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IIS 5.0


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by Max Paulousky
This article describes MS TFS Proxy efficiency testing depending on the internet channel rate between TFS and TFS Proxy, TFS commands, and TFS Proxy cache state. Also, this article describes the advantages of using the MS TFS Proxy on slow Internet channels.
by Joe Lima and Port80
This paper outlines a common sense, cost-effective approach to lowering total cost of ownership and improving Web site and Web application performance.
by Jake Morgan
Deploy zip files to your web application and serve compressed files directly out of the zip file.
by Justin Williams
Leveraging the Common Gateway Interface in C#.

Latest Articles

by carlos@takeapps
A working implementation of a REST service in .NET 2.0.
by Denis Voituron
This article describes how to develop a reverse proxy in C# using the IIS HTTPHandlers.
by Harshana Eranga Martin
This article contains code to send email using Gmail accounts.
by Max Paulousky
This article describes MS TFS Proxy efficiency testing depending on the internet channel rate between TFS and TFS Proxy, TFS commands, and TFS Proxy cache state. Also, this article describes the advantages of using the MS TFS Proxy on slow Internet channels.

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IIS 5.0 

26 Sep 2008 by Max Paulousky
This article describes MS TFS Proxy efficiency testing depending on the internet channel rate between TFS and TFS Proxy, TFS commands, and TFS Proxy cache state. Also, this article describes the advantages of using the MS TFS Proxy on slow Internet channels.
24 Mar 2004 by Joe Lima and Port80
This paper outlines a common sense, cost-effective approach to lowering total cost of ownership and improving Web site and Web application performance.
8 May 2008 by Jake Morgan
Deploy zip files to your web application and serve compressed files directly out of the zip file.
27 Jan 2005 by Justin Williams
Leveraging the Common Gateway Interface in C#.
15 Apr 2006 by Raj Lal
A dynamic web application needs an admin section for CRUD actions on the records/tables in the database. Wouldn't it be nice to have a database admin, which can be plugged to any web application? Just give your SQL connection string and it dynamically manages all table operations in just five pages.
16 May 2006 by DaberElay
Passing large amounts of data through web services can become a huge bottle-neck in a WAN application architecture (i.e., server is on the web), and in any case, a real load on the network traffic. This is one solution for downsizing the network costs.
8 Jul 2004 by Simon Steed (SimonAntony)
This article explains how using caching within your Windows Forms application can speed up data access for frequently used data and avoid performance bottlenecks over the network.
25 Jan 2008 by code-frog
A simple guide meant to take the reader through a series of questions that will help them plan for and manage their business network.
28 Nov 2008 by Denis Voituron
This article describes how to develop a reverse proxy in C# using the IIS HTTPHandlers.
10 Oct 2001 by Konstantin Boukreev
Creating a CookieSpy explorer bar with ATL
4 Apr 2006 by Salvatore Vetro
The art of swap from a database to another changing a flag
5 Jan 2005 by Teo Lachev
Introducing Microsoft Reporting Services.
17 Oct 2001 by Chris Maunder
An introduction to writing your first WebService using C++ with managed extensions
15 Nov 2005 by Tittle Joseph
An ASP.NET custom panel control which is curved on the corners, could be minimized/maximized, displayed as a nugget, and can work as a container for anything.
13 Feb 2007 by Vlad Hrybok
This article describes how to run DotNetNuke content management system on UltiDev Cassini web server, which unlike IIS can run on Windows XP Home and can be redistributed along with the DotNetNuke applications.
17 Jan 2008 by Rolf Szomor
A work-around for ASP.NET menu parent menuitem highlighting.
26 Aug 2005 by Hannes Foulds
This article shows how DPAPI and Triple DES can be used to encrypt connection strings and other sensitive strings for storage in the ASP.NET web.config file.
6 Dec 2006 by fschudel
A simple tool to find unused subs, functions and variables in your ASP code.
17 Sep 2007 by Tiago Halm
An overview on Filter.NET as a framework designed to expose the ISAPI Filters API to .NET while maintaining the power, flexibility and efficiency of the IIS platform
24 Dec 2005 by Vlad Hrybok
The article describes creating a Visual Studio .NET Setup Project that allows ASP.NET applications to be deployed on boxes that don't have IIS installed. Some familiarity with Visual Studio .NET Setup Projects will help better understand the material in this article.
17 May 2005 by Javier Lozano
This article shows you how to use async handlers along with XMLHTTP to process long executing tasks in ASP.NET.
15 Sep 2004 by ChrisAdams
A technique to use the IIS Basic Authentication mechanism to control access to trace.axd.
25 Jun 2005 by wduros1
A file upload utility that uses BITS as the transfer engine.
16 Jun 2005 by Mark Belles, Gabe Wishnie
Tool for creating multiple web site definitions under Windows XP.
15 May 2005 by Klaus Salchner (Canada)
Microsoft Indexing Server is a powerful indexing and search engine for your web or file search. This article explains how to set up Indexing Server and how to search its index from within your application.
3 May 2005 by Stephen Huen
Review of MCMS Connector for SharePoint Technologies.
27 Aug 2006 by Toby Emden
How to protect secure assets using a .NET Reverse Proxy, an ISAPI redirection filter and .NET Forms Authentication
5 Jun 2002 by Chris Maunder
An introduction to writing your first WebService
30 Dec 2007 by Scott Dorman
Explains how to use managed code to detect which version of Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed and if ASP or ASP.NET is registered.
11 Apr 2005 by Daniel Fruzynski
How to reduce DataGrid's ViewState size, while maintaining all DataGrid's functionalities.
12 Apr 2005 by Praveen Nayak
A vanilla implementaion showing how Updater Block 2.0 can be included in a Windows Forms application.
6 Jan 2009 by carlos@takeapps
A working implementation of a REST service in .NET 2.0.
17 May 2006 by Stephen Huen
Provides a start page for search engines to crawl a Content Management Server (MCMS) web site.
14 Nov 2004 by Kevin Staunton-Lambert
A general overview of Internet technologies including what the Internet actually is, what HTML and XML are, using Web forms, CGI/MIME, IIS ISAPI, ASP and creating HTML based front ends to databases via ODBC32, OLE DB, ADO and ASP.NET
27 Jun 2005 by Stephen Huen
Gives Content Management Server web sites search capability using SharePoint Portal Server as the search engine.
15 Nov 2005 by Sujith John Thomas
The article explores the SMTP concepts, configuration and simple mail service.
16 Aug 2004 by Agemo
A simple web page template parser to separate layout from code.
7 Dec 2004 by Steven Berkovitz
How to push HTML content to a blackberry handheld using MDS
27 Jun 2005 by Stephen Huen
Gives Content Management Server web sites search capability using SharePoint Portal Server as the search engine.
22 Jan 2005 by Stephen Huen
Display content from a Content Management Server placeholder in a WSS site.
17 Feb 2005 by Matthew So (Hong Kong)
File management with searching, uploading and Email function and ASP.NET Cache is employed.
31 Aug 2004 by mysorian
A tutorial on connecting to SQL 2000 Server.
5 Aug 2004 by aa2max
Simple News System using ASP and MS Access
31 May 2005 by
Using .NET's System.Globalization class for retrieving month names in forgein lanaguages, and the DateTimeFormatInfo for keeping your dates the correct way around.
28 Mar 2005 by
ASP TreeView is a advanced ASP control that's base on Server side / Client side technique. server side: Asp + JScript, client side: Jscript + HTML.
3 Aug 2004 by Proxy4NT
An article on using ISAPI with MFC support to modify the authentication realm
11 Jul 2004 by aa2max
Easy Guestbook with ASP and MS Access
2 Feb 2006 by Prasad Khandekar
A JavaScript based random password generator with pattern string support.
24 Nov 2007 by W. Kevin Hazzard
Site maps make your websites search engine friendly. Learn how to generate them dynamically using your site's HTTP 404 error handler page.
27 Sep 2005 by Andrew M Baldwin
An article about the Multiformity Open Source project.
7 Mar 2005 by felipep
Server.MapPath does NOT return the physical path of global.asa.
28 Dec 2004 by Daniel Fisher (lennybacon)
This article describes how to use System.Web.Mail with the SMTP server's pickup directory.
18 May 2005 by S Sansanwal
This article describes the function to post XML data to an ASP.NET page and then read the data on an ASP.NET page
12 Apr 2005 by piers7
Demonstrates how to get two-way databinding work in ASP.NET without subclassing all your controls.
15 Feb 2005 by Scott McCain
A reusable progress bar server control for ASP.NET server pages.
14 Jun 2005 by asanoguera
With that class you only have to set a few properties and you can access to the webservices, only need know the URL of webservice, the method to invoke, and parameters.
9 Dec 2005 by Tittle Joseph
Did you know that you can call any JavaScript function or stop the user from moving to the next page when he clicks on the paging links in an ASP.NET DataGrid? Read on...
25 Sep 2006 by Mahi2407
This article is all about providing Context Sensitive Help in a web page, asynchronously or AJAX style, using Client Callbacks in .NET 2.0.
20 Oct 2005 by newbegin
using javascript create printer-friendly pages,Writing the content directly into the popup windows. Using this script the pop up window can be created which holds the data that has to be printed.
10 Nov 2008 by Harshana Eranga Martin
This article contains code to send email using Gmail accounts.
19 Aug 2005 by Rouser
Transfer arguments between dialog page and invoker page in 1.1
15 Nov 2004 by Crazyloon (N. Smith)
An article explaining how to connect and collect information from a remote computer using the WMI interface.
11 Mar 2008 by Sushant Joshi
To adjust the size of the drop-down list dynamically at the client-side and adding back-ground and fore-ground color to the drop-down list.
14 Jul 2004 by Bobby Ryzhy
An article on browsing via directories or HTTP, with ASP.NET.
28 Apr 2005 by Stephan Pilz
A tool to generate/manage news and provide news via RSS.
25 Apr 2005 by Nirosh
This article focuses on demonstrating the usage of DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation) with Web Services. Here, you will have two applications, one is a Web Serivice that uses DIME technology to send an attachment (of different types) to a client side, other is a Windows Forms application.
15 Aug 2005 by Hai, Nguyen
How to configure Log4Net for desktop and Web applications
30 Sep 2005 by Abi Bellamkonda
ASP.NET Reports Starter Kit Porting from Windows to Linux using Mainsoft's Grasshopper
23 Oct 2007 by PuneWala
This tool is useful to create new virtual directories with extra settings in One Click !
7 Feb 2005 by Daniel Fruzynski
This article shows how to remove unwanted white chars from each line, and some of the new line chars too. My code correctly handles scripts embedded in HTML pages.
3 Aug 2004 by Proxy4NT
An article on how the authorization can be used in a ISAPI Extension
29 Apr 2007 by Dimitar Madjarov
An article which describes an alternative way of cooperation between Oracle PL/SQL and C#
9 Dec 2000 by Troy Marchand
A simple way to separate your design from your scripting when populating forms with data.
29 May 2006 by VictorVele
Example for read Magnetic Strip Reader using ActiveX, COM Object for KioskMsr reader
31 Mar 2002 by xicoloko
A ProgressBar control to be used in WebForms
7 Aug 2007 by albert arul prakash
XSS gaining popularity to hack into websites. This article describes how to power yourself against XSS
17 Jul 2004 by Vasanth Kumararajan
22 Sep 2004 by Ansil
Article which demonstrates how to pass data between pages.
5 Aug 2005 by Suresh Reddy B.V
Usually NUnitASP is used to test web controls(UI) on ASPX page. This artilcle explain how to test HTML controls which are on the ASPX page.
5 Oct 2004 by Joey Chömpff
An article on managing Session information.
29 Oct 2004 by aa2max
A simple image gallery with captions using ASP.
29 Oct 2004 by eleung
A C# .NET serviced component that encapsulates MQ PUT and MQ GET.
9 Aug 2004 by x_scripterx
Creating dynamic connection string on a remote site.
19 Jun 2007 by dimpant
How to implement a mechanism to provide links to your web shared local files using XML, AJAX, and Web Services.
28 Feb 2007 by Asim_Abbasi
ASP based with MS Access as backend, recruitment mangement system. No DLLs.
15 Dec 2007 by ammar_shaker
8 Aug 2004 by mysorian
Guest Entry form with an XML control.
29 Aug 2004 by Michael Kalika
This article outlines how to separate an ASP.NET Web Application into multiple Web Projects (Assemblies).
7 May 2005 by kesmellon
30 Jan 2006 by
This is a series of articles providing Building Blocks for any ASP.NET application.
11 Jan 2008 by Makesh Sanwal
You may have to give access or hide controls based on the user logged in. This article would help you write custom code to show/hide or enable/disable controls
20 Jul 2004 by Balachandar Ganesan
29 Nov 2004 by mayafit
How to share user controls between projects
12 May 2005 by Rabeek
An article on Word append using interop.
20 Dec 2004 by AtulMalhotra
Cryptography classes available in .NET.
4 Dec 2007 by dilip23
New Ajax Navigation Docable Bar
25 May 2006 by DEEPCHAND KOSTA
Create Dynamic Line Chart graph