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Amazon S3


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by Lazaro Lima
This paper attempts to pass all the steps to create an automated backup for a MongoDB Server on a Linux Server where all backups are sent to Amazon AWS S3 service scheduled through crontab.
by Jigar_Patel
Amazon S3 lib for uploading file in C++ using VS2010
by PaulKukiel
Static sites are common place, often I'll knock something up as a proof of concept and to share that with my friends I'll make a public s3 bucket and send the link, quick and easy.
by John Duquette
How-to setup an FTP server on an EC2 instance using S3 for storage

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by Necmettin Demir
To provide a URL link to access objects in private S3 bucket through AWS Cognito User Pool (using hosted UI), Authorized API Gateway and Lambda in a Secure Way.
by PaulKukiel
Static sites are common place, often I'll knock something up as a proof of concept and to share that with my friends I'll make a public s3 bucket and send the link, quick and easy.
by Arthur V. Ratz
How to predict S&P 500 Index on the SAP-HANA SQL-engine backend using EML library
by Thai Tran
Automatically pull static web page code from GitLab and deploy it to Amazon S3 using Jenkins.

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Amazon S3 

19 Feb 2013 by Lazaro Lima
This paper attempts to pass all the steps to create an automated backup for a MongoDB Server on a Linux Server where all backups are sent to Amazon AWS S3 service scheduled through crontab.
27 Jun 2012 by Tim Corey
If you follow the direction here, you can get a free account:[^]Please note, however, that you still need to use your credit card to sign up and if you choose to use the services that are not free, they will charge you. The credit card is to ensure that if you...
9 May 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
I would suggest starting at[^].
14 Feb 2016 by Jigar_Patel
Amazon S3 lib for uploading file in C++ using VS2010
15 Jun 2020 by PaulKukiel
Static sites are common place, often I'll knock something up as a proof of concept and to share that with my friends I'll make a public s3 bucket and send the link, quick and easy.
1 Jan 2012 by vash91
Hi, I need to know how the deployment procedure carrying out for a WCF service in Amazon Web Services? I not yet find out a sample code for deploying and my project work been blocked by this process. Plz help me out to figure out this situation.
25 Mar 2012 by IncredibleRam
Hello Fellow Developers,I was working on a web application where admin can create a bucket and then upload the files to that bucket and some other tasks like generate Public URL, Make file readable for normal user through code etc.Now i am done with every thing but i am still not...
27 Mar 2012 by IncredibleRam
Hello Fellow DevelopersI am here again,this time i want to check the Size for a folder inside a specific bucket in Amazon S3 bucket using vb.Is that possible to do, if so any link and help will be appriciated.thanks and regardsRam
26 Jun 2012 by saisne
I need your help to build an application that allows users to store and upload image from amazon s3,someone knows good links to start?Thanks,
27 Jun 2012 by saisne
I want to create a free account on amazon s3, someone can tell me how to do, since I created an account but it asks me to pay
15 Feb 2013 by John Duquette
How-to setup an FTP server on an EC2 instance using S3 for storage
24 Apr 2013 by sumitk.cadc
I am developing a software in WPF to upload files on amazon cloud. I am able to successfully upload file using httpweb reuqest object. My problem is that when i pause the upload (i have created a pause button) it should be stop uploading at that time, but when i resume the upload, it display the...
20 Jan 2014 by Member 10538020
As a new in this platform i need some help.I want to access bucket list, create bucket list, uploading file and downloading file from amazon s3.I want sample code which is use for MAC OS x - Objective-c , cocoa application.
5 Aug 2014 by Jigs Desai
its much easy just check the link[^]
15 Sep 2014 by BharatPrajapati212
Hi everyone I'm trying to upload .csv file in amazon S3 it works fine till one file was uploaded, but after then system hangs and nothing will happen next.I was refer this but not get right solution.If you have right way then please let me aware.My code is herpublic static void...
23 Sep 2014 by teja sai ravi
Please Tell Me The Process And Steps I Have to follow i Dont any Thing About this process Please help me Thanku....
23 Sep 2014 by Smrutiranjan Parida
This article is a good one for you.
6 Nov 2014 by Member 10387757
Hi,Can someone suggest sample scripts for cloudfront 2014-10-21 invalidation. I need to do it manually with 2014-10-21 cloudfront api.
27 Jun 2016 by Rahul Kumar
Hi,I uploading videos using Multipart Upload to Amazon-S3 using the node.js. I am using the this[^] reference The uploaded video by default is only accessible to owner.When uploading file using below codevar params_to_upload_on_S3 = { ACL: 'public-read',...
27 Feb 2015 by Member 10239808
I am working on aws to back up my data. i want to choose following approach for backing up my data.1. suppose i have n numbers of organizations and each organization has n number of departments and each department has n numbers of users.2. i want to back up those organizations data based...
27 Feb 2015 by Member 10239808
here is the answer for above question
1 Apr 2015 by Member 10239808
Hi, I am working on amazon s3 buckets, i have a n number of users whom data has to be stored on the amazon. i want to give access to those users on their correspondence folders only.The approach i selected is to use federated users credentials for each user and a policy to that...
9 May 2015 by cookieburner
how can AWS be use for small database mysql , perl and php environment ? Please let me know how can i evaluate to migrate a working environment over AWS including mysql database , working perl scripts and web server ??any help will be great ...
15 May 2015 by kubibay
Hi,I want to cors upload my video file from browser to Amazon S3 storage via project. But I keep getting this error:the request signature we calculated does not match the signature you providedHere is the javascript code I have;function uploadFile() { var access_key =...
1 Jun 2015 by Member 10239808
I am getting an error while uploading large files more than 50 MB using PUTObjectRequest**. It throws an error **unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.I am using federated user for this putobjectrequest. Please...
1 Jun 2015 by Member 10239808
Hi I am using temporary credentials for making put object request into amazon s3 bucket.Since file size is large. My Credentials goes expired after a time and file is in progress.Will it be uploaded successfully or not?
17 Aug 2015 by Member 8787053
Hello,I am uploading file to Amazon cloud storage using WCF Rest service. The service receives Stream as a input and this stream is being passed to CloudUpload API. Below is my code.public void UploadFileWithStream(Stream FileStream) { try ...
10 Oct 2015 by Member 12048582
guys I m working on a project in which I have to upload file to amazon s3 from fileupload . I want a simple way to do it. I m new to this so I don't know how to do it . I will appreciate if you shared a sample code for it.
10 Oct 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Let me Google that for you...[^]
17 Nov 2015 by Abdul Rahman BCS
I am a developer and new to MWS. Can anyone explain me how can I make sure the SellerID, MarketplaceID and MWS Auth Token which provided by a seller are valid? Is there any API methods to validate or should I do it by sending a request to an API method such as GetMatchingProduct using those...
27 Jun 2016 by Member 12603216
Hello,Uploading file to aws s3 using transfer utility[^]In the above link, you can use the fourth option to upload file with meta data. Under meta data, you can alter the permissions for the file.Hope it helps you!
15 Sep 2016 by srilekhamenon
iam trying to download encrypted file from amazon but iam geting the errorSystem.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException was caught HResult=-2146233296 Message=Decrypting a value requires that a key be set on the algorithm object.What I have tried:cloudEncryptS3 = new...
15 Sep 2016 by Patrice T
Message is pretty explicit!Quote:System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException was caughtHResult=-2146233296Message=Decrypting a value requires that a key be set on the algorithm object.What you don't understand here ?Decrypting a value requires that a key be set on the algorithm...
28 Feb 2017 by Abu RAHIM
HiI have some files(.txt, .doc, .xlsx etc) in my bucket and is it possible to perform a content level search in AmazonS3 through my C# application? That is, when we type a string and upon pressing key in my application, every files that contains the searched string in its content...
2 Jun 2017 by Member 13237994
We are building a solution for field technicians that utilize Apple iPhones out in the field to track data for installations at assigned sites. The iPhone is running a custom-built application that field techs utilize to view their list of assigned installations for the day. They can also log...
16 Jun 2017 by Mahesh2223
Hello Guys how do i get the buckets list from amazon web services using javascript or c#..i have accessid and security id..i need to display the bucket names which are present in aws please help?? What I have tried: var s3 = new AWS.S3({ accessKeyId: '', ...
16 Jun 2017 by Mahesh2223
using (IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(awsAccessID,awsSecretAccessKey , Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USWest2)) { ListBucketsResponse response = client.ListBuckets(); List buckets = response.Buckets; ...
10 Dec 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Amazon S3 REST API Introduction - Amazon Simple Storage Service[^]
11 Dec 2018 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This question already had an answer a few days back, searching would have provided you with the resource, How to download file amazon s3 bucket in C#?[^]
12 Dec 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
This is the fourth time you have posted this question. Please do not keep reposting the same thing. If you have issues with any of the suggestions already provided then please use the Reply button beneath those messages to ask for further information or clarification.
12 Dec 2018 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Sometimes it is better to just get the code from the internet—especially when it comes to Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google, etc. They invest a good amount of money and time in their online documentations and samples. So you can (sometimes) rely on them. So, I am going to shamelessly copy their...
24 Jan 2019 by DGKumar
how to use Encoding.unicode in TransferUtilityUploadRequest in dotnet The below code is working if i use response Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8; var bytes = encoding.GetBytes("José Nuñez"); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes); StreamReader...
24 Jan 2019 by MadMyche
I'm not even sure that Headers.ContentEncoding is a standard header. There is a Content-Encoding header but that is related to compression (eg gzip, deflate). It looks like you may have a problem with Response.Charset = encoding.EncodingName;, which would give out the "friendly name" as opposed...
30 Oct 2020 by Member 14978977
I want to Create the following resources using Terraform: An S3 bucket An IAM role An IAM policy attached to the role that allows it to perform any S3 actions on that bucket and the objects in it An EC2 instance with the IAM role attached ...
21 May 2022 by Necmettin Demir
To provide a URL link to access objects in private S3 bucket through AWS Cognito User Pool (using hosted UI), Authorized API Gateway and Lambda in a Secure Way.
13 Jul 2017 by Chris Moutsos
How to connect to Amazon S3 with gSOAP to store and retrieve data
6 Feb 2017 by Anuja Pawar Indore
Multi-Tenancy means same instance shared amongst all customers.
2 Jan 2018 by Thai Tran
Automatically pull static web page code from GitLab and deploy it to Amazon S3 using Jenkins.
4 Feb 2011 by Chuck Han
Using the PHP AWS SDK (S3) to upload and show private files.
19 Apr 2013 by Mohit_Rudra
var config = new Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Config(); string filename="yourfilename.png"; config.CommunicationProtocol = Amazon.S3.Model.Protocol.HTTP; Amazon.S3.AmazonS3 client = Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client("youraccessKeyID",...
19 Jul 2017 by Jaiswar Vipin Kumar R.
In the digital world, we are in Machine Leaning Phase. Where are need to everything on lighting speed. Data storing as we need, in our custom formant, and their availability, stability should be done on finger tips with low infrastructural cost.
29 Jan 2016 by kubibay
Hi,I'm using Amazon S3 for cloud storage.I want to create a signed url from Amazon .Net SDK (AWSSDK)But I couldn't do it. I'm having problem on creating distribution.Here is my code;Origin origin = new Origin();origin.DomainName = bucketName +...
13 Sep 2023 by Apoorva 2022
I fixed the error my mentioning the region within the code: kendra = boto3.client("kendra", region_name='us-east-1') index_id = "05d8defe-e2-a9e3-3534de" query = "boots please" response = kendra.query( QueryText = query1, IndexId =...
11 Sep 2023 by Apoorva 2022
I'm trying to build a semantic search engine using Amazon Kendra. I wrote the code on Sagemaker's Jupyter Notebook. I'm stuck at the following part: Code: response = kendra.query( QueryText = "retrieve blue colored shoes from the inventory...
1 Oct 2019 by Member 14169626
I has access key,secret key and bucketname.And I want to download the file on the server with amazon s3 using them.How do I download with these 3 information. What I have tried: I searched and I applied the code I found, but I get an error.Error is connection failure was thrown. ...
20 Sep 2023 by Apoorva 2022
I'm using Amazon Kendra to build a semantic search engine. Following is a piece of my Python code written in Sagemaker notebook: kendra = boto3.client("kendra",region_name='us-east-1') index_id = "05d8defe-e2-a9e3-3534de" query = "boots...
1 Aug 2014 by Jigs Desai
i want put my website on amazon cloud AWS. which i provided free for 1 year . can any one guide correct way how to do that or just give me some good links to refer. thank you friend . i hope for fast reply :)
22 Sep 2023 by Apoorva 2022
I fixed the issue. Here's how I did it: I attached "AmazonKendraFullAccess" policy to the SageMaker role (AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-xxxxxxxx) in the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) console.
26 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Have a look at this sample shared by Amazon on similar line: Petboard: An ASP.NET Sample Using Amazon S3 and Amazon SimpleDB [^]
8 Apr 2015 by Member 11586521
string accessKey = "****************";string secretKey = "*****************";AmazonS3Config config = new AmazonS3Config();config.ServiceURL = "";AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(accessKey, secretKey, config);PutBucketRequest request = new...
12 May 2015 by Member 10239808
I am using amazon web apis to generate federated user credentials e.g. GetSessionToken. It's working fine on my localhost machine but throw error on live server . Any guesses?Error throws: A WebException with status TrustFailure was thrown.Thanks & RegardsAmit Manchanda: )
6 Oct 2015 by Abdul Rahman BCS
I need to Integrate my amazon seller central with Netsuite to manage my products that is to be listed in Amazon.How do i implement an integration between amazon and netsuite?
15 Sep 2016 by srilekhamenon
finally i found the solution of my problemClient Side Data Encryption with AWS SDK for .NET and Amazon S3 - AWS Developer Blog - Windows and .NET[^]
30 Oct 2020 by Member 14978977
Here is What I have tried so far to { "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Effect":"Allow", "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "Resource":"arn:aws:s3:::" }, { "Effect":"Allow", "Action":["s3:ListBucket","s3:GetBucketLocation"],...