The general answer is No. The following will crash:
Nobody likes this to happen so measures are always taken to prevent it. They range from placing structural limits on what is allowed to happen (e.g. in the above case, prohibit deletion of the object) to creating elaborate and often brittle architectures to manage what is allowed to happen (e.g. force all observers to register in a list which will be used to zero them when the object is deleted). Neither solution is a happy one.
The happy solution is to have an observing smart pointer that is smart enough to test as zero when it is no longer valid and that is what is provided here in the form of observer_ptr<T>
or with a using directive also supplied here...
observable_unique_ptr<A> apA(new A);
SomeObject.m_rA = apA;
apA = NULL;
The very specific gaurantee of observer_ptr
is that it will test as zero if the object has been deleted. So we merely need to test the observer_ptr
before using it. In this case it will test as zero and DoSomething()
will not be called. There is no need to put limits on what can be allowed nor to create complex architectures to keep all observers informed. You might have noticed that the initialisation of the observer_ptr
is a direct assigment from the owner pA
with no call to .get()
. That is because with observer_ptr
we never leave smart pointer safety land.
You can also use one observer_ptr to initialise another....
SomeOtherObject.m_rA = SomeObject.m_rA;
....and you can happily proliferate observer_ptr
s throughout your code without creating any maintenance burden. Just test them before use. You don't do this with raw pointer aliases because it would become a nightmare keeping them all informed about object deletions.
observable_unique_ptr<T, D=default_delete<T>>
is a typedef contraction (using
directive) of
unique_ptr<T, observable<T, D=default_delete<T>>>
It is a unique_ptr
that has been prepared for being observed by observer_ptr<T>
s by declaring it with the observable<T, D=default_delete>
pseudo deleter. This does not do the deletion, it merely detects it so it can notify the hidden observer infrastructure. It calls the passed in deleter D
, by default default_delete<T>
, to do the deletion.
The observable
pseudo deleter carries an overhead of one pointer variable, making observable_unique_ptr
immediately twice the size of an unobservable unique_ptr
observable_unique_ptr behaves exactly like a unique_ptr
, however, like any unique_ptr
carrying a custom deleter, it cannot be initialised with make_unique<T>()
. Instead you have to use make_observable<T>()
make_observable - free function
Returns an observable_unique_ptr
owning a new object of type T
observable_unique_ptr<T> = make_observable<T>();
If you want to use your own custom deleter instead of default_delete
then you will have to write your own observable make function to work with it - see the section on custom deleters.
is an entirely new smart pointer presented here.
It is a smart observer of objects held by observable_unique_ptr<T>
. Its key characteristics are:
- It cannot be used to delete the object it references
- it will test as zero if the object has been deleted by its owner.
carries a pointer to the object it references and also a further pointer to a separate indicator of its validity, making it immediately twice the size of a raw pointer.
An observer_ptr
can be constructed unitialised. That is to say reading as NULL
observer_ptr<A> rA;
and can be constructed from or assigned by:
- an
- another
- or
observable_unique_ptr<A> apA=make_observable<A>();
rA = apA;
observer_ptr<A> rA2 = rA;
rA = NULL;
It cannot be assigned or constructed from
- a raw pointer
- or
nor make_unique<T>()
rA = new A;
rA = make_observable<A>();
The only smart pointer that can be constructed from observer_ptr
is another observer_ptr
. You cannot construct an observable_unique_ptr
from an observer_ptr.
observable_unique_ptr<T> apT = make_observable<T>();
observer_ptr<T> rT = apT;
observable_unique_ptr<T> apT2 = rT;
Grammar of interaction
These direct assignment rules create a compiler enforced grammar of interaction between observer_ptr
and observable_unique_ptr
which ensures that you will have to make quite an effort to use them incorrectly. Because it is based on facilitating direct assignment only for correct moves, it results in the most easily written code being the correct code. You can only naturally get it right.
T* get()
returns the pointee as a raw pointer void release()
an alternative to assigning NULL to zero the observer.
is an add on base class that provides a method to return an observer_ptr
referencing the 'this
' pointer that can be called from within the class definition.
It is intrusive on your class definitions so it is not the preferred way of making objects observable by observer_ptr
. Nevertheless it can be the best way for a class to encapsulate the initialisation of external observing references as may be required for its proper operation.
get_observer_of_this method
observer_ptr<T> get_observer_of_this(this)
Returns an observer_ptr
referencing the this
class MyClass : public enable_observable_this
MyClass(observer_ptr<MyClass>& obs)
obs = get_observer_of_this(this);
Note that in the example above, get_observer_of_this(this)
has been called in the constructor of the class, the natural place to ensure correct initialisation. However if you are familiar with the shared ownership equivalent std::enable_shared_from_this
you will know that calling its shared_from_this()
method in the constructor of your class will throw a run-time exception. This is because shared_from_this()
checks at run-time if the object is correctly owned and construction happens before ownership is determined.
will never thow an exception and will always return a valid observer_ptr
even when called in a constructor. This is because correct ownership is ensured at compile time by the following restriction on how types inheriting enable_observable_this
can be created and owned.
Objects of classes inheriting enable_observable_this
can only be created by make_observable<T>()
or a custom deleter equivalent and can only be owned by an observable_unique_ptr<U>
where U
also inherits enable_observable_this.
This ensures at compile time that they will not be created or owned in a way that could leave the this
pointer unsafe to observe. It does mean that you will not be able to declare them as owned in any other way, even as static variables:
class A : public enable_observable_this
A a; - will not compile
observable_unique_ptr<A> apA = make_observable<A>();
takes no type template and can be added once at any point in your class hierarchy but due to the ownership rules you will not be able to transfer ownership from a type inheriting enable_observable_this
to a base class that doesn't inherit enable_observable_this.
class A
class B : public A, public enable_observable_this
observable_unique_ptr<A> apA = make_observable<B>(); will not compile
The implication for polymorphic ownership is that the common owning base class for classes inheriting enable_observable_this must also inherit enable_observable_this even if it doesn't itself call get_observer_of_this(this).
To summarise:
The point in your hierarchy at which you inherit enable_observable_this (if you use it) should be your common base class for polymorphic ownership.
zero_observers method
For completeness a method is also to provided to explicitly zero all observers from within the definition of classes inheriting enable_observable_this.
<span style="font-size: 14.6667px;">void</span> zero_observers(
This will also zero any observers that have been taken externally from the observable_unique_ptr
that holds the object.
A function is provided for cases where you want to explicitly zero all observer_ptrs that reference an observable_unique_ptr
. Its argument must be the owner, an observer cannor do such a thing.
<span style="font-size: 14.6667px;">void</span> zero_observers(
observable_unique_ptr<T>& ptr)
It is provided because there may be occasions in which you may wish to do this, particularly when transferring ownership which may remove an object from the context in which it was being observed. One very important example is when you wish to transfer an object to another thread for processing. This is commonly done using std::swap()
. With observable_unique_ptr
you should ensure that no observers persist across threads as follows:
swap(main_thread_ptr, worker_thread_ptr);
You will not be able to use std::move()
to transfer ownership from an observable_unique_ptr
to a non-observable unique_ptr
because that could leave observers orphaned and unsafe. For this you will need to use:
move_to_unobservable(observable_unique_ptr<T>& ptr
which will ensure that any observer_ptr
s referencing it are zeroed before transfering ownership.
observable_owner_ptr<T> apT(new T);
observer_ptr<T> rT=apT;
unique_ptr<T> apT2 = move_to_unobservable(apT);
In the case of types that inherit enable_observable_this
, transfer to a unique_ptr
is not allowed at all, even with move_to_unobservable()
- see section on enable_observable_this.
For completeness, a static casting function is provided for explicitly converting an observer_ptr
to one of a more derived class
observer_ptr<more_derived_class> static_pointer_cast<more_derived_class> (observer_ptr<less_derived_class>& ptr)
Casting from more derived to less derived is carried out implicitly and requires no explicit casting.
As already stated, observer_ptr
and observable_unique_ptr
are immediately twice the size of a raw pointer.
minimum size = 2 raw pointers
Additionally an observable_unique_ptr
and all observer_ptr
s referencing it are connected by a seperately allocated DWORD
of heap memory.
typical average size = between 2 and 2.5 raw pointers
The seperately allocated DWORD
of heap memory may remain attached to an observer_ptr
whose object has been deleted and to an observable_unique_ptr
that no longer has any observers.
worst case maximum size = 3 raw pointers
The use of...
forces your class to have a vtable
...if it doesn't already have one.
There is a small amount of code execution in use but none of it involves iteration, recursion or walking of arrays or lists. It is all quite direct. The heap allocation of the seperately allocated DWORD
is also likely to return quickly - a single DWORD
cannot be hard to find.
To make use of observer_ptr
you simply have to include the downloaded file observer_ptr.h
#include <memory>
#include "observer_ptr.h"
It is not wrapped in a namespace. You can do that yourself if you find it necessary or helpful.
#include <memory> //for unique_ptr
namespace xnr{
#include "observer_ptr.h"
I suggest you write a bit of experimental code to try it out and then set about seeing how you can apply it in your code.
You can start by dealing with the observers that you already know about in your code because you have either limited what is allowed so as not to undermine them or you have written code to keep them up to date on deletions. Convert them from raw pointers to observer_ptr
. This will force you to convert their owners from unique_ptr
to observable_unique_ptr
. Now you can remove those arbritrary limitations on what can be allowed and/or remove all the support code that was trying to keep observers informed of deletions.
Look for the ones you didn't know about
Next you can look for the observers that you might be unaware of and do the same. Any global or class member that is a raw pointer is a candidate for this . You probably did make sure that they would not get caught out but it could also be that you have only been avoiding disaster by a whisker of good luck. Some of these raw pointers may be back references to a parent or static siblings in which case you should be able to use a C++ reference instead and that will clarify the situation and eliminate them from your enquiries.
N.B. See the discussions below regarding arguments to functions and local variables that are pointers.
Make more liberal use of observers in your designs.
Finally you can alter your design approach to make more liberal use of trouble free observing references in the form of observer_ptr <font color="#111111" face="Segoe UI, Arial, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Allowing one thing to hold a direct reference to something else is a useful construct. We should not be having to back off from it.</span></font>
During a function or method call, any object passed in cannot be deleted except by an action initiated within the call itself. In most cases that means that there is no need to pass it in as an observer_ptr
. A raw pointer or reference is good enough and does not create any unecessary linkage to a smart pointer system.
The two execptions are:
- There is a possibility that an action initiated within the call that may delete the passed in object.
- The purpose of the call is to set up an
to point at the passed in object.
In these cases the function should take the object as an observer_ptr
by value. This will allow it to be called passing either the owner (unique_ptr)
or an observer of it (observer_ptr)
void MyFunc(observer_ptr<T> rT);
observable_unique_ptr<T> apT = make_observable<T>();
observer_ptr<T> rT = apT;
Here is an example of a function that could initiate an action leading to deletion of the passed in object and which is rescued from disaster by the use of observer_ptr:
void ShootInFoot(observer_ptr<Foot> rFoot)
MSG msg;
if(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_NOREMOVE)
Local variables that are raw pointers or raw C++ references are similar to arguments passed into functions in that the object they point at is often gauranteed to exist throughout their lifetime. It would not be sensible to use observer_ptr
in those contexts. However particular care is needed when referencing elements of collections with local variables. The following is a very efficient way of working with elements of a collection.
vector<T> v;
T& t=v[3];
but the following code is unsafe
T& t=v[3];
The addition of a new element to the collection may cause the entire collection to be re-allocated elsewhere, leaving t
invalid. Using a pointer instead and testing would not help because testing it would give a false result
T* pT=v[3];
This can be solved using observer_ptr
but this requires that your collection holds observable_unique_ptr
s to the objects. So we can rewrite it as
vector<observable_unique_ptr<T>> v;
observer_ptr<T> rT=v[3];
This is a very useful and safe solution. If the vector has moved its elements to a new address then rT
will remain valid because it is a reference to the object pointed to by the observable_unique_ptr
(which has not moved), not the observable_unique_ptr
itself (which may have moved). Furthermore if an operation is performed that results in the element it references being deleted then rT
will test as null.
However this solution has forced you to change how your objects are held, increased the overhead and has made your code more ugly. Under certain circumstances you may prefer to solve your problem by scoping your use of local pointers and references more tightly so they cannot persist outside of the code in which they are safe:
vector<T> v;
T& t=v[3]; t.DoSomething();
T& t=v[3]; t.DoSomeMore();
Before you seek to replace local varaibles that are raw pointers or references with observer_ptr
, you should seek to scope those local variables so they cannot persist invalid.
If you want to provide your own custom deleter then you can pass it in to observable_unique_ptr
as the second template parameter, exactly as you would with unique_ptr
observable_unique_ptr<T, my_deleter<T>> apT(my_get_new_object<T>());
which expands (through the using
directive) to...
unique_ptr<T, observable<T, my_deleter<T>>> apT(my_get_new_object<T>());
Custom make function
You will not be able to use make_observable<T>()
to initialise it and will have to write your own make function that creates the object in a way tht is compatible with your custom deleter.
template<class T, class... _Types>
inline observable_unique_ptr<T, my_deleter<T>>
make_observable_my_way(_Types&&... _Args)
return observable_unique_ptr<T, my_deleter<T>>
my_get_new_object<T> (_STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...)
Accomodating types inheriting enable_observable_this
If you want to be able to use your custom deleter with classes that inherit enable_observable_this
then there are two more steps that you need to make:
- Instead of passing your object creation function the class type
, pass it superclassed as to_be_held_by_observable_unique<T>
template<class T, class... _Types>
inline observable_unique_ptr<T, my_deleter<T>>
make_observable_my_way(_Types&&... _Args)
return observable_unique_ptr<T, my_deleter<T>>
my_get_new_object<to_be_held_by_observable_unique<T>> (_STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...)
- Register your creation function as a friend of
immediately before including oberver_ptr.h as follows:
template<class T, class... _Types> friend T* my_get_new_object(_Types&&... _Args);
#include "observer_ptr.h"
If you want to use more than one custom deleter then simply extend the list of friends defined...
template<class T, class... _Types> friend T* my_get_new_object(_Types&&... _Args); \
template<class T, class... _Types> friend T* my_other_get_new_object(_Types&&... _Args);
#include "observer_ptr.h"
The application of to_be_held_by_observable_unique<T> can be made at any point at which you are able to make it in the call stack leading to the object creation function. However the functions that are made friends of to_be_held_by_observable_unique<T> must be the functions that directly create the object and call its constructor. Even if those functions are buried in read only library code you can still declare them as friends in this way without touching the library code.
How it works
carries a pointer to the object it references and also a pointer to a seperately allocated ref_counted_validity_flag
of memory) that indicates the validity of the object. The observable
deleter installed in observable_unique_ptr
also carries a pointer to the same flag. That is to say an owner and all observers of it point at the same ref_counted_validity_flag
. The essential mechanism is that the owner marks the flag as invalid when it deletes the object and the observers check it for validity before accesing the pointee.
The top bit of the ref_counted_validity_flag
indicates both validity (valid if set) and that it is referenced by an owner. The remaining bits are a count of how many observers are referencing it.
The ref_counted_validity_flag
must persist in memory as long as anything still may refer to it and may be required long after the object and its owner have gone out scope. For this reason it is not destroyed by the owner but instead self destructs when the count of remaining references to it falls to zero.
In the following diagram an object has been created and is owned by an observable_unique_ptr
. That sets the 'pointer to object' member of unique_ptr
referred to as pT
. The pointer to ref_counted_validity_flag
member of the observable deleter, pRC
,remains initially NULL
When the first observer_ptr
is intialised to point at the owner, its pT
and pRC
members are initialised from those of the owner but if the pRC
member of the owner is NULL
then a ref_counted_validity_flag
is created for the pRC
members of both owner and observer to point at. The initial value of the ref_counted_validity_flag
is 0x80000001 - top bit set and a count of 1 observer.
The next observer to reference the owner will increment the observer count making the value 0x80000002 as shown in the diagram. The diagram shows the steady state during the life of the object. When an observer_ptr
is used, the pRC
member is used to check the top bit of the ref_counted_validity_flag
that it points at. It finds it to be set and therefore returns the pointee (its pT
member) to be used.

The next diagram shows what happens when the object is deleted. The unique_ptr
calls the observable
deleter to do the deletion which it does by calling the passed in deleter (by default default_delete
) but before that, it uses its pRC
member to unset the top bit of the ref_counted_validity_flag
and then zeroes its pRC
member which disconnects it from the ref_counted_validity_flag
. It doesn't mater now if the observable_unique_ptr
falls out of scope. The observer_ptrs themselves have not changed except that their pRC
members now point at a ref_counted_validity_flag
that has been marked invalid. This will tell the observer_ptr
to ignore its pT
member when it is next used.

When one of the observer_ptr
s is tested (all use of them involves testing first) it will first use its pRC
member to test the ref_counted_validity_flag
. When it finds that it is invalid, it decrements its observer count and zeroes its pRC
member (disconnecting itself from the ref_counted_validity_flag) and finally returns NULL
. From now on, that observer_ptr
will test as null simply because its pRC
member is null. There is no need to zero its pT
member because the NULL pRC
will ensire that pT
is never accesed.

When the last observer_ptr
is tested, its decrement of the observer count in the ref_counted_validity_flag
reduces it value to zero. This causes the ref_counted_validity_flag
to self destruct.

All of the smart pointers now test immediately as NULL without reference to any ref_counted_validity_flag
It is also possible that both observer_ptr
s could have been zeroed while the owner still holds a valid object. This will leave the owner pointing at a ref_counted_validity_flag
that isn't needed anymore expect that the owner still points at it.

The ref_counted_validity_flag
will destroy itself when the object is deleted and unsetting the top bit reduces the compound count to zero.

The design had to accomodate the fact that the smart pointers themselves may move in memory, even though the objects they point at do not. This means that observable_unique_ptr
and observer_ptr
can hold pointers to their ref_counted_validity_flag
but the ref_counted_validity_flag
cannot hold pointers back to observable_unique_ptr
or observer_ptr
, they can become invalid if the smart pointers are moved in memory. It is for this reason that:
s cannot be directly informed of object deletion. Instead, they have to refer to the ref_counted_validity_flag
when next used. observable_unique_ptr
s cannot be directly informed that no observers remain and the ref_counted_validity_flag
is no longer needed. Instead, the ref_counted_validity_flag
has to remain in memory so that the observable_unique_ptr
can point at it until the observable_unique_ptr
itself is zeroed.
The enable_observable_this
add-on base class also carries a pRC
member that may point to a ref_counted_validity_flag
. This has to be there so that get_observer_of_this(this) can properly set up the observer_ptr
that it returns. The complication is that any class inheriting enable_observable_this
can only be held by an observable_unique_ptr
and this also carries a pRC
member. We have a duplication. Not only does this waste memory but if we run with it then we have to develop stategies to synchronise them.
It is not possible for class inheriting enable_observable_this
to access the pRC
member of its owner but it is possible for the owner to access the pRC
member of the class object if it knows that it inherits enable_observable_this
This problem is resolved by a some compile time type selection that creates a different version of the observable
deleter for classes inheriting enable_observable_this which does not carry a pRC
member and causes the pRC
member of the class object to be used instead.

Having two possible implementations of the observable
deleter and two ways of holding a pointer to the ref_counted_validity_flag
depending on the type of T
adds complexity to the code but the type selection it is sufficiently well encapsulated so as not to cause confusion, as you will see in the description of code that follows.
We can more or less start at the top of observer_ptr.h and work towards the bottom. This is best read in conjuction with complete access to observer_ptr.h as I will only repeat small fragments in the narrative. For brevity I will use the term observable_unique_ptr<T>
even though it is not defined until the end of the file and throughout the code is expressed in full as unique_ptr<T, observable<T>>
Each of the following headings represent a section of of observer_ptr.h. They are:
observable deleter,
public free functions,
The first item in the section is the _PRIVATE_observable
class which hides the internals of the observable
deleter from the public interface.
This begins with the defiition of the ref_counted_validity_flag
class. It consists of just one unsigned int
member whose top bit indicates validity, the remaining bits representing the observer count. It has the following public methods to simplify and control its use:
inline ref_counted_validity_flag()
: m_compound_count(1 << top_bit_power_of_2);
inline bool get_valid() const ;
void mark_invalid() ;
inline void add_weak() ;
inline void release_weak() ;
Also in the _PRIVATE_observable
class are two alternative definitions for the observable
observable_with_pRC<T, D>
which deals with normal types (not inheriting enable_observable_this
) and has an m_pRC
member. observable_for_observable_this<T, D>
which deals with types inheriting enable_observable_this
and has no data members
is defined as one or the other according to the type of T
just after the end of the _PRIVATE_observable
class in the public namepace with a using
template <class T, class D = default_delete<T>>
observable = typename conditional
is_base_of < enable_observable_this, T >::value,
_PRIVATE_observable::observable_for_observable_this<T, D>,
_PRIVATE_observable::observable_with_pRC<T, D>
> ::type;
On deletion the unique_ptr
will call the observable
deleter's operator()(T* p)
implements this as
void operator()(T* p)
if (m_pRC)
m_pRC = NULL;
- and
implements it as
inline void operator()(T* p)
Other features of the alternative implementations for the observable
deleter that require comment are:
- They both use private inheritance of the passed in deleter
template <class T, class D = default_delete<T>>
struct observable_with_pRC
: private D
This prevents automatic implicit conversion from observable<T, D>
to its base class D<T>
which in turn prevents ownership from being transferred from unique_ptr<T , obervable<T, D<T>>>
to unique_ptr<T , D<T>>
. This is to prevent std::move()
from transferring ownership from an observable owner to a non-observable owner which would leave observers orphaned. It obliges you to use move_to_unobservable()
provides a constructor that takes type D
, the passed in deleter, as an argument
inline observable_with_pRC(const D d) : m_pRC(NULL)
This allows automatic implicit conversion from D<T>
to observable<T, D>
which would not happen by default. It allows std::move()
to transfer ownership from a non-observable owner to an observable owner which is not a problem, no information is lost.
- They both have a polymorphic constructor
template<class U, class D2,
class = typename enable_if<
is_convertible<U *, T *>::value
&& is_convertible<D2, D >::value,
inline observable_with_pRC(const observable_with_pRC<U, D2>& odi)
: m_pRC(odi.m_pRC)
This is required in deleters and can be found in default_delete
. The difference here is that it also has to check that the passed in deleters (that do the deletion) are convertable.
Also the fact that the two alternative deleters observable_with_pRC
and observable_for_observable_this
are in no way related to each other ensures that there can never be any conversion between classes that inherit enable_observable_this
and those that don't
This section also starts with a private class _PRIVATE_observer_ptr
to hide its internals. Within this private class are two structs rc_source_in_observable_deleter
and rc_source_in_observable_this
that provide alternative implementations of a method that returns a reference to the m_pRC
member being used and a function that calls whichever has been type selected according to the type of T
struct rc_source_in_observable_deleter
template <class T, class D>
inline static ref_counted_validity_flag*& get_ref_pRC
(unique_ptr<T, observable<T, D> >const& ptr)
return ptr.get_deleter().m_pRC;
struct rc_source_in_observable_this
template <class T, class D>
inline static ref_counted_validity_flag*& get_ref_pRC
(unique_ptr<T, observable<T, D> >const& ptr)
return ptr->m_pRC;
template <class T, class D>
inline static ref_counted_validity_flag*& get_ref_pRC
(unique_ptr<T, observable<T, D> >const& ptr)
return typename conditional
is_base_of < enable_observable_this, T >::value,
> ::type::get_ref_pRC<T, D>(ptr);
must return a reference to m_pRC
because there may be a need to change the value of it.
When the class type does not inherit enable_observable_this
- a reference to the
of the observable
deleter ptr.get_deleter().m_pRC
is returned
but when the class type inherits inherit enable_observable_this
- a reference to the
of the class object ptr->m_pRC
is used.
Also within _PRIVATE_observer_ptr
is observer_ptr_base
, the untemplated base class for observer_ptr<T>
. It holds the m_pRC
member of observer_ptr<T>
, assures that it is properly intialised and destroyed and provides a set of methods for operations associated with it that can be called by observer_ptr<T>
. These wrap both calls to methods of the ref_counted_validity_flag
and changes to the value of the m_pRC
member selected and returned by get_ref_pRC()
. This reduces the amount of templated code (the suff of code bloat) that is generated by observer_ptr<T>
. Its methods are:
inline observer_ptr_base() ;
inline ~observer_ptr_base();
void _release() const ;
bool _check_valid_ref() const;
void _point_to_observable_owner
(ref_counted_validity_flag*& pRC_class);
void _point_to_ref
(ref_counted_validity_flag*& pRC_src);
also provides a definition of a null_ref_ptr
class that will only be known to itself and observer_ptr
. It is used in observer_ptr
as an argument for construction and assignment to NULL
After the _PRIVATE_observer_ptr
class is the public definition of observer_ptr<T>
. This holds a m_pT
member, the pointee, and also, by virtue of inheriting observer_ptr_base
, it holds a m_pRC
The key methods that gives observer_ptr
is special quality are of course the boolean test
inline operator const bool() const
return _check_valid_ref();
and the deference operator
T* const operator->() const
if (_check_valid_ref())
return m_pT;
throw _PRIVATE_observer_ptr::null_dereference_exception();
in line with this the comparison methods call its get()
method to get at the pointee
inline T* get() const
return (_check_valid_ref()) ? m_pT : NULL;
The construction and assignment methods determine the behaviour of observer_ptr
and require some comment - for brevity we will just look at the constructors:
inline observer_ptr(null_ref_ptr* pNull)
: m_pT(NULL)
With what kind of argument do you accept a NULL
? We want to be able to explicitly null an observer_ptr
but we don't want to be able to initialise it with any other number nor any other pointer value. By taking a pointer to a type that nobody else can know about, null_ref_ptr
, the only acceptable value that can be passed to it is NULL
(the only pointer value that is typeless).
- From another
inline observer_ptr(observer_ptr const & ptr)
if (m_pT = ptr.get())
template <class U>
inline observer_ptr(observer_ptr<U> const & ptr)
if (m_pT = ptr.get())
This allows the proliferation of observers from observers, something you can readily do with observer_ptr
. The first is the copy constructor which must be defined expilcitly to prevent the compiler from generating its own defaults. The second is polymorphic.
- From
template <class U, class UDel = std::default_delete<U>>
inline observer_ptr
(unique_ptr<U, observable<U, UDel>>const& ptr)
if (m_pT = ptr.get())
(_PRIVATE_observer_ptr::get_ref_pRC<U, UDel>(ptr));
template <class U, class UDel>
observer_ptr(unique_ptr<U, UDel>const&& ptr) = delete;
This makes use of rValue reference discrimination in the same way as unique_ptr
but with the opposite logic. You can construct an observer_ptr
from an observable_unique_ptr
but not if it is going out of scope. The deleted constructor that takes only an rValue reference &&
will catch observable_unique_ptr
s that are going out of scope. This allows an observer_ptr
to be initialised by an observable_unique_ptr
but not by the temporary observable_unique_ptr
returned by functions such as std::move()
and make_observable<T>()
that are transferring ownership.
also has private constructor that is only called by its friend class enable_observable_this
and friend function static_pointer_cast<T>()
. Its purpose it to allow those components to directly set its m_pT
and m_pRC
inline observer_ptr(T* pT, ref_counted_validity_flag*& pRC)
: m_pT(pT)
In this case we will skip past the private class _PRIVATE_observable_this
and look first at the definition of the publicly available enable_observable_this
add-on base class. Here it is in full:
class enable_observable_this
: protected _PRIVATE_observable_this
friend struct _PRIVATE_observer_ptr::rc_source_in_observable_this;
mutable ref_counted_validity_flag* m_pRC;
virtual void unused(hidden h) = 0;
inline enable_observable_this() : m_pRC(NULL)
inline ~enable_observable_this()
if (m_pRC)
template <class U> observer_ptr<U> get_observer_of_this(U* const pThis)
if (NULL == m_pRC)
m_pRC = new ref_counted_validity_flag;
return observer_ptr<U>(static_cast<U*>(this), m_pRC);
void zero_observers()
if (m_pRC)
m_pRC = NULL;
Its operation is quite simple. It carries a m_pRC
member (pointer to ref_counted_validity_flag
). get_observer_of_this()
creates a ref_counted_validity_flag
for it to point at if it doesn't already exist and the destructor will mark the ref_counted_validity_flag
invalid if there is one. There is also a method to zero all observers without deleting the object.
It also has a pure virtual function:
virtual void unused(hidden h) = 0;
This is the key to enforcing the limitations on creation and ownership that apply to types that inherit enable_observable_this
. Having declared a pure virtual function, it cannot be instantiated unless a derived class provides an implementation of that function. Furthermore you cannot provide that function in the classes that you derive from enable_observable_this
because hidden
is a private type that you don't have access to. It is this that forces you to superclass types that inherit enable_observable_this
with to_be_held_by_observable_unique<T>
for object creation
is defined just below enable_observable_this
template <class T>
using to_be_held_by_observable_unique =
typename conditional
is_base_of < enable_observable_this, T >::value
<_PRIVATE_observable_this::complete_observable_this<T>, T>
> ::type;
Its definition is conditional on the type of T
. If the type inherits enable_observable_this
then the type is defined as complete_observable_this<T>
defined in the _PRIVATE_observable_this
class otherwise it is simply defined as T
The _PRIVATE_observable_this
class hides the definition of the private hidden
struct hidden{};
and the complete_observable_this<T>
template <class T> class complete_observable_this
: public T
void unused(hidden h)
template<class T,
class... _Types>
friend typename enable_if < !is_array<T>::value,
unique_ptr<T, observable<T>> > ::type make_observable
(_Types&&... _Args);
template<class T>
friend typename enable_if<is_array<T>::value && extent<T>::value == 0,
unique_ptr<T, observable<T>> >::type make_observable
(size_t _Size);
template<class... _Types>
complete_observable_this(_Types&&... _Args)
: T(_STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...)
which provides an implementation of the unused(hidden h)
pure virtual function.
implementation of pure vf declared in enable_observable_this
void unused(hidden h)
It doesn't do anything and it never gets called but it allows the compiler to instantiate the class.
Then it defines the two active forms of make_observable<T>()
as friends and any creation function you have defined in the macro FRIENDS_OF_HELD_BY_OBSERVABLE_UNIQUE
. This is important because the all of its members are private including its constructor, so only those friend functions will be able to create objects of this type.
is modelled on make_unique<T>(...
) except that new
is passed the type superclassed by to_be_held_by_observable_unique<T>
and it returns an observable_unique_ptr
instead of a plain unique_ptr
template<class T, class... _Types> inline
typename enable_if<!is_array<T>::value,
unique_ptr<T, observable<T>> >::type make_observable(_Types&&... _Args)
return unique_ptr<T, observable<T, default_delete<T>>>
(new to_be_held_by_observable_unique<T>(std::forward<_Types>(_Args)...));
is declared a friend of _PRIVATE_observer_ptr
so that it can use its private get_ref_pRC<T, D>(ptr)
template<class T, class D = std::default_delete<T>>
void zero_observers
(unique_ptr<T, observable<T, D> >& ptr)
if (_PRIVATE_observer_ptr::get_ref_pRC<T, D>(ptr))
_PRIVATE_observer_ptr::get_ref_pRC<T, D>(ptr)->mark_invalid();
_PRIVATE_observer_ptr::get_ref_pRC<T, D>(ptr) = NULL;
is made unavailable for types inheriting enable_observable_this
. It simply calls zero_observers()
before making a unique_ptr
from a pointer released by the owner.
template<class T, class D = std::default_delete<T>>
typename enable_if<!is_base_of<enable_observable_this, T>::value,
unique_ptr<T, D > >::type move_to_unobservable
(unique_ptr<T, observable<T, D> >& ptr)
return unique_ptr<T, D >(ptr.release());
will compile if T
will survive a static cast. It is declared a friend of observer_ptr
and uses its private constructor to form an observer_ptr
to return.
template<class T, class U>
observer_ptr<T> static_pointer_cast(observer_ptr<U>& ptr)
return observer_ptr<T>(static_cast<T*>(ptr.m_pT), ptr.m_pRC);
Finally observable_unique_ptr
is defined by a using
directive at the end of observer_ptr.h to clarify that nothing else in the file makes use of this definition and you can use an alternative name without breaking anything.
template <class T, class D = std::default_delete<T>>
observable_unique_ptr = unique_ptr < T, observable<T, D> >;