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Union Lists: Single Value, Multiple Types

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20 Jan 20051 min read 68.9K   28   19
A union list is a simple union style type which can hold one value of any of a fixed number of types.


A union list ( ul ) is a polymorphic type that can hold one value from one of the predetermined set of types. The precise type that a union list represents is determined at run-time when constructed based on the type of the value it is initialized with.


The primary role of a union list is to allow polymorphism between completely unrelated types. Unions have too many unreasonable limitations to be useful in most situations.

Using a Union List

A union list is declared recursively as follows:

ul<int, ul<char const*, ul_end> >

Note that the last element has to be of type ul_end. Usually we would use a union list with a typedef to save typing:

typedef ul<int, ul<char const*, ul_end> > IntOrString_T;

Declaring a variable of type ul requires an initializing value, such as:

IntOrString_T i(42);
IntOrString_T s("hello");

Once a ul is constructed, it provides the index of the type that it represents.

cout << i.TypeIndex() << endl; // outputs 0
cout << s.TypeIndex() << endl; // outputs 1

Of course, what is most important is accessing the data. This is done by passing the index of the type as a template parameter:

cout << i.Get<0>() << endl; // outputs 42
cout << s.Get<1>() << endl; // outputs "hello"

Of course, it can be a bit tricky to always correctly match the index passed to Get() with the correct internal data index, but don't worry, the union list will throw an exception if you make a mistake:

cout << i.Get<1>() << endl; // throws an exception

The Code

Here is the entire source code for the union list:

// public domain by Christopher Diggins, January 2005
// This is a utility class which allows the user to define a
// union of an arbitrary number of a list of types
struct ul_end {
  const TypeIndex() { return 0; }
template<typename Head_T, typename Tail_T, int N>
struct TypeList {
  typedef typename TypeList<
    typename Tail_T::H_T,
    typename Tail_T::T_T,
    N - 1>::type
template<typename Head_T, typename Tail_T>
struct TypeList<Head_T, Tail_T, 0> {
  typedef typename Head_T type;
template<typename Head_T, typename Tail_T>
struct ul
  typedef typename ul<Head_T, Tail_T> self;

  template<typename T>
  ul(T x) : tail(x), tag(false) { }

  ul(Head_T x) : head(x), tag(true) { }

  ul(const self& x) : head(x.head), tail(x.tail), tag(x.tag) { }

  ul() { };

  typedef typename Head_T H_T;
  typedef typename Tail_T T_T;

  Head_T head;
  Tail_T tail;
  bool tag;

  template<int N>
  typename TypeList<Head_T, Tail_T, N>::type& Get() {
    if (N != TypeIndex()) {
      throw 0;
    return *(TypeList<Head_T, Tail_T, N>::type*)InternalGet<N>();
template<int N>
void* InternalGet() {
   return tail.InternalGet<N-1>();
void* InternalGet<0>() {
  return &head;
const int TypeIndex() {
    return tag ? 0 : tail.TypeIndex() + 1;

Here is some example code to get you going:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
typedef ul<
> test_type;
void output(test_type x) {
  switch(x.TypeIndex()) {
    case 0 : cout << "int : " << x.Get<0>() << endl; break;
    case 1 : cout << "char : " << x.Get<1>() << endl; break;
    case 2 : cout << "bool : " << x.Get<2>() << endl; break;
    case 3 : cout << "float : " << x.Get<3>() << endl; break;
    case 4 : cout << "string : " << x.Get<4>() << endl; break;
int main() {
  output(string("Hello world"));
  return 0;


It would be preferable to have the TypeList type as a member template, as it would save a lot of scaffolding code, but unfortunately that is not portable across platforms. Member type template specializations are not part of the standard for some obscure reason.


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Written By
Software Developer Ara 3D
Canada Canada
I am the designer of the Plato programming language and I am the founder of Ara 3D. I can be reached via email at

Comments and Discussions

Questiongreat code Pin
Martial Spirit18-Mar-16 20:45
Martial Spirit18-Mar-16 20:45 
GeneralElegant [modified] Pin
PlaceboZA4-Sep-06 3:43
PlaceboZA4-Sep-06 3:43 
GeneralProblem with typelist recursion Pin
Hades_G20-Jan-05 3:32
Hades_G20-Jan-05 3:32 
GeneralRe: Problem with typelist recursion Pin
Christopher Diggins20-Jan-05 5:29
professionalChristopher Diggins20-Jan-05 5:29 
Generallooks similar with Loki's TypeList Pin
chenlee16-Jan-05 15:02
chenlee16-Jan-05 15:02 
Generalul_end is not defined Pin
Hans14-Jan-05 7:23
Hans14-Jan-05 7:23 
GeneralRe: ul_end is not defined Pin
Hades_G20-Jan-05 4:15
Hades_G20-Jan-05 4:15 
GeneralRe: ul_end is not defined Pin
Christopher Diggins20-Jan-05 5:30
professionalChristopher Diggins20-Jan-05 5:30 
Mo Hossny13-Jan-05 6:28
Mo Hossny13-Jan-05 6:28 
Christopher Diggins20-Jan-05 5:30
professionalChristopher Diggins20-Jan-05 5:30 
GeneralThis is interesting !! Pin
WREY8-Jan-05 10:54
WREY8-Jan-05 10:54 
GeneralRe: This is interesting !! Pin
Christopher Diggins20-Jan-05 5:46
professionalChristopher Diggins20-Jan-05 5:46 
GeneralVery Nice!! Pin
WREY20-Jan-05 9:41
WREY20-Jan-05 9:41 
GeneralDo you have an idea... Pin
peterchen4-Jan-05 14:06
peterchen4-Jan-05 14:06 
GeneralRe: Do you have an idea... Pin
Christopher Diggins4-Jan-05 17:33
professionalChristopher Diggins4-Jan-05 17:33 
GeneralRe: Do you have an idea... Pin
Nemanja Trifunovic21-Jan-05 7:56
Nemanja Trifunovic21-Jan-05 7:56 
GeneralRe: Do you have an idea... Pin
.:floyd:.22-Jan-05 13:07
.:floyd:.22-Jan-05 13:07 
GeneralVery good Pin
Florian Heidenreich4-Jan-05 10:56
Florian Heidenreich4-Jan-05 10:56 
GeneralRe: Very good Pin
Christopher Diggins4-Jan-05 13:34
professionalChristopher Diggins4-Jan-05 13:34 

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