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Powering Intelligent Apps with a Multi-Model Database Using Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Kubernetes Service

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17 Oct 2023CPOL14 min read 3.5K   1
In topic 2 of our series, we explore the power of multi-model databases for Intelligent Apps and their integration with Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

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Image 1

In the first topic of this week, we created an Intelligent App that helped us analyze images and extract valuable data. We constructed a Python web API to execute optical character recognition (OCR), using Azure AI Vision on images uploaded to the application and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for hosting it.

In this second topic for the week, we’ll explore how Azure Cosmos DB’s support for multi-model databases provides flexibility in data modeling, scalability, and performance optimization — crucial for storing, indexing, and querying data in multiple formats.

Unraveling Multi-Model Databases and Cosmos DB

Multi-model databases let us store and work with data in multiple formats, including relational data, JSON documents, key-value pairs, spatial data, and graphs. They simplify development, reduce data integration issues, and support a more comprehensive data analysis, leading to valuable insights.

Below are some of the benefits of using a multi-model database:

  • Scalability and performance — Multi-model databases allow us to shape data to fit different formats. We can tailor these databases to our applications, spreading data across clusters to support efficient, smooth scaling. Additionally, they support intelligent indexing, caching, and query optimization to ensure fast and efficient data access, even when handling complex queries.
  • Versatility — Multi-model databases support versatility by accommodating diverse data types and structures within a unified platform. Unlike traditional databases, they seamlessly integrate storing and retrieving various data formats, enabling us to dynamically model and manage complex information.
  • Data handling and transformation advantages — Because a multi-model database supports different data structures, it can easily handle structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. These databases offer a transformative advantage in applications dealing with diverse and unstructured data. Their ability to manage various data types ensures a holistic and agile data storage, retrieval, and analysis approach. As such, multi-model databases enable streamlined development, simplified integration, and flexible querying.
  • OCR analysis — Multi-model databases are invaluable assets for managing the complex needs of diverse data from OCR analysis. This flexibility in data handling means efficient storage and retrieval of OCR results, enabling complex queries that reveal deeper insights across various data types.

Azure Cosmos DB is Azure’s top-tier multi-model database service, compatible with various popular data models and APIs. It effortlessly handles numerous data types, providing developers a unified platform for various application purposes.

Supporting several APIs — including native NoSQL and open-source APIs for MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Gremlin, and Table — Cosmos DB enables a smooth transition and integration of current apps and aids in building new ones. This adaptability in data modeling ensures quick adjustments to evolving needs, maintaining low latency, high availability, and global distribution.

Let’s explore the power of multi-model databases for Intelligent Apps.

Creating a Multi-Model Database with Cosmos DB and AKS

In the following sections, we’ll walk through how Azure Cosmos DB can handle the unstructured data from the OCR analysis and provide multi-model databases for our Intelligent App hosted in AKS.


To follow this tutorial, ensure you have:

For a look at the final project from this tutorial, review the complete code.

Solution Architecture

The image below shows the architecture of the solution we’re aiming for in this article.

Image 2

Creating an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL Account

This section provides step-by-step instructions for setting up a multi-model database with Cosmos DB in your AKS environment. We’ll focus on the preparation, design, and configuration stages.

Note that an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account isn’t related to your Azure account. It is Microsoft Azure’s database service for creating, managing, and scaling globally distributed, multi-model databases.

An Azure Cosmos DB account provides a collection of databases, containers, and other items. It also offers an endpoint that facilitates connections for various tools and SDKs, enabling actions within Azure Cosmos DB. For deeper insight into the assets within Azure Cosmos DB, refer to the Azure Cosmos DB resource model.

Let’s create an Azure Cosmos DB account using the API for NoSQL. First, sign in to the Azure portal. From the Azure portal menu or the homepage, select Create a resource.

On the Create a resource page, search for “Azure Cosmos DB”.

The "Create a resource" page with "Azure Cosmos DB" in the search bar and listed as the first result. The target result is indicated with a purple arrow.

When the results appear, locate the Azure Cosmos DB service, then click Create.

The Azure Cosmos DB option is the first listing in the Marketplace search. It is outlined and an arrow points to its "Create" option.

Next, you’ll see the Azure Cosmos DB service page as follows:

The Azure Cosmos DB service creation page with the Plan dropdown menu set to Azure Cosmos DB.

The API determines the type of account to create. Select Azure Cosmos DB API for NoSQL and click Create.

The Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL option and its Create button.

When you reach the Create Azure Cosmos DB Account page, enter the settings below for the new account, then click Review + create.

  • Resource Group: computer-vision
  • Account Name: This should be unique to you.
  • Capacity mode: Serverless

The Basics tab for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL setup. The Project details include a resource group labeled computer-vision, the account name as intelligent-app-cosmos-db-account, and serverless capacity mode selected.

Finally, review your settings and click the Create button.

The "Review + create" tab of the setup indicates successful validation and lists the configuration details.

Next, wait a few minutes until Azure creates the account and click the Go to resource button. Wait for the portal to display your new Cosmos DB account’s overview.

The Quick start page of the Cosmos DB account overview. Python is selected as the chosen platform, and the next step instructs to "Create 'Items' container."

We still need to create the NoSQL database. So, select Data Explorer on the sidebar. Then select the New Container dropdown menu and select New Database:

From the Data Explorer, the New Container dropdown menu is expanded and "New Database" is indicated with an arrow.

Next, provide “IntelligentAppDB” as the Database id and click OK:

The Database id is entered as IntelligentAppDB.

Now, select the IntelligentAppDB database, click the ellipsis (...) icon, and click the New Container option:

Under the DATA menu, IntelligentAppDB is selected, and its "New Container" option is indicated with an arrow.

Provide “ImageAnalysisContainer” as the Container id and “/id” as the partition key. Then, click OK to save the container.

Image 13

Repeat the previous step to create a new container. Provide “AggregateResultsContainer” as the Container id and “/id” as the Partition key. Then click OK to save the database.

Image 14

Now, your database and container structure should appear like the image below:

The DATA drop-down reveals the IntelligentAppDB database with nested listings for AggregateResultsContainer and ImageAnalysisContainer.

Let’s review the elements of this Cosmos DB setup:

  • IntelligentAppDB is a database within Cosmos DB, serving as a high-level container for grouping related data relevant to our Intelligent App.
  • AggregateResultsContainer is a container within the IntelligentAppDB database. Containers are where data is stored in Cosmos DB, and this particular container holds data related to aggregate results generated from the Intelligent App.
  • ImageAnalysisContainer is another container within the same IntelligentAppDB database. It’s dedicated to storing data pertaining to OCR analysis generated by Azure AI Vision.

Loading OCR Data into the Multi-Model Database

Once we’ve created our Cosmos DB account and configured our containers, we can access them using the Azure Cosmos DB API with the appropriate host URI and key. You can find these credentials by selecting Keys on the sidebar, like in the image below:

The Keys page of the Azure Cosmos DB account lists primary and secondary read-write keys and primary and secondary connection strings. All information is redacted.

Configuring the Intelligent App to Use Cosmos DB

Now, we must provide the app with our Cosmos DB database credentials. We’ll do this using the environment variables in the deployment configuration file created in the first part of this series.

Open the deployment.yml file (in the Deployment folder) and add the following environment variables matching your Cosmos DB account information:

  value: IntelligentAppDB
  value: ImageAnalysisContainer
  value: AggregateResultsContainer

Then, open the docker-compose.yml file and add the following environment variables, copying the same values you defined above:


Diverse Data and Cosmos DB: A Perfect Match

The diverse and often unstructured nature of OCR data finds an ideal match in the flexible structure of a multi-model database like Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL. OCR data frequently encompasses many document types, varying layouts, languages, and formatting styles, making it inherently challenging to impose a rigid schema.

The picture below represents the varying data layouts we’ll encounter in this article. The left-hand picture shows Data from OCR analysis, which contains AI-generated descriptions of the image, plus the characters read and their positions within it. The right-hand picture shows Data from aggregation — the numeric operations performed on the numbers read.

A side-by-side comparison of screenshots showing OCR analysis data and aggregation data. The OCR data is noticeably longer, surpassing the bounds of the screenshot, which ends at line 26. The aggregation data is contained within 14 lines.

Implementing the CosmosDBHelper Class

We need a Python class to provide a convenient way to interact with our Azure Cosmos DB service. It will encapsulate the necessary operations for creating and managing documents within the ImageAnalysisContainer and the AggregateResultsContainer.

Let’s create a file named in the project root folder with the following contents:

import os
import azure.cosmos.cosmos_client as cosmos_client

class CosmosDBHelper:
  def __init__(self):
    self.cosmos_database_id = os.environ["COSMOS_DATABASE_ID"]
    self.cosmos_image_analysis_container_id = os.environ["COSMOS_IMAGE_ANALYSIS_CONTAINER_ID"]
    self.cosmos_aggregate_results_container_id = os.environ["COSMOS_AGGREGATE_RESULTS_CONTAINER_ID"]
    cosmos_account_host = os.environ["COSMOS_ACCOUNT_HOST"]
    cosmos_account_key = os.environ["COSMOS_ACCOUNT_KEY"]
    self.client = cosmos_client.CosmosClient(cosmos_account_host, {'masterKey': cosmos_account_key})
    self.db = self.client.get_database_client(self.cosmos_database_id)
    self.image_analysis_container = self.db.get_container_client(self.cosmos_image_analysis_container_id)
    self.aggregate_results_container = self.db.get_container_client(self.cosmos_aggregate_results_container_id)

  def create_analysis(self, document):
    return self.image_analysis_container.upsert_item(document)

  def create_aggregate_result(self, inserted_id, aggregate_result):
    entity = {
      "id": inserted_id,
      "sum": float(aggregate_result["sum"]),
      "average": float(aggregate_result["average"]),
      "median": float(aggregate_result["median"]),
      "min": float(aggregate_result["min"]),
      "max": float(aggregate_result["max"])
    return self.aggregate_results_container.upsert_item(entity)

Let’s break down the code step by step, detailing the process of transferring the OCR-extracted data into the Cosmos DB database.

The azure.cosmos.cosmos_client module imported at the beginning of the file represents the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL client library for Python. We use it to interact with the Azure Cosmos DB service.

The CosmosDBHelper class constructor initializes the class instance and retrieves configuration values from the environment variables we configured in the previous section:

  • COSMOS_DATABASE_ID — The ID of the Cosmos DB database
  • COSMOS_IMAGE_ANALYSIS_CONTAINER_ID — The ID of the container for storing image analysis documents
  • COSMOS_AGGREGATE_RESULTS_CONTAINER_ID — The ID of the container for storing aggregate result documents
  • COSMOS_ACCOUNT_HOST — The host URL for the Cosmos DB account
  • COSMOS_ACCOUNT_KEY — The authentication key for the Cosmos DB account

The class constructor also creates a CosmosClient instance using the provided account host and key, which we’ll use in the methods below:

  • The create_analysis method inserts or updates an image analysis document into the ImageAnalysisContainer container. It takes the document parameter, which represents the structured analysis data, to be inserted or updated. This method first fetches the database client using the provided database ID and the previously created Cosmos Client instance. Then, it fetches the container client for image analysis using the provided container ID. Finally, the create_analysis method calls the upsert_item method on the container client to insert or update the supplied document.
  • The create_aggregate_result method inserts or updates an aggregate result document into the specified container. It takes two arguments: inserted_id (the document’s ID) and aggregate_result (a dictionary containing aggregated data like sum, average, median, min, and max). Similarly to the previous method, it fetches the database and container clients. Finally, the create_aggregate_result constructs an entity dictionary with the provided data and uses the upsert_item method to insert or update the entity in the AggregateResultsContainer container.

Introducing New OCR Helper Functions

We need some additional Python functions to process and insert image analysis results into Cosmos DB using the CosmosDBHelper class from the previous explanation. First, open the file from the first part of this series and add these import statements at the top of the file:

import json
from CosmosDBHelper import CosmosDBHelper

Next, locate these lines in the file:

ocr_result = get_ocr_result(result)
return ocr_result

Replace these lines with:

ocr_result = get_ocr_result(result)
analysis_result = get_image_analysis_result(result, source_image)
ocr_result["analysis_result"] = analysis_result
inserted_id = insert_analysis(ocr_result["analysis_result"])
insert_aggregate_result(inserted_id, ocr_result["aggregate_result"])
return ocr_result

Last, add the get_image_analysis_result, insert_aggregate_result, and insert_analysis functions:

def get_image_analysis_result(result, source_image):

  analysis_result = { }
  string_list = []

  if result.reason != sdk.ImageAnalysisResultReason.ANALYZED:
    return sdk.ImageAnalysisErrorDetails.from_result(result)
    if result.caption is not None:
        analysis_result["caption"] = {
                                      "content": result.caption.content,
                                      "confidence": result.caption.confidence

        analysis_result["text"] = {
                                      "lines": []

    if result.text is not None:
      for line in result.text.lines:
        line_result = {
                        "content": line.content,
                        "bounding_polygon": line.bounding_polygon,
                        "words": [],

        for word in line.words:
          word_result = {
                          "content": word.content,
                          "bounding_polygon": word.bounding_polygon,
                          "confidence": word.confidence

        document_id = os.path.basename(source_image).rsplit('.', 1)[0]
        analysis_result["file_name"] = source_image
        analysis_result["id"] = document_id

      return analysis_result

def insert_aggregate_result(db_helper, inserted_id, aggregate_result):
    db_helper.create_aggregate_result(inserted_id, aggregate_result)

def insert_analysis(db_helper, analysis_result):
    doc = db_helper.create_analysis(analysis_result)
    return str(doc["id"])

Let's examine each function step by step.

  • The get_image_analysis_result function takes two parameters: result, an image analysis result object, and source_image, the path to the source image. This function is responsible for the format transformation and data loading process: It creates an empty dictionary, analysis_result, and an empty list, string_list, to store words extracted from the text analysis. It checks if the reason attribute of the result indicates that the image has been successfully analyzed (not an error). The function iterates through each line in result.text.lines and processes the line’s content, bounding polygon, and words. At the end, the function returns the populated analysis_result dictionary.
  • The insert_aggregate_result function takes two parameters: inserted_id, the inserted document’s ID, and aggregate_result, a dictionary containing aggregated analysis results (sum, average, median, min, max). It initializes an instance of the CosmosDBHelper class called db_helper. It calls the create_aggregate_result method of db_helper to insert the provided aggregate_result into the AggregateResultsContainer container.
  • The insert_analysis function takes one parameter: analysis_result, a dictionary containing the image analysis results. It initializes an instance of the CosmosDBHelper class called db_helper. It then calls the create_analysis method of db_helper to insert the provided analysis_result into the Analysis Results container. The ID of the inserted document is retrieved from the returned document and converted to a string before being returned from the function.

The steps above highlight how the diverse and unstructured nature of OCR data, which we obtained from the Azure AI Vision configured in the first article of this series, fits well with the flexible structure of a multi-model database.

Now, open your terminal and run the command below to reinstall all the packages added in the first part of this series:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, run the following commands to install the packages related to Azure Cosmos DB:

pip install azure-cosmos

Finally, update the requirements.txt file with the current package list:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Testing the Intelligent App Locally

As in Part 1 of this series, run the following command in the terminal to build the image and start a container for the Intelligent App services defined in docker-compose.yml:

docker-compose up --build --force-recreate

To test the API, open Postman and provide the fields as follows:

  • URL: http://localhost:5000/
  • Method: POST
  • Body:
    • Form-data
      • Key: file — Click the right end of the Key field and select “File” from the dropdown list.
      • Value: Click Select Files, then select the sample1.png file provided in the sample code.

Postman displays a POST request to localhost:5000. The body tab indicates the key-value pair as file and sample1.png.

Now click the Send button and review the result in Body:

    \"aggregate_result\": {
        \"sum\": \"25821\",
        \"average\": \"5164.2\",
        \"median\": \"5622\",
        \"min\": \"1447\",
        \"max\": \"9802\"
    \"numbers_read\": [
    \"analysis_result\": {
        \"caption\": {
            \"content\": \"ayellowrectangularsignwithblacknumbers\",
            \"confidence\": 0.7065904140472412
        \"text\": {
            \"lines\": [
                    \"content\": \"3049\",
                    \"bounding_polygon\": [
                    \"words\": [
                            \"content\": \"3049\",
                            \"bounding_polygon\": [
                            \"confidence\": 0.991
                    \"content\": \"5901\",
                    \"bounding_polygon\": [
                    \"words\": [
                            \"content\": \"5901\",
                            \"bounding_polygon\": [
                            \"confidence\": 0.995
                    \"content\": \"5622\",
                    \"bounding_polygon\": [
                    \"words\": [
                            \"content\": \"5622\",
                            \"bounding_polygon\": [
                            \"confidence\": 0.998
                    \"content\": \"1447\",
                    \"bounding_polygon\": [
                    \"words\": [
                            \"content\": \"1447\",
                            \"bounding_polygon\": [
                            \"confidence\": 0.998
                    \"content\": \"9802\",
                    \"bounding_polygon\": [
                    \"words\": [
                            \"content\": \"9802\",
                            \"bounding_polygon\": [
                            \"confidence\": 0.998
        \"file_name\": \"static/files/sample1.png\",
        \"id\": \"sample1\",
        \"partitionKey\": \"Partition1\"

As we can see, the app running on a local container returned the correct JSON containing the analysis results and aggregate results based on the sample image.

Checking the Results in Azure Cosmos DB

Now, it’s time to see how the results were stored in the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL multi-model database.

In the Azure Portal, open your Cosmos DB account resource, click the Data Explorer tab, expand the IntelligentAppDB database tree, and click the Items node within the AggregateResultsContainer. Then click the sample1 item to see the results on the right-side panel:

The Azure Cosmos DB Data Explorer tab for the sample1 item in the AggregateResultsContainer.

Now, click the Items node within the ImageAnalysisContainer and click the sample1 item to see the results on the right-side panel:

The same process now shows the results for sample1 in ImageAnalysisContainer.

As we can see, our Intelligent App performs OCR operations that produce results in varied structures. However, through Azure Cosmos DB, we can store these structures effortlessly by separating items into containers without creating complex schemas for each data type.

Updating the Version of the Intelligent App on AKS

Now that we’ve learned how to implement and test the new Cosmos DB-powered app version locally, let’s explore how to update and deploy this new version of our Intelligent App in AKS using Docker and Kubernetes command-line tools. This process ensures that the latest version of the application is deployed and running in the Kubernetes cluster.

Before creating version 2 of the app, ensure your Docker container is running. Then, run the following commands to stop and remove the local intelligent-app container:

docker container stop intelligent-app
docker container rm intelligent-app

Then, to recreate the Intelligent App’s image, use the docker-compose app command below with the --build argument:

docker-compose up --build --force-recreate

Now, use the docker tag command to tag the image. Replace <name-of-azure-container-registry> below with your ACR login server name or public registry hostname. Be sure to update the image version to :v2 as follows:

docker tag intelligent-app <name-of-azure-container-registry>

Now, run the following command to show your container image with the new tags:

docker images

You’ll get a result similar to the one below:

intelligent-app latest 1ca9eb914279 40 minutes ago 258MB
<name-of-azure-container-registry> v2 1ca9eb914279 40 minutes ago 258MB
<name-of-azure-container-registry> v1 676ede4aa18c About an hour ago 197MB

Now, use docker push to upload the image to your registry. Replace <name-of-azure-container-registry> with your ACR login server name.

docker push <name-of-azure-container-registry>

To update the application, use the kubectl set command. Update <name-of-azure-container-registry> with the login server or hostname of your container registry, and specify the v2 application version:

kubectl set image deployment intelligent-app intelligent-app=<name-of-azure-container-registry>

Now, we’ll deploy version 2 of our application using the kubectl command. First, change the terminal to the Deployment folder:

cd Deployment

Open the deployment.yml file in an editor and update the container image version tag to v2:


Then, run the following command to create or update Kubernetes resources defined in the deployment.yml file:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

Exploring Real-World Use Cases for Multi-Model Databases

Numerous industries can benefit from leveraging multi-model databases when building Intelligent Apps. Below are just a few real-world examples:

  • E-commerce personalization — Multi-model databases allow e-commerce platforms to store and manage various data types, such as customer profiles, product details, purchase history, and user-generated content like reviews and images.
  • Healthcare patient records — Multi-model databases can help manage diverse patient data in the healthcare sector, like diagnoses and medications, semi-structured data like doctors’ notes, and unstructured data like medical images and test results.
  • Social media analytics — Multi-model databases find applications in social media platforms for handling the vast and varied data users generate, such as user profiles, connections, posts, and textual content. They can also store links to images and videos located on Azure Blob Storage. The databases enable social platforms to execute quick and complex queries for real-time analytics.

Cosmos DB’s schema-agnostic approach helps it seamlessly adapt to this diversity, enabling our Intelligent App to store OCR analysis and aggregation data as JSON documents without predefined structures.

Unlike traditional relational databases, the flexibility of a multi-model database like Cosmos DB for NoSQL ensures that the database can accommodate the ever-evolving OCR data without frequent schema modifications. This quality makes it a robust choice for our Intelligent App, which processes diverse documents and requires rapid adaptability.

Next Steps

Multi-model databases are invaluable for Intelligent Apps, offering intelligent indexing, caching, and query optimization for swift data access. They accommodate various data structures like documents, graphs, and key-value pairs, enabling cohesive data management, streamlined development, and insightful analysis — promoting scalability and allowing us to adapt data to numerous formats without compromising efficiency.

Discover Azure’s Cosmos DB and other services to unlock even more potential in your Intelligent Apps — and carry on to the third and final topic of this week to learn how to take your Intelligent Apps to the next level with Azure Kubernetes Service.

This article is part of the series 'Powering Intelligent Applications Using Azure Kubernetes Service View All


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

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