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Automated PE32 Threat Classification using Import Table and Deep Neural Networks

4.90/5 (8 votes)
13 Feb 2020CPOL17 min read 15.7K  
In this research, we are going to prove that Import Address Table is very helpful in classifying a malware.
A malware is a computer program which harms the computer in which it gets executed. Malware analysis plays a major role in analysing the functionalities and behaviour of the malware. Malware analysis is a slow and tedious process which involves a lot of manual work. Finding the type of the malware will often boost up the analysis process and helps the researcher to know what the binary is capable of. Usually, researchers perform various static analysis techniques to find the category of the malware using various tools like strings, dependency walker, etc. But each day. there are millions [1] of new malware that get released, so classifying them manually is a non-feasible solution. In our approach, we are going to automate this process using deep neural networks.

This article is an entry in our Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Challenge. Articles in this sub-section are not required to be full articles so care should be taken when voting.

Github Repository

The code, dataset and documentation can be found at


Malware analysis helps the researchers to find out the functionality of the malware. Malware analysis comprises of two major types:

  1. Static Malware analysis
  2. Dynamic Malware analysis

Static Malware Analysis

  • The prime aim of static malware analysis is to analyse the malware without actually running it.
  • It will give you basic insights but will failover for sophisticated malwares.

Dynamic Malware Analysis

  • The malicious programs are executed in a controlled and isolated environment like virtual machines and analysed for its properties.
  • Although it will give us detailed insights, it takes considerable amount to time even with automated tools to analyse a single piece of malware.

Keywords: Windows, Malwares, Static Malware Analysis, Dynamic Malware Analysis, C++, Python, Neural Networks

Import Address Table

Import address table is a section in portable executable which will store the address of all import functions used by an executable.

Import Address Table has the information about the functions which are used by an executable. These functions could help you to identify certain functionalities of the malware.

Here is an example of some functions used by a binary:

  • CredFree
  • SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
  • InitializeSecurityDescriptor
  • CryptDestroyKey
  • CryptGenKey
  • CryptEncrypt
  • CryptImportKey
  • CryptSetKeyParam
  • CryptReleaseContext
  • CommandLineToArgvW
  • SHGetFolderPathW

As you could see, some functions like CryptEncrypt will encrypt the data which exhibits the properties of ransomware. So, we could use these functions to make our predictions. Generally, an unpacked executable contains a large number of Import functions but only a few Import functions contribute to the intention of the malware. We cannot write efficient conditional statements to address this issue. So, we are going to use a deep learning model to address this type of issue.

Types of Malware

We have classified malware into eight different types which are specified below. The label is an dependent variable which we are going to use for classificiation.

Table 1

Sample type Label
Backdoor 0
Downloader 1
Keylogger 2
Miner 3
Ransomware 4
Rouge Software 5
Trojan 6
Worm 7

1. Backdoor

Backdoor is a malicious program which allows the remote attacker to gain access to the victim’s computer.

2. Downloader

The sole purpose of the downloader is to download another malicious program and sometimes execute it.

3. Keylogger

A keylogger is a program which continuously monitors the keystroke of the user. This helps the attacker to steal potential information like email address, password, etc.

4. Miners

This malicious program will use the resources of the victim’s computer to mine crypto-currency which is used to monetize the attacker’s wallet.

5. Rouge Software

Rouge software seems to behave like an original software say, antivirus and will trick the user to buy services which will end up paying to an attacker.

6. Trojan

A trojan is a software which seems to behave like a legitimate program but does malicious activities in the background.

7. Ransomware

A malicious program which encrypts the user’s files (pictures, documents, etc.,) and would demand a ransom for decryption. The ransom is generally collected through cryptocurrency like Bitcoins, Dash, etc.

Dataset Preparation

1. Sample Collection

In order to prepare our dataset, we need actual malware samples. Various malware samples have been collected from open source GitHub repositories and mostly from Virus Share [2] and VirusSign. These repositories already have most of the malware categorized which will be used for supervised learning.

All the collected samples are collected, analysed manually and stored in a separate directory depending on the category of the malware which helps in labelling of the malware. The collected sample’s category and their label is shown in Table 1.

dataset preparation

2. Extracting Import Functions

In order to prepare our dataset, we need to extract all the Import functions used by the malware. A small C++ program is written which will extract all the imports from all the PE32 files present in the directory. MD5 hashing is used to prevent data duplication. Initially, the program will create three separate files, one to store the hashes of the scanned malware which is used to prevent data duplication, a separate file to store the imports used by all the executable of the same category and a third file is used to notify when the PE32 has used a Packer[9] – UPX [8] which is a most widely used packer according to [14] rather than the custom packer.

Packed program will not be used for dataset preparation, however, it will be stored in a separate text file for identification. The program also creates individual files for each PE32 executables containing its import with the name of its hash.

A packer is a program which encrypts the actual programs source, when the program is packed, the size of the strings will be less, does have less import functions and the size of the executable is reduced too. When a packed executable is executed, the packer program runs first and will decrypt the executable to execute. Packers are also used for legitimate purposes for saving bandwidth by reducing size of the executable.

The famous and most commonly used packer is UPX which is an open source tool licensed under GPL, capable of compressing portable executable.

Packed malware could evade the signature-based detection. For example: hash-based detection. Hash of the packed executable varies to hash of the original executable.

Below is the algorithm for extracting the imports,

Algorithm 1: Import Extraction

for malware in directories

               if malware == scanned:


               else if malware == packed:

                              append packed.txt -> malware_hash


               imports = get_all_imports(malware)

               write malware_hash.txt -> imports

               append frequency.txt -> imports

               append scanned_file.txt -> malware_hash

Visual representation of how preprocessing is done:


Backdoors gives access to the victim’s machine to the remote attacker. From the graph, we could see backdoor has complete access over processes, threads and file system in an infected system.

Noteworthy function imports in a backdoor:

Function Name Description
CreateFile Creates a new file.
GetProcAddress Used to import other functions in addition to the imported functions from PE header. [15]
GetTickCount This function takes no arguments and will return the number of milliseconds after the system has booted up. Very useful anti debugging technique to detect whether a malware is running in a virtual machine.
VirtualAlloc Could be used for process injection. [15]

Here is a frequency distribution graph for backdoor samples which we have collected.


The sole purpose of the downloader is to download other malicious software. As you can see, it uses functions to create a new file for malware. Sleep functions make a malware dormant for a certain specified period of time which generally slows down the dynamic malware analysis as its characters could not be analysed while it is inactive.

Noteworthy function in downloaders:

Function Name Description
  • CreateFile
  • WriteFile
Used to save the downloaded payload in victim’s machine
  • Sleep
  • GetTickCount
Anti-debugging techniques

Frequency distribution graph for downloaders sample:


Keyloggers will log the keystroke which is used to steal the user credentials. Keyboard functions are the main target in the keylogger programs.

Noteworthy functions in keylogger:

Function Name Function Description
  • ReadFile
  • WriteFile
Used to store logs.

Crypto Currency Miners

Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency which is difficult to mine and easier to verify. Mining a crypto currency requires huge computational resources. Mining famous Crypto Currency is nowadays a highly non-profitable task in a traditional computer since the resource usage and electricity consumption will cost greater than the actual value of the currency mined. So, miners have come up with a new way of mining in a pool, i.e., Each computer connected to the mining pool does a job and will be rewarded as per the good shares mined. Mining pool and cryptocurrency miners are not a malware actually but malware authors use this methodology to use a victim’s computer to mine the cryptocurrency without the knowledge of the victim. These malicious miners will use the victim’s computer resources to mine cryptocurrency which contributes to the pool of malware author. Thereby, malware authors are profiting from it. Generally, when using a mining pool, the miner needs a constant internet connection (although it does not consume much bandwidth) to check whether the work is already done by others in a pool. So, we could see the higher frequency of internet related windows calls. Since many resources used to mine boosts the profit, the malware tries to use as many as resources possible to increase the profit for the malware author. This can be achieved using threading and you could see the frequency of multi-threading functionality is also higher.

Noteworthy functions used in cryptocurrency miners:

Function Name Function Description
  • GetTickCount
  • Sleep
Anti-debugging technique
  • InternetReadFile
  • InternetOpen
Mostly deals with HTTP requests
  • GetCurrentThread
  • GetCurrentThreadId
  • ResumeThread
Deals with threading

Frequency distribution graph for crypto currency miners:


As we know, ransomware is a type of malware which encrypts the user’s data, i.e., files using cryptographic algorithms. Normally, not all files like DLL, EXE, SYS are affected. So, it generally scans the computer for files which is safe to encrypt like documents, pictures, etc., In the process of encrypting, ransomware reads the files from the victim’s system and overwrites the data with encrypted data. We could see the frequency of “ReadFile” and “WriteFile” and some other file related windows API functions are higher.

Noteworthy functions used by ransomwares:

Function Name Function Description
CreateThread Creates new thread
  • ReadFile
  • WriteFile
Used to overwrite a file with encrypted data

Frequency distribution graph for ransomware:

Rouge Software

These software trick or scare the users like the compute has been infected and make the user buy a potentially unwanted program.


Trojans are type of malware which hide its real intention to the user and make a user believe that he or she is running a legitimate program.

Noteworthy functions used by trojans:

Function Name Function Description
  • ReadFile
  • WriteFile
Capable of reading and writing files
  • RegQueryValue
  • RegCloseKey
  • RegOpenKey
Capable of accessing windows registry
GetProcAddress Used to import other functions in addition to the imported functions from PE header. [15]


Worm transmits its copy via network, email, etc., which carries malicious payload.

Noteworthy functions used by worms:

Function Name Function Description
  • CreateFile
  • ReadFile
  • WriteFile
  • FindFirstFile
  • FindNextFile
  • DeleteFile
Has complete access over filesystem for replicating its copy
  • GetCurrentProcess
  • ExitProcess
  • TerminateProcess
Has access over processes

Compiling the Dataset

In order to create our dataset, we need to create their headers first which is used in the identification of independent and dependent variables in supervised learning. Generally, we only need windows calls alone since many other functions vary from malware to malware. Windows function calls follow Hungarian Notation so we will remove the function calls which do not follow Hungarian Notation. One exception to removal process is Berkeley Compatible Sockets which malware mostly uses [15].

By now, we only have individual data and yet we need to compile the data into dataset (collection of data) along the labels of the malware. The Import functions which have 1728 features are used as the column names and one additional column to include the type of the malware ranging from 0-6. To generate rows for the dataset, every malware is iterated and if the Import function is present, the column is marked with 1 and if not, it will be marked with 0. The final column will be marked with the type of malware.

Stemming is the process of converting words into their root form. We will perform stem all the imports before compiling to the database. Below image is an example:

Both CreateFile and CreateFileA more or less perform the same functionality, so stemming the functions will improve the performance of the model. By stemming, we have reduced 2238 from 1858 features.

C++ Program to Compile the Frequency Files Generated by freqdict to Generate the Headers for Our Dataset


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
#include <fstream>

class header_compiler
    void compile();

    std::vector<std::string> frequency_file;
    std::set<std::string> function_set;
    bool check_file_existense();
    bool is_string_hungarian(std::string function_name);
    bool does_string_has_special_char(std::string function_name);
    void add_to_omitted(std::string func_name);
    std::string stem(std::string function_name);

    // Load all the frequency files
    std::cout << "[$] Loaded all the frequency files!\n";

bool header_compiler::check_file_existense()
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr1 = frequency_file.begin();
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr2 = frequency_file.end();
    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = itr1; itr != itr2; ++itr)
        if (!std::experimental::filesystem::exists(*itr)) return false;
    return true;

bool header_compiler::is_string_hungarian(std::string function_name)
    if (function_name.size() > 0)
        if (isupper(function_name[0])) return true;
    return false;

bool header_compiler::does_string_has_special_char(std::string function_name)
    for (char ch : function_name)
        if (ch == '$') return true;
        else if (ch == '@') return true;
        else if (ch == '[') return true;
        else if (ch == ']') return true;
        else if (ch == '%') return true;
    return false;

void header_compiler::compile()
    if (!check_file_existense())
        std::cout << "[$] A FILE IS MISSING.\n";
    for (std::string file : frequency_file)
        std::ifstream loader;;
        if (loader.is_open())
            std::cout << "[$] Loading: " << file << "\n";
            while (!loader.eof())
                std::string function;
                std::getline(loader, function);
                if (!is_string_hungarian(function))
                    // Only add lower case functions 
                    // if it's berkely compatible socket functions.
                    if(function == "send") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if(function == "recv") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if(function == "connect") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if(function == "accept") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "listen") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "bind") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "socket") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "getsockname") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "closesocket") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "nthos") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "htons") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "inet_ntoa") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "inet_addr") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "getservbyname") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "gethostbyname") function_set.insert(function);
                    else if (function == "gethostbyaddr") function_set.insert(function);
                    else add_to_omitted(function);
                else if (does_string_has_special_char(function)) add_to_omitted(function);
                    if (function.size() > 0)
                        std::string stemmed_function = stem(function);
                        if(stemmed_function.size() > 0) function_set.insert(stemmed_function);
    std::ofstream file;"header.txt");
    if (file.is_open())
        for (std::string function_name : function_set)
            file << function_name << "\n";

void header_compiler::add_to_omitted(std::string func_name)
    std::ofstream file;"omitted.txt", std::ios::app);
    if (file.is_open())
        file << func_name << "\n";

std::string header_compiler::stem(std::string function_name)
    std::string stemmed = "";
    if ((function_name[function_name.size() - 1] == 'A') || 
        (function_name[function_name.size() - 1] == 'W'))
        for (int i = 0; i < function_name.size() - 1; i++)
            stemmed += function_name[i];
        std::ofstream file;"stemmed.txt", std::ios::app);
        if (file.is_open())
            file << function_name << " is stemmed to: " << stemmed << "\n";
    else stemmed = function_name;
    return stemmed;

int main()
    header_compiler compiler;
    std::cout << "Completed!";
    int stay;
    std::cin >> stay;

Finally Our Dataset Compiler


import glob
import csv

def initialize():
    with open("header.txt", "r") as file:
        headers = file.readlines()
        headers = [header.strip() for header in headers]
        headers = list(filter(None, headers))
        return headers

def add_row(row):
    with open("dataset.csv", "a", newline="") as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file)

def add_directory(dir_location, result, header):
    global compiled_files, omitted_files
    files = glob.glob(dir_location+"/*.txt")
    for file in files:
        if "packed.txt" in file:
            print("Omitted Packed")
        elif "frequency.txt" in file:
            print("Omitted Frequency")
        elif "scanned_hash.txt" in file:
            print("Omitted Scanned Hash")
            row = [0 for i in range(len(header))]
            row[len(header)-1] = result
            with open(file, "r") as func_file:
                print("[*] COMPILING: ", file)
                functions = func_file.readlines()
                functions = [function.strip() for function in functions]
                functions = list(filter(None, functions))
                if len(functions) > 5:
                    for function in functions:
                        if function[len(function)-1] == "W":
                            print("Stemming ", function, " To: ", function[:-1])
                            function = function[:-1]
                        if function[len(function)-1] == "A":
                            print("Stemming ", function, " To: ", function[:-1])
                            function = function[:-1]
                            row[header.index(function)] = 1
                        except ValueError:
                            print(function, " is omitted!")
                    compiled_files += 1
                    print(file, " is omitted!")
                    omitted_files += 1
            print(compiled_files, omitted_files)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    header = initialize()
    compiled_files = 0
    omitted_files = 0
    add_directory("backdoor", 0, header)
    add_directory("downloader", 1, header)
    add_directory("keylogger", 2, header)
    add_directory("miner", 3, header)
    add_directory("ransom", 4, header)
    add_directory("rouge", 5, header)
    add_directory("trojan", 6, header)
    add_directory("worm", 7, header)       

A Visual Representation of How the Dataset Has Been Prepared


  • Paper [3] the malicious binaries are actually executed in a sandboxed environment and behavioural report is generated.
  • Paper [4] uses conventional and recurrent neural networks to classify malware, but executes the malware in protected environment. The labels needed for the supervised learning has been obtained from Virus Total API.
  • Paper [7] used deep learning to classify benign and malicious mobile applications (Android). 202 features are extracted which includes permissions, sensitive ap calls and dynamic behaviour. The deep learning model used here is quite interesting. A semi supervised model which uses Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) in pre-training phase (unsupervised) followed by regular supervised backpropagation phase.
  • Paper [10] proposes a new malware classification technique based on the maximal common subgraph detection problem.
  • Paper [11] Extracts various features like byte entropy, PE metadata, strings and import features. This paper uses neural networks to classify whether a file is benign or malware. The architecture of DNN has one input layer, two hidden layer and one output layer. The activation function used in the hidden layers is Parametric ReLU. The activation function used in output layer is sigmoid activation function since it is a binary classification problem.
  • Paper [12] uses N-gram based signature generation for malware detection. N-grams of every file is extracted which is used to generate signatures for detection of malware.
  • Paper [13] uses windows API calls from Import address table which is similar to our approach to detect zero-day malwares. This paper has tried 8 different type of classifiers KNN, NB, Neural Networks – Backpropagation, SVM Normalized Poly Kernel, SVM Poly Kernel, SVM Puk, SVM Radial Basis Function (RBM). Out of 8 SVM Normalized Poly Kernel performed so well with 98% accuracy rate and Neural Networks performed worst with about 78% accuracy rate. It is also a binary classification malware, i.e., classifying whether the file is a malware or benign.

In most of the works, the malware is actually executed which slows down the entire process since only one malware can run at a particular time to generate efficient data. In our case, the imports are extracted without executing the malware so labelling can be done in bulk quantities of malware.

Components Used to Build the System

Two main programming languages are widely used in this paper:

  1. C++ 14 – Visual Studio Compiler
  2. 64-bit Python 3.6

Most of the import extraction, pre-processing and preparing the necessary data to compile the imports to data has been done using C++. Where Python is used for visualization and building the actual deep learning model. We have used Matplotlib for visualizing graphs and tensor board for building the architecture graph. Deep learning model is built using Keras with TensorFlow backend.

Main tools and library used here are:

Jupyter Notebook Used to program deep learning model
Pandas To load dataset
Numpy For numerical processing
Keras [16] and TensorFlow Deep learning libraries
Matplotlib Visualization of graphs

Training Our Model

Once the dataset has been prepared, we are ready to train our model. Our model consists of 1953 input features. The activation function used in all layer excluding the output layer is ReLU also called as Rectified Linear Unit, a non-linear activation function which takes input and gives output 0 if an input is negative else will output same input.

Here is an ReLU output for sample input ranging from -10 to 10.

The feed forward neural network model consists of one input layer, two hidden layers and one final output layer each using rectified linear unit as their activation function along with 20% dropout [5]. The model has been trained with 150 epochs and reached accuracy of more than 70%. We are using Adam [6] optimizer to reduce the loss function.

Our Model’s Architecture

The input layer takes 1858 features of import table functions encoded in a one hot encoded format. The first dense layer has 1000 units which uses bias and activation function as ReLU. 20% of dropout is applied to first dense layer. The second dense layer is similar to of first one but takes only 750 units. The third one takes 500 units and uses ReLU activation function. The final dense layer has 8 units and uses SoftMax activation function which is a commonly used activation function for multi-class classification.

Here is our accuracy graph after training the model for 100 epochs – ~96% accuracy

And the loss for 150 epochs:


The dataset has 1858 features which is 1858 dimensions and not all the features play a major role in classifying the types of malware. So, we need a methodology to find out what features play a major role in classification of malware.

So, we are going to use RFE (Recursive Feature Elimination) [17] to eliminate the least important features. Using RFE, we will rank top 20 features in our dataset. We are using two supervised classification algorithms namely Logistic Regression – OVR (One VS Rest) and Decision Tree classifier.

Here are the 20 important features judged by two different classifiers.

Logistic Regression Decision Tree Classifier
CryptReleaseContext CreateEvent
ExitThread CreateFile
FindNextFile CreateWindowEx
FindResource CryptReleaseContext
GetAsyncKeyState EnableWindow
GetCurrentProcessId FindNextFile
GetEnvironmentVariable GetAsyncKeyState
GetModuleFileName GetLastError
GetModuleHandle GetShortPathName
GetStartupInfo GetVersion
GetWindowLong IsDlgButtonChecked
HeapCreate MakeSureDirectoryPathExists
InternetSetOption MapViewOfFile
IsClipboardFormatAvailable OpenProcessToken
LoadAccelerators SetClipboardData
LoadMenu SetWindowLong
MakeSureDirectoryPathExists TlsFree
SetFilePointer VariantChangeTypeEx
UnhandledExceptionFilter VirtualQuery
send closesocket


In this research, we have concluded that:

  1. Import tables play a major role in categorizing the malware
  2. Categorizing the malware can be automated using Deep Neural Networks

According to the statistics [1], there are millions of new malwares arising every day and executing each and every threat in a sandboxed environment and classifying them is not a feasible task. Using our system malware can be labelled in bulk quantities without even the need for executing them.

In future, this classifier will be incorporated with virus signature generation for efficient, identifiable labelling of the generated signatures. We will also add various known packers to unpack the windows PE32 files since UPX is not the only packer available.


  1. Virus total statistics:
  2. J.-M. Roberts. Virus Share.
  3. K. Rieck, P. Trinius, C. Willems , T. Holz. Automatic Analysis of Malware Behaviour using Machine Learning.
  4. B. Kolosnjaji, A. Zarras, G. Webster, and C. Eckert. Deep Learning for Classification of Malware System Call Sequences.
  5. N. Srivastava, G. Hinton, A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, and R. Salakhutdinov. Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1):1929{1958, 2014.
  6. Kingma, Diederik P., and Jimmy Ba. "Adam: A method for stochastic optimization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6980 (2014).
  7. Yuan, Zhenlong, et al. "Droid-sec: deep learning in android malware detection." ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. Vol. 44. No. 4. ACM, 2014.
  8. Oberhumer, M.F., Moln ́ar, L., Reiser, J.F.: UPX: the Ultimate Packer for eXe-cutables (2007),
  9. Fanglu Guo, Peter Ferrie, and Tzi-cker Chiueh. A Study of the Packer Problem and Its Solutions.
  10. Park, Younghee, et al. "Fast malware classification by automated behavioral graph matching." Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research. ACM, 2010.
  11. Saxe, Joshua, and Konstantin Berlin. "Deep neural network based malware detection using two dimensional binary program features." 2015 10th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALWARE). IEEE, 2015.
  12. Santos, Igor, et al. "N-grams-based File Signatures for Malware Detection." ICEIS (2) 9 (2009): 317-320.
  13. Alazab, Mamoun, et al. "Zero-day malware detection based on supervised learning algorithms of API call signatures." Proceedings of the Ninth Australasian Data Mining Conference-Volume 121. Australian Computer Society, Inc., 2011.
  14. Morgenstern, Maik, and Hendrik Pilz. "Useful and useless statistics about viruses and anti-virus programs." Proceedings of the CARO Workshop. 2010.
  15. Sikorski, Michael, and Andrew Honig. Practical malware analysis: the hands-on guide to dissecting malicious software. no starch press, 2012.
  16. Chollet, François. "Keras." (2015).
  17. Scikit Learn Docs:


1N.Visweswaran, 2M.Jeevanantham, 3C.Thamarai Kani, 4P.Deepalakshmi 5S.Sathiyandrakumar

More details can be found on project documents.

I have tried my level best to credit everyone, some pictures are taken from the internet which might not be credited as I could not find the author details and I have not used it in the paper.


  • 2020-02-02: Initial release
    This project is still in its early stages and it needs more samples to prove its stand further.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)