Yesterday, after answering a question I had 991 points but today its showing 890 instead of 992.
5 Jul 2011 11:22 AM Sign in Participant Member 1 992
5 Jul 2011 10:41 AM Answer Accepted Authority Answer 2 How to insert label object on my MDI form 25 991
5 Jul 2011 10:41 AM Answer Accepted (undo) Authority Answer 2 How to insert label object on my MDI form -25 966
4 Jul 2011 7:12 PM Answer Question Authority Answer 2 How to insert label object on my MDI form 10 991
Please let me know the reason.
I believe I lost some points as well. It happens.
Just along for the ride.
You're back to 991. We left out the 100 points for joining - all added back.
As to the 991 vs 992, sign-in points are awarded based on a new Toronto day, not a new day in your local timezone.
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
I cant see any download points for me from last week and the few preceeding weeks that I have checked.
Same here.
You can flame me whichever way you want and I wouldn't care a bit.
But if you group me with some idiots, I'll turn into your worst nightmare.
Good catch. It looks like 2 weeks of download points were skipped, most likely due to a change we made mid June. We still have the data so I've restored yours and will now go back and update everyone else's (plus recalc the final rep scores)
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
Whwn i open my account ,and click on my setting to edit my info
i select the birth date 6 nov 1989 but by default it is taking the date 6 nov 1889 and giving error message ,date is in wrong format
Looks like major changes in Rep. But I was so close to Silver Author Now I need to post more Tip/Tricks later.
Patience, grasshopper.
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
hello Chris,
I read a message in Members Profiles -> Reputation Tab
Originally an author received 5 points for each download of their article's zip. This has been reduced to 1 in order to ensure that download points don't unduly outweigh other forms of Author contributions. This may result in a reduction in author points for some.
so, my question is how we lost Author reputation point from tips and tricks unless there is not "Download" option.
yeah! me too loose 100 author point
Check the message on the rep graph.
The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.
yeah! I read that take a look my question to Chris at above thread.
How long was you a member when you reached 50k?
I think I reached that on last May.
While saving after changes, it's showing message
There was an internal error creating the item.
Just finishing up a new code deploy. Last stored proc updated and you should be back in business.
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
Actually this is an open suggestion. My Settings -> Site Filter -> Topics I'm interested in .
Multiline TextBox is more appropriate Than Single Line TextBox.
I prefer a single line.
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
If single line is ok then make it elastic to grow and shrink to fit it’s content.
OR better use Facebook Style Input Box.
I think that Platinum members who have been active for > 1 year should be able to vote to move a Lounge post to either the Soapbox or Backroom. This would work just like reporting does already. I make this suggestion because it would enable the community keep the Lounge somewhat "clean".
Just a thought.
Just along for the ride.
Agree but want ....
Slacker007 wrote: Ability to move Lounge Cross posts to appropriate forum.
Surely it's a nice feature.
Cool, a new kind of war: the "move-my-post" battle.
Or, to state it clearly, I don't think this is a necessary feature, the way it works today is OK.