Binnary Converter is a fairly simple program that does pretty much what it says. I am aware that the spelling of Binnary is wrong...but it got some good laughs in the lounge so I decided to leave it alone :)-.
To convert text to binary, simply type your text into the top text box and press the Convert button. Your text will be converted to binary and displayed in the second text box.
To convert binary to text, select the radio button titled 'Binary To String', enter your binary into the top text box (do not use spaces etc...only 1's and 0's please ;)), and press the Convert button. Your binary will be converted to text in the bottom text box.
The main functions for this program are IntToBin
and BinToInt8
IntToBin is an optimization of a standard routine for converting numbers to binary and is not too complex:
Private Shared Function IntToBin(ByVal Number As Integer) As String
Dim Temp As Integer = 1
Do Until Temp > Number
Temp <<= 1
While Temp > 0
If Number < Temp
Then : IntToBin &= "0"
IntToBin &= "1"
Number -= Temp
End If
Temp >>= 1
End While
IntToBin = IntToBin.PadLeft(8, "0")
End Function
is also a simple routine that uses a reverse lookup to calculate the numeric value of an 8 bit binary string:
Private Shared m_IndexArr() As Integer = {128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1}
Private Shared Function BinToInt8(ByVal chars() As Char) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To 7
If chars(i) = "1" Then BinToInt8 += m_IndexArr(i)
Next i
End Function
This was built more as a toy than for a practical purpose, but I have put the conversion routines into a separate class for you just in case you would like to use it in your project. I hope you enjoy it and that it brings you some fun during those times at the office when you are stumped and need a good distraction ;)
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to ask them.