We’ve looked at VBA, Automation Add-ins, and RTDs in previous posts. XLLs are significantly faster, and allow the developer to define the names/parameters of the functions. They’re also not that difficult to implement, although setting up the definitions of your functions can be a bit tricky. Unlike the other C++ add-ins, the XLL is not a COM server, it uses the Excel C API.
You’ll need the Excel 2010 XLL SDK or use the “previous version” if you have Excel 2007.
Getting Started
An XLL is just a DLL that exports a set of standard functions that Excel will call. Initially, I was going to create something from scratch for this post but the example included with the SDK already works, so instead I’ll focus on a couple of ways that it can be enhanced. We’ll improve the process for registering functions so the code is easier to write and easier for documenting the functions/parameters so the user will know how to use it.
Before working with the example, we need to build the Framework project included in the samples directory. Open “Excel2010XLLSDK\SAMPLES\FRAMWRK\Framework.sln”. After it’s converted if it needs to be converted, just build it.
XLL Sample
Open the sample “Excel2010XLLSDK\SAMPLES\EXAMPLE\Example.sln” and if you’re using a newer version of Visual Studio, it will auto-convert it. If you open example.c, you’ll notice a few missing include files.

Exhibit 1: Missing a couple of include files.
To fix that, just click on Example project in the Solution Explorer and in the Property Pages, go to Configuration Properties and VC++ Directories and add the include directories and library directories. Add “<BASE_DIR>\Excel2010XLLSDK\INCLUDE” and “<BASE_DIR>\Excel2010XLLSDK\SAMPLES\FRAMWRK” to the Include directories. Add “<BASE_DIR>\Excel2010XLLSDK\LIB” and “<BASE_DIR>\Excel2010XLLSDK\SAMPLES\FRAMWRK\Debug” to the Library directories. In my case, I replace BASE_DIR with “C:\2010 Office System Developer Resource”, but yours might be different.

Exhibit 2: Property pages for the Example project.
Now you should be able to build the project.
Easy Function Registration
Right now, the registration of functions looks like this:
static LPWSTR rgFuncs[rgFuncsRows][7] = {
{L"CallerExample", L"I", L"CallerExample"},
{L"debugPrintfExample", L"I", L"debugPrintfExample"},
{L"EvaluateExample", L"I", L"EvaluateExample"},
{L"Excel12fExample", L"I", L"Excel12fExample"},
{L"Excel12Example", L"I", L"Excel12Example"},
for (i=0;i < rgFuncsRows;i++)
Excel12f(xlfRegister, 0, 4,
Exhibit 2: How the functions are registered in the sample.
With the helper function, we will be able to register functions with a variable number of arguments and we can define the help associated with the parameters that will show up in the function wizard. The XLLRegisterInfo
structure could also be defined dynamically so we could use that to provide localized string
s for the descriptions/help.
VOID RegisterHelper(struct XLLRegisterInfo registryInfo)
static XLOPER12 xDLL, xRegId;
static LPXLOPER12 args[260];
int count;
int i;
count = 10 + registryInfo.argumentCount;
Excel12f(xlGetName, &xDLL, 0);
if(registryInfo.argumentCount == 0)
Excel12f(xlfRegister, 0, count,
count = 0;
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)&xDLL;
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)TempStr12(registryInfo.procedure);
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)TempStr12(registryInfo.typeText);
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)TempStr12(registryInfo.functionText);
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)TempStr12(registryInfo.argumentText);
args[count++] =
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)TempStr12(registryInfo.categoryName);
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)TempStr12(L"");
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)TempStr12(registryInfo.helpTopic);
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)TempStr12(registryInfo.functionHelp);
for(i = 0; i < registryInfo.argumentCount; i++)
args[count++] = (LPXLOPER12)TempStr12(registryInfo.argumentHelp[i]);
Excel12v(xlfRegister, 0, count,
Exhibit 3: RegisterHelper can be called to set up functions instead allowing argument help.
Of course, you might want the definition of XLLRegisterInfo
so here it is:
struct XLLRegisterInfo
LPWSTR procedure;
LPWSTR typeText;
LPWSTR functionText;
LPWSTR argumentText;
int macroType;
LPWSTR categoryName;
LPWSTR shortcutText;
LPWSTR helpTopic;
LPWSTR functionHelp;
int argumentCount;
LPWSTR argumentHelp[15];
Exhibit 4: The definition of the XLLRegisterInfo structure.
The argumentHelp
field can be anything up to 245 arguments in 2007, in 2003 it’s 20. Pick something appropriate for your add-in.
Once you have that defined, you can replace rgFuncs
with an array of these structures.
struct XLLRegisterInfo rgFuncs[] =
L"CalcCircum" , L"BB" ,
L"Radius", 1, L"Examples",
L"" , L"" ,
L"Calculates the circumferance of a circle."
, 1 ,
{L"Radius of the circle. "
{ NULL }
Exhibit 5: The array of UDF definitions.
I added the NULL
at the end to mark the end of the array. This way, I don't need a rgFuncsCount
constant that I'll have to update every time I add/remove a function. Also remember to add a space to the last argumentHelp
. The reason for that is that there is a bug in Excel that drops the last character of the last argumentHelp
. Don't expect that bug to ever be fixed, but just in case I use a space, it looks more professional than a smiley face.
for(i=0;rgFuncs[i].procedure != NULL;i++)
Exhibit 6: Inside xlAutoOpen all you need is this to register your functions.
Now, I can define functions with multiple arguments and proper help for each argument and all the additional complexity is hidden in RegisterHelper
. The code for xlAutoOpen
is now a lot more readable too and it handles different functions having different numbers of arguments.