, HANDLE waitOn, DWORD& dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw();

      inline uint32_t      getNextIndex(uint32_t index) const throw();
      inline bool			   lockReaderBlock(uint32_t& blockIndex, void*& pData, VLONG*& pFlags, DWORD& dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw();
      inline bool			   lockWriterBlock(uint32_t& blockIndex, void*& pData, VLONG*& pFlags, DWORD& dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw();
		// data members:
		SimpleIPCMemoryBuffer*	   m_connectionPointBuffer;// never allocates: it's just a pointer to shared memory
      CSimpleCriticalSectionSE   m_locker;            // used to lock access to m_dataVector when no other way can help
		std::wstring			m_connectionPointName;		// "Address" (name) of connection point
		IPCDataVector			m_dataVector;              // list of "data" files (shared memory "files")
		HANDLE					m_hMapFile;						// Handle to the main mapped memory file
      HANDLE					m_hMapSignalFile;				// Handle to the signal mapped memory file
		HANDLE					m_hDataAvailable;				// Shared event used to signal when data exists
		HANDLE					m_hSpaceAvailable;			// Shared event used to signal when some blocks become available
      HANDLE					m_hStopAllWaits;			   // Shared event used to signal to stop all waits, no matter what's happening
      VUINT32              m_dataVectorTotal;         // this is blockcount*datavector.size(); keep it in separate var to avoid recalculation every time - it changes VERY rarely
      uint32_t             m_maxSpinLocks;
      volatile bool        m_stopWaits;
      bool                 m_isValid;
      bool                 m_isSingleThread;
      bool                 m_preAllocateArray;
// implementation
namespace SimpleCore
	bool	CSimpleIPC::createConnectionPoint(uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t initialBlocksCount, uint32_t maxExpansions, bool preAllocate, uint32_t minExpantionDistance)
		std::wstring connectionPoint = L"CSimpleIPC_slot_"; // we might not neet this, but just in case if someone else will come up with "clever" idea of such an id...
		connectionPoint.append(std::to_wstring((unsigned long long)GetCurrentThreadId()));
		connectionPoint.append(std::to_wstring((unsigned long long)this));
		return createConnectionPoint(connectionPoint, blockSize, initialBlocksCount, maxExpansions, preAllocate, minExpantionDistance);

	bool	CSimpleIPC::createConnectionPoint(const std::wstring& connectionPoint, uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t initialBlocksCount, uint32_t maxExpansions, bool preAllocate, uint32_t minExpantionDistance)
		if (!close()) // clean up; if there were previous errors, clean them too
			return false;
		m_connectionPointName = connectionPoint;

      // create our main mapping file:
		if(!createMainFileMapping(true, 0))
			return false;

		if (!createEvents())
			return false;

      // initialize shared memory
		m_connectionPointBuffer->init(blockSize, initialBlocksCount, maxExpansions, minExpantionDistance);
      if (preAllocate)
      m_preAllocateArray = preAllocate;


      // add first data file
		if (!allocateBlocksFileMap(0))
			return false;

      // signal to those wating to join that they can do it now (memory was properly set up at this point):
		if(!createSignalFileMapping(true, 0))
			return false;

		m_isValid = true;
		return true;

	void	CSimpleIPC::requestStopCommunications() throw() 
		if (!isValid())


   void CSimpleIPC::requestResumeCommunications() throw() 
		if (!isValid())


	bool	CSimpleIPC::attachToConnectionPoint(const std::wstring& connectionPoint, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout)
		if (!close()) // clean up; if there were previous errors, clean them too
			return false;
		m_connectionPointName = connectionPoint;

      // wait for manager to signal that main file has been created and memory properly initialized
		if(!createSignalFileMapping(false, dwMillisecondsTimeout))
			return false; // well, we were unable to wait long enough. Going out...

		if(!createMainFileMapping(false, dwMillisecondsTimeout))
			return false;

		if (!createEvents())
			return false;

      m_preAllocateArray = m_connectionPointBuffer->isFlagSet(SCD_PREALLOCATE);

		// now many files currently are allocated? Let's get up to speed:
      if (!allocateBlocksFileMap(m_connectionPointBuffer->m_totalBlocksCount / m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount - 1))
			return false;

		m_isValid = true;
		return true;
	bool	CSimpleIPC::detachFromConnectionPoint()
		if (!close())
			return false;
		return true;

	DWORD	CSimpleIPC::read(void *pBuff, DWORD buffSize, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw() 
      BlockReadDescriptor bd;
      if (void* pData = acquireBlock(bd, dwMillisecondsTimeout, stopOn))
         uint32_t dataSize = min(buffSize, m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blockSize);
         memcpy(pBuff, pData, dataSize);       
         return dataSize;
      return 0;
	DWORD	CSimpleIPC::write(void *pBuff, DWORD bytesCount, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw() 
      BlockWriteDescriptor bd;
      if (void* pData = acquireBlock(bd, dwMillisecondsTimeout, stopOn))
         uint32_t dataSize = min(bytesCount, m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blockSize);
         memcpy(pData, pBuff, dataSize);       
         return dataSize;
      return 0;

   void* CSimpleIPC::acquireBlock(BlockReadDescriptor&  blockDescriptor, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw()
      uint32_t blockIndex;
      void*    pData;
      if (!lockReaderBlock(blockIndex, pData, blockDescriptor.status, dwMillisecondsTimeout, stopOn))
      {  // didn't work first time. Oh, now we can afford some slowdown
         DWORD lockWaitTimeLeft = dwMillisecondsTimeout;
         DWORD startTicks = ::GetTickCount();  
            if (lockReaderBlock(blockIndex, pData, blockDescriptor.status, lockWaitTimeLeft, stopOn))
               return pData;
         while (!m_stopWaits && (((::GetTickCount() - startTicks) < dwMillisecondsTimeout) || (dwMillisecondsTimeout == INFINITE)) && !WAITSIGNALED(m_hStopAllWaits) && (stopOn ? !WAITSIGNALED(stopOn) : true));
         return NULL; // Failed out by timeout - can't get next index to read from: either no space left, or other threads are too fast and left this one behind :(
      }// else - we got what we needed, proceed
      return pData;

   void* CSimpleIPC::acquireBlock(BlockWriteDescriptor& blockDescriptor, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw()
      uint32_t blockIndex;
      void*    pData;
      if (!lockWriterBlock(blockIndex, pData, blockDescriptor.status, dwMillisecondsTimeout, stopOn))
         DWORD lockWaitTimeLeft = dwMillisecondsTimeout;
         DWORD startTicks = ::GetTickCount();            
            if (lockWriterBlock(blockIndex, pData, blockDescriptor.status, lockWaitTimeLeft, stopOn))
               return pData;
         while (!m_stopWaits  && (((::GetTickCount() - startTicks) < dwMillisecondsTimeout) || (dwMillisecondsTimeout == INFINITE)) && !WAITSIGNALED(m_hStopAllWaits) && (stopOn ? !WAITSIGNALED(stopOn) : true));

         return NULL; // Failed out by timeout - can't get next index to write to: either no space left, or other threads are too fast and left this one behind :(
      }// else - we got what we needed, proceed
      return pData;

   void  CSimpleIPC::releaseBlock(BlockReadDescriptor&  blockDescriptor) throw()
      *blockDescriptor.status = 0;      
      if (m_connectionPointBuffer->m_writersWatingCount) // signal that we moved:

   void  CSimpleIPC::releaseBlock(BlockWriteDescriptor& blockDescriptor) throw()
      *blockDescriptor.status = 2;
      if (m_connectionPointBuffer->m_readersWatingCount)
   bool CSimpleIPC::setMaxExpansionsCount(uint32_t maxExpansions) throw() 
      if (!isValid())
         return false;
      if (m_preAllocateArray) // cannot reset if we are pre-allocated
         return false;

      m_connectionPointBuffer->m_maxExpansions = maxExpansions;
      return true;

   void CSimpleIPC::setMaxSpinLocksCount(uint32_t blockAccessSpinLock, uint32_t expansionAccessSpinLock)
      m_maxSpinLocks = blockAccessSpinLock;
	bool CSimpleIPC::isCommunicationStopped() const throw() 
		if (!isValid())
			return true;

		return m_connectionPointBuffer->isFlagSet(SCD_STOP_REQUESTED);

	bool	CSimpleIPC::allocateBlocksFileMap(uint32_t index) throw() 
      if (m_locker.enterExclusiveLock())
		   uint32_t oldSize = (uint32_t)m_dataVector.size(); 
		   if (oldSize <= index)
				   uint32_t newSize = m_preAllocateArray ? m_connectionPointBuffer->m_maxExpansions : index + 1;
               if (m_dataVector.capacity() < newSize)
				      m_dataVector.reserve(newSize); // if we are thrown exception here
			   catch(...)	{
				   return false; // nope, cannot resize, so get out
			   uint32_t dataMemSize = m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount * m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blockSize; // where we transfer memory
            if (uint32_t rem = dataMemSize % sizeof(long))
               dataMemSize+= sizeof(long) - rem; // align on "long"
            uint32_t totalMemSize = dataMemSize + (m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount * sizeof(long));

			   // 1. For each missing index open/create file mapping
			   for (uint32_t i = oldSize; i <= index; i++)
				   IPCDataFileHandle dfh;
				   std::wstring cpName(m_connectionPointName);
				   cpName.append(std::to_wstring((unsigned long long)i));
				   dfh.m_hDataMapFile = ::CreateFileMappingW(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, totalMemSize, cpName.c_str());
				   // in a case if this was already created by someone else, we'll just hook to it. Ignore GetLastError - it'll just say "file already exists", and we are good with that

               if (NULL_OR_INVALID(dfh.m_hDataMapFile))
					   return false;

				   dfh.m_pData = ::MapViewOfFile(dfh.m_hDataMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, totalMemSize);
				   if (dfh.m_pData == NULL) 
					   // close the handle:
					   return false; //TODO!! Signal an error!
               dfh.m_pStatus = (void*)(((UINT_PTR)dfh.m_pData) + dataMemSize);

				   m_dataVector.push_back(dfh); // nope, this will not throw - we already allocated memory!
               m_dataVectorTotal = ((uint32_t)m_dataVector.size())*m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount;
		return true;

	bool	CSimpleIPC::close()
      for (IPCDataVector::iterator it = m_dataVector.begin(); it != m_dataVector.end(); it++)
			IPCDataFileHandle& dfh = *it;
			if (dfh.m_pData)
         dfh.m_pStatus = NULL;
      m_dataVectorTotal = 0;


		// upmap and close main one:
		if (m_connectionPointBuffer)
         // indicate our leave:
			m_connectionPointBuffer = NULL;
      m_isValid = false;
      return true;

	bool	CSimpleIPC::createEvents()
		std::wstring eventName(m_connectionPointName);
      m_hDataAvailable = ::CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, eventName.c_str());
      if (NULL_OR_INVALID(m_hDataAvailable))
		   return false; //TODO!! Signal an error!

		eventName = m_connectionPointName;
      m_hSpaceAvailable = ::CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, eventName.c_str());
      if (NULL_OR_INVALID(m_hSpaceAvailable)) 
         return false; //TODO!! Signal an error!

		eventName = m_connectionPointName;
      m_hStopAllWaits = ::CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, eventName.c_str());
      if (NULL_OR_INVALID(m_hStopAllWaits)) 
         return false; //TODO!! Signal an error!

		return true;

	bool	CSimpleIPC::createMainFileMapping(bool doCreate, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout)
		std::wstring cpName(m_connectionPointName);
		if (doCreate)
			m_hMapFile = ::CreateFileMappingW(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(SimpleIPCMemoryBuffer), cpName.c_str());
			DWORD startTicks = ::GetTickCount();
				m_hMapFile = ::OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, cpName.c_str());
				if (!(m_hMapFile == NULL || m_hMapFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
			while ((((::GetTickCount() - startTicks) < dwMillisecondsTimeout) || (dwMillisecondsTimeout == INFINITE)) && !m_stopWaits);
		if (m_hMapFile == NULL || m_hMapFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
			return false;

        m_connectionPointBuffer = (SimpleIPCMemoryBuffer*) ::MapViewOfFile(m_hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,	0, 0, sizeof(SimpleIPCMemoryBuffer)); 
        if (m_connectionPointBuffer == NULL) 
			return false; //TODO!! Signal an error!

		return true;

	bool	CSimpleIPC::createSignalFileMapping(bool doCreate, DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout)
		std::wstring cpName(m_connectionPointName);
		if (doCreate)
			m_hMapSignalFile = ::CreateFileMappingW(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(DWORD), cpName.c_str());
			DWORD startTicks = ::GetTickCount();
				m_hMapSignalFile = ::OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, cpName.c_str());
				if (!NULL_OR_INVALID(m_hMapSignalFile))
            ::Sleep(1); // cannot open file yet - probably it doesn't exist yet
			while ((((::GetTickCount() - startTicks) < dwMillisecondsTimeout) || (dwMillisecondsTimeout == INFINITE)) && !m_stopWaits);			
		if (NULL_OR_INVALID(m_hMapSignalFile))
			return false;
      return true;

	inline bool	CSimpleIPC::getBlockByIndex(const uint32_t blockIndex, void*& pData, VLONG*& pStatus) throw() 
      if (blockIndex >= m_dataVectorTotal)
         if (!allocateBlocksFileMap(max(blockIndex, m_connectionPointBuffer->m_totalBlocksCount) / m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount))
            return false; // aha, can't map, so return false!

      const uint32_t idx = blockIndex % m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount;
      if (m_preAllocateArray || m_isSingleThread) // either we guarantee that this is single thread, or we preallocated an array,
      {                                            // and above code guaranteed to expand it without affecting those who currently hold valid pointers
         const IPCDataFileHandle& dfh = m_dataVector[blockIndex / m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount];         
         pData = (void*)(((UINT_PTR)dfh.m_pData) + (UINT_PTR)(idx * m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blockSize));
         pStatus = (VLONG*)(((UINT_PTR)dfh.m_pStatus) + (UINT_PTR)(idx << 2));
      else if (m_locker.enterSharedLock()) // we are SO unlucky to get here. Try to avoid at all costs - performance is 3-5 times less!!!!!
         const IPCDataFileHandle& dfh = m_dataVector[blockIndex / m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount];
         pData = (void*)(((UINT_PTR)dfh.m_pData) + (UINT_PTR)(idx * m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blockSize));
         pStatus = (VLONG*)(((UINT_PTR)dfh.m_pStatus) + (UINT_PTR)(idx << 2));
      return true;

   inline bool CSimpleIPC::getNextAvailableBlock(uint32_t& blockIndex, void*& pData, VLONG*& pStatus, VUINT32& cursorStart, VUINT32& waitersCount, long valueCheck, HANDLE waitOn, DWORD& dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw() 
      // get currect ReadStart:
      blockIndex = cursorStart; // m_ReadStart/m_WriteStart
      if (!getBlockByIndex(blockIndex, pData, pStatus))
         return false;
      uint32_t count = 0;
      while (*pStatus != valueCheck)
         if (blockIndex == cursorStart)
            if (count <= m_maxSpinLocks)
               _InterlockedIncrement((VLONG*)&waitersCount); // m_readersWatingCount/m_writersWatingCount
               if (*pStatus != valueCheck && blockIndex == cursorStart) // Fix 07/15/2013 - account for reader/writer releasing block and advancing while we were incrementing
                  DWORD startTicks = ::GetTickCount();  
                  HANDLE handles[3] = {waitOn, m_hStopAllWaits, stopOn};
                  ::WaitForMultipleObjects((DWORD)(stopOn ? 3 : 2), handles, FALSE, dwMillisecondsTimeout); // special care: dwMillisecondsTimeout can be INFINITE
                  DWORD passedTicks = ::GetTickCount() - startTicks;
                  if (dwMillisecondsTimeout != INFINITE)
                     dwMillisecondsTimeout = dwMillisecondsTimeout < passedTicks ? 0 : dwMillisecondsTimeout - passedTicks;  // if wait was not forever, subtract the time we spent waiting.
               _InterlockedDecrement((VLONG*)&waitersCount); // m_readersWatingCount/m_writersWatingCount
               return (*pStatus == valueCheck);
            blockIndex = cursorStart;   // m_ReadStart/m_WriteStart
            if (!getBlockByIndex(blockIndex, pData, pStatus)) // cursor moved, reread
               return false;
            count = 0; // reset counter
      return (*pStatus == valueCheck);

	inline uint32_t CSimpleIPC::getNextIndex(uint32_t index) const throw() 
      return (m_connectionPointBuffer->m_totalBlocksCount == index) ? 0 : index;

   inline bool	CSimpleIPC::lockReaderBlock(uint32_t& blockIndex, void*& pData, VLONG*& pFlags, DWORD& dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw() 
      if (getNextAvailableBlock(blockIndex, pData, pFlags, m_connectionPointBuffer->m_ReadStart, m_connectionPointBuffer->m_readersWatingCount, 2, m_hDataAvailable, dwMillisecondsTimeout, stopOn))
         if (_InterlockedCompareExchange(pFlags, 3, 2) == 2)
            uint32_t nextIndex = getNextIndex(blockIndex);
            if (_InterlockedCompareExchange((VLONG*)&m_connectionPointBuffer->m_ReadStart, (LONG)nextIndex, (LONG)blockIndex) != (LONG)blockIndex)
               // full write/read cycle happened between us checking if block is free, and actualy marking it - WriteStart&ReadStart moved ahead. Give up block:
               *pFlags = 2; // we are the only ones who hold it, so yes, we can do just an assignment
               return false;
            return true;
      return false;

   inline bool	CSimpleIPC::lockWriterBlock(uint32_t& blockIndex, void*& pData, VLONG*& pFlags, DWORD& dwMillisecondsTimeout, HANDLE stopOn) throw() 
      if (getNextAvailableBlock(blockIndex, pData, pFlags, m_connectionPointBuffer->m_WriteStart, m_connectionPointBuffer->m_writersWatingCount, 0, m_hSpaceAvailable, dwMillisecondsTimeout, stopOn))
         if (_InterlockedCompareExchange(pFlags, 1, 0) == 0)
            uint32_t tbc = m_connectionPointBuffer->m_totalBlocksCount; // now it's time to check for expansion:
            if (tbc - 1 == blockIndex)
               if ((m_connectionPointBuffer->m_maxExpansions*m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount > tbc) &&
                     (m_connectionPointBuffer->m_ReadStart <= m_connectionPointBuffer->m_minExpantionDistance)) // <-- we need to check if we need to expand
                     _InterlockedCompareExchange((VLONG*)&m_connectionPointBuffer->m_totalBlocksCount, (LONG)(tbc + m_connectionPointBuffer->m_blocksCount), (LONG)tbc); // try to increase - we might not be the only one thread who tried.

            uint32_t nextIndex = getNextIndex(blockIndex);
            if (_InterlockedCompareExchange((VLONG*)&m_connectionPointBuffer->m_WriteStart, (LONG)nextIndex, (LONG)blockIndex) != (LONG)blockIndex)
               // full write/read cycle happened between us checking if block is free, and actualy marking it - WriteStart&ReadStart moved ahead. Give up block:
               *pFlags = 0; // we are the only ones who hold it, so yes, we can do just an assignment
               return false;
            return true;
      return false;
#pragma warning(pop)

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United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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