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24hrs ago I asked a similar question (here) but with regards to a straight line,thanks to ppolymorphe for pointing it out, turns out I hadn't considered the return to starting point.

After fixing that and testing it out and I was happy with the solution,So I took the program to the next phase and used a scattered point instead of a straight line.

It gave this :
For Scattered 10 Cities, it usually gives the output solution of the cost around 1319, which is pretty good, but occasionally gives an output of the cost around 1400 and sometimes even 1500.
10 Cities Optimum Solution
10 Cities Bad Solution

Whereas, for 20 Cities, it usually gives the bad solution of the cost around 2500-3000, and very rarely gives a good solution of the cost around 1700-1800.
20 Cities Bad Solution
20 Cities Optimum Solution

How do I improve on the output? I would like it to output more optimal solution.

I have also notice that due to numerous for loops, if I increase my population size, the program takes longer to execute. I will appreciate any suggestions on improving the code to decrease the execution time.

I have made a minor change to the original project(link above) just so that I have a easier access to modifying the mutationRate,crossoverRate, and number of Cities.

public class City
	public int X { get; set; }
	public int Y { get; set; }

	public City(int x, int y)
		X = x; Y = y;

	public int GetDistance(City otherCity)
		int deltaX = X - otherCity.X;
		int deltaY = Y - otherCity.Y;
		return (int)Math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);

public class Constant
	public static List<City> CITIES = new List<City>()
		/*Straight Line*/
		//new City(150, 190),//0
		//new City(150, 73),
		//new City(150, 388),
		//new City(150, 65),
		//new City(150, 330),
		//new City(150, 5),
		//new City(150, 57),
		//new City(150, 380),
		//new City(150, 147),
		//new City(150, 251),  //9
		//new City(150, 159),
		//new City(150, 227),
		//new City(150, 117),
		//new City(150, 248),
		//new City(150, 150)//,//14
		//new City(150, 15),
		//new City(150, 94),
		//new City(150, 385),
		//new City(150, 145),
		//new City(150, 259)//19
		//new City(150, 195),
		//new City(150, 75),
		//new City(150, 71),
		//new City(150, 91),
		//new City(150, 35),
		//new City(150, 4),
		//new City(150, 88),
		//new City(150, 397),
		//new City(150, 370),
		//new City(150, 358),
		//new City(150, 47),
		//new City(150, 118),
		//new City(150, 143),
		// new City(150, 201),
		// new City(150, 314),
		// new City(150, 269),
		// new City(150, 182),
		//new City(150, 79),
		// new City(150, 353),
		// new City(150, 10)

		new City(6, 190),//0
		new City(29, 73),
		new City(47, 388),
		new City(52, 65),
		new City(75, 330),
		new City(77, 5),
		new City(93, 94),
		new City(132, 380),
		new City(389, 147),
		new City(121, 251),//9
		new City(230, 159),
		new City(73, 227),
		new City(317, 117),
		new City(52, 248),
		new City(265, 330),
		new City(77, 5),
		new City(393, 94),
		new City(407, 380),
		new City(401, 147),
		new City(322, 251),//19
		//new City(193, 190),
		//new City(259, 73),
		//new City(47, 71),
		//new City(52, 94),
		//new City(75, 35),
		//new City(77, 4),
		//new City(317, 94),
		//new City(132, 397),
		//new City(389, 380),
		//new City(121, 388),
		//new City(6, 47),
		//new City(29, 118),
		//new City(47, 143),
		//new City(52, 201),
		//new City(75, 314),
		//new City(77, 269),
		//new City(93, 182),
		//new City(132, 73),
		//new City(389, 353),
		//new City(121, 10)

	public static double MUTATION = 0.50;
	public static int POPULATION = 400;
	public static int SAMECOUNT = 120;
	public static double CROSSOVER = 0.6;
	public static int TOURNAMENTSIZE = 40;

public class Chromosomes
	public static int DefaultGeneLength = Constant.CITIES.Count();
	private int[] Genes = new int[DefaultGeneLength];

	public Chromosomes()
		Genes = Enumerable.Repeat(-1, DefaultGeneLength).ToArray();

	public int[] GetGenes()
		return Genes;

	private int Fitness = 0;

	//Create a random individual
	public void GenerateRandom()
		int timesZero = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < Size(); i++)
			bool repeat = false;
				int index = (int)(new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).NextDouble() * (double)Size());
					repeat = true;
					if(index == 0){
						if(timesZero ==0)
						timesZero = 1;
						Genes[i] = index;
						repeat = false;
					repeat = false;
					Genes[i] = index;
			}while(repeat == true);
		{ }
	public int GetGene(int index)
		return Genes[index];
	public void SetGene(int index, int value)
		Genes[index] = value;
		Fitness = 0;

	public int GetFitness()
		if (Fitness == 0)
			Fitness = FitnessCalc.GetFitness(this);
		return Fitness;
	public int Size()
		return Genes.Length;

	public string Show(City[] cities)
		StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder();

		foreach (int i in Genes)
			sbuilder.Append(cities[i].X + "," + cities[i].Y + ">>");
			//sbuilder.Append(cities[i].Y + ">>");
		sbuilder.Append("Total Cost:" + GetFitness());
		return sbuilder.ToString();

public class FitnessCalc
	static public City[] cities;

	public static void Initialize(City[] arrCities)
		cities = new City[arrCities.Count()];
		for (int i = 0; i < arrCities.Count(); i++)
			cities[i] = arrCities[i];

	internal static int GetFitness(Chromosomes chromosomes)
		int count = chromosomes.GetGenes().Where(i => i == 0).Count();
		if (count > 1)
			return 99999;
		int cost = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < chromosomes.Size() - 1; i++)
			int dist = cities[chromosomes.GetGene(i)].GetDistance(cities[chromosomes.GetGene(i + 1)]);
			cost += dist;
		//add cost to return to starting point - to make a loop
		cost += cities[chromosomes.GetGene(chromosomes.GetGenes().Length - 1)].GetDistance(cities[chromosomes.GetGene(0)]);
		return cost;

GA_TSPVER2:Genetic Algorithm Logic
public class GA_TSPVer2
	private static double uniformRate;
	private static double mutationRate;
	private static int tournamentSize;
	private static bool elitism = true;

	//Evolve a population
	public static Population Evolve(Population pop,double mutation,double crossover,int tournament)
		mutationRate = mutation;
		uniformRate = crossover;
		tournamentSize = tournament;
		//Creating New Population
		Population newPopulation = new Population(pop.Size(), false);
		//Keep out best individual
		if (elitism)
			newPopulation.SaveIndividual(0, pop.GetFittest());

		//Crossover population
		int elitismOffset;
		if (elitism)
			elitismOffset = 1;
			elitismOffset = 0;

		//Loop over the population size and create new individuals with crossover
		for (int i = elitismOffset; i < pop.Size(); i++)
			Chromosomes indiv1 = TournamentSelection(pop);
			Chromosomes indiv2 = TournamentSelection(pop);
			Chromosomes newIndiv = Crossover(indiv1, indiv2);    
			newPopulation.SaveIndividual(i, newIndiv);
		//Mutate Population
		for (int i = elitismOffset; i < newPopulation.Size(); i++)
		return newPopulation;

	//CrossOver Individuals
	private static Chromosomes Crossover(Chromosomes indiv1, Chromosomes indiv2)
		Chromosomes newSol = new Chromosomes();
		//for (int i = 0; i < newSol.GetGenes().Length; i++)
		//    newSol.SetGene(i, -1);
		//Loop through genes : CrossOver Type 1
		for (int j = 0; j < newSol.Size(); j++)
			double toss = (new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).NextDouble());
			if (toss > uniformRate)
				//Crossover with Chromo 2
				int Gene = 0;
				int geneLeft = indiv2.GetGenes().Length - j;
				int counter = j;
					if(geneLeft == 0)
						Gene = indiv2.GetGenes().Except(newSol.GetGenes()).First();
					else { 
						Gene = indiv2.GetGenes().ElementAt(counter++);
					bool b = newSol.GetGenes().Contains(Gene);
				newSol.SetGene(j, Gene);
				//Crossover with Chrome 1
				int Gene = 0;
				int geneLeft = indiv1.GetGenes().Length - j;
				int counter = j;
					if (geneLeft == 0)
						Gene = indiv1.GetGenes().Except(newSol.GetGenes()).First();
						Gene = indiv1.GetGenes().ElementAt(counter++);
					bool b = newSol.GetGenes().Contains(Gene);
				} while (newSol.GetGenes().Contains(Gene));
				newSol.SetGene(j, Gene);

		//Cut-Paste Section Crossover Type 2
		//int toss = (int)(new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).NextDouble());
		//if (toss > uniformRate)
		//    int d = (int)(new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).NextDouble() * indiv1.Size());
		//    for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
		//    {
		//        newSol.SetGene(i, indiv1.GetGene(i));
		//    }
		//    int[] leftovers = indiv2.GetGenes().Except(newSol.GetGenes()).ToArray();

		//    int counter = 0;
		//    for (int i = d; i < indiv2.Size(); i++)
		//    {
		//        newSol.SetGene(i, leftovers[counter++]);
		//    }
		//    newSol = indiv1;
		return newSol;

	//Mutate an individual
	private static void Mutate(Chromosomes indiv)
		//Loop through genes
		for (int i = 0; i < indiv.Size(); i++)
			double d = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).NextDouble();
			if (d <= mutationRate)
				//Create random gene
				//switch gene
				int sindex = (int)(new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).NextDouble() * indiv.Size());
				int sValue = indiv.GetGene(sindex);
				int eindex;
					eindex = (int)(new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).NextDouble() * indiv.Size());
				} while (sindex == eindex);
				int eValue = indiv.GetGene(eindex);
				indiv.SetGene(sindex, eValue);
				indiv.SetGene(eindex, sValue);


	//Select individuals for crossover
	private static Chromosomes TournamentSelection(Population pop)
		//Create a tournament population
		Population tournament = new Population(tournamentSize, false);

		Population selection = new Population(tournamentSize/2, false);
		var temp = pop.individuals.OrderBy(x => x.GetFitness()).Take(tournamentSize/2);
		//int counter = 0;
		//foreach(Chromosomes c in temp)
		//    selection.SaveIndividual(counter++,c);
		//For each place in the tournament get a random indivudual
		for (int i = 0; i < tournamentSize; i++)
			double d = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).NextDouble();
			int randomId = (int)(d * selection.Size());
			//tournament.SaveIndividual(i, selection.GetIndividual(randomId));
			tournament.SaveIndividual(i, temp.ElementAt(randomId));
		//Get the fittest
		Chromosomes fittest = tournament.GetFittest();
		return fittest;


public class Population
	public Chromosomes[] individuals;

	//Create a population
	public Population(int populationSize, bool initialize)
		individuals = new Chromosomes[populationSize];
		if (initialize)
			//Loop and create individuals
			for (int i = 0; i < Size(); i++)
				Chromosomes newIndividual = new Chromosomes();
				SaveIndividual(i, newIndividual);

	public Chromosomes GetIndividual(int index)
		return individuals[index];

	public Chromosomes GetFittest()
		return individuals.Aggregate((i1, i2) => i1.GetFitness() < i2.GetFitness() ? i1 : i2);

	public int Size()
		return individuals.Length;

	public void SaveIndividual(int index, Chromosomes individual)
		individuals[index] = individual;

Main Class
public class MyMain
	public static void Main()
		TSPVer2.Population myPop = new TSPVer2.Population(Constant.POPULATION, true);
		int generationCount2 = 0;
		int sameCount2 = 0;
		int thisCost2 = 0;
		int oldCost2 = 0;
		while (sameCount2 < Constant.SAMECOUNT)

			myPop = TSPVer2.GA_TSPVer2.Evolve(myPop, Constant.MUTATION,Constant.CROSSOVER,Constant.TOURNAMENTSIZE);
			thisCost2 = myPop.GetFittest().GetFitness();
			if ((int)thisCost2 == (int)oldCost2)
				Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - 1);
				Console.WriteLine("Same:" + sameCount2 + " Cost" + thisCost2);
				Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - 1);
				sameCount2 = 0;
				oldCost2 = thisCost2;
				Console.WriteLine("Old Cost:" + oldCost2 + ", New Cost:" + thisCost2);
		Console.WriteLine("Gen:" + generationCount2);

	 public static void ClearCurrentConsoleLine()
		int currentLineCursor = Console.CursorTop;
		Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop);
		Console.Write(new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth));
		Console.SetCursorPosition(0, currentLineCursor);

What I have tried:

I have tried changing the mutationRate, crossOverRate, populationsize
Updated 5-May-16 21:46pm

1 solution

if I increase my population size, the program takes longer to execute.
Normal, this is the reason why it is called NP-Hard problem.
Keep in mind that this is a combinational problem.
The more you add cities, the longer it takes to solve the problem and it is not linear.

A genetic algorithm is doing random changes, as you approach optimal solution, the number of efficient changes reduce and thus are less likely to be found.
You can consider that genetic algorithm is not efficient because of its random nature.
See algorithms in link.
Travelling salesman problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[^]
I will appreciate any suggestions on improving the code to decrease the execution time.
Unless you make a theoretical breakthrough, I fear there is not much to advice that is not already in the link.

The only advice is to let program do more rounds to get better solutions. Secondary problem, you will never know that you are on the optimal solution.

So genetic algorithm with random changes alone wouldn't give optimal solution
It will with time, faster with luck.
What would be your suggestion,
Not much !
Any algorithm that explore all possibilities will take ages but ensure optimal solution.
Any algorithm that skip some possibilities will be faster but may miss the optimal solution.
The problem is still open in science, as of today, a good algorithm is one that will give a fairly good solution in reduced time.
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j4rey89 6-May-16 7:33am    
That's disappointing...all the time I was thinking that there was something wrong will my code.....So genetic algorithm with random changes alone wouldn't give optimal solution......What would be your suggestion, if I wanted an optimal solution? Perhaps combining Neural Network with Genetic Algorithm Or perhaps should I apply some use of minimum spanning tree(MST)? Will Simulated Annealing give a better result?

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