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Everything / database / Redis



Great Reads

by DaShaun Carter
Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise has been in preview since October 2020 and has already been adopted by multiple organizations. App developers who want to take familiar Redis caching and data to the next level will also want to get their hands on this fully managed Azure native service.
by david.ribeiro
A small set of C# classes/projects that create a simple cache component that interacts with Redis
by Yaseer Mumtaz
ASP.NET Core Microservices With Angular 11 Front End, API Gateway, Redis and SQL Server
by Fiyaz Hasan
Creating local server farm with IIS to test out Redis session storing functionality in a ASP.NET web application.

Latest Articles

by DaShaun Carter
Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise has been in preview since October 2020 and has already been adopted by multiple organizations. App developers who want to take familiar Redis caching and data to the next level will also want to get their hands on this fully managed Azure native service.
by david.ribeiro
A small set of C# classes/projects that create a simple cache component that interacts with Redis
by Yaseer Mumtaz
ASP.NET Core Microservices With Angular 11 Front End, API Gateway, Redis and SQL Server
by Fiyaz Hasan
Creating local server farm with IIS to test out Redis session storing functionality in a ASP.NET web application.

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by DaShaun Carter
Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise has been in preview since October 2020 and has already been adopted by multiple organizations. App developers who want to take familiar Redis caching and data to the next level will also want to get their hands on this fully managed Azure native service.
by david.ribeiro
A small set of C# classes/projects that create a simple cache component that interacts with Redis
by Yaseer Mumtaz
ASP.NET Core Microservices With Angular 11 Front End, API Gateway, Redis and SQL Server
by Fiyaz Hasan
Creating local server farm with IIS to test out Redis session storing functionality in a ASP.NET web application.
by wliao
Implementing an auto completion feature with Redis, NodeJS and jQuery
by Vladimir Dorokhov
Development cross platform Chrome Application for Azure developers.
by Garbel Nervadof
Creating a very simple console chat app using C# (.NET Core) and Redis pub/sub feature, just with 55 lines of code
by Jonathan Cardy
Account of why and how I have written an open-source library for caching Redis data within a .NET client.
by alirıza adıyahşi
Creating a web farm on Docker container using redis, haproxy and abp module zero core template
by Theo Despoudis
Diamanti lets you deploy containerized applications in your environment faster, easier and cheaper, with minimal operational risk and 24/7 first-class enterprise support.
by Prasoon Madnawat
This articles describes how to write a caching solution using Redis on .NET platform.
by Najeeb Shaikh
Unlike SQL databases, Redis does not support querying by columns natively, which means that you have to maintain your own indexes. As it turns out, Redis provides a rich set of data types to the programmer to ease this task.
by Mack Ait-Aoudia
Introduction to Redis for performance
by José Cintra
IoT architecture proposal for sensor data acquisition modules using the REDIS database and the GO language
by Redis Labs
Learn how to analyze time-series data through RedisTimeSeries with Apache Kafka in this practical walkthrough.
by setevoy4
Redis replication setup example with a basic Master-Slave replication and Redis Sentinel
by Redis Labs
Learn how to ingest tweets in real-time and query them flexibly using RediSearch with Azure Cache for Redis.
by KimJohnson
.NET Redis container and strongly typed data objects
by John-ph
A simple way to design queue based messaging solution in .NET Core to solve complex problems
by Micha C
This is about creating a single page web site using an ASP.NET Web API Service which stores the data via Cache Manager.
by Eduard Silantiev
Deep refactoring and refinement of ASP.NET Core WEB API application code
by Eduard Silantiev
Using various approaches to increase ASP.NET Core WEB API application's productivity
by Bert O Neill
In this article, I provide a detailed overview of using IDistributed Cache to improve the performance of your EF Core queries, against On-Premise caching systems like Redis, NCache, SqlCache, MySqlCache, MongoDBCache and API Output caching.
by Aleksandr Ulanov
Learn how to use Redis and its geospatial indexes and commands for complex geo calculations
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
How to build an app with chat capability using Azure Redis cache