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International Number Formats

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30 Apr 2010 1  
This article explains different number formatting based on locale


Recently, I was surprised to discover that in addition to the standard US number format (1,234.67) and some European country format (1.234,56 and 1 234,56), there are other number formats. So I wrote a function that lists all of the number formats out there in VB.NET.

Public Function GetCultureSelect() As String
 Dim oHashtable As New Hashtable
 For Each oCultureInfo As System.Globalization.CultureInfo _
	In System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultures_
  Dim sKey As String = oCultureInfo.Name
  Dim sName As String = oCultureInfo.EnglishName
   Dim oNumberFormat As System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo = oCultureInfo.NumberFormat
   Dim s As String = oNumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator
   Dim sFormat As String = "1" & oNumberFormat.CurrencyGroupSeparator & "234" & _
	oNumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator & "56"
   If oHashtable.ContainsKey(sFormat) = False Then
    oHashtable.Add(sFormat, sKey & " - " & sName)
    oHashtable(sFormat) += "<br>" & sKey & " - " & sName
   End If
  Catch ex As Exception
  End Try
 Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
 sb.Append("<table border=1>" & vbCrLf)
 sb.Append("<tr><th>Format</th><th>Country</th></tr>" & vbCrLf)
 For Each oEntry As DictionaryEntry In oHashtable
  sb.Append("<tr><td valign=top>" & oEntry.Key & "</td><td>" & _
	oEntry.Value & "</td></tr>" & vbCrLf)
 Return sb.ToString()
End Function 

Here is the table this VB.NET function returns:

Format Country
1,234.56 - Invariant Language (Invariant Country)
ar-SA - Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
zh-TW - Chinese (Taiwan)
en-US - English (United States)
he-IL - Hebrew (Israel)
ja-JP - Japanese (Japan)
ko-KR - Korean (Korea)
th-TH - Thai (Thailand)
ur-PK - Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
hy-AM - Armenian (Armenia)
af-ZA - Afrikaans (South Africa)
hi-IN - Hindi (India)
sw-KE - Kiswahili (Kenya)
pa-IN - Punjabi (India)
gu-IN - Gujarati (India)
ta-IN - Tamil (India)
te-IN - Telugu (India)
kn-IN - Kannada (India)
mr-IN - Marathi (India)
sa-IN - Sanskrit (India)
kok-IN - Konkani (India)
syr-SY - Syriac (Syria)
dv-MV - Divehi (Maldives)
ar-IQ - Arabic (Iraq)
zh-CN - Chinese (People's Republic of China)
en-GB - English (United Kingdom)
es-MX - Spanish (Mexico)
ar-EG - Arabic (Egypt)
zh-HK - Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.)
en-AU - English (Australia)
ar-LY - Arabic (Libya)
zh-SG - Chinese (Singapore)
en-CA - English (Canada)
es-GT - Spanish (Guatemala)
ar-DZ - Arabic (Algeria)
zh-MO - Chinese (Macao S.A.R.)
en-NZ - English (New Zealand)
ar-MA - Arabic (Morocco)
en-IE - English (Ireland)
es-PA - Spanish (Panama)
ar-TN - Arabic (Tunisia)
en-ZA - English (South Africa)
es-DO - Spanish (Dominican Republic)
ar-OM - Arabic (Oman)
en-JM - English (Jamaica)
ar-YE - Arabic (Yemen)
en-029 - English (Caribbean)
ar-SY - Arabic (Syria)
en-BZ - English (Belize)
es-PE - Spanish (Peru)
ar-JO - Arabic (Jordan)
en-TT - English (Trinidad and Tobago)
ar-LB - Arabic (Lebanon)
en-ZW - English (Zimbabwe)
ar-KW - Arabic (Kuwait)
en-PH - English (Republic of the Philippines)
ar-AE - Arabic (U.A.E.)
ar-BH - Arabic (Bahrain)
ar-QA - Arabic (Qatar)
es-SV - Spanish (El Salvador)
es-HN - Spanish (Honduras)
es-NI - Spanish (Nicaragua)
es-PR - Spanish (Puerto Rico)
zu-ZA - Zulu (South Africa)
xh-ZA - Xhosa (South Africa)
tn-ZA - Tswana (South Africa)
quz-PE - Quechua (Peru)
cy-GB - Welsh (United Kingdom)
fil-PH - Filipino (Philippines)
iu-Latn-CA - Inuktitut (Latin) (Canada)
mi-NZ - Maori (New Zealand)
ga-IE - Irish (Ireland)
moh-CA - Mohawk (Canada)
ns-ZA - Northern Sotho (South Africa)
mt-MT - Maltese (Malta)
1.234,56 ca-ES - Catalan (Catalan)
da-DK - Danish (Denmark)
de-DE - German (Germany)
el-GR - Greek (Greece)
is-IS - Icelandic (Iceland)
it-IT - Italian (Italy)
nl-NL - Dutch (Netherlands)
pt-BR - Portuguese (Brazil)
ro-RO - Romanian (Romania)
hr-HR - Croatian (Croatia)
sq-AL - Albanian (Albania)
sv-SE - Swedish (Sweden)
tr-TR - Turkish (Turkey)
id-ID - Indonesian (Indonesia)
sl-SI - Slovenian (Slovenia)
lt-LT - Lithuanian (Lithuania)
vi-VN - Vietnamese (Vietnam)
eu-ES - Basque (Basque)
mk-MK - Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
fo-FO - Faroese (Faroe Islands)
ms-MY - Malay (Malaysia)
gl-ES - Galician (Galician)
fr-BE - French (Belgium)
nl-BE - Dutch (Belgium)
pt-PT - Portuguese (Portugal)
sr-Latn-CS - Serbian (Latin, Serbia)
ms-BN - Malay (Brunei Darussalam)
de-AT - German (Austria)
es-ES - Spanish (Spain)
sr-Cyrl-CS - Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)
de-LU - German (Luxembourg)
es-CR - Spanish (Costa Rica)
es-VE - Spanish (Venezuela)
es-CO - Spanish (Colombia)
es-AR - Spanish (Argentina)
es-EC - Spanish (Ecuador)
es-CL - Spanish (Chile)
es-UY - Spanish (Uruguay)
es-PY - Spanish (Paraguay)
es-BO - Spanish (Bolivia)
sr-Cyrl-BA - Serbian (Cyrillic) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
fy-NL - Frisian (Netherlands)
se-SE - Sami (Northern) (Sweden)
sma-SE - Sami (Southern) (Sweden)
hr-BA - Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
bs-Latn-BA - Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
bs-Cyrl-BA - Bosnian (Cyrillic) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
arn-CL - Mapudungun (Chile)
quz-EC - Quechua (Ecuador)
sr-Latn-BA - Serbian (Latin) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
smj-SE - Sami (Lule) (Sweden)
quz-BO - Quechua (Bolivia)
1'234.56 de-CH - German (Switzerland)
it-CH - Italian (Switzerland)
fr-CH - French (Switzerland)
de-LI - German (Liechtenstein)
rm-CH - Romansh (Switzerland)
1 234,56 bg-BG - Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
cs-CZ - Czech (Czech Republic)
fi-FI - Finnish (Finland)
fr-FR - French (France)
hu-HU - Hungarian (Hungary)
nb-NO - Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)
pl-PL - Polish (Poland)
ru-RU - Russian (Russia)
sk-SK - Slovak (Slovakia)
uk-UA - Ukrainian (Ukraine)
be-BY - Belarusian (Belarus)
lv-LV - Latvian (Latvia)
az-Latn-AZ - Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan)
ka-GE - Georgian (Georgia)
uz-Latn-UZ - Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)
tt-RU - Tatar (Russia)
mn-MN - Mongolian (Cyrillic, Mongolia)
nn-NO - Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway)
sv-FI - Swedish (Finland)
az-Cyrl-AZ - Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)
uz-Cyrl-UZ - Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)
fr-CA - French (Canada)
fr-LU - French (Luxembourg)
fr-MC - French (Principality of Monaco)
sma-NO - Sami (Southern) (Norway)
smn-FI - Sami (Inari) (Finland)
se-FI - Sami (Northern) (Finland)
sms-FI - Sami (Skolt) (Finland)
smj-NO - Sami (Lule) (Norway)
lb-LU - Luxembourgish (Luxembourg)
se-NO - Sami (Northern) (Norway)
1,234/56 fa-IR - Persian (Iran)
1 234-56 kk-KZ - Kazakh (Kazakhstan)
ky-KG - Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)
1 234.56 et-EE - Estonian (Estonia)

I hope someone might find this information useful.


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