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Great Reads

by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by bjarneds
A tool for browsing public and private members in any running .NET application (and a generic InvokeRemote method that wraps the code injection).
by Hugo Wetterberg
A new(?) approach to scripting in .NET applications.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.

Latest Articles

by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by bjarneds
A tool for browsing public and private members in any running .NET application (and a generic InvokeRemote method that wraps the code injection).
by Hugo Wetterberg
A new(?) approach to scripting in .NET applications.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.

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by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by bjarneds
A tool for browsing public and private members in any running .NET application (and a generic InvokeRemote method that wraps the code injection).
by Hugo Wetterberg
A new(?) approach to scripting in .NET applications.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.
by Jonathan [Darka]
Setting up a Microsoft Symbol Server
by Ivan Shcherbakov
The article describes 10 time-saving debugging techniques available in Visual Studio.
by Ozgur Ozcitak
An article explaning how to create a user control for 2D shape drawing with OpenGL
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates the use of 2D Fast wavelet transform for image processing
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrates a 2D vector wrapper, optimized with SSE intrinsics, for math operations with floating point precision.
by mdgray
SafeArray Wrapper to simplify and speed up 2D CComSafeArray
by ThatsAlok
Collection of Q&A from VC++ forum between 10 Dec 2004 to 23 Jan 2005.
by ThatsAlok
Collection of Q&A from VC++ forum between 25 April 2005 to 8 June 2005
by ThatsAlok
Collection of Q&A from VC++ forum
by ThatsAlok
Collection of Q&A from VC++ forum
by ThatsAlok
Collection of Q&A from VC++ forum
by Clay Breshears
By following these rules, you will have more success in writing the best and most efficient threaded implementation of your applications.
by ima_c++_programmer
Tries to solve the queen problem using backtracking
by lxdfigo
A 3D Game Based on Ogre, ODE, 3D Max, CEGUI and so on
by ThatsAlok
Article touching simple issues like property, method and event and using it in .NET applications
by logicchild
This is an article directed at those beginners who might benefit from understanding pointers
by logicchild
An article that steps through some essential C++ concepts.
by Aric Wang
The article will give you an idea on how to design a source filter.The source filter creates samples and outputs it from its output pin.
by Ronounours
A very simple C++ source code showing how to create an interactive 2D graphical blobs editor, using the CImg library.
by Ronounours
I propose a simple version of a Breakout (or Arkanoid) game in few C++ lines.
by Antonio Perrone
A C++ class to register and start device drivers.
by freejack
An STL based C++ utility class to parse structured config files.
by ravenspoint
Give a C++ application its own web page
by Alex C. Punnen
The Command Pattern and Chain of Responsibility for implementing a plug-in Thread Pool library.
by Rob Manderson
Overlapped I/O - practice
by Rob Manderson
Synchronising thread completion the easy way
by Sprotty
An introduction to XML Data Binding, and a review of a number of leading products.
by Philipos Sakellaropoulos
A COM component written in C++ that offers functions for multiple parallel downloads, Internet cache access, URL and path resolving.
by Timothy the lion
A command line calculator I am writing to help me teach a 9 year old to code
by David Marcionek
This article is intended to help you get up to speed quickly with developing an ActiveX control. It will show you the basic concepts you need to know about ActiveX, such as methods, properties, and events, and how to communicate between an ActiveX control and a web page.
by Garry Freemyer
Example screensaver in source code. Does a mini-preview too!
by James Duy Trinh (VietDoor)
A cool skin GUI with shadow border; display images (supports many formats) on dialogs, buttons, listboxes.
by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A block allocator for use with STL containers that greatly improves speed in programs doing massive data insertions and extractions.
by Michael Dunn
Busted features? APIs failing? Use this guide to get your IE plugin up and running again in protected mode!
by callmepls
A Fast CSV Writer Using ATL
by Jerry Jiang
A fast version of Conway's Game of Life with thread and DirectX draw
by Simon.W
Inject a File Switch Tabbar to Source Insight, which like uEdit or Visual Studio
by Nish Nishant
The article shows how to interop between a WCF service and a WWS client, and also how to rewrite the WCF service in WWS retaining compatibility with existing WCF clients.
by Nicolas Bonamy
A grid to display and edit properties of objects (as in Visual Studio)
by maskisland
A generic tracing library implementation.
by Leandro T C Melo
A generic standalone STL-like implementation of a hash table that uses either linear probing or double hashing as the collision resolution mechanism.
by remarkpk11
Bitwise operations with enumerations.
by pradeep shivadasan
timer based task scheduler
by Bony Chen
Singleton Pattern
by liuxiao
This control provides hyperlink function for the list control with exact positioning for the cursor.
by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a Pocket Outlook-like list-based form, with a few extras.
by Satervalley
This small tool shows some real-time system information, such as network speed, CPU utilization, time period and so on on the screen .
by Gene OK
This is an update to Don Kackman's UxTheme component originally written for Visual Studio 2003
by Nish Nishant
DimmerDialog is a .NET class that shows a modal dialog which grays out the rest of the background, just like the Windows XP Shutdown dialog. This can be used when your application needs to show a very important message box or form that requires immediate user attention.
by Drew_Benton
This article explores a more complete method of injecting a DLL into another process using the CreateRemoteThread approach.
by Xiao Wu Guang
A multicolumn, customizable, editable combobox
by Rachel Mant
This is what happened when I needed a file extension comparison algorithm, this should save you quite some time thinking one up.
by zlike
Demostration of a multi-threaded HTTP proxy server implemented with WinSock on Windows.
by ErichG
A Naive Bayesian Classifier in C#
by billconan, kavinguy
This article describes the implementation of a neural network with CUDA.
by John Hilton
Simple yet comprehensive viewing code for OpenGL and Direct3D.
by kookoo
This article intruduce you a new software encryption method.
by Shaun Harrington
Combines images from the 'My Pictures' folder with 'on-the-fly' generated calendar grids, and sets the desktop background to the resulting image.
by dzolee
A Pong clone, written using VC++/Visual Studio 2005.
by YoungJin Shin
This function makes for you to draw a fancy text easy.
by logicchild
An article that desribes some essentials to help learn the DirectX technology.
by KarstenK
Connecting and disconnecting network drives
by Nish Nishant
Why the author thinks that C++/CLI has its own unique role to play as a first-class .NET programming language
by Aric Wang
This is a class derived from CWinThread class. It is used to record and play sound in the specific thread.
by logicchild
An article to help explain how C/C++ use pointers.
by João Paulo Figueira
Capture your Windows Mobile device screen via ActiveSync or WMDC.
by Bony Chen
Memory Pool
by Andre Ladeira
A class to create a NT service with a few lines of code
by Stefan Kuhr
Creating a self-extracting file that allows to start multiple setups
by Carlos Jiménez de Parga
An introduction to the Visual C++ CORBA development
by Jarl Ostensen
A finite field EC and simple ECC scheme in C++ to help understand the principles.
by Shaun Harrington
A simple class to convert numerical values into strings, with localized thousands seperators.
by auralius manurung
An article on how to build a simple HTTP proxy server
by David Saelman
How to minimize or maximize an SDI application without any flash artifacts.
by flyhigh
Introducing a simple method to display a transparent PNG file.
by erjan123
2D basic OpenGL Primitives Lines, Points, Triangles, Quads and Polygons
by PrasadPerera
A follow up to the simple pie chart control article which will detail the new improvements
by Abdellatif_El_Khlifi
How to delete/modify a system file which is protected by Windows without being detected by the OS protection.
by Sreekanth Muralidharan
A simple task enumerator for Windows Mobile SmartPhones.
by Md. Mazharul Islam Khan
Step by step XPCOM creation and implementation in C++.
by Uwe Keim
Introduced a class that simplifies Windows Impersonation in C#.
by Uwe Keim
Introducing a library to detect content based on file content (and extension)
by Uwe Keim
A class with multiple routines for quick and easy compression and decompression of various types of data.
by Ma Xi
Using templates to sovle problems in the Observer Pattern.
by Bony Chen
A wrapper class of worker thread
by mi-chi
Tokenize and access string contents using a format mask
by skinui
A XP bar with GDI+ for MFC, like the Apple dockbar.
by lilyco
Introduces an open source UDP-based data transfer library.
by Darren Sessions
With this class, you can add a PNG image to your button and automatically get a highlighted and grayscale version.
by Jonathan Enders
A user interface infrastructure quickly attachable to your application, accompanied by a simple text-based platform-independent user interface that builds on the infrastucture.
by Jeffrey Walton, Jordan Walters
A UTF-16 class derived from CStdioFile for reading and writing Unicode files
by coder112
A way to avoid unnecessary recompiles when using RCSTamp to update the .RC file.
by Bony Chen
Share information betwwen processes using Memory-Mapped File
by _oti
A WTL Hunspell-checked edit control.
by vipulparmar
Basic understanding of Pro*C
by Mahfuzur Rahman.
What is the useful of CObject , CRuntimeClass and related macros.
by Sumit Jain
A tool to enumerate all access control list entries
by Lonnie McCullough
A set of macros and classes that allow declarative access to registry settings.
by Karismatic
Using this dll anyone can access 3 databases i.e Oracle,SQLServer,Access
by yann bertaud
How to get the song list, song information from ITunes using .NET.
by Steve Abraham
This article is an introduction to the SQL Server Virtual Device Interface and how to access it via any .NET language
by Renato Tegon Forti
A set of class to access and manipulate MySQL database using MySQL C API
by Renato Tegon Forti
A set of class to access and manipule PostgreSql data base using libpq - C Library.
by MoustafaS
Solving old ACM problems
by Jim Crafton
An article on adding action support to your VCF application.
by Peter Tewkesbury
This article shows how to write an ActiveSync file filter in C#.
by VictorVele
Example for read Magnetic Strip Reader using ActiveX, COM Object for KioskMsr reader
by Zhang YanFeng
This article will show you how to make MDI window of WTL into ATL control by using a real world example.
by Alain Rist
CZoomScrollImpl extends WTL CScrollImpl to allow continuous zooming.
by Catalin Stavaru
Finally, an add-in that increments build number for VC++.NET !
by Simon Parmenter
A VS2008 C++ project to add an icon resource in a file to an executable.
by Douglas Day
This article describes the steps to add automatic update capabilities to your application quickly and easily using the DDay.Update library.
by Mohammed El-Afifi
Given an existing win32 application, how to provide COM automation capability to it?
by Stefan Kuhr
Adding Aero Glass to Windows applications while keeping them backwards-compatible with legacy Windows versions
by OmegaMan
This class will take any valid XML and parse out the nodes with or without the attributes into a Lithium Tree Layout control for viewing.
by rocky_pulley
How to use the Adobe Acrobat 7 Reader ActiveX control inside a C++ application.
by valdok
A template class for multi-dimensional regions for any coordinate type.
by Miroslav Sommer
An article on how to use the Rating control from the AJAX Control Toolkit and create CSS and images to display it as a gauge or thermometer.
by Noel Frankinet
A virtual WTL ListView control on an SQLite3 table or view.
by metcarob
This article describes a timestamp class that can be used as an alternative to the standard C date time functions.
by Emilio Garavaglia
Modular generic programming containers.
by Jeffrey Walton
An Analysis Demonstrating the PE Checksum is an Additive Checksum based on RFC 1071
by Joshua Tully
A look into what goes into the area of preventing reverse engineering, and gives developers some functions and ideas about preventing reversing engineering of their programs.
by YangXiaoWang
An apple style docking bar implemented by eGui lib
by crazybit
An asynchronous HTTP download class for C++
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
This article describes an asynchronous pluggable protocol implementation to support the data: protocol, as described in RFC 2397, in Internet Explorer.
by Neville Dastur
A COM component that implements interprocess communication, and illustrates firing events to a COM container such as Visual Basic
by duyanning
This article describes an easy to use event class written in standard C++.
by Daniel Cohen Gindi
I have created classes to wrap the SQLite3 library, to remove many headaches...
by Mingliang Zhu
An article showing how to easily but effectively extract all frames from a video as bitmaps
by Dr. Goulu
DicoLib stores words in lists of anagrams indexed by their length and a 26 bits bitset which describe which letters are present in the words. This makes it extremely fast to search for words which contain specified letters, and to search for words which are "close" for spell checking appli
by Andrea Cacciarru
How to implement a class that derives from a Xstream class and how to serialize from and to it.
by Uwe Keim
An article about an enhanced wrapper around the popular logging framework LOG4NET.
by GMazzo65
This shows how to use a "working" progress bar like Windows XP does.
by RockmanZero
An extendable report editor. You can simply add your own controls without recompiling the program or writing annoying plug-ins.
by Sanjay1982
The MFC CListCtrl does not allow editing labels for all columns. This extended class implements ways to specify column editors, row, cell, and column colors etc.
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Covering the nitty-gritties of C++ templates.
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Let's dwell deeper into C++ templates!
by Kenneth Kasajian
The Service Locator can be used to decouple classes, which improves the overall design and significantly helps with unit testing.
by Modesty Zhang
This article presents a practical technique to achieve interface based object implementation by ATL only. This technique implements basic COM concepts about interface while doesn't rely on COM runtime.
by Chris Maunder
Herb Sutter has just joined Microsoft as their new Visual C++ .NET community guy. Read about who he is, what he does, and what is happening with our beloved Visual C++.
by programmersmind
An Introduction for how to insert your own custom objects inside a std:::set
by Michael Groeger
An introduction to monitoring performance of applications.
by peterboulton
A re-usable calculator custom control which works and looks like a hand held calculator, which can be used in any MFC application by simply adding a cpp and a h file to the project (no resource file dependencies).
by TEiseler
An MFC picture control to dynamically show pictures in a dialog.
by Tony Ioanides
An MS Outlook-style mini-calendar control using WTL
by Kenny Moens
Function pointers provide a handy mechanism for 1st order functions but are rather complex in usage. This article gives a wrapper around those function pointers making the use of them easier.
by Ambidextrous Coder
A portable implementation of a templated, STL-compliant math vector class.
by Chris Losinger
A simple class to animate the movement of child windows
by dTianx
How to create a RichEdit control to display animated emoticons like MSN Messenger's.
by Steve Katic
3dsMax style rollup control animated in C++/CLI
by João Paulo Figueira
How to animate child view transitions on a Windows Mobile WTL application.
A useful skill to get rid of ATL, but do similar flexible architectures by yourself.
by BadKarma
The Star Trek game reworked, using a 2D retro look
by imagiro
A simple thread pool with minimal dependencies
by Bjornar Henden
A WTL Grid mostly aimed for use against databases.
by Adam Roderick J
A simple approach to Hook LoadLibrary API with a sample
by Jeffrey Walton
Encrypt data using Block Ciphers with Crypto++.
by Jeffrey Walton
How to Choose a Crypto++ Pseudo Random Number Generator
by Jeffrey Walton
Create and Verify RSA Digital Signatures with Appendix Using Crypto++
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article presents C++ code for estimation of approximate and sample entropies suitable for biological signals analysis
by Hani Gamal Eldeen
.NET controls to be used for development of Arabic applications for smart devices.
by Andrew Phillips
How to use overflow checking effectively and avoid some pitfalls.
by Nish Nishant
The article exposes the new array syntax available in C++/CLI for the declaration and use of CLI arrays
by Yitzhak Gootvilig
A tutorial on adding design time support to ASP.NET custom server control.
by JaeWook Choi
An article on the new approach to utilize Win32 threads in a more intuitive manner.
by jason lue
A subtle memory leak problem on CDynamicParameterAccessor on special occasions
by Katasonov
Easiest way to add XML persistence to an existing IDispatch based ATL COM object.
by Leon Finker
Web Application/Web Service development using ATL Server classes
by Eugene Polonsky
Complete implementation of .NET IDE's snapping windows in ATL/WTL
by Ernest Laurentin
Full-fledged ATL Windowless ActiveX Container. Ideal for hosting Windows Media Player, Transparent Flash and Silverlight Animations.
by Leon Finker
ATL7 and Attributes description and sample usage
by lyshsd
ATL/WTL version of Samuel Gonzalo's CPath1.2
by WajihUllahBaig
A console program that captures audio and saves it.
by Jeffrey Walton
Perform authenticated encryption with Crypto++.
by Andy Bantly
C++ class to authenticate an SMTP server connection
by Joshua Jensen
Provides support for customized global environment build settings on a per solution basis
by c-smile
Auto Value is an implementation of variables having undefined state
by Neeraj Sathe
This article talks about the usage of STL's auto_ptr class
by Beau Skinner
Automatic build version awareness, incrementing, and archiving.
by Alexandre GRANVAUD
Automate your data classes initialization from an XML file.
by drice
Mechanism to automatically dock/anchor your controls in a window or dialog.
by Satervalley
This is an addin for visual studio 2003 and 2005, it launches applications which your defined automatically when starting visual studio
by HasAName
Developing Auto-Task Tool for Web Game Travian
by David Crow
How to find the average of a set of numbers.
by Dimiter Georgiev
Using the HeightBalancedTree C++ template as an array or as a sorted sequence
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates a backpropagation artificial neural network console application with validation and test sets for performance estimation using uneven distribution metrics.
by rocky_pulley
A Code 39 barcode control with printing and saving support.
by Dennis Kuppens
This project presents a bare bones BOOTP daemon/server. Bootp is a protocol to assign an IP address to a device via its MAC address.
by ErnestoNet
Finance, contacts, notes organizer
by Yap Chun Wei
A Class to Read and Write to Microsoft Excel
by uusheikh
Improve program performance using OpenMP on multi-core systems
by Vahid Kazemi
Create your first application using Direct3D 10.
by airlobster
A very efficient BEncode Lexer in C++.
by hagarwal
Here is a class that will help you to control the execution of your threads that involves looping/polling and also limits their CPU usage to a specified limit.
by DXNuk
A bevel line control with Visual Studio Designer SelectionRule support.
by Pawan84
A C++ program to read/write files in binary mode.
by Roger65
The anatomy of a bitmap.
by programmersmind
Few well known bitwise operation problem collection
by Leslie Godwin
Blend a First Class Gaming Graphics Engine into your WPF application
by oshah
A discussion on deployment in Visual C++ 2005, and an amended version of the vcredist_x86.exe that includes MSI 3.1.
by Adrian Savage
Simulation in OSG using discrete events, a Ternary Heap and Interpolation
by panboza
A layout algorithm for layout controls in a row or column
by Helmut Obertanner
An article about how to access Extended MAPI properties, fields and methods from your .NET applications.
by Mingliang Zhu
An article on how to make application frame window shadowed. MFC/ATL not required.
by David Crow
A brief description of how to parse XML from a few weather-related sites.
by nbugalia
A screen saver simulating blue screen of death and Windows XP restart
by Robert Umbehant
How to build a simple C++ script compiler from Scintilla and CINT.
by Ganyob
How to build secure private file sharing client/server using a freeware SDK
by Alex Kolesnichenko
Tutorial article about how to build components with rich functionality using attributed ATL.
by Michael Dunn
No, that's not a typo
by Eric Haddan
Example of a CD/DVD burning application using IMAPI2.
by IGx89
Instructions on how to implement _fseeki64 and _ftelli64.
by Gopi Krishna Nuti
Code snippets detailing Interop programming in C# and ATLCOM
by Mark Swaanenburg
A customizable embedded HTTPServer for C#.
by Spaccabbomm
Simple Image/Text button control with XP Styple
by Debdatta Basu
Introduction to C#/C++ interoperability, and a performance evaluation.
by Al Forno
A status bar panel that displays a standard ProgressBar control.
by Chien-Chung, Chung
C++ class of HMAC-SHA1
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article describes C++ coding styles and practices to be followed to develop robust and reliable code that is easily comprehended and maintained by other developers.
by Nemanja Trifunovic
An unbiased analysis of good and bad cases for using exceptions vs. error codes.
by jeff00seattle
A C++ implementation of the C# functionality for both Property and Indexer, and controlling their compile-time accessibility using accessor-modifiers.
by xushiwei
Most of the C++ programmers do not benefit from "Garbage Collection" technique (GC). Here is a new memory management technique named "GC Allocator" (Note it is not "GC").
by Niraj Kedar
A class that can be modified at run-time
by MarcosCB
A design pattern that gives the advantages of a common Object inheritance to C++
by Chris Grimes
Shows how to create C++ property accessors that support C#-like syntax
by Matthew Faithfull
Presents an easy method to control order of initialization for static objects
by Member 2516638
C++ wrapper class to compute moving averages
by Alex Hazanov
A wrapper for the XML DOM for C++.
by Nish Nishant
Excerpts from Chapter 1. Topics are (1) Declaring CLR types and (2) Handles: The CLI equivalent to pointers
by Nish Nishant
This is an excerpt from Chapter 1 that covers how CLI classes are instantiated, and discusses constructors and assignment operators
by Nish Nishant
Excerpt from Chapter 4 on interior and pinning pointers
by Nish Nishant
The article takes a brief look at some not so commonly used classes such as auto_handle, lock, and ptr.
by Michael Lüftenegger
Explanation of a calculator
by Ionescu Marius
A simple calculator based on inheritance class
by Renato Tegon Forti
Calling Lua functions : using C++ language.
by sandeep@s
An introduction to executing SQL Server stored procedures and how to retrieve the return parameters
by Ashkbiz Danehkar
A Spy tool program like MS Spy++ that lets you capture window controls and modify their properties. Useful for learning window handles and their properties.
by Yury Lukach
A fix of ATL 7 CAtlHttpClientT code
by Nish Nishant
CAutoNativePtr is a managed template class that acts as a smart pointer, and is handy for using native objects in managed code.
by Paul Roberts
Makes it easy to use a balloon tooltip to convey hints/messages non-modally
by Deni\ys Ponomarenko
A simple BrowseForFolder dialog functionality implementation.
by PEK
A very simple button that shows a color and lets the user change it by clicking on the button.
by Hou Tianze
A CStatic derived class that wraps the cool FX effect by dswigger.
by Hou Tianze
A CStatic derived class that adds in fade in/out effect to your picture controls.
by Geert van Horrik
This class enables you to easily parse a command line in any C++ application.
by isemenov
A simple Win32 HANDLE type wrapper.
by Naren Neelamegam
Vistra code walkthrough article, to explain a few of the interesting things about Windows.
by odlumb
How to launch and manipulate applets programmatically.
by Gonzales Cenelia
Tutorial on making an artificial intelligence chatbot
by UziTech
Check what your poker hand is in a Texas Holdem game
by Softomatix
A component to check if given user has a particular access rights on a file/folder or not.
by Nemanja Trifunovic
Answers to some common questions on C++ checked iterators.
by Todd Davis
A fully featured and cross platform friendly way to handle *.ini and *.cfg files.
by Tydia-kun
Shows how to make callback to functions within classes that are non-static.
by Sathyanarayanan Srinivasan
This article describes clean and quick ways of cancelling I/O operations
by Dan Farino
A kernel patch that will enable ClearType over RDP in Windows XP SP2
by Tomas Petricek
CLinq project is a library that makes it possible to use LINQ technologies from the C++/CLI language
by yaca
Clipboard little helper - manage your clipboard the easiest way.
by Dean Thomas
An article on reading and writing tags for MP3 files.
by Loack_
Using CAdvancedComponent to change the background, foreground, and other colors on CButton, CEdit, and CDialog.
by Tim Smith
Color picker control for WTL applications including optional support for XP themes
by keesp
A COM Newbie's Journey Through DLL Hell
by Shao Voon Wong
Introduce 4 new algorithms on finding combinations
by kamnas
A command line tool with source code to add any native Win32 resource (HTML, Icons, BMPs, etc.) to an executable.
by lazybug_in
Comments workbench for C++ - a Visual Studio .NET add-in.
by Sp1ff
Writing add-ins for DevStudio, Visual Studio, and Office
by PJ Arends
Code snippet that compares two HBITMAP handles to see if the bitmaps they contain are the same
by Jeff J
Developer utility to clean up multiple compilations.
by Garth J Lancaster, Jeffrey Walton
Avoid common pitfalls when using Crypto++ and VC++.
by tojohere
Composite pattern made as a reusable C++ template class
by Dave Handley
Using functors to conditionally return values during iteration over a composite.
This article explains garbage collection and memory management using C language
by LaymanZheng
This article illustrates the common usage of a const in C++
by Matthew Faithfull
Template classes to implement constructional patterns.
by snp157
Controlling IP traffic from Internet to DMZ or Intranet
by Gabriel Szabo
C# example code for controlling Skype
by Santhosh G_
Convert Hiragana and Katakana string to Romaji
by anand choubey
The code snippet converts MAC Address String Format into Bytes
by Md. Mazharul Islam Khan
Step by step XPCOM creation from Microsoft COM
by mshoukry_alkhwarazmi
a class to convert from VC++.NET String* data type to leagcy LPCTSTR
by Kenneth Kasajian
I get asked this question sometimes from seasoned programmers who are new to C++. There are plenty of good books written on the subject, but I found no clear and concise set of rules on the Internet for those who don't want to understand every nuance of the language—and just want the facts.
by Ferdie
Getting the correct column ordinals of an ADOX Table object.
by Luuk Weltevreden
This article shows a workaround to the graphics bug that a checkbox or radio button is displayed with a black background on themed dialogs.
by Roger65
An article on counting lines of code.
by jkhax0r
Demonstration to control the amount of CPU load used by your computer
by PEK
A custrom-draw virtual list control. Support for subitem editing, images, button (checkboxes, radio buttons), custom colors, and "column navigation".
by Rocom
A more easy to generate toolbar images.
by hagarwal
This is a macro which takes the name of any void returning global\static procedure, followed by the list of arguments to be passed to that procedure, and invokes the procedure with the arguments supplied, in a new thread.
by dean170
Introduce a programming technology to design a very complex, rich document type.
by DGoins
This article describes another way to implement asychronous webservices using ASP.NET and WSE v2.0.
by autodebug
It is very easy to create In-Place ToolTips on yourself control like treeview control.
by Gordon Kushner
Utility program for generating SQL Server INSERT scripts
by Stephan Pilz
Create multilingual web pages very easily, without using localization and resources.
by Martin Richter [rMVP C++]
An easy way to create programs that use CRT, MFC and ATL library DLLs from application local folders
by Aric Wang
To show you how to create a easy animation with palette
by Youngho Kim
This Article is make of a CView under CView using CWnd control
by Hans Dietrich
CreateCheckboxImageList is a function that creates an imagelist of themed or non-themed checkboxes, suitable for use in tree controls, list controls, and list boxes.
by Walter Capers
A look at platform independent threading in C++.
by CheerJeer
Using two common techniques to create an uncommon UI.
by Benjamin Wootton
How to create an OpenGL view on a Windows Form.
by PatGulotta
This is an article discussing how to create a user control and how to add it to other projects using Visual Studio 2005 C++/CLI and .NET Framework 2.0.
by saud_ad
A walkthrough on building a Windows control that can be moved by the user at runtime.
by Leshchuk Aleksey
Creating the General ProfUIS Dialog and ProfUIS MessageBox
by Magomed Abdurakhmanov
Simple class to store application settings in registry
Helper Class for using CRITICAL_SECTION
by Gulyan
Using Mutexes on cross platform programming
by einaros
An article which discusses the need for synchronization in multi-threaded applications, and features a generic framework for making calls across threads: ThreadSynch.
by Alex_Intw
This article shows you how to send or post events among processes using shared memory queues for the Windows and Linux platforms.
by Jeffrey Walton
Sign and verify messages using Crypto++, Java, and C#.
by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
by Dominik Reichl
CSecureEditEx controls are resistant to password revealers. Passwords aren't visible in the process memory.
by Dominik Reichl
CSHA1 - A C++ class implementation of the SHA-1 hash algorithm
by PEK
CTextFileDocument lets you write and read text files with different encodings (ASCII, UTF-8, Unicode 16 little/big endian are supported).
by PEK
CThread simplifies the process to start, run and stop threads. You can use it to work with threads in the same way as you do in C# or Java.
by Yves Tkaczyk
CTreePropSheetEx is an extension of CTreePropSheet offering new features such as resizing, skipping empty pages, and new property frames such as Office 2003 option sheet.
by John Crenshaw
C++ has no native support for adding new operators, but this article shows how, with macros and some clever overloading, it is possible to easily add your own anyway.
by Youngho Kim
Create OpenGL Window using MFC in Visual Studio .NET
by lata07mahi
Modal dialog with a user-defined look and feel.
by jiulun
CvsIn add-in for Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003 and Visual Studio 2005.
by Jerry.Wang
This wrapping class will try to use the latest version of MSXML in the machine, and it is easy because of using auto_ptr.
by Jim Dill
A scrollable child window for pictures of any size.
by Jeremy Boschen
An Internet Explorer browser bar, which acts as a pseudo-debug output device
by Hatem Mostafa
This article demonstrates a new technique to optimize DBMS output cursor storage using Virtual Cursor.
by Johann Anhofer
An easy to use debug logger, implemented via a custom stream buffer.
by Emilio Garavaglia
Tracing in the debug window using std::ostream
by #realJSOP
Here's some code that will automatically start your app on a secondary monitor if it's compiled with debug info.
by Ivo Beltchev
Using Expression Evaluator to convert a CRC hash value to a string in the debugger.
by Jeffrey Walton
Using WinDbg to survive in a .NET world.
by Gabhan Berry
How to use the STL for_each algorithm to implement loops and why it's a good idea to do so.
by sswater shi
DEELX regular expression engine is the most convenient and easiest engine to use.
by Asa Meltzer
A dynamic factory using delegates
by arystotenes
Michael J.
Delegate type just like in C# or Delphi.
by Feroz Zahid
Function that deletes whole of a directory structure.
by nalla
This article describes my work in creating a framework for a generic game engine in C++.
by Partha Kuchana
An introduction to COM+ queued services.
by Cojocaru Sergiu
How to detect if recycle bin is empty or not? Find how in this article.
by #realJSOP
A method for programatically determining the appropriate foreground color based on the specified background color
by toxcct
On the art of exchanging data
by Michael Chourdakis
Draw your vectors using a new, ActiveX based hardware accelerated interface.
by Liaqat Fayyaz
How to fine tune a TV channel in DirectShow / How to set custom video frequencies of TV tuner devices?
by Arman S.
An article on multimedia - playing Waves by using the DirectSound component.
by Leslie Zhai
Open source windowless presentation manager library with DirectX 3D anmiation
by IrrationalThinking
Shows you how to implement a DirectX Render Window into a .NET Form.
by chhibs
exactly what the title says
by hax_
Introduction to the open-source hxGrid library for distributed computing. Main benefits of the library: cluster uses only idle time of Windows 2000/XP/Vista workstation (no dedicated workstations required); easy to use; free.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates DNS query for specific domain address with MFC GUI interface for convenient usage
by Igor Vigdorchik
Class wrappers around the Win32 multi-monitor API
by Javed Akhtar Ansari
This article demostrates how to do drag and drop Outlook attachments on a tree view node and describes the private Clipboard format of Outlook.
by ckorda
A replacement for MFC's CDragListBox that supports multiple selection and dragging between lists
by Andrew Qu
This article shows how to draw oblique/slant text string
by Darryl Bryk
Code is described for drawing an image as a 3D surface plot using OpenGL
by valdok
Using C++ objects with destructors and exceptions in drivers
by Asim Goheer
How to add dual / multiple monitor support to your Win32 programs.
by Egidio
A small method for easily dumping an array of Bytes.
by Franck Paquier
Dynamic activation of application menus and toolbars through an external XML file.
by AhmedEssamNaiem
Using Vector and double linked list to create trees
by Toufiqur Rahman Chowdhury (TRC)
This article is about an application that parses a XML Configuration File and creates Menus and ToolBar dynamically.
by Achilleas Margaritis
Dynamic message passing for C++.
by Jeffrey Walton
Detect Hardware Faults and Unauthorized In-Memory Patches with Hashing using Crypto++
by Sarath C
Dynamically Add/Edit Environment variables of Remote process
by upredsun
This article describes what port forwarding is. UPnP source code is also given.
by Shiju PK
Implementing an edge based template matching or pattern matching algorithm.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates an alternative way for edges extraction compared to conventional image filtering operations with edge detection filters
by Usama El-Mokadem
A tool to display and modify IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).
by FlamTaps
Wrapping the Win32 Thread API into a C++-friendly class.
by FlamTaps
Wrapping the Win32 Thread API into a C++-friendly class.
by Vitaly Tomilov
Demonstrates effective data processing of ADO recordset objects in C++ via Safe Arrays provided by method GetRows.
by ThatsAlok
Free component for parsing HTML, .NET version of EfTidyCom
by joseangelmt
We are going to enable your application to write entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, elevating your application when necessary.
by Catalin Stavaru
This light, yet very usable, application notifies users when new mail is received on multiple GMail (and other) accounts. Written in C++/MFC. No .NET framework, no browser instances launched, low system resource requirements!
by Sharjith
Demo to show use of Python Interpreter to evaluate methematical expressions
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates the use of Embedded zero tree still image codec with JPEG 2000 wavelet-filter.
by vikas maan
Create a 2008 MFCOutlookBar in any pane of a SplitterWnd.
by AnOldGreenHorn
Wrapper classes to embed the Python interpreter in Standard C++ code
by Elias Bachaalany
Describes how to use COM objects without registration.
by Hans Dietrich
EnableGroupboxControls is a function that enables or disables all the controls within a groupbox based solely upon the window rect of the controls. A simple approach to implementing a groupbox checkbox is also explained.
by Leon Finker
Encrypts/self-decrypts a file at a time based on password and chosen algorithm
by CheerJeer
Synchronization object handle: another mechanism for singleton run.
by sidpage
Enum iteration and string conversion
by Warren Stevens
An easy way to bind C++ enums to strings, combo-boxes, list-boxes, arbitrary data structures.
by Siddharth Barman
Enumerating Alternate Data Streams contained in NTFS files.
by Rob Caldecott
MFC and ATL wrapper classes for the EnumSystemCodePages API call
by Chris La
How to create a server-client network quickly using template server-client framework, EpServerEngine (C++ and Windows Winsock).
by Chris La
How to create a server-client network quickly using IOCP TCP template server-client framework, EpServerEngine.cs (C#).
by Guy Balteriski
This article describes a high-performing interoperability solution between the Java platform and the .NET Framework. The suggested solution does not replace the Java Virtual Machine or the .NET Framework runtime, instead, your JVM or .NET are each hosted within the opposing runtime environment
by Doug Richards
An introduction to event sinks in C++ in the context of ATL COM Add Ins.
by Martin Fuchs
ExcelFormat allows reading, writing, and editing of XLS (BIFF8 format) files using C++.
by Hans Dietrich
ExecApp is a replacement for WinExec(). ExecRegisteredApp executes the app that is registered for the specified file extension. LookupRegisteredApp retrieves the application file path that is registered for the specified file extension.
by programmersmind
Explicit constructor in C++.
by Aric Wang
The aritcle gives you a way to export web browser's favorites.
by phoaivu
GPU Implementation of Extended Gaussian mixture model for Background Subtraction
by Richard Chambers
Using a subset of the available Lua 5.2 C interface to extend a C++ application with Lua.
by Martin Wickett
An article that describes a possible approach to extending Microsoft's Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Client to use seamless windows.
by sunhui
A new method for Extending Microsoft Office 2007 User Interface using MFC/ATL and .NET technologies.
by Karl Josefsson
Learn how to add buttons and how to interact with Outlook.
by rocky_pulley
How to extend the features of Windows Task Manager using DLL injection.
by OmegaMan
Local web service calls third party web service which returns XML data and serialization fails, the article shows how to obtain the actual SOAP message.
by handsomeme
Get a window's product key!
by Jörgen Sigvardsson
This article shows how to extract accelerators and convert them into human readable text, using the language settings for the current user.
by Zeeshan Ejaz Bhatti
This article demonstrates how to perform human face and eyes detection on images using OpenCV in .NET
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrates face detection SSE optimized C++ library for color and gray scale data with skin detection, motion estimation for faster processing, small sized SVM and NN rough face prefiltering, PCA/LDA/ICA/any dimensionality reduction/projection and final NN classification
by saiful_vonair
How easy to Play with color of bitmap
by c-smile
HTML/XML scanner/tokenizer, also known as a pull parser
by JaeWook Choi
An article on the implementation of a fast C++ delegate with many advanced features.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates the use of Haar transform for dyadic image scaling with MMX optimization
by ChaoJui
High performance and good quality of image blurring
by studio_ukc
Guide to writing a very fast interprocess communication class. This article describes a method of IPC that requires no locking or thread sync.
by Tolga Birdal
A fast data structure based on a linked list and dynamic array. This list has O(1) add, delete, and access time.
by Ultrano
Optimized implementation of a readers/writers-lock sync object.
by dzolee
A fast solution to create custom-shaped windows from a bitmap mask.
by Nir Dremer
File Encryption Utility based on Blowfish Encryption Algorithm.
by Manish K. Agarwal
Rotating files by appending 00, 01, 02, 03 etc. in file name once the file size reaches its predefined maximum file size.
by OlegKrivtsov
This article demonstrates a file preview control in a WTL application.
by Martin Brandl
Easily determine the version of a specified file or the version of the current process.
by Todd Denlinger
Presents a method for monitoring the amount of time database connections stay open in ASP.NET applications.
by Roger65
Windows Find is a nice tool but sometimes you want a little more. This program/tool does just that.
by Jim Xochellis
This article is discussing the performance problems found in the most notable find_first_of implementations and suggests useful improvements and workarounds.
by PeterSchregle
A C++ template class for fixed point mathematics.
by Mingliang Zhu
An article on a bug of MFC CToolBar that may cause incorrect tooltips to be shown for a toolbar button
by David Lantsman
Flicker free resizing of the main frame window
by PARK Youngho
A tool that enumerates all fonts installed on Windows, and shows you the preview so as to help you code conveniently.
by Ivo Beltchev
Smart string formatting and other string utilities
by #realJSOP
A passable workaround for the COleDateTime formatting behavior in MFC8.
by Windmiller
This graphical application will play and display frequencies and mix them together so that you can analyze what's really going on with sounds that we call intone. Handling a basic DFT version that will prove to us which frequencies are involved. It was originally made in plain C.
by hwycheng
FTKernelAPI is a p2p file-sharing library fully compatible with Bittorrent
by otom
A non-MFC class to encapsulate the FTP protocol.
by Ernest Laurentin
Complete Client/Server Socket Communication class with threadpool implementation. Easy to use and integrate into C++ application. Linux/UNIX port available.
by Software_Developer
Have some fun with the console, animate the American flag
by Nish Nishant
Takes a look at new features like explicit overriding, renamed overriding, multiple overriding and sealing a method
by Nish Nishant
Explains the usage of the Marshal class methods GetFunctionPointerForDelegate and GetDelegateForFunctionPointer, and compares their performance with the P/Invoke mechanism.
by mb2sync
Introduction to Functional STL Library using Boost.Range Adaptors.
by Leslie Zhai
GDI+ 2D plot ActiveX control
by Volodymyr Frolov
Idiom to create customizable template libraries in C++
by Franck Desbrosses
An add-in for Visual Studio to generate properties automatically.
by Durga Prasad Dhulipudi
A novel way to create complex line patterns
by Abdellatif_El_Khlifi
An article on generating all possible permutations and combinations rapidly in a new and simple manner
by Simbey
The CNativeInvoke class generates x86 function calling code at runtime and executes it.
by OwnWaterloo
A simple and generic solution of making a member function become a callback function with the help of thunk technology.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrates the application of genetic algorithms for classification problems with artificial neural networks.
by Ivan Krivyakov
How to write unit tests in C++ and run them in nUnit
by dmihailescu
Retrieve the physical Hard drive ID and other info using low level APIs like DeviceIOControl
by Baiyan Huang
Provides a utility class to return the call stack when an exception is being caught, using Windows SEH.
by #realJSOP
Two methods to retrieve the path/name of a VS2002 or higher DLL from within that DLL.
by Maksim Libenson
An article that describes how to add a size-grip control to windows.
by Peter Mares
Getting an ActiveX control to be printable from within an Office application can be difficult. This article shows you why, and how to make things work.
by Dmytro Ivanchykhin
Some ways of getting a process identifier if only the process handle is available
by Alex Hazanov
Getting the network adaptor MAC address with WMI
by Simone Serponi
An easy to use library to quickly setup and run OpenGL applications.
by Valentin Ivanov
This article explains how to use the GPS API and Web Service on a SmartPhone to show demographics information for the current location.
by Jeffrey Walton
Add functionality to a project using existing compiled machine code.
by GauranG Shah
This project uses the Transparent window to show the animation on the desktop.
by Eddie Velasquez
An Add-In that replaces and extends the GUID Generator component included with Visual Studio.NET
by markandeysingh
HackPro is a utility developed for System Administrators and Software developers for the purpose of monitoring analyzing and maintaining their network
by Paul Higinbotham
DirectX based application to open and view Half Life 1 game files
by Tanvi K Shah, Steve H Davis
How to give your users a smooth scrolling experience with High Resolution Mouse Wheels
by Fun@learn
The article shows large number arithmetic using an array of long integers. Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication operations are handled in the version of the program
by osella.esteban
This article describes how to handle streams of non-English characters.
by Todd Landstad
A simple application that shows how you can determine whether user input is from a mouse, tablet digitizer, or touch.
by Inocentric
Debugging tool class for both single and multithreaded applications
by Inocentric
Named critical section and named spin lock - you may find it useful for debugging complex applications.
by Inocentric
Introduction to pointers - If you have no idea what are they and how to use them, read this!
by Inocentric
This article explains how to use CLinkedListDouble template class. This template is a thread safe implementation of double link list.
by Inocentric
This article explains how to use CLinkedListSingle template class. This template is a thread safe implementation of single link list.
by Alain Rist
Enable Aero glass with your native (WTL) applications and keep backwards compatibility
by Arman S.
A C++ class that implements the data structure Heap.
by Andrei C_Coder Azzopardi
Describes a module to track heap memory allocations and to avoid memory leaks
by Jim Crafton
An article on working with, creating, and integrating help using the Visual Component Framework.
by Elia Conchione
A piece of library that can help to use Visual Studio Editor to search, write, change code directly in the code
by Gernot Frisch
This class takes care of the child window placement when you resize an MFC dialog. Also stores the size in the Registry for the next call.
by GauranG Shah
Using this applicatin you can hide the Start Button, System Clock, Quick Launch and much more. You can also Change the Text on Start Button.
by flyhigh
Help you manager dynamic array
by Andrei Belogortseff
A reusable DLL that uses code injection to launch a non-elevated application from an InnoSetup script
by Alexandre Courpron
This article presents the implementation of a fixed-size heterogeneous container.
by Paul Sanders (the other one)
Surprisingly, neither the C++ runtime library nor the Win32 Platform SDK provides any routines to read and write Unicode text files. This article provides high performance routines to read all types of Unicode files (both UTF-16 and UTF-8) as well as ANSI files.
by Hai Jin
HJAddin brings back the code template for VS2005 users, and presents a framework for writing an add-in using C++ with ATL.
by Maruf Maniruzzaman
Functional java virtual machine - can run java applications for most of the instructions.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
This article describes in detail the new IExplorerBrowser interface and the Explorer Browser object available in Windows Vista. The Explorer Browser object allows developers to host Windows Explorer in their applications.
by Try and try
Explain how to get the address of KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow
by Dmitri Nеstеruk
An article describing the step-by-step process of adding basic OpenGL support to an ATL control
This article illustrates the application of ATL/WTL by building a simple text editor based on the WTL objects
by dmihailescu
Make managed and unmanaged calls into a DLL library
by osy
A C++ template for an efficient in-memory state engine.
by ajalilqarshi
This article covers calling Java functions from C using JNI. It also covers passing/returning simple parameters, arrays, and structure arrays in Java functions.
by Steffen Lange
Password Changer - A reusable tool for changing a user password's remotely.
by Rob A. Fraydl
How to determine if an application is already running and switch to it.
by Danny Ruijters
How to compile your existing MFC code in Visual C++ Express.
by kunchen
This sample is demostrating how to create an event in a DLL file and afterward how to call this event from a client program.
by Fade (Amit BS)
Explains how to detect when a remote peer closes the connection
by nkrscorpio
This is yet another example for memory mapped files. What is cool though is unlike other samples, I have a SetData(TCHAR* Key, TCHAR* value) / GetData(TCHAR* key) pattern here.
by Nish Nishant
Shows how to use CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR and CFSTR_FILECONTENTS to perform drag/drop with virtual files
by yosmany
Shows how to edit listview subitem text without using MFC.
by Daniel Cohen Gindi
This article shows how to encode/decode URLs to the UTF8 format (with %20 and so) if you have to have web support in your application.
by SpaceSoft
How to find the next user-defined day time
by Tydia-kun
Ever had a problem when the clipboard won't work? Like you can't copy or paste anything?
by Rob Caldecott
Duplicate the list seen in the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet.
by marc ochsenmeier
Get to know the files you use on a daily basis when debugging your application with Visual Studio or WinDbg.
PCBACKDROP works like BGINFO from SysInternals. Make your own Windows Desktop background with system information.
by Igor Vigdorchik
Two ways to move a dialog by dragging its client area.
by Marc Clifton
Use a specialized ApplicationContext to swap top level forms.
by Kenneth Kasajian
Because NUnit is designed to unit test managed code, it does not lend itself to test unmanaged C++ code as easily as for C#, until now!
by steveb
How to wrap an MFC collection into an STL compliant iterator with the Boost iterator_facade.
A tutorial on writing your own project template for Visual C++ .NET.
by Yarin
Makes handling HTML and CSS in the text form in C/C++ easy
by dchris_med
This is a sample project for "HTML Reader C++ Class Library"
by abhinav_soni
The ATL COM DLL that captures requests from individual Webbrowser Control
by Alireza Noori
Compress any type of file using Huffman compression method, used so many teqniques such as template and wrote with OOD
by weibing
Embedded ref-counted resource management
by ferlysky
similar skype IE toolbar button, with drop-down arraw, support IE6 & IE7(multi-tab)
by Oleg Krivtsov
Implementing the Lucas-Kanade and Baker-Dellaert-Matthews image alignment algorithms.
by Oleg Krivtsov
Implementing and comparing the forwards compositional and the Hager-Belhumeur algorithms.
by jedyking
A image slider, implements 20 transitional effects.
by PJ Arends
A little utility program that allows you to view the contents of memory bitmaps and device contexts while you are stepping through your drawing code.
by bubble2k
ImageMagick is a powerful image manipulation that supports a wide variety of formats. In this article we develop an ImageMagick Wraper in C++ to expose functionalities in Magick++ to a .NET application.
by valdok
Search and destroy improper memory accesses.
by Iven Xu
Implement an explorer using .NET Compact Framework in Pocket PC.
by Iven Xu
MD5CryptoServiceProvider for .NET CF.
by Eduard Baranovsky
The article describes an efficient way to implement delegates in C++ using Signal and Slot pattern.
by codekaizen
How much faster will implementing "the generic bad algorithm" in SSE2 make it?
by Jake Weakley
An article explaining a way to implement a generic collection in C# using ICollection, with an example Business Logic Layer.
by Dmitriy Yakovlev
A CExtWndShadow class, which should enable you to easily draw compound shadows anywhere you want.
by Jeremy A. Wilson
VB.NET and C# offer property procedures that execute code when the value of a property is set or retrieved. With novel use of code, C++ classes can have them too!
by Heath Stewart
Using alternatives to importing type libraries and COM objects can improve the portability of your source code.
by Jörgen Sigvardsson
This article shows one way to extend CCommand and CDynamicAccessor to make OLEDB in C++ easier
by Hugo González Castro
A different approach to C++ enums: enum to string, enum extensions, and enum iterations.
by Loover
IndieLib is a C++ 2.5d engine for game development and fast game prototyping in a really easy way.
by Ashkbiz Danehkar
This article demonstrates five steps to inject your code in a portable executable (EXE, DLL, OCX,...) file without recompiling source code.
by Ashkbiz Danehkar
An introduction to injection the code into Import Table of Portable Executable file format, which is called API redirection technique.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrating inner product operation performed with shorts, ints, floats and doubles with CPU/FPU and SSE for comparison.
by Jeffrey Walton
Create Semi-Anonymous Installation Fingerprints Using Truncated Hashing and Crypto++
by Pradeep Kothari
Installing Windows XP Embedded
by Alain Rist
OOo::DocWindow and WTL::COOoCtrl classes to work on any Microsoft-Office document, and Open Office SDK integration in Visual Studio/VCExpress 2005/2008
by Zeeshan Ejaz Bhatti
A utility to control screen saver on your computer using computer vision (human face detection), rather than idle timer.
by AndreBroz
Using File Management Windows API for implementing inter computer Read/Write lock
by saiful_vonair
Defines many to many relationship between different types of classes.
by Alexandre Courpron
Detecting the presence of a member in a class
by steveb
Interface-based programming, Runtime class discovery, Dynamic class loading from DLL
by Kevin Staunton-Lambert
A general overview of Internet technologies including what the Internet actually is, what HTML and XML are, using Web forms, CGI/MIME, IIS ISAPI, ASP and creating HTML based front ends to databases via ODBC32, OLE DB, ADO and ASP.NET
by Chip Patton
An article on catching external process events from within .NET (C#) code.
by David Saelman
A simple method to achieve interprocess communication between the .NET framework and MFC.
by Michael Geddes
How Comet can help you create and use COM servers in 'real' C++, extending or replacing ATL.
by Joshua Tully
A brief introduction into Windows anti-debugging techniques.
by jconwell
Part 2 of an introduction to creating dynamic types. This article shows how to actually generate the methods in a dynamic type and how to call them.
by Bibeka
An introduction to dynamic 2D arrays in C++.
by isemenov
Portable Dynamic Loader
by Anders Dalvander
An introduction to RPC programming. A simple RPC client/server application is explained.
by MatthewCasperson
See how to use SDL to create a simple visual application.
by jeffb42
Introduction to Arduino hardware platform
by cristitomi
An introduction to the WinPcap networking libraries.
by Ihab ramadan
A car simulation demo using the Irrlicht game engine and the Newton physics engine.
by David Crow
How to request and parse data from various time servers using the NTP, DAYTIME, and TIME protocols.
by Kushagra Tiwari
This article will help you to integrate ISCSI functionalities available on Windows with your base application in C++
by Ali Tavakol
This article describes the CJalaliCalendar class, which is useful for working with the Iranian Jalali (Shamsi) calendar.
by chandrap
JPEG Date Imprint, Automatic 4*6 Cropping, Resizing, Thumbnails, SlideShow, HTML Pages Gen Tool. Best part is it is Batch processing Tool.
by Jorge Vasquez
An article describing the various steps and technologies needed to write JWinSearch.
by #realJSOP
A technique for making stdio functions compile clean regardless of the Microsoft compiler used
by umeca74
Offers adjustable keyboard shortcuts for your menu commands with this drop-in class.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrates the self organizing maps clustering approach for unsupervised AI classification tasks with application examples in computer vision area for faces clustering and recognition
by Jaisvar
This article describes how to launch an application from session 0 to session 1 under the local system account using a service helper application
by ChaoJui
Image processing with a burst of performance from CUDA
by Jeremy Falcon
A beginner's guide to talking like a computer.
by Fekri Kassem
An implementation of Least Recently Used (LRU) Algorithm
by djenyc
Life Balance Analyzer - A project tracker for Llamagraphics LB.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article describes the optimization of an image convolution operation with the application of linear rank deficient filters in computer vision problems.
by Lino Barreca
A simple DataGrid column for LinkLabels.
by Shao Voon Wong
Linq-To-XML Node Creation for Native C++
by Jeremy A. Wilson
Lint is a signed large integer data type class library
by Liping Dai
A C++ Smart Pointer Template Class Implementation
by Vincent, Wei
When you want to list processes created by a specific user instead of those by SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE etc., you can use my code!
by AlanW
A flexible WTL list control that supports Windows Vista style selection and cell editing.
by Giuseppe Pischedda
Load JPEG images from DLL with LoadResource in Managed C++
by Lars [Large] Werner
When loading a keyboard dll as a 32-bit application on a 64-bit system, the keyboard-dll-files does not work as expected, this class fixes that problem
by Jim Crafton
An article on working with and adding multi-lingual and locale support to an application using the VCF.
by Volodymyr Frolov
Applying lock and wait synchronization in C++.
by wshcdr
Use EventLog in VC
by Jeff Bogan
A class for longitude and latitude values so as to parse the string to render a double, or format a double into a string.
by Brian C Hart
Use compiler COM support (even in non-COM applications) to get a Win32 error code or HRESULT's message in one line of code.
by Dezhi Zhao
This article shows a fast solution to Einstein's Riddle by using brutal search.
by sergiols
A POP3 Monitor application.
by S. Sean Stagner
A quick method for maintaining the Project MRU List in Visual Studio .NET 2003 as it is shown on its "Start Page".
by emranallan
Black List Application in window mobile (Blocker Application)
by Elias Bachaalany
How threads work, and how to create threads without using any API.
by FahadAsh
This article is about creating cool buttons on a dialog
by kris_raj
How mangling changes in VC++ 6.0 and VC 8.0 can cause problems in your existing application and how to solve it.
by FlorianPraxmair
Mapping POSIX threads to object oriented C++ code.
by dmihailescu
Marshal an array of zero terminated strings or structs by reference
by Yitzhak Gootvilig
How to add support to master page programming?
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates a tic-tac-toe computer player learning from experience
by abn9c
An article describing how to compile Matlab 7.1-7.4 mexw32 files using Visual Studio 2005
by Shaheer Abdulrahiman
A tool for creating/verifying MD5 files
by Fei Liu
This article shows how to use .NET controls in Windows Forms containing managed DirectX content
by Eric Haddan
My entry to the Code Lean and Mean File Comparison Contest.
by zhangyuwu
Write a monitoring application to capture debug messages
by tojohere
Mediator Design Pattern enhanced as a reusable C++ template class.
by logicchild
An article written to describe the use of the Console debugger
by asadullah ansari
Without using any tools, This program will find the memory leak in your program
by Mayank Rai
Detecting memory leaks using Windbg.
by Sergey Osenny
How to add user defined dump information for memory leaks
by jason lue
Reports the memory leak issue on the ATL OLEDB CCommand object, and describes the reason and provides a solution.
by Tydia-kun
Memory manager for C++ that automatically deletes any heap objects not in use.
by Sreekanth Muralidharan
Tracking memory resources
by My2Cents
Thread communication made easy!
by Nish Nishant
MessageBoxManager is a Windows Forms component that you can drag & drop into a Windows Forms project's main form, and it gives you enhanced message box functionality without forcing you to change your existing calls to any of the MessageBox.Show() overloads
by Quynh Nguyen
An easy to use MFC Docking framework and more... It also shows an applicable method to mix up WTL and MFC.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrates an MFC GUI Telnet application with server capabilities for incoming connections support.
by aleksey_m_t
MSVS Add-in for Doxygen documentation system
by Luuk Weltevreden
This article shows a set of templates created around the Microsoft Cabinet library. With these templates, you can extract cabinet files and cabinets stored in the resource section of a module. It can be easily extended to allow extraction through other means.
by Vagif Abilov
Guidelines to migrate ATL-based Windows service application to Visual C++.NET
by Mike G. P.Mee
An alternative to hooked key logging.
by joejames111
This is a VB.NET and C# version of "Minimal Key Logger Using RAWINPUT".
by Ranjeetsih
How to place an icon in tray and interact with it.
by Denis Zabavchik
This library provides an easy way to read, modify, and save version information resource(s) (RT_VERSION) in compiled executable modules (EXE, DLL, OCX, SCR etc.).
by aovidiu
The generated DLLs base addresses assure contiguous memory spaces for each DLL in the given DLLs series.
by Ben Aldhouse
In this case, how to list files in sub folders nicely.
by Shanmuga Sundar.V
Article to control and monitor system features.
by Naren Neelamegam
A simple guide to automate MS Word and MS Excel using C++.
by LiYS
An article on the implementation and usage of a multi-threaded single/multi file copying tool.
by Gismow
Multicolumn Combobox with additional format conditions depending on the displayed values
by Geert van Horrik
An easy solution to add multilingual support to your application in 10 minutes.
by Ernest Laurentin
Multimedia PeakMeter control - .NET version
by GauranG Shah
Simple Dialog based Win32 application that provides multiple desktops for windows platform as available in the Linux System
by Babu_Abdulsalam
This tree control allows the user to select multiple tree items and enable selection through rubber banding.
by JediScientist
In 10 minutes, how to use the new features of the VC++ 2008 (Orcas) debugging window to debug a sample spinner C++ multithreaded application
by Jim Crafton
An introduction to the Model-View-Controller Pattern in the Visual Component Framework.
by Jim Crafton
Part 2 of 4 that explores the Model-View-Controller Pattern in the Visual Component Framework
by Long Nguyen (xyz)
This is about how to make a simple sofware like photoshop using Visual Studio C++ and OpenCV
by funygel
how to make the standard combobox to drop custom controls
by Patrick Hoffmann
The VC debugger displays a name for every thread. This article describes how to control what VC displays in the thread list.
by mb2sync
A simple logging library using generic object to streams
by Blake Hurd
A sidebar in the lower left that emulates the sidebar in Outlook 2003. Other features implemented include theming, snapping buttons, unique button system, etc.
by Mohammad Nabil H.
A clean and easy way to convert an HRESULT error to an exception including file name and line number.
by Umeshgtank
Getting notification about network location
by rantanplanisback
A class with event handlers for TCP, UDP or ICMP sockets; includes ping, traceroute, whois, ARP, and IPHelper functions and raw packets forging/ capturing.
by Elia Sarti
This article shows you some useful tips about coding a wizard. It includes scripts in JScript format, and provides you an edited "New Class" wizard which supports namespaces.
by murtaza dhari
Article that shows how to create array of any type with int and string index
by Raj Lal
Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) is the latest cryptographic infrastructure in Windows Vista™ which supports new APIs, unified user and kernel mode, agile cryptography, new cipher suits and improved auditing
by Tarmo Kalda
Custom Controls Library offers you a set of different custom controls and API functions.
by Tarmo Kalda
Nice Libraries offers you a set of libraries and helper applications
by Ashok Jaiswal
The image list controls shows all imaes in 3D, animate the items when selected and let control item size, transparency, positions and animation speed
by zhaozg
CTrayNotifyIcon is a great and easy tool, make a portable copy to WTL.
by Dan Madden
A replacement for the Registry Editor by Microsoft.
by kinke
This tiny tool allows for low-level R/W access to NVRAM bytes 14 to 127.
by swuk
It is very much like WScript.arguments plus it keeps track of how the named arguments (options) are used.
by Zac Howland
An article on using macros to encapsulate enumerations.
by logicchild
An article to explain the general principles of object-oriented programing using MFC.
by tojohere
Observer pattern is made as a reusable C++ component
by Natty Gur
This article discusses the problems and the available solutions for maintenance and utilization of ASP.NET session state of the .NET session object.
by KeithPirkl
Register self-signed SSL certificates from a remote web browser.
by Rob Caldecott
An article showing how to launch a URL in a new browser window
by Thomas Serface
Provides a sample project with code to open and/or close a CD or DVD drive drawer.
by Jonathan [Darka]
A free tool which provides an explorer context menu to open a Command Prompt, now supports elevated Command Prompts on Vista.
by BabakTaati
A simple Visual C++ 6.0 multiple document (MDI) project that allows opening / saving multiple types of documents.
by Maruf Maniruzzaman
Environment settings for OS development
by dzzxyz
Optimize your C# with Inline ASM via ATL and C++
by Ralph in Boise
Re-usable code to manage Outlook.
by jehrry
Overcome window flicker while dragging with CImageList
by Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
Implementation of an own-thread splash screen, with a progress indicator using Win32 and GDI+.
by Paresh Chitte
Background painting of CToolbar's parent window (AfxControlBar).
by logicchild
An article meant to introduce and expand upon the Intel Threading Building Blocks threading library
by Dragos Sbirlea
A bird's eye view of the programming model for the new PlayStation 3 console and an interesting example of useful concurrency.
by BioRainbow
ParamContainer is a simple and easy to use C++ class to parse command line parameters. Parameters format are derived from UNIX getopt_long() function syntax but may contain nested parameters as well.
by Emery Emerald
The demonstration of the possibility of parametrization of the non parametrized constructors of the MFC application's document templates.
by ZhengPing Wang
A sample show how to parse date with boost spirit framework
by Jayakanthan
The Pass-Through authentication enables a user to sign-on to their intranet and access other web applications without being asked for login again.
by davidbakin
Utility to unmask password edit controls and INPUT fields, plus some useful C++ classes used to implement it.
by Anna-Jayne Metcalfe
If you are new to PC-lint, you may have wondered what message 830 ("Location cited in prior message") means, and - given that such messages can add greatly to the overall issue count in your file or project - what (if any) use are they?Quite simply, message 830 identifies a location in the codebase
by Bedri Egrilmez
A utility for viewing the internal structure of PDF documents.
by Tamir Khason
This is a full C# classes to control a PELCO PTZ cameras, matrix switching systems, reciever devices and more via RS422/485 'P' and 'D' protocol. It supports all of the commands including UP, DOWN, IN, OUT, LEFT,
by D.K.Wang
This article tries to find a way to show standard controls, ActiveX controls, translucent controls on layered windows. Native MFC source code provided.
by Jochen Kalmbach [MVP VC++]
In the CRT of VC2005, there is a performance decrease; this article describes the changes that are to be made to get a "faster" CRT.
by hxhl95
How to quickly shutdown/poweroff in emergency situations.
by jrivero
Permutations utilizing STL vectors and recursion encapsulated in a namespace
by ErnestoNet
Utility to keep track of personal finances
by Surain Shen
An utility to add date stamp on photos.
by Santhosh G_
PicZoom: A Photo Viewer created in OpenGL
by R%S
The Ping Notify utility allows the user to define an IP address or URL, set the time and start monitoring. The user may choose between beep on ping failing or on success.
by dzolee
Explains the basics of pixel graphics programming on Windows Mobile-based devices (Pocket PC, SmartPhone).
by Santhosh G_
Implementation of Sobel Edge Detection and Cartoon Effect using pixel shader.
by Yi Li
A new choice for playing GIF using GDI+
by jackyxinli
An article to show how to play a Wave file with DirectSound and display its spectrum in real time.
by Mustafa Chelik
Play XM music files in pure C++ using unpacked BASSMOD.dll from file and memory
by Kumar.Prabhu
This project demonstrates the basics of DirectShow and related concepts.
by Zac Howland
An article on using component categories to create pluggable components
by Ivo Beltchev
A powerful and extensible way of creating plugin-based applications
by wduros1
A sample software installer for the Pocket PC that installs software when a memory card is inserted into the device.
by Software_Developer
Pong in a Win32 Console
by aisha.ansari
post office protocol to retrieve mails
by Maruf Maniruzzaman
Shows how to implement a POP3 server
by John Osborn
Version 3 of the BHO Popup Blocker written in ATL
by John Osborn
Popup Blocker is a Browser Helper Object (BHO) that eliminates all popup and popunder windows, including those opened automatically by script.
by HZ_79
An open C++ library to serialize objects as XML
by Thilak Raj S
Making JRE truely portable by API hooking.
by Jeffrey Walton
Perform Advanced Post-Build Executable Processing with the DbgHelp Library
by ThatsAlok
How and Where to use it!
by Chau Johnthan
An article on XML parsing using CString.
by JKallen
Preventing the Return and Esc keys from closing a dialog. User will close the dialog via File-> Close or clicking the "x".
by Niek Albers
Print a bitmap full page.
by Stephen Muccione
Creating a console window from within an ActiveX control.
by My2Cents
Poll using EnumProcess to get process create notification in user-mode
by Nibu babu thomas
Lists out the details of running processes in a system, loaded drivers, loaded dlls, version of each dll and process, process times, command line, owner, priority, GDI resource usage, privileges, loaded symbols, window heirarchy, autostart app finding and more.
by PeterGlen
Measuring Processor Performance
by Vitaly Tomilov
A simplified and unified way for accessing most frequently used information about Process, System, and Environment.
by Scott McCain
A reusable progress bar server control for ASP.NET server pages.
by StasSV
Creating vector graphics editor, implementing vector graphics ActiveX.
by Raghuwanshi.G.S
This article shows how to Create your own Browser using WebBrowser Control.
by Michael Monin
Software to write programs on Java-language for Cell Phone in the same style you do it on C-language for MPU
by Jim Charles
Executing VC++ codes in STACK or HEAP
by Chris Maunder
A smooth progress control with text
by arystotenes
Michael J.
Two simple property classes easying C++ programming
by Vitaly Tomilov
Access detailed information about the current process the easiest way.
by Chau Johnthan
Protect your component from automation clients
by Jeffrey Walton
A Survey of Virus Survival Techniques Applied to Protection Schemes
by ihaml
A generic class to import Adobe's Photoshop (.psd) images under PocketPC Windows Mobile 2003.
by Daniel Pistelli
The first part of this article shows the dynamic internals of the Qt framework, which enable the signals and slots mechanism. The second part focuses on how to retrieve the metadata information generated by the Qt moc from binary files with an IDAPython script, and how to use it in the disasm.
by flippydeflippydebop
A simple XPath parser.
by Elias Bachaalany
Learn C++/CLI in less than 10 minutes.
by Aaron Sherman
Quick Snip is an incredibly lightweight application to make "web sized" pictures out of large images
by Ganik
Step by step instructions for a newbie on how to use WinDbg.
by Jeffrey Walton
Compel threads to execute out of context code using inline assembly.
by Chris Maunder
The explanations, workarounds, scenarios and the rationale behind the decisions to change the Whidbey C++ compiler.
by Hugo Hallman
An article on rationalizing away some access cheks for protected ASP.NET resources, while maintaining client side cacheability.
by Jarl Lindrud
A server/client IPC framework, using the C++ preprocessor as an IDL compiler.
by Valery Grebnev
This article describes a heuristic approach when developing reader/writer spin-locks for Windows XP/Vista.
by cokkiy
An article on how to read/write a line from/to a text file encoded by ANSI/Unicode type.
by Emilio Garavaglia
A locale codecvt facet from char to wchar_t
by mezik
This article describes the basics of using the Windows Media SDK for reading WMV,WMA,ASF files
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article describes an object tracking approach by estimating a time averaged background scene for tracking static and moving objects in real-time on down-scaled image data.
by Ladislav Nevery
Probably the simplest possible sample for video image grabber on Windows. Supports AVI, MPG, QTV, Webcam,TVTuner, etc.
by Maxim Izbrodin
Description of a process recovery utility, which can be considered as a simple example of using multithreading, inter-thread communication, and synchronization techniques.
by Gopalakrishna Palem
Explains methods for recording DirectX and OpenGL rendered animations programmatically.
by Joseph Olasoji
An article on how to use recursion techniques in programming.
by CurtD
Assertions are a very effective debugging tool for C/C++ code. But, a very subtle problem exists with assertions that can cause you to waste a lot of debugging time chasing the wrong problem.
by Jigar Mehta
Registering any COM component through coding.
by Dan Madden
An article on manipulating the registry using NT Native APIs.
by Jochen Kalmbach [MVP VC++]
This article gives you a deeper view into the registry redirector on x64 / IA64 systems
by Cristian Adam
This tool will spy on COM registration process and create side by side (SxS) manifest file(s)
by fahadzukie
This is an alternative for "regsvr42: Generate SxS Manifest Files from Native DLLs for Registration-Free COM"
by Michael Chourdakis
The way to automate the help assistant process in C++ without dirty scripting code.
by Abin
A DLL injection library that works on both Win9x & NT platforms.
by Durga Prasad Dhulipudi
Rendering ESRI Shapefiles(.shp) using OpenGL
by #realJSOP
Copy a bitmap over a portion of another bitmap
by Manohar B. Srikanth
Replacing printf for use with MFC.
by jwatte
Replacing the CSettingsStore class in MFC to store settings in a file
by KarstenK
How to reposition Windows on multiple monitor systems.
by malxau
A demonstration of resizing controls on a dialog box with minimal changes to existing Win32 code via resource markup
by Jerry.Wang
HTTP-only is a feature in IE 6 SP1, Opera, Safari and KDE to allow the setting of cookies that will only be sent via HTTP headers and never accessible via client side scripting.
by Bryan Sachdeva
This article describes how to create a wrapper class for the native Phone API, and then uses it to retrieve and store the call history.
by Andrei Belogortseff
How to control the execution level of Vista applications
by David A. Gray
MD5 Digest XSP with error trapping and full Unicode support, in and out.
by PrafullaT
This is a toolbar for the Internet Explorer which shows information from RSS taken from the Internet.
by "Fish" (David B. Trout)
A command-line tool to run multiple programs in parallel (i.e. concurrently, as a group).
by Somen Shaw
Quick way to run an executable as a Windows Service.
by alex turner
Exsead Service Manager is an Open Source (BSD Style License) Windows Service which launches anything via the use of scripts, it is just being released as Open Source, here is more about it.
How to prevent a security warning in Internet Explorer such as "An identified program wants to access to your computer", or "A website wants to open web content using this program on your computer".
by Scott Dorman
Explains the new SafeHandle class and Constrained Execution Regions, and shows how to use them.
by Jaskiran Singh
The topic discusses how to safely access the pointers, which are considered as bomb shells if used unsafely.
by R. van der Wal
An article on scaling 64 bit integers using extended precision integer arithmetic.
by GauranG Shah
It's a simple dialog based Screen Capture that uses Global Mouse Hooks to capture the area selected by user, controls( i.e. Buttons, etc.), and any other Window.
by DCUtility
Screen Snaper is perfect to quickly share a picture-perfect representation of anything on your screen.
by Ernest Laurentin
An Introduction to ScriptRunner. A scripting tool for user interface Unit Testing.
by sridhar vattam
Scrolling text with background image fixed in MFC
by kencocomputers
Create an SDI with split window without all the extra garbage of the Doc/View architecture.
by julyhoping
This program is to search for words on text files.
by Tom Stone
Enhanced encryption algorthim for data storage (console app)
by David Coe
Describes the proper way to configure a server to securely run the ASP.NET worker process runs as the system account.
by Hojjat Bohlooli
A multi select files and folders browse window
by MBrooker
Extending the CMimeMessage class to send HTML messages
by PooranPrasad
This article covers some of the ways of sending SMS using .NET
by Paul Van Bellinghen
Implementing a serial port to network user interface.
by shriram_gupta
This article is a demonstration of serialization of dynamically allocated memory which is neither a derived class of CObject nor a CString. I.e., a kind of Variable or Object Persistence in MFC even if the object is a non-CObject derived class object.
by murtaza dhari
Example of how to serialize CArray Class/Object in C++
by Valentin Ivanov
Helper application for managing services running under Services.exe process on Windows Mobile platform.
by metcarob
This article shares my experiences setting up an Open Source tool chain for developing C++ applications.
by Emre Özgür İnce
An approach for using the SFMT (SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister) random number generator algorithm.
by Abhi_Coder
Implementation of Shared Pointer
by joaquinjares
Shell Extension with Keyboard Hook
by PrinceOfWildCats
A simple intro to shell programming.
by Aric Wang
Really a tiny class, used to get the currently webpage's net speed you are opening
by liuxiao
A way of adding hyperlink in CListCtrl
by manjunath.j3
A generic C++ class for simple file I/O, just like CFile.
by ArchieCoder
NDK File Transfer is a simple demonstration on how to send and receive a file using the NDK 2.0.
by Frank Arnold
A simple manipulator class for using printf style in ostream
by AdamMartin
Map all WndProc messages to your class' message handlers. Simplest approach. Part 1.
by Alex Cohn
A super-modest approach to owner-drawn menus.
by Daniel Grondin
A simple HTML and plain-text logger.
by venura c.p.w. goonatillake
An easy way to develop interfaces with the tab control.
by Chulliyan
Simple Text Indexer Using SQLite Database
by Dr.Luiji
Cryptography API: The Next Generation (CNG) - How to crypt documents with C++ programming (without an understanding of cryptography or security)
by Manish K. Agarwal
A simple worker thread class with Join and post thread message
by Alex Cohn
XML parser helper classes in pure C++ without validation
by Vadim Motorine
How to build a simple, robust and easily expandable server for multiple clients
by Alain Rist
A submisson to the CodeProject Lean and Mean challenge.
by Hao Hu
An article on how to generate PDF file based on JPEG file as page content
by Ananth Nag Sastry Ganti
Simulation of Barber shop problem
by skullz_softwares
Making Single Instance Application a Simple Way!!
by Jim Xochellis
This article presents a generic sequence searching template function, which is more versatile than std::search
by valdok
A lightweight library to support single-threaded concurrency with multiple components.
by g-drivas
A very easy way of resizing CWnd based objects.
by Nader Omar
Learn the Skills and Concepts to Program in C++ for Beginner & Intermediate/step by step
by suggam
This header file will provide you with the smallest and simplest way to log some trace messages from your MFC application.
by Daniel Pistelli
A wizard for Visual Studio .NET to build small applications with just a few clicks.
by Samuel Batista
A small, yet powerful, code profiler with a debug console window.
by Chris La
This article explains Objective-C like C++ memory management class, SmartObject.
by Maruf Maniruzzaman
This article shows how to design an SMTP server
by Software_Developer
A Snake game in a Win32 Console
by T800G
Simple class to make a window snap to screen edges
by Roman Kiss
The soap.msmq transport update for the WSE 3.0, configuration and usage of the message exchange patterns.
by M Ravi Kiran
Establishes socket through Socks Proxy version 4 and version 5
by magr74
The article describes the usage of a modularization framework called SOF.
by HotSoftG
Automation framework application development, realize the software functions and software frame separation. Support plug-in support theme
by KJAM2005
a.k.a (Dr.D and his adventures in Software Design)
by Geometros
A SolidGraph CAD system source code.
by Bharath NS
Multithreaded GUI solution for starvation in Dining Philosopher problem
by S.C.Wong
Rounding, decimal places, etc..
by Simon.W
This article discuss some Mix-In classes for WTL. These Mix-In classes provide some features that WTL/ATL framework does not support, such as owner-draw menu, skin dialog's button and static text control.
by Sudhir Mangla
Some of the best open source projects in VC++ and MFC
by cristitomi
An introductory article in numerical methods for the beginner.
by Sonic Guan
A convenient and high-powered GUI engine with plenty of tricks
by RB Changanacherry
There is a simple solution for sorting Dropdown list in ASP.NET
by Curtis J
A CEdit control with an up-to-date, internationalizable spell checker.
by Chris Apple
A MFC C++ class to generate a splash screen and about box from a bitmap and version string resources.
by Chris Apple
A C++ class to generate a splash screen and about box from a bitmap and version string resources.
by libbyliugang
A splitter control for dialog can auto change the linked window's position
Match SQL Server style wildcards in client code
by Brad Kremer
A CRecordSet like interface for a SQLite database table.
by Ferdie
A sample VC++ program for performing Visual SourceSafe operations in your application.
by jamesfancy
Automaticlly invoke static initialization functions of classes.
by nbugalia
Only the user can see the words on screen
by Gelu Vac
If you ever thought creating a custom setup should be an easy task, here are the tips to break the ice.
by Romualdas Cukuras
Put your favourite format string and function arguments to STL string.
by Hamed Musavi
I invite anyone who doesn't know about Microsoft Access MDB files safety (specially compact and repair) to read this, before it's too late!
by Kannan K
streamRipper for winamp
by cppnow
An implementation of an (almost) std::map compatible data structure which offers better performance and memory utilization.
by Md. Mazharul Islam Khan
Using different types of strings in XPCOM.
by M Shahid Shafiq
A simple function to perform wildcard ( * ? ) string matching
by grebulon
This Add-in converts the text format (DOS or UNIX) of a file when it is saved in Visual Studio.
by Hitesh Sharma
Stunner is a simple STUN library on top of which a STUN client is built.
by Darren Sessions
The Style Toolkit allows you to modernize the look of your programs using gradients, transparency, PNG images, and more.
by Darren Sessions
StyleDialog may be used independently or in conjunction with the Style Toolkit.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
SVM classification class with SSE optimization support
by Daniel Cohen Gindi
This application adds a property page to show SWF properties in the Windows file properties window.
by Rajasekharan Vengalil
How to switch the thread that a routine is running on.
by Thomas Hruska
OR - How I tricked Visual Studio into storing .NCB, .SUO, and .APS files elsewhere.
by marc ochsenmeier
How to use the Debug Interface Access (DIA) Application Programming Interface to locate the debug symbols file referenced by an assembly.
by Arman S.
Introduces synchronization concepts and practices in multithreaded applications
by David M Brooks
Keep your GUI responsive when making blocking synchronous calls. Dave offers a technique using SyncInvoker,
by Igor Katrayev
Another implementation of dockable, floating, tabbing and splitting environment.
by Igor Katrayev
WTL class that tabs and splits child views in your SDI application
by Habeeballah Hasnoddin
A Property Sheet as an ActiveX control
by Jeffrey Walton
Dynamically Detect Code Alterations and Repair In-Memory Executable Files Using Hashing and Crypto++
by Saar Yahalom
A TCP session reconstruction tool for C#.
by Kumudu Gunasekara
This article describes how to send and receive data using TCP and worker threads in C++
by Michael Dunn
A library and a visual editor that make it easy to build task dialogs and use them in your C++ applications
by Michael Pauli
Easy to use crypto class that uses TEA, XTEA and XXTEA standards
by Thomas Serface
Provides code to determine if a drive is a CD or DVD drive.
by James, Lu Zuheng
An XML Web Service using ATL Server and Called by MFC Client
by Rohit Joshi
Template based Generic Pool using C++.
by EmoBemo
A simple template FIFO buffer. Pulses event when new data is added to the back of the FIFO.
by ManicQin
A bit about templates and design.
by arui69
Templates for sorted and unsorted lists.
by jrivero
Templatized Newton-Raphson algorithm for SIN(X) + N and COS(X) + N where N is in [0, 2].
by Alexander Kent
Utility allowing convenient modification of a Terminal Servers listening port from 3389 to something else.
by Valery Grebnev
This article describes a simple approach and test results when creating distributed pools of objects for high-performance applications on a Multi-core PC.
by Valery Grebnev
This article describes testing the results of reader/writer locks on Windows XP/Vista Uniprocessor and Multi-core PCs.
by AlexShag
This is a simple text editor based on Edit control
by Joseph Dempsey
This article details a class that allows the manipulation of network adapters and uses that class to build a graphical ipconfig utility for anyone using Windows2000 or Windows XP. In order to accomplish this, the IP helper API is used.
by Denis Vasilik
The author shows how easy it is to implement the using statement known by C#.
by Drew_Benton
This is a complete beginners guide to codecaves that covers the main topics of: what a codecave is, what a codecave can be used for, and how to use a codecave.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
A desk band ticker that scrolls the latest messages posted in the Lounge and other forums
by cristitomi
An introduction to the STL list.
by cristitomi
An introduction to STL deque.
by logicchild
An Article about the Basics of MFC Resources
by Victor Derks
Discussion of a small C++ framework to create Windows shell extensions (IContextMenuImpl).
by Victor Derks
Discussion of a small C++ framework to create Windows shell extensions (IShellFolderImpl).
by ChauJohnthan
An XML parser to substitute the big MSXML.
by tsxy
The most useless plug-in for Visual Studio 2005 and Live Messenger.
by Richard Prinz
JAR archives for .NET = NAR archives.
by logicchild
An article that explains how to use this library
by mark novak
A psychological journey into a project crafted from start to finish.
by Zhiwei Liu
A beginner's guide to creating COM/DCOM server and client under .NET 2008 environment.
by The Ultimate Toolbox,
The Ultimate Grid is now Open Source
by The Ultimate Toolbox
Updates and User Contributions for the Ultimate Toolbox Libraries
by oshah
The final article in the access control series presents a guide to the access control editor and its associated ISecurityInformation interface.
by oshah
This second part of the Access Control series will program with the basic Access Control structures.
by Zeeshan Muhammad
Introduction to themes and skins in ASP.NET 2.0.
by programmersmind
Virtual functions in C++.
by Till Krullmann
Presents a small set of ATL/WTL classes that simplify working with threads.
by soptest
This simple library provides an implementation of almost all aspects of multithreaded programming.
by Selvam R
This article explains Managed Threads with Windows Forms Controls
by Oleg Fedchenko
With this thread-safe smart pointer, you can use an object of any type in a multithreaded environment.
by programmersmind
A look at three important operators you often need to overload.
by John_Tang
An introduction to thunk and its uses in callback handling, interface marshaling, and supporting multiple inheritance in C++.
by einaros
A quick introduction to thunking, as well as a demonstration of a simple library which does the work for us.
by Aric Wang
Many popular MP3 players have cool desktop lyrics, this demo uses a simple method to realize it. Happy new year!
by Michael Chourdakis
Simple code to introduce a hardware breakpoint mechanism.
by Andreas Muegge
A practical example how to use the Levenshtein algorithm for string matching
by GauranG Shah
Simple Tool Tip class that will help to show the Balloon and Simple tool tip for controls and the in System Tray window.
by Francesco Aruta
A toolbar editor for Visual Studio. It can modify, add and create buttons, images and all that is needed for a toolbar.
by Iquoba
ToolStripControllerLabel placeable on VisualStudio
by hyle
This article details the major reasons for Java programmers to consider switching from the Java language to Visual C#.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
This article implements a tracert component based on the Ping class available in .NET Framework 2.0.
by Dustin Metzgar
Explains a simple way of using WS-AtomicTransaction to create distributed transactions across Web services
by Bob Carboni
How to create and draw transparent bitmap buttons in .NET Forms.
by Asa Meltzer
Implementing a transparent console application.
by Mitchel Haas
A generic template class library for storing data in a tree-like structure.
by Oleg Krivtsov
Tree control with columns that can be easily used in MFC application
by Weiwei.Fang
simple code to replace the win+L hotkey
by IrrationalThinking
A tutorial on how to use .NET Forms in C++
by Sanjeev Venkat, kb-boxer
Type safe destination transparent logger for C++
by pasztorpisti
An enum with macro + template magic, providing type safety and type info
by Nishad S
A tool for capturing data from controls like TreeCtrl, ListCtrl, ComboBox, ListBox, etc.
by Tim Smith
UOTH is collection of little bleeding edge UI techniques. Oh, and a tool for UO games players.
Ultra-simple read/write lock pattern implementation in C++.
by logicchild
An article that describes some of the important parts of Direct3D program code.
by Virendra Kulkarni
A simplified explanation of Factory Method and Abstract Factory Patterns with sample C++ code.
by prasad_som
Understand what methods are used for managing memory for array
by swuk
Working with Unicode strings in C++ and printing them to the Windows console
by Gopalakrishna Palem
A progress dialog that could be used anywhere, any time, for any task.
by Emilio Reale
Exporting methods for the .NET class inside VB6 or unmanaged C++.
How to access the power of Vista and the DWM without WPF and .NET
by Alain Rist
Featuring cell menu, in-place editor, single control and split dialogs, Vista shell and Mobile file controls and selection dialogs
by João Paulo Figueira
Unzipping files over an ActiveSync connection.
by $uresh $hanmugam
How to upload images into a MySQL BLOB field using the ODBC driver.
by sjDing750807
This article gives a method which apply the MRU algorithm of the cache to save the frequent accessing data in process and the file systems to save the infrequent accessing data out of process.
by Dennis Gourjii
A set of functions to perform the tasks that CString fails to address properly
by Johann Anhofer
The goal of this article is to describe a more or less generic way to access .NET managed objects from a native C++ application.
by shea-c4
A short example of how to access a managed ArrayList of Strings from Native C++/ATL
by Thomas Serface
Includes code to create a virtual list control that also displays bitmaps from files at run time.
by Rob Manderson
How to secure your objects
by Ashutosh Bhawasinka
An article on how to use the IOlkAccountManger to get email accounts configured in Outlook
by SergStrashko
Introduce the algorithm and technique for pre-drawing process speed up.
by Walter Capers
Using C to write a browser source editor.
by Ray Hayes
An article on how I used Generics to implement a general purpose caching collection with user defined size limits.
by Alex Hazanov
Example on how templates can help you to generalize your code
by Alexei Valyaev
An article provide new C++ idom to avoid code duplication.
by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
by ThatsAlok
Article about using C# DLL in unmanaged VC++ application
by msbsoftware
This article shows how to create gadgets that use COM, without requiring installation or administrator permission.
by Gene OK
DAO is old, obsolete, yet it is still very versatile and developer friendly.
by Jim Crafton
An article describing how to use delegates in the VCF.
by @Intersect☺™
It will help to understand the usefulness of writing codes with good programming practice
by TW
Why 99.9% of GDI+ samples in .NET languages? What about C/C++?
by Jose Lamas Rios
How to define and use interfaces in C++.
by Rob Manderson
How to use mailslots to communicate between processes
by Adrian Pasik
In this article, I would like to show you step by step how to use this fantastic database in your C# application.
by Kontza
An article on how to use MSVC pragmas to create a function forwarding DLL.
by Srikanth.rajan
This article demonstrates how to use Windows Vista Preview Handlers in your application.
by Jim Crafton
An article on adding and using resources to your application using the VCF.
by Justin Hallet
Wrapping a screensaver inside a WMP visualization plug-in.
by Kusay J. Mohammed
Easy line encrypter decrypter
by sanjit_rath
Using STL to build a simple DOM model and its scripting scheme.
by H.Brydon
Using the Actor Programming Model
by caio
Using the BITS system service
by Erol Esen
Description of C++ code that illustrates building of a simple sentence in English and Turkish
by PJ Arends
A C++/MFC class that allows you to use the free CutePDF Writer without user intervention
by d347hm4n
This is an alternative for "Using the Free CutePDF Writer without User Intervention"
by NeWi
Describes how to set up Visual C++ 2005 Express to build Win32 applications.
by Jun Du
An article on how to use unmanaged C++ classes exported from pre-built libraries (DLLs) with no source code.
by Sashazur
Code for changing a string resource, that actually works!
by GabrielWF
Tutorial and sample explaining how to use the V8 virtual machine inside your application.
by PEK
This article explains how to work with virtual lists, a very fast list that is useful to show a large number of items.
by sunhui
Create a MFC Program which integrates with Microsoft Visual Basic for Application.
by David Kinder
How to use the windowless RichEdit control, one of Microsoft's less well-documented APIs.
by Nish Nishant
This article is a simple introduction to using the CWinFormsControl MFC class to put a Windows Forms control on an MFC dialog.
by Sean OConnor
Using WinInet to call a server script asynchronously
by Baryon Lee
This article explains the procedure for using WTL with Visual Studio 2005 Express edition.
by John Paul Pirau
Use CString to convert betwen UTF8 and UTF16.
by c-smile
Lightweight utf8 generator
by jamesfancy
Utility functions for std::string.
by Ashvil DCosta
Good Code Reuse can resolve the problems of Code Depreciation.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates video preview and frames capture to memory from external video devices using ISampleGrabber interface in buffered mode.
by Arsalan Malik
This article describes how a texture can be created in OpenGL from a live video stream from a web cam or a video file.
by Antonio Sandoval
Wrapper C# class written in C++\CLI and a sample implementation in C# to render PDF files.
by Sean McLeod
Virtual Earth add-in for media center for browsing and viewing geocoded pictures.
by Michael Dunn
How to use power status notifications to make your applications conserve power when necessary.
by Michael Dunn
Using the Vista TaskDialog API as a replacement for MessageBox
by Michael Dunn
How to add glass to your application's main window.
by Michael Dunn
Using the TaskDialogIndirect API to show feature-packed dialogs that help the user make a decision.
by Michael Dunn
How to use Vista's new file open and file save dialogs with WTL.
by Warren Stevens
Vista Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM, TxF, TxR) from C++, for transacted file and registry operations, with fallback support for XP and earlier
by ied
Classes reproducing Vista fading transitions & animated glowing-default-state effects
by Thomas Hruska
Learn how UAC operates behind the scenes. Use the Elevate package to start multiple elevated processes but only display one UAC elevation dialog from a non-elevated process.
by Mahantesh Ganamukhi
Interacting with the service
by ied
Classes reproducing Vista animated Task Buttons (command links), plus Task Dialog layout
by pasztorpisti
A vcproj formatter that makes vcproj diffing/merging a breeze even with simple text-based mergers. Controllable text encoding.
by Dan Moulding
A memory leak detector for Visual C++ packaged in an easy to use library!
by DRLaverdure
Tips on SmartPhone coding the MFC way - Part 1