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by Steve Krile
Fully AJAX-enabled user control used to select names from a database in a drop-down format.
by Member 4206974
FormGen, a JavaScript Form Generator
by Evoluteur
A full jQuery UI widget which supports various configurations and themes
by Arthur V. Ratz
Use HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Ajax for creating a simple lightweight Windows Vista/7 sidebar desktop gadget

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by Zohaib Waqar
Building a RESTful API using ASP.NET Web API and consume it using AJAX for seamless interaction between the front-end and back-end.
by Member 4206974
FormGen, a JavaScript Form Generator
by Mehul M Thakkar
.NET library to call server side method or API from JavaScript
by Manoj Mohan 07
Use Django to visualize download stats of Python packages and gain insights into package popularity and usage trends

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24 Jul 2010 by atverma
How to disable subsequent submit button clicks when a request is being processed in ASP.NET AJAX client side script code
25 Mar 2011 by Ravi_Baghel
How to use NHibernate in ASP.NET
17 Jan 2017 by
23 Jul 2012 by Neeraj Kaushik1980
This article demonstrates implementation of knockoutjs observable viewmodel with jquery and ASP.NET MVC 3 and how to bind viewmodel with HTML controls.
8 Aug 2010 by Abhijit Jana
How to sort ASP.NET DropDownList based on DataValueField or DataTextField using LINQ?
28 Nov 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Uploading the files - HTML5 and jQuery way
29 Jul 2017 by Debashis 10433656
How to create an ASP.NET control for image resizer and cropper keeping aspect ratio
23 Apr 2013 by Rion Williams
How to find the ASP.NET configuration tool in Visual Studio 2012
16 Apr 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
We will see one example of how to bind one DropDownList using jQuery Ajax and C# WebMethod.
5 Jun 2016 by Santhakumar M
 In this article we will discuss how we can integrate with Disqus comment system in MVC. 
2 Jan 2010 by Sky Sanders
AccessControlModule can impart a greater consistency and usability upon the default behaviour of FormsAuthentication and allow any client script code to leverage FormsAuthentication in a straight forward manner.
23 Sep 2010 by Abhijit Jana
A post on how to remove Hyperlink from ASP.NET TreeView Nodes Control Nodes
13 Aug 2013 by Nitin Singh India
An introduction to AJAX with multicast delegates.
14 Jan 2014 by Imran Abdul Ghani
Performing CRUD operations using ASP.NET Web API - Part 2
5 Mar 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
If you want to set text inside AJAX HTMLEditor or HTMLEditorExtender, then this is the right place. Enjoy the tip.
19 Oct 2014 by Nitesh Kejriwal
How to get multiple selected rows from GridView in ASP.NET
5 Apr 2016 by Passion4Code
Unobstrusive Ajax and how to handle unauthorized request in MVC
17 Jan 2017 by Robert Edström
Conditionally set sliding expiration time on authentication cookies in ASP.NET Core
12 Feb 2017 by levelnis
A quick example to show how to check for a duplicate username
3 May 2010 by micahs
Making Cross Domain jQuery AJAX Calls
26 Dec 2011 by zoyobar
Binding and Handling JSON Field In jQuery Repeater
23 Mar 2012 by jqwidgets
Bind jqxChart to SQL Database using ASP.NET MVC3
7 Jul 2012 by Midhunlal G
All about making an old control compliant with very new AjaxControlToolKit
25 Apr 2013 by Rion Williams
Canceling file uploads using the ASP.NET FileUpload control
28 Jan 2014 by Kashif Akhter
ASP.NET Ajax Application Architecture (jQuery, jSon, .NET ScriptService)
10 Feb 2014 by Timmy Kokke
A very simple Windows Store application based on TypeScript that uses jQuery and KnockOut to get some data from the internet and show this in a GridView
17 Apr 2014 by jgauffin
This article explains how you can automatically proxy CORS requests in jQuery without changing your existing code.
1 May 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
In this blog, we will learn to change the Background Color of Ajax HtmlEditorExtender using ColorPickerExtender.
17 Oct 2014 by Vivek Goyal
Adding AJAX HTMLEditorExtender control to a webform
20 Sep 2015 by Anuraj Parameswaran
This post is about getting code coverage of ASP.NET 5 using Opencover. In computer science, code coverage is a measure used to describe the degree to which the source code of a program is tested by a particular test suite.
25 Oct 2015 by Anuraj Parameswaran
Enabling GZip Compression in ASP.NET 5
22 Apr 2016 by Mayur V Lohite
IntroductionSecurity is the most important attribute for any system. Providing secure experience is one of the key principles in the process of gaining customer confidence for a system.
14 Sep 2016 by Dave Ceddia
AJAX Requests in React: How and where to fetch data
25 Jan 2010 by Tom Janssens
A very simple tasklist in order to show you on how to get started using this library.
6 Jan 2011 by De, Subhendu
This blog will discuss how ASP.NET page automatically notifies when MSMQ message arrives
12 Feb 2011 by ozkary
Get File name from URL Path - ASP Classic
10 Mar 2011 by Rick Bassham
An easy way to do an AJAX call to another domain
6 Apr 2011 by jgauffin
How to get enums to work with HtmlHelpers.
10 May 2011 by Christoph Keller
A simple element with big lists
20 Jul 2011 by Gil Fink
What Model Binders are in ASP.NET MVC and how you can use them in your MVC applications.
12 Apr 2012 by Nizar Noorani
This is the first in a series of posts on writing integration tests for ASP.NET using the Selenium web application testing system.
16 Apr 2012 by cpsglauco
Little-Big bug from ScriptManager
10 Jun 2012 by jgauffin
How to handle transactions in ASP.NET MVC3
21 Dec 2012 by Robert Hoffmann
Lightweight JSON protocol proposal
26 Jan 2013 by Tharaka MTR
7 Feb 2013 by Patrick Cunningham
This article uses 8 steps to create example of how to read and write from HTML to a SQL database in a .NET web application using jQuery, JSON, and XML.
23 Apr 2013 by Rion Williams
Resolving controller blocking within .NET 4.5 and ASP.NET MVC.
23 Apr 2013 by Rion Williams
Centering a SliderExtender control in ASP.NET WebForms
20 May 2013 by n.podbielski
Global UpdatePanel loading indicator in ASP.NET.
13 Sep 2013 by Pragmateek
This article describes the general principles, without diving too deeply into technical details that would be specific to a given platform.
17 Mar 2014 by Sampath Lokuge
This is a review about the Video Course of jQuery UI Development
4 May 2014 by Arun Ramachandran India
CodeProject In the last blog post on ASP.Net MVC, we have discussed about setting initial selected value in a RadioButtonList. You can read that article here. In this article we will go over implementing CheckBoxList  in ASP.Net MVC. Let’s try to understand this with an example.
24 Jun 2014 by Rajat-Indiandotnet
FIFA World Cup 2014 with Angular.js & ASP.NET - Part II
30 Oct 2014 by Mohamed Meligy
Serializing a PagedList using JSON.NET in ASP.NET MVC – Gotcha And Workaround
9 Feb 2015 by madan535
Authorize.Net Credit card processing Integration in ASP.NET
19 Sep 2015 by Anuraj Parameswaran
Today in ASP.NET forums I found one question about implementing Exel export from ASP.NET5 / MVC 6. So I thought I will implement and share the code. So this post is about implementing excel export using Open XML SDK in ASP.NET 5.
21 Nov 2015 by Nitin Singh India
jQuery Promise: An Introduction to AJAX with Multicast Delegates
15 Dec 2019 by Ahmed Bouchefra
How to send Ajax requests in Django 2 and Python 3.7 to add CRUD operations in your application and manipulate your Django models and database without having to refresh your web pages each time
8 Jan 2020 by Debashis 10433656
How to create an ASP.NET control for image resizer and cropper keeping aspect ratio
26 Sep 2009 by Sohel_Rana
Microsoft Ajax CDN
21 Oct 2010 by Mohamemd Magdy Diab
16 Apr 2011 by andy404
Minify JavaScript and CSS using Microsoft Ajax Minifier
25 Apr 2011 by Wayne Ye
"Unique URL Pattern" in Ajax Web Application
18 Sep 2011 by Gediminas Geigalas
ASP.NET MVC localization using ActionFilter
17 Nov 2011 by zoyobar
This article describes the role and use of the Parameter object in JQueryElement.
18 Nov 2011 by zoyobar
This post explains how do client-side and server-side convert data type when calling a WebService using Ajax
27 Dec 2011 by zoyobar
Using the master page of ASP. NET, you only need make one login box in the MASTER page, the CONTENT page allows you to share it.
29 Dec 2011 by zoyobar
If a web page need a long time to execute in server-side, you can display the page loading progress to the user by ResponseProgress.
1 Feb 2012 by Giorgi Dalakishvili
Dynamic ViewState in ASP.NET WebForms – Part 2
2 Feb 2012 by Artem Smirnov
Custom ASP.NET Model Binders Series - Part 3: Subclassing your models
7 Jun 2012 by gmtzgtz
A JSON feed implementation to a service that provides quotes for precious metals
18 Jan 2013 by Md Nazmoon Noor
Serializing to JSON in jQuery.
23 Jan 2013 by eric hexter
ASP.NET Web Config Transform Console Utility released on Nuget
22 Jan 2013 by Alexander Turlov
How to programmatically set a value of a watermarked TextBox via JavaScript
9 Apr 2013 by Manny Khasria
Maintaining high resolution of dynamically created image using ASP.NET and C#
24 May 2013 by Shakeel Iqbal
How to use TinyMCE in ASP.NET Single Page Application using Knockout
14 Aug 2013 by Alex Choroshin
How to get login name and display name using SharePoint 2013 REST API.
10 Mar 2014 by Imran Abdul Ghani
Model Validation in ASP.NET Web API
21 May 2014 by M.Hussain.
In this post, I implemented auto-suggestion using pure JavaScript.
3 Jun 2014 by Ankesh Dave
Write less do more with ASP.NET MVC templates
9 Jun 2014 by Jeffrey T. Fritz
Arrgh!  I've got an annoying issue in ASP.NET postback: it's not entering the event handler for my button click at all. Read on to learn how I solved this annoying issue.
4 Jul 2014 by Alexander Turlov
Cheat sheet for enabling output caching in ASP.NET MVC
2 Nov 2015 by Anuraj Parameswaran
This post is about uploading files to ASP.NET 5 web application using HTML5 file API.
4 Sep 2017 by Alvin Bunk
Ajax in Symfony project
29 Sep 2017 by Alvin Bunk
How to test a dropdown list in Symfony and Mink
3 Jan 2020 by Ahmed Bouchefra
How to import HttpClientModule and send Http Ajax requests to JSON REST API Servers
26 Jan 2011 by Abhijit Jana
Ways in which you can prevent someone from decrypting ViewState data
18 Oct 2011 by Abhijit Jana
How to use Visual Studio 2010 to profile your ASP.NET application which is hosted on IIS
28 Jan 2013 by Noor Ahmad Feroozi
When using JavaScript or jQuery in UpdatePanel enabled web page, everything will work fine at the first page load, but after any asynchronous post back happens by UpdatePanel, all JavaScript and jQuery effects will vanish.
6 Jun 2012 by jgauffin
How to handle transactions in ASP.NET MVC3
13 Sep 2015 by Sander Rossel
The sixth in a series on MEAN web development.
25 Sep 2015 by Rajneesh Kumar Verma
This article will guide you to Create, Read, Update and Delete Data using Angular JS in ASP.NET MVC 4
6 Jan 2010 by Williarob
ASP.Net Threading Inside the ASP.Net Worker Process there are two thread pools. Theworker thread pool handles all incoming requests and the I/O Threadpool handles the I/O (accessing the file system, web services anddatabases, etc.). Each App Domain has its own thread pool and thenumber of ope
10 Oct 2013 by Rion Williams
This post will cover how to get yourself up and running using SignalR within Visual Studio 2010 in a jiffy.
2 Jan 2014 by John Atten
As we all know, users are impatient. We also know that if we don't tell them our application is "doing something" they tend to do silly things like click the mouse repeatedly, seeking some sign that the requested action is indeed being performed.
24 Nov 2011 by Wayne Ye
Describes a standard way to implement Cross-Origin Ajax request other than JSONP or something else.
26 Jul 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Use of GZipStream or DeflateStream to compress your HTML output in your response when available. Added new class as WhiteSpaceFilter to remove whitespaces from HTML.
22 Apr 2010 by Sky Sanders
Or: “What I hope is not just ‘Yet Another Visual Studio JavaScript Intellisense Walkthrough’”
4 Jul 2011 by Brij
Call HTTPhandler from jQuery, Pass data and retrieve in JSON format
16 Jun 2014 by Arun Ramachandran India
ASP.NET MVC - HiddenInput and ReadOnly attributes