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How to Restart a USB Port

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23 Mar 2024CPOL2 min read 35.9K   937   47   5
Shows how to use IOCTL_USB_HUB_CYCLE_PORT to restart a USB port under Windows
Shows how to find a USB device in the Windows Device Management by a given Device Instance ID, determine the used USB port number, get its parent device (its USB hub), open the hub and perform the IOCTL_USB_HUB_CYCLE_PORT call.



Sometimes, USB devices stop working as expected and re-plugging them helps. Performing the re-plug by code might be handy.

If you want to try if restarting a USB port is helpful, you can try with my UsbTreeView or RestartUsbPort.


Microsoft says IOCTL_USB_HUB_CYCLE_PORT power-cycles the USB port and thus initiates a re-enumeration of the attached device.

The function is available under XP but usually only for hubs which run with the Microsoft standard driver. Third party drivers usually return ERROR_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION.

Under Vista and Windows 7, it is no more supported by the Windows standard drivers, it always fails with ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.

Since Windows 8, it works again but in contrast to XP, admin privileges are required. Without admin privileges, it fails as under Vista and Win7 with ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED or since Win10 version 1903 with ERROR_GEN_FAILURE, both of which are quite misleading here since it's a privilege issue.

Using the Code

I have put everything in one single function which expects the USB device's Device Instance ID as only parameter.

// pszUsbDeviceId must be the Device Instance ID of the USB device to restart ----
// returns true on success, false on any failure ---------------------------------
bool CycleUsbDevice(char* pszUsbDeviceId)
  // Step 1: Find the USB device in the device manager
  DEVINST DevInst = 0;
  if ( CR_SUCCESS != CM_Locate_DevNode(&DevInst, pszUsbDeviceId, 0) ) {
    return false; //----

  // Step 2: Determine the USB port number.
  //         Since Vista it can be read reliably from the device location info:
  char szLocation[64] = "";
  DWORD dwType = 0;
  ULONG uLen = sizeof(szLocation);
  if ( CR_SUCCESS != CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(
                       DevInst, CM_DRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION,
                       &dwType, szLocation, &uLen, 0) ) {
    return false; //----

  //       0123456789
  // like "Port_#0004.Hub_#0014"
  if ( 0 != strncmp(szLocation, "Port_#", 6) ) {
    return false; //----

  int PortNumber = atoi(szLocation + 6); // leading zeros are ok with atoi

  // Step 3: The USB hub is the parent device
  DEVINST DevInstHub = 0;
  if ( CR_SUCCESS != CM_Get_Parent(&DevInstHub, DevInst, 0) ) {
    return false; //----

  // Step 4: Request the USB hub's "device interface" aka the "DevicePath"
  char szHubDevPath[MAX_PATH] = "";

  // Get the hub's device instance ID
  char szHubDeviceID[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN];
  if ( CR_SUCCESS != CM_Get_Device_ID(
                       szHubDeviceID, MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN, 0) ) {
    return false; //----
  // Get the hub's device path (no need for CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size
  // since we request a single one rather a list of unknown length)
  if ( CR_SUCCESS != CM_Get_Device_Interface_List(
                       (GUID*)&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HUB, szHubDeviceID,
                       szHubDevPath, sizeof(szHubDevPath),
                       CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT) ) {
    return false; //----

  if ( ! szHubDevPath[0] ) {
    return false; //----

  // Step 5: Open the hub
  HANDLE hHub = CreateFile(
                         NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);

  if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hHub ) {
    return false; //----

  typedef struct _USB_CYCLE_PORT_PARAMS {
    ULONG ConnectionIndex;
    ULONG StatusReturned;

  USB_CYCLE_PORT_PARAMS CyclePortParams  = { PortNumber, 0 }; // in and out

  DWORD dwBytes;
  int res = DeviceIoControl(hHub, IOCTL_USB_HUB_CYCLE_PORT,
                            &CyclePortParams, sizeof(CyclePortParams), 
                            &CyclePortParams, sizeof(CyclePortParams), 
                            &dwBytes, NULL);
  return ( (0 != res) && (0 == CyclePortParams.StatusReturned) );

Points of Interest

Microsoft's documentation for IOCTL_USB_HUB_CYCLE_PORT is wrong: It says "Output buffer: None" which is wrong. The StatusReturned struct member leads to the conclusion that the USB_CYCLE_PORT_PARAMS struct is intended as in and out buffer. It works that way and dwBytes contains 8 afterwards, which is the expected sizeof(USB_CYCLE_PORT_PARAMS).

What Makes It Fail

In contrast to an attempt to restart a device by means of the Device Manager IOCTL_USB_HUB_CYCLE_PORT does not ask for permission, so no driver can veto it and so it always succeeds.

But the port must have a USB device attached and a driver installed. Otherwise, it fails with error 433 (ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE) or since Windows 10 21H2 with error 50 (ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) which again is misleading.

Windows 11 comes with a proper error 1167 (ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED).


  • 18th June, 2023 - First release
  • 23rd March, 2024 - Replaced the SetupDi enumeration of all hubs by a simple CM_Get_Device_Interface_List call, which also removes the dependency on setupapi.dll


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer
Germany Germany
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Comments and Discussions

Questionc# version Please Pin
Mr Ceo dev28-Mar-24 3:11
Mr Ceo dev28-Mar-24 3:11 
AnswerRe: c# version Please Pin
Uwe_Sieber11-Apr-24 5:33
Uwe_Sieber11-Apr-24 5:33 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Ștefan-Mihai MOGA25-Mar-24 20:07
professionalȘtefan-Mihai MOGA25-Mar-24 20:07 
This is a great inspiring article. I am pretty much pleased with your good work. You put really very helpful information. Keep it up once again.
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Eirik Corneliussen15-Mar-24 20:18
Eirik Corneliussen15-Mar-24 20:18 
QuestionMany thanks, highly helpful Pin
BugDigger18-Jun-23 23:40
BugDigger18-Jun-23 23:40 

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