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Great Reads

by Sander Rossel
Getting your feet wet in NoSQL with MongoDB!
by Eric Bishard
In this article, we hope to provide resources that will help you hit the ground running on your path to learning about document databases and Couchbase.
by Keyhole Software
A mobile application served from CouchDB.
by ColdskyXia
How to add new documents to a collection more efficiently

Latest Articles

by Sander Rossel
Getting your feet wet in NoSQL with MongoDB!
by Eric Bishard
In this article, we hope to provide resources that will help you hit the ground running on your path to learning about document databases and Couchbase.
by Keyhole Software
A mobile application served from CouchDB.
by ColdskyXia
How to add new documents to a collection more efficiently

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by Eric Bishard
In this article, we hope to provide resources that will help you hit the ground running on your path to learning about document databases and Couchbase.
by Vikas Sharma
In this article, we will focus on aggregation pipeline. I'll try to cover each major section of it using simple examples. We will be writing mongo shell commands to perform aggregation.
by Espen Harlinn
A lightweight timeseries storage engine, capable of storing millions of timeseries values per second
by Matías Quaranta
Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft’s globally distributed multi-model database, when we team it up with Azure Functions, Azure’s serverless compute service, the result is the ideal database for the serverless era.
by Microsoft
This tutorial covers: Creating and connecting to an Azure Cosmos DB account, Configuring your Visual Studio Solution, Creating an online database, and more!
by binit.ku.singh
MongoDB was designed from the beginning to scale out. Its document-oriented data model allows it to automatically split up data across multiple servers.
by George Swan
Highlights the latest developments in both the Mongo open-source document database and the open-source official C# driver.
by Anthony_Chu
In this article, we'll look at how we can use Azure Functions and SignalR Service to broadcast real-time document changes in Azure Cosmos DB to clients over WebSockets.
by Microsoft
In this tutorial, you learn how to build a .NET Core app to manage Azure Cosmos DB SQL API data.
by Microsoft
This quick start demonstrates how to create an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API account, document database, and collection using the Azure portal. You'll then build and deploy a todo list web app built on the SQL .NET API, as shown in the following screenshot.
by Microsoft
This tutorial shows you how to build a Node.js console application to create Azure Cosmos DB resources and query them.
by Dan Ionescu (USINESOFT)
More on data manipulation
by otark777
Some thoughts about one page Angular site based on ASP.NET Web API 2 and Cassandra NOSQL database
by Arlen Navasartian
This is a simple example of a web based chat application implemented using Firebase.
by Raspberry Man
How to make the domain independent from db4objects.
by Sacha Barber
A look at several Document database, and a look at how to use them
by Ganesan Senthilvel
An article on DotNet programming using Cassandra storage
by Duncan Edwards Jones
An introduction to Event Sourcing for the relational database savvy developer
by Brett Goodman
How to use FileDb as a local database in your .NET, Silverlight and Windows Phone applications
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Overview of built-in support for JSON text processing in new SQL Server
by Mihail Mateev
Cloudant is a NoSQL database as a service (DBaaS) built from the ground up to scale globally, running non-stop, and handling a wide variety of data types.
by Rami Sayar
In this installment, I will show you how to use your existing express-based Node.js app to create a chatroom backend with WebSocket support.
by Vitaliy Rudnytskiy, Lucia Subatin (Google)
Use SAP HANA to help Thomas get started with help from other developers in the community using text analytics, graph and geospatial.
by Peter Carrasco
High Performance search using MongoDB and ASP.NET MVC
by Lao Chen
A lightweight method to process binary XML. As a general data representation technique, it simplifies the design of database and protocol with convenience.
by Mihail Mateev
Cloudant distributed database as aservice (DBaaS) is engineered in a way to help you solve issues with indexingand searching by integrating the Apache Lucene search library.
by Suffyan Asad
How to implement Joins in Hadoop Map-Reduce applications during Reduce and Map phases
by Arun_Vijayraghavan
In this article we provide a basic understanding of why and when you should consider Ottoman for your next Node.js project.
by Mauricio David
Simple, fast and free embedded .NET NoSQL Document Store in single data file
by Terence Wallace
Alternative VB.NET version of "LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file"
by nomi ali
In this article we learn MEAN Stack a combination of open source JavaScript framework. How they work and How can create a single page application using these technologies. We use these JavaScript technologies not only on front end but also on the back end.
by Michael Sydney Balloni
Learn about the inner workings of a dynamic database, and how SQLite is a great fit
by Srinivasa Dinesh Parupalli
Importing Documents from SQL Server to Azure Cosmos DB
by Phani Krishna Kollapur Gandla
Migration of Relational Data structure to Cassandra (No SQL) Data structure
by Muhammad Idrees GS
Queries to explain update items in MongoDB
by Craig G. Wilson
Using MongoDB from C#.
by Muhammad Idrees GS
This article demonstrates how to setup MongoDB running on your machine
by Bruce Yang CL
A distributed system architecture, mobile devices around the world, free charge to construct your global application
by Pradip Koli
Using NoSQL DBreeze database with ASP.NET on SQL Northwind Database.
by Daniele Fontani
That is the question. A comparison between these two technologies and some tips to choose the best that suits your needs.
by adityaswami89
NoSQL: MongoDB for beginners
by Yaseer Mumtaz
After setting up the basic development environment, let's create the master/layout and home page
by Mehdi Gholam
Smallest, fastest embedded nosql persisted dictionary using b+tree or MurMur hash indexing. (Now with Hybrid WAH bitmap indexes)
by Mehdi Gholam
Even faster Key/Value store nosql embedded database engine utilizing the new MGIndex data structure with MurMur2 Hashing and WAH Bitmap indexes for duplicates. (with MonoDroid support)
by Ayende @ Rahien, Paul B.
An introduction to RavenDB - a new open source .NET document database using .NET 4.0 and VS 2010
by Hariharan Arunachalam
Create a usable redis component to enable usage of the redis storage system
by Matthew Dennis
A utility to run Redis, or other executables, as a Windows Service.
by Marc Clifton
No word has a value that can be identified independently of what else is in its vicinity.
by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Three approaches to store tree like structures with NoSQL databases in MongoDB
by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Three approaches to store tree like structures with NoSQL databases
by Tomaz Koritnik
TmStorage is a structureless virtual file system from which complex storages or databases can be built.
by Henry He
This article is to show all the cloud products in Amazon web service family to let developers have a big picture of Amazon cloud computing solution.
by Espen Harlinn
Easy to use C++ wrapper classes for the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) C API
by Espen Harlinn
An Implementation of a Database layer using my C++ wrapper classes for the ESE C API
by Ercan Anlama
Introduces how to use MongoDB in your ASP.NET MVC project using the official C# driver.
by Enrique Albert
Unit of Work and Repository RavenDB implementation example
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Learn about various use cases how you can leverage JSON support in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database
by Jeremy Likness
Learn how to partition collections using the C# MongoDB driver with Azure Cosmos DB
by StormSpirit Team
This article shows how to develop applications in Amazon SimpleDB with C#.
by ASP.NET Community
This article explains how to work with NoSQL databases, why to use NoSQL, what NoSQL databases are present, .NET APIs for NoSQL and Further Reading