This is an easiest program to send an e-mail using
This program requires to import System namespace and creating an object of system,net.mail.Smtpclient and passing SMTP Server name as an argument.
First it is required to define SMTP Mail server name.

Using the code
You have to only define SMTP mail server name.
Now passing this server name as an argument to smtp client , and create and object which accepts to,from,subject and body of e-mail message.
Dim EmailServer As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("Mail server name")
Dim myMessage As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage("Sender's address", "Receiver's address", "Subject", "Main msg")

Now pass this myMessage object as argument to Emailserver.send(myMessage).
This is the easiest approach that I found for sending e-mails in
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