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Great Reads

by Michael Haephrati
Now you can store your own voice recordings kept by Amazon but not made available to customers
by Dave Kerr
There are cases where great efforts have been made to adopt microservice patterns without understanding the specifics of the problem at hand...
by Timothy Svecz
Amazon AWS: Setting up FTP on EC2 Windows Instances
by Mike V Baker
This article describes the process of setting up Single-Sign-On (SSO) for a Node.js website hosted on Amazon Web Services and configuring Elastic Beanstalk for HTTPS.

Latest Articles

by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Use Amazon ECS and API Gateway to implement Microservice
by Bohdan Stupak
This article describes a super-minimalistic auth endpoint based on AWS Lambda.
by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
Application that can be used to work with subd and connecting Amazon RDS to the project
by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
In this article, I'll show you how easy it is to move your MS SQL database to Amazon RDS cloud

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15 Jun 2012 by Timothy Svecz
Amazon AWS: Setting up FTP on EC2 Windows Instances
19 Feb 2013 by Lazaro Lima
This paper attempts to pass all the steps to create an automated backup for a MongoDB Server on a Linux Server where all backups are sent to Amazon AWS S3 service scheduled through crontab.
20 Jul 2021 by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
In this article, I'll show you how easy it is to move your MS SQL database to Amazon RDS cloud
28 Dec 2012 by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Provides brief advise on software customization possibility without need to create own modified AMI
15 Jun 2020 by PaulKukiel
Static sites are common place, often I'll knock something up as a proof of concept and to share that with my friends I'll make a public s3 bucket and send the link, quick and easy.
1 Dec 2021 by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
Application that can be used to work with subd and connecting Amazon RDS to the project
15 Feb 2013 by John Duquette
How-to setup an FTP server on an EC2 instance using S3 for storage
6 Apr 2014 by Mike114
How to setup unit test environment on Amazon Elastic Bamboo instance
4 Jan 2016 by Matt Comb
This tip describes how to establish a software based VPN connection with an Amazon VPC.
27 Sep 2018 by Friedrich Rehren
This tip shows you how to validate Requests by Alexa according to the Amazon requirements.
17 Jun 2021 by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
Creating Amazon Lex bot and connecting with Telegram bot
26 Nov 2013 by Mumtaz Tariq
Setup RSA SecurID on Amazon EC2 Server
6 Oct 2014 by nitish kansal
Search system implementation using cloudsearch