Situation is resolved!
When you issue GET requests to Google (and I'm imagining any other company service like theirs),
you have to perform it by using a secure line (SSL/TLS, etc.). Not doing so might trigger a number of errors depending on your specific scenario. In my case, the same code was giving me
different error types on the .GetResponse line: one type at work and one type at home (apparently since I'm behind a company Actvie Directory at work). I mention this little detail because it was the factor that kind of made my light bulb turn on and start looking in a certain direction ;-)
Now, during previous research I had stumbled upon an article (I apologize for not including the link since I shamefully lost it) explaining that the WebRequest method automatically uses SSL when it "sees 'https'" as the protocol specified in the URL. Unfortunately, this is not enough.
You have to force the use of SSL/TLS in the code or otherwise the endpoint might not like your request.
Finally I stumbled upon
This Article that gave me the light I needed.
I simply had to add the following lines of code before issuing the WebRequest:
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };
It worked perfectly!
I hope this helps anyone with the same problem, in the future.
Have a great day! :-)