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Custom Tab Style

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17 Jun 2009CPOL1 min read 40.4K   138  
Custom Tab Style

A little while ago, I mentioned about how important I thought it was to create a brand, and I showed you that you can create some interesting looking controls by Templating/Styling the standard System.Windows controls to create a brand.

I also showed you a ScrollViewer and a Tab control which I had altered. I have since then decided there is no harm in sharing the TabControl code that I created.

So in this post, we will discuss what you need to do to change a standard TabControl from...


...into the following slightly funkier TabControl.


As one would expect, it's all about the Templates and Styles applied.

The first thing to understand is how the TabControl is made, it's actually made of a Grid with 2 rows by default, which is something like this:


So we can alter this, by changing the RowDefinition to be ColumnDefinition, which will give us something like:


This is done with the following XAML:

 1:  <Style x:Key="tab"  TargetType="{x:Type TabControl}">
 2:   <Setter Property="Template">
 3:     <Setter.Value>
 4:       <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabControl}">
 5:         <Grid>
 6:           <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
 7:             <ColumnDefinition Width="auto"/>
 8:             <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
 9:           </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
10:           <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"
11:              Background="{TemplateBinding Background}"
12:              Grid.Column="0&#8243;
13:              Panel.ZIndex="1&#8243;
14:              IsItemsHost="True"/>
15:           <Border
16:              Grid.Column="1&#8243;
17:              BorderBrush="Black"
18:              BorderThickness="0&#8243;
19:              Background="{TemplateBinding Background}"
20:              CornerRadius="0&#8243;>
21:              <ContentPresenter
22:                ContentSource="SelectedContent" />
23:           </Border>
24:         </Grid>
25:       </ControlTemplate>
26:     </Setter.Value>
27:   </Setter>
28:  </Style>

So that’s that part. The next thing to understand is the TabItem. This is easily achieved by a little Style to replace the standard TabItem look and feel. This is what creates the individual TabItems with the arrows and disabled state.

 1:  <Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
 2:   <Setter Property="FocusVisualStyle" Value="{x:Null}"/>
 3:   <Setter Property="Template">
 4:     <Setter.Value>
 5:       <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
 6:          <Grid>
 7:           <Border
 8:              Name="Border"
 9:              Margin="4&#8243;
10:              BorderBrush="Transparent"
11:              BorderThickness="0&#8243;
12:              CornerRadius="0&#8243; >
13:              <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
15:              <Polygon x:Name="Arrow"
16:                       HorizontalAlignment="Left"
17:                       VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="4&#8243;
18:                       Width="14&#8243; Height="14&#8243;
19:                       Fill="{TemplateBinding Foreground}"
20:                       Visibility="Hidden">
21:                  <Polygon.Points>
22:                      <Point X="0&#8243; Y="0&#8243; />
23:                      <Point X="0&#8243; Y="14&#8243; />
24:                      <Point X="14&#8243; Y="7&#8243; />
25:                  </Polygon.Points>
26:              </Polygon>
28:              <!– Header placeholder–>
29:              <ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentSite"
30:                    VerticalAlignment="Center"
31:                    HorizontalAlignment="Left"
32:                    ContentSource="Header"
33:                    Margin="4&#8243;
34:                    RecognizesAccessKey="True"/>
35:              </StackPanel>
36:            </Border>
37:          </Grid>
38:          <ControlTemplate.Triggers>
39:              <Trigger Property="IsSelected"
40:                       Value="True">
41:                  <Setter Property="Panel.ZIndex"
42:                          Value="100&#8243; />
43:                  <Setter TargetName="Border"
44:                          Property="Background"
45:                          Value="Transparent" />
46:                  <Setter TargetName="Arrow"
47:                          Property="Visibility"
48:                          Value="Visible" />
49:              </Trigger>
50:              <Trigger Property="IsEnabled"
51:                       Value="False">
52:                  <Setter TargetName="Arrow"
53:                          Property="Fill"
54:                          Value="{StaticResource Disabled}" />
55:              </Trigger>
56:          </ControlTemplate.Triggers>
57:        </ControlTemplate>
58:     </Setter.Value>
59:   </Setter>
60:  </Style>

And lastly, we need to change the actual TabItem.Header DataTemplate to respect the disabled state. This is done as follows:

 1:  <DataTemplate x:Key="tabHeader">
 2:      <Label x:Name="lbl" Margin="0&#8243; Content="{Binding}"
 3:         Foreground="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource
 4:         Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type TabItem},
 5:         AncestorLevel=1}, Path=Foreground}"
 6:         VerticalAlignment="Center" />
 7:      <DataTemplate.Triggers>
 8:          <Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="False">
 9:              <Setter TargetName="lbl"
10:                      Property="Foreground"
11:                      Value="{StaticResource Disabled}" />
12:          </Trigger>
13:      </DataTemplate.Triggers>
14:  </DataTemplate>

So that’s it, all we need to do now is apply these Styles/Templates to a TabControl like so:

 1:  <TabControl Style="{StaticResource tab}"
 2:              Background="White" Foreground="Orange">
 3:      <TabItem Header="Item1 is here"
 4:               HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource tabHeader}"
 5:               Foreground="Orange" IsEnabled="False" >
 6:          <Button Content="Btn1&#8243; Margin="5&#8243;/>
 7:      </TabItem>
 8:      <TabItem Header="Item2&#8243;
 9:               HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource tabHeader}"
10:               Foreground="Orange" >
11:          <ScrollViewer >
12:              <Canvas x:Name="canv" Width="1200&#8243; Height="1200&#8243;>
13:              </Canvas>
14:          </ScrollViewer>
15:      </TabItem>
16:      <TabItem Header="Item3&#8243;
17:               HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource tabHeader}"
18:               Foreground="Orange" >
19:          <Button Content="Btn3&#8243; Margin="5&#8243;/>
20:      </TabItem>
21:      <TabItem Header="Item4&#8243;
22:               HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource tabHeader}"
23:               Foreground="Orange" >
24:          <Button Content="Btn4&#8243; Margin="5&#8243;/>
25:      </TabItem>
26:  </TabControl>

And there you have it.

Here is a small demo project, should you wish to try it yourself.


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