and the SharePoint Zone
The Dell SharePoint Infrastructure Optimization Solution
SharePoint is a multi-faceted platform that is being
utilized at an increasing rate by corporations as a mechanism to manage and
gain value from enterprise content. The growth of this content in the form of
unstructured data and the increased reliance on SharePoint is challenging IT to
adequately architect the underlying infrastructure to match and grow with
business usage. Business as usual is not going to address SharePoint
requirements especially considering that the typical backup/restoration requirements
commonly associated with SQL Server usage are inefficient.
Organizations are realizing storage and data management must
be brought into their main SharePoint operations environment to provide for unified
SharePoint operations to reduce capital costs, operating expenses, and outage
risk. What is required is a comprehensive SharePoint infrastructure approach
which can seamlessly grow with the business, support tier 1 applications and
their SLA’s, improve end user performance, improve manageability, and
consolidate SharePoint unstructured content, backup, and archive datasets.
Dell’s SharePoint Infrastructure Optimization solution has
the capability to interoperate and optimize existing SharePoint deployments
seamlessly with no disruption to the applications or end users. As well
leveraging the differentiated DX Object Storage Platform to consolidate
SharePoint back-end data allows IT to scale the infrastructure according to the
business demands.
The Dell DX Object Storage Platform and AvePoint’s DocAve
Software Platform can deliver a comprehensive, fully integrated solution for
complete SharePoint Enterprise Content Lifecycle Management and Migration that
can include all or some of the components based on the enterprise’s needs.
- Simplify the migration process with the DocAve
Migration Solution and the DX Object Storage Platform
- A highly efficient and cost-effective solution
to migrate existing enterprise content, Exchange Public Folders, File
Systems and previous versions of SharePoint into SharePoint 2010.
- Improve SQL Performance and reduce SQL capacity
requirements by as much as 90+% effectively eliminating backup and
restoration challenges with DocAve Extender and the DX Object Storage
- Offloads Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) data from
SQL Server databases to the DX Object Storage Platform - leveraging
Microsoft's fully supported External BLOB Storage (EBS) or Remote BLOB
Storage (RBS) APIs - to improve SQL performance while providing for seamless
end-user access and interaction. To better understand the potential
benefits and considerations for incorporating BLOB externalization into
SharePoint content storage strategies, please reference “Optimize
SharePoint Storage with BLOB Externalization” by SharePoint MVPs Dan
Holme, Randy Williams, and Jeremy Thake.
- Automate SharePoint archive via business-driven
rules to automatically apply content lifecycle management with DocAve
Archiver and the DX Object Storage Platform
- Empowers administrators to automate the process
of offloading fixed or stale SharePoint content that would ordinarily
take up valuable SharePoint resources to the easily manageable
peer-scaling DX Object Storage.
- Robust data protection and quick restore with
DocAve Backup and Restore and the DX Object Storage Platform
Quickly restore lost or corrupt assets, including content
externalized with the DX Object Storage Platform and DocAve storage management
solutions, with all metadata and dependencies intact to help ensure minimal
business disruption.
Dell DX Object Storage Platform
The DX Object Storage Platform
is a new generation of storage platform that combines ease of management with
scalability and resilience. It’s unique manner of storing data, be it
SharePoint content, a backup dataset, or an archived SharePoint site as an
object and not a collection of bytes, provides surprising ROI and TCO benefits
that can be breakthroughs for IT departments.
The capabilities of the DX
Object Storage Platform include:
Ability to Scale with Ease
- One
storage pool with a global address space to consolidate SharePoint BLOBs,
backup, and archive datasets
- Scale
SharePoint to multi-Petabyte's – seamlessly with no service disruption
- All
SharePoint capacity is virtualized and all data is automatically thin
Powerful Data and Storage Management
- Self-Managing
– SharePoint access is inherently and automatically load balanced
- Self-Healing
– all SharePoint content is automatically verified for consistency and repaired
if necessary
- Policy
based transactional replication for SharePoint BLOBs, no RPO scheduling
Future Proofed Design
- No
database complexity, no file system, or LUNs to manage
- Optimized
data protection for SharePoint content without the complexities of RAID
- No
SharePoint application connection limit or application connection state to
- Storage
technology and protocol impacts are removed from the SharePoint application and
IT environments
Solution Software Data-Control Flow
The resultant Data Flow after the deployment of the
SharePoint Infrastructure Optimization solution is enhanced by offloading the
BLOB, backup, and archive flows from the main SharePoint environment. This
augmented Data Flow serves to provide a parallelism of access to SharePoint,
both for the end user as well as IT services, and also allows the optimal
operation of the underlying SQL Server.

Figure 1. Detailed Data-Control Flow
AvePoint’s DocAve Software Platform
AvePoint's DocAve Software Platform is a truly integrated
platform for SharePoint management, protection, and storage optimization,
allowing organizations to scale SharePoint's architecture while simplifying
SharePoint management. DocAve's uniquely distributed architecture not only
allows for unmatched scalability, but also provides unified storage management
of global SharePoint content on the DX Object Storage Platform.
DocAve provides a fully integrated and scalable software solution
for organizations to streamline and simplify tasks associated with managing
SharePoint environments, help comply with stringent SLAs including aggressive
RTOs and RPOs for protecting SharePoint content, improve SharePoint performance
for global users, optimize SQL resources, and can reduce risks associated with
managing complex SharePoint environments by:
Providing the tools necessary to streamline and automate common,
yet time-consuming tasks that burden IT administrators, such as daily
permissions management.
Giving IT Managers insight into how SharePoint is being leveraged
by end-users, so IT Managers can make better decisions on how to structure,
manage, and grow SharePoint environments.
Optimizing SQL resources to improve performance for end-users,
and can lower total cost of ownership
Providing IT Managers with robust solutions to quickly recover accidentally
deleted or corrupted SharePoint content in order to help IT comply with
stringent corporate SLAs and minimize business disruption.
Allowing architects to expand SharePoint's storage and server
architectures, improving quality of service for all global users while keeping
costs in check.
The DocAve Software Platform components are shown in Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1. AvePoint’s DocAve Software Platform Components – DocAve Manager
Component |
Role |
Manager |
Service - Represents the access point to
the DocAve GUI, allowing users to interact with the software. The web service
can be installed on multiple machines and allows administrators to access the
DocAve GUI using a web browser. |
Service - Monitors SharePoint activities
and returns data to the Control Services for processing. |
Service - Manages all DocAve operations.
All agent machines use the control service port and address to communicate
with the manager, This service can be run on a server cluster to ensure high
availability. |
Service - Manages all data storage for
the DocAve platform. These can be installed on multiple machines and can
manage multiple Logical Drives. Using multiple media agents will allow for
high availability and load balanced access to the data storage locations. |
Service - Manages all data by generating
a full text index. |
Service - Manages all SharePoint data
collection and management for the DocAve Report Center. This must be
configured with the associated SQL databases and SQL Report Services. |
Table 2. AvePoint’s DocAve Software Platform Components – DocAve Agent
Component |
Role |
Manager |
Optimization –Archiver, Content &
Media Library Connectors, Extender |
Protection – Granular Backup, High
Availability Sync, Platform Recovery |
Administration – Administrator, Content Manager, Deployment Manager,
Replicator |
– Report Center for Infrastructure
Monitoring, Usage Analysis, and Alerting |
– Auditor, eDiscovery, Vault |
– Exchange Public Folder, File Share,
EMC Documentum, eRoom, Livelink, Lotus Notes & QuickPlace, SharePoint,
Stellent, Vignette Migrators |
Solution Hardware Configuration
The Dell SharePoint Infrastructure Optimization with
AvePoint’s DocAve Platform Reference Architecture is based on the Medium
SharePoint 2010 Farm, supporting up to 5,000 users, as defined by Dell’s Global
Solutions Engineering team (for details see Microsoft
SharePoint Server 2010: Designing and Implementing a Medium Farm).
SharePoint is implemented in four servers: two SharePoint Front End Web Servers
for high availability, a SharePoint Application Server, and a SharePoint SQL
Server Database server. (For full high availability, a second Application
Server can be added and a second SQL Server Database server can be added to
form a SQL Server Failover Cluster).

Figure 2. Dell SharePoint Optimization with AvePoint’s DocAve Platform Reference
To the SharePoint infrastructure is added a highly available
DX Object Storage Cluster, consisting of primary and secondary DX6000 Cluster
Services Nodes, and two DX6012 Storage Nodes with 12 1 TB disks each.
The SharePoint servers and DX6000 Cluster Services Nodes are
connected via a public network subnet (192.168.1.x). Additionally, a private
network for the DX Object Storage Nodes (10.10.1.x) connects the DX Object Storage
Cluster to the server running the DocAve Media Services (SP-WFE1 in this case).
Solution SharePoint Configuration
SharePoint roles are assigned to the various servers to
maximize performance and availability. Looking specifically at the Search application
(see Figure 2), the Admin and Crawl components are assigned to the application
server while the search Index is spread across both web front end servers, with
each web front end server’s Index portion mirrored on the other web front end
server. This provides higher performance (by spreading the work across multiple
servers) as well as high availability. Additional web front end servers can be
added for more Index servers and additional application servers can be added to
provide additional search Crawlers, as well as to provide high availability.
The two web front end servers are load balanced using Microsoft Network Load

Figure 3. SharePoint Roles
SharePoint Site Collections
To facilitate testing, an automated method was developed to
quickly populate large SharePoint site collections. First a content database
with one site collection was created using the SharePoint administrator web
site. Then a PowerShell script (available from authors) was run to create and load
a specified number of team sites within that site collection. The content for
each site is the same and consists of approximately 1 GB of typical document
files: Microsoft Word documents, PDFs, text files, pictures (see Table 2 for details). For uniqueness each file has the site index number appended to
the filename, for example QuickStart_Installation_001.pdf.
Table 3.
Files in each SharePoint site used in tests
Number of files |
173 |
Size range of files |
21 B – 554 MB |
Number of files larger than
1 MB
24 |
File types |
.docx, .pdf, .txt, .bmp, .zip |
The site collections built for testing are shown in the next
table. Two large (200GB) site collections were built for testing the Remote
BLOB Storage (RBS) feature of SQL Server as implemented by DocAve Extender. Two
smaller (10GB) sites were built for testing DocAve Archive and Backup/Restore.
The content databases holding the large site collections are stored on their
own 400GB volumes on the Dell EqualLogic storage. The smaller site collections’
content databases are stored on a third volume.
4. SharePoint Site Collections Created
Collection Name |
Server Content Database |
of Sites |
per Site |
of each Site |
Site Collection Size (approx.) |
Test |
SC1 |
WSS_Content_1 |
200 |
173 |
1 GB |
200 GB |
BLOBs remain in SQL, Crawled |
SC2 |
WSS_Content_2 |
200 |
173 |
1 GB |
200 GB |
BLOBs Extended, DB Shrunk, Crawled |
SC3 |
WSS_Content_3 |
10 |
173 |
1 GB |
10 GB |
Archived, DB Shrunk |
SC4 |
WSS_Content_4 |
10 |
173 |
1 GB |
10 GB |
Backed up/Restored |
DocAve Functionality Testing
The Remote BLOB Store (RBS) feature of SQL Server 2008 can
improve SharePoint functionality immensely by removing the binary large objects
(BLOBs) such as large PDF files from the SQL Server database and storing them
on external storage, replacing them with stubs. DocAve software contains an
RBS provider through their Extender functionality, which has been certified
with the Dell DX Object Storage Platform.
To test the Extender functionality and simulate BLOB removal
from an existing SharePoint site, one of the large (200GB) site collections,
SC2, had all BLOBs larger than 1MB externalized to the DX Object Storage
Cluster and then its content database was compacted using the SQL Serve Shrink
function. The results are shown in Table 8. In just over 7 hours, 4,800 BLOBs (24
per site) were moved from SQL Server to the DX Object Store Cluster storage.
Upon completion, the content database was compacted to 6.5 GB from its original
206 GB, a reduction of 97%.
Table 5. Extender Test - 200 GB Site Collection
Collection Size |
for Extender Operation |
of BLOBs Extended |
Size after Shrink |
206 GB |
7 hours 22 min |
4800 |
6.5 GB |
To demonstrate that externalizing the BLOBs did not impact
SharePoint functionality, both the Extended site collection (SC2) as well as
the non-Extended site SC1 were crawled for search indexing. The crawls on both
site collections took the same amount of time (1 hour, 3 minutes) and generated
the same search results.
In the next section the performance impact of reducing the
content database size on SQL Server backup and restore with Extender will be
shown. Load tests in the final section demonstrate the impact of Extender on
typical end user SharePoint operations.
With DocAve Archiver objects meeting certain criteria – when
last accessed, size, etc. - can be moved from SharePoint to the DX Object Storage
Platform and maintained there according to a specified retention policy. To
test this, all objects greater than 1MB from the 10 GB site collection SC3 was
archived. As seen in Table 5, the operation took 24 minutes, 240 files were
archived, and the Content database ended taking up less than 1 GB after shrink.
Table 6. Archiver Test - 10 GB Site Collection
Collection Size |
for Archive Operation |
of Files Archived |
Size after Shrink |
10 GB |
24 min |
240 |
.35 GB |
DocAve Granular Backup and Restore provides for full or
incremental backup of any specified sites, site collections, or content
databases, to the DX Object Storage Platform. To test this a full backup of a
10 GB site collection, SC4, was created and then restored. Results are in Table 6.
Table 7. Backup and Restore of 10GB Site Collection
Collection Size |
of Items Backed Up |
Time |
Time |
10 GB |
2642 |
22 min 55 sec |
17 min 39 sec |
Extender Impact on SQL Backup and Restore Performance
To quantify the impact of BLOB externalization on SQL Server
database performance, SQL Server backups and restores were performed on the content
databases of the two 200 GB site collections. As seen in the next two tables,
backing up the Extended site collection was 29x faster than backing up the
non-Extended site collection, and restoring it was 32x faster.
8. Backup Performance with and without Extender
Collection Name |
Status |
Time (sec) |
of Backup File (GB) |
Performance Improvement over Not Extended DB |
SC1 |
Not Extended |
2811 |
207 |
- |
SC2 |
Extended |
98.3 |
6.42 |
29X |
9. Restore Performance with and without Extender
Collection Name |
Status |
Time (sec) |
Performance Improvement over Not Extended DB |
SC1 |
Not Extended |
1533 |
- |
SC2 |
Extended |
47.2 |
32X |
SharePoint Load Performance with Extender
To further evaluate the effect of Extender on SharePoint end
user performance, a load test was built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Test
to simulate typical SharePoint use, and run against both the site collection
with BLOBs still in SQL Server (SC1) and the site collection with BLOBs
externalized to the DX Object Storage Platform store with DocAve Extender
Four typical use cases – Browse, Download File, Upload File
and Search – were modeled. Browses involved users going to the various site home
pages as well as certain list pages. Downloads and uploads involved the same
set of files of varying sizes that were used to build each site. Search used a
common set of technical search terms relevant to the file set. All tests were
run against all 200 sites of each site collection.
The four use cases were run in a proportion to model the
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Capacity Planner (SCP) “Heavy Collaboration” usage
profile, as shown the next table. In each test 1,000 simulated users were run
for 60 minutes, with a 60 second think time inserted between operations, so
that each user would issue roughly one request per minute, again according to
the SCP.
Table 10. Microsoft SharePoint Capacity Planner Heavy Collaboration Workload
Operation |
Mix |
Browse |
57 |
Download file |
17 |
Upload file |
9 |
Search |
17 |
Total |
100 |
The results of the test are shown in
the next table. Using DocAve Extender to move BLOBs from SQL Server to the Dell
DX Object Storage Platform results in performance improvements of from 17% to
Table 11. Extender Load Test Results
– BLOBs remain in SQL Server |
–BLOBs Extended to DX Object Storage
Faster than Non-Extended
Request |
Mix |
Completed |
% |
Test Time (s) |
Completed |
% |
Test Time (s) |
Browse |
57 |
33,243 |
56.8% |
0.91 |
33,705 |
57.1% |
0.64 |
30% |
Download |
17 |
10,197 |
17.4% |
1.26 |
10,035 |
17.0% |
0.76 |
40% |
Upload |
9 |
5,146 |
8.8% |
4.53 |
5,296 |
9.0% |
3.42 |
25% |
Search |
17 |
9,913 |
16.9% |
1.53 |
9,964 |
16.9% |
1.27 |
17% |
Dave Jaffe would like to thank Quocdat Nguyen and Ravi
Chaganti of the Dell Global Solutions Engineering team for much SharePoint and
PowerShell assistance, Omar Rawashdeh of the Dell Storage Engineering team for
help setting up the DX Object Storage Platform with DocAve, and Roger Yu of
AvePoint for much help with installing and running DocAve.