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I am trying to convert the Delphi funtions BaseIntToStr or BaseStrToInt to c# I am not getting the exact results as compared to delphi. Any one can help me out over here.

C# code
private int BaseStrToInt(string value)
    string temp;
    string validChars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    int result = 0;

    result = 0;
    for (int index= 0; index < value.Length; index++)
        temp = value.Substring(index, 1);
        result = (result * 36) + validChars.IndexOf(temp);

    return result;
private string BaseIntToStr(int value)
    string result = string.Empty;
    int temp = value;
    char[] base36Chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray();

    //while(value != 0)
        temp = (value  % 36);
        result = base36Chars[temp] + result;
        value = (value / 36);

    result = result.PadLeft(3-result.Length, '0');
    return result.Substring(0, 3);

Delphi code
function BaseStrToInt(const Base : byte; const strToConvert : string) : longint;
   intResult : longint;
   bytIndex : byte;
  strValidChars : string [36] = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
  intResult := 0;
  for bytIndex := 1 to Length(strTOConvert) do
   intResult := (intResult * Base) + Pred(Pos(UpperCase(strToConvert[bytIndex]),strValidChars));
  Result := intResult;

function BaseIntToStr(const Base : byte; intToConvert : longint; intDigits : integer) : string;
    intIndex  : integer;
    strResult : string;
    strValidChars : string [36] = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
  strResult := '';
    strResult := strValidChars[Succ(intToConvert mod Base)] + strResult;
    intToConvert := intToConvert div Base;
  until intToConvert = 0;

  for intIndex := 1 to (intDigits - Length(strResult)) do
    strResult := '0' + strResult;

  strResult := Copy(strResult,1,intDigits);

  Result := strResult;
samyu1* 6-May-10 15:47pm    
Any one who has Delphi and c# knowledge please help me out. Thank you.

C# strings are unicode and this code is a hideous hack. You can use ToString on a number to turn it to a string representation. You can use int.TryParse to try to convert a full string of numbers into a numeric representation.
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samyu1* 6-May-10 16:02pm    
Actually this is not just converting int to string or string to int It converts a string to an integer in the base specified i.e. Base 2 (binary), Base 10 (standard), Base 16 (Hex), etc.
For a somewhat limited number of bases there is

// Usage
// Convert.ToString(numberToConvert, baseInDecimal);

// Example
Convert.ToString(6, 2); //Will output '110'

The problem is that the only bases it allows are 2, 8, 10 and 16.

I have just found Converting numbers to another radix[^] which may assist you.

<Edit 2>
The c# example on this[^] page on MSDN claims to convert to any base in the range 2,36.
</Edit 2>
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