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Everything / operating-systems / WinCE / CE.NET4.1



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by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to help get a user started in building a mobile database application using Visual Studio .NET (C#).
by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to show how to add data replication to a mobile application through the use of .NET (C#).
by Steven Campbell
A fully tested component capable of encoding and decoding yEnc data.
by Daniel Fisher (lennybacon)
This article describes how to create a custom configuration file AppSettings reader class.

Latest Articles

by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to help get a user started in building a mobile database application using Visual Studio .NET (C#).
by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to show how to add data replication to a mobile application through the use of .NET (C#).
by Steven Campbell
A fully tested component capable of encoding and decoding yEnc data.
by Daniel Fisher (lennybacon)
This article describes how to create a custom configuration file AppSettings reader class.

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by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to help get a user started in building a mobile database application using Visual Studio .NET (C#).
by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to show how to add data replication to a mobile application through the use of .NET (C#).
by Steven Campbell
A fully tested component capable of encoding and decoding yEnc data.
by Daniel Fisher (lennybacon)
This article describes how to create a custom configuration file AppSettings reader class.
by Hannes Foulds
An article on creating a custom collection like the SortedList that sort entries by value instead of by key.
by aprenot
A generic algorithm that can be used to find the difference between objects.
by xicoloko
Implements a DataGrid with a Master/Detail view on data.
by Salil Pitkar
Proposal to make C# properties flexible whilst maintaining the Smart Field syntax.
by Sandip Dalvi Tung
This code is very useful when you want to auto increment number using A-Z and 1-9 with possible combinationYou can pass any string and system will return next possible number e.g. You can Pass number "PRO01A9" then You will get "PRO01B1"
by Noel Frankinet
A virtual WTL ListView control on an SQLite3 table or view.
by Mark Johnson
A suggestion to an alternative way to support languages under the .NET Framework.
by Ashish Kaila
An outlook style toolbar control in ASP.NET
by popnadrian
Educational article about C# events
by Jonathan Nethercott
Shows how to write a color button control for the .NET compact framework.
by nguyenthanhtungtinbk
This article shows you the advantage of PNG images with alpha-blending feature in creating animation and demonstates how to use PNG images in Framework.NET application by calling API
by chmod2222
Having problems changing app.config and web.config? Use your own settings class. Easy to add new keys and save to disk.
by Nick Parker
Using reflection and a custom attribute to bind data to UI elements.
by Heath Stewart
Discusses the implementation of custom format providers for existing types and custom formatting for user-defined types.
by sh856531
A simple tutorial showing how we can customise the templates used by VS when it generates source code for us.
by Microsoft - Compact Framework
Learn how to create a single .msi file that is run from the desktop to install an application on different Pocket PC devices. The development process is automated so it's easy to build and package all of the necessary components into the .msi file. Sample code is provided for C# and VB.NET.
by AhmedEssamNaiem
Using Vector and double linked list to create trees
by Jonathan Nethercott
A component to enable performance testing and timing of code in .NET.
by Derek Bartram
A quick start guide to custom event generating and handling
by c-smile
HTML/XML scanner/tokenizer, also known as a pull parser
by Matthew Hazlett
Step by step instructions and theory
by Nilesh Surve
This code will give you the diffrence between the two dates in days.Some time it is required in the program to get diff. between two dates.It is so small and very efficient code.
by Adam Nelson
Presents a C# implementation of Double Metaphone, for use with any of the .NET languages.
by saiful_vonair
Defines many to many relationship between different types of classes.
by Guenther Klenner
The DataPlotter is a .NET control for graphical display of 2D data. For both the X and Y axis, a linear or logarithmic (any base) scaling can be selected.
by Dan Glass
Mail queue using a SQL database
by ThaddParker
An article on the use of the OverlibPageControl and OverlibPopupAnchor for extended manipulation of the overLIB popup JavaScript library.
by Simon Kittle
Step by step instructions for creating an MSI Windows Installer for Pocket PC applications.
by Agha Zair Ali
A way to capture signature on Pocket PC and saving as BMP file
by Saurabhdotnet
This article helps in exploring the power of Visual Inheritance and makes your application development very easy.
by BenDi
Another addition to the System.Collections namespace - a priority queue, also known as a heap.
by Jim Wiese (aka Spunk)
Execute an assembly on a remote machine without any special hooks - works on existing assemblies!
by Martin Randall
A ScrollableControl extension to generate horizontal and vertical scroll events.
by kig
An article on how to implement and use variant. Variant is useful for creating heterogeneous containers and much more.
by Jose Luis Balsera
This article proposes a solution that mitigates the lack of debug console, when building Compact Framework-based Pocket PC apps.
by Alain Rist
Featuring cell menu, in-place editor, single control and split dialogs, Vista shell and Mobile file controls and selection dialogs
by Heath Stewart
Use XML Digital Signatures for a request- and signing-based licensing mechanism for your applications.
by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
In this article, I will propose why developers like yourself should care about .NET, even if you are not planning to move to .NET.
by Alain Rist
Plug-in CodeProject's CStdString as WTL::CString and get the WTL CString support with a Standard C++ Library implementation.
by jemodurn
XSLT to transform Excel XML spreadsheet to CSV or HTML table.