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by roscler
Azure based pet adoption agent that helps pet lovers find the perfect pet while saving the lives of kittens & puppies
by Roman Kiss
This article describes a design, implementation and tooling of model driven WorkflowServices logically centralized in the Repository and physically decentralized for their runtime projecting.
by Sacha Barber
Angular.Js / Azure / ASP MVC / SignalR / Bootstrap demo app
by Sacha Barber
Angular.Js / Azure / ASP MVC / SignalR / Bootstrap demo app

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by peterkmx
This article illustrates Google Cloud deployment of a containerized web application such as a .NET 8 Blazor Web App, and shows that the procedure is significantly simplified when GCP Cloud Run is used.
by Frédéric -lefred- Descamps
How to deploy Arm instances on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using Terraform
by Pranay Bakre
How to migrate existing x86 containerized applications to Arm
by Bohdan Stupak
Creating distributed map-reduce workflow with AWS Step Function to write the poem that automatically re-generates itself

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27 Jun 2014 by Sergiy Korzh
How to make search by StartsWith criteria in Azure Tables
16 Jan 2014 by Tom Glick Philadelphia, US
POC to demonstrate passing of collections of complex objects to ASP.NET Web API Controllers.
19 Feb 2013 by Lazaro Lima
This paper attempts to pass all the steps to create an automated backup for a MongoDB Server on a Linux Server where all backups are sent to Amazon AWS S3 service scheduled through crontab.
11 Aug 2014 by Stuart Wheelwright
How to produce and publish a NuGet package using AppVeyor, the free continuous build service
15 Jun 2015 by Sam__Khan
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the integration between IBM Integration Bus and using the REST API.
20 Sep 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
A super-terse reference to tools needed to create Isomorphic JavaScript web apps
25 Feb 2014 by Mantri Vishal
How to creating table in Azure Mobile Services using Azure Service Management Rest API
11 Feb 2015 by WoodyMou
Session 1: Setup SoftEther L2TP server on Amazon AWS Ubuntu
4 Oct 2015 by Member 12032084
.dll for making the FTP management with VB.NET easier
5 Aug 2016 by Dinand.dotnet
Use Git with cloudforge, and switch from SVN to Git
29 Mar 2017 by Dan_Lewis
Adding an Azure Cloud Service to a Domain and setting the App Pool to a Domain User
20 Oct 2021 by Kourosh K Tari
I needed a tool to access and manage my files on Amazon S3, and I decided to build it, and here is what have built.
16 Jun 2012 by Shweta Lodha
How to submit a HPC job from on-premise.
10 Dec 2013 by Bruce Yang CL
A way to query the data from Internet
4 Mar 2014 by Malak Zia Nasir
Cloud computing is the trend of nowadays; this article provides some basic steps to create and connect a Windows Azure SQL Database to a simple application.
15 Apr 2014 by Ravindra T C
How to create SVN Repository in Cloud and Configure using Ankh SVN Client
21 Apr 2015 by Nitin M. Patil
AWS Cloud Formation
21 Sep 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
Easy-as-eating-gooseberry-pie handful of steps to incorporate a dialog into your Meteor app
30 Mar 2018 by Duncan Edwards Jones
How to trigger an Azure serverless function from an event grid custom topic
25 Jan 2013 by simsam77
How to set up a SmartOS machine with Node.js and an AMP stack.
6 Nov 2013 by Houssem_Dellai
Creating a Web API service that gets tweets and hosting it on Windows Azure.
30 Oct 2014 by Jinan Kordab
This tip describes the benefits of discarding a computer box to increase efficiency at home and at work
21 May 2015 by VIGNESH SUKUMAR
Tutorial on Azure Logic App
8 Jun 2015 by Stiv Ostenberg
Introducing a tool to manage multiple AWS accounts from a PC.
3 Sep 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
Populating Select Elements' Options Values with "lookup" data stored in your settings.json file in your Meteor apps
8 Sep 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
Replacing the main body's template using Template.dynamic in a Meteor Single-Page-App
27 Sep 2015 by JoaoSousa23
This is a short manual on how to create and configure cloud service on azure with a specific version of .NET Framework
7 Oct 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
Using routing in Meteor with IronRouter to allow users to navigate between templates/pages
14 Feb 2016 by Jigar_Patel
Amazon S3 lib for uploading file in C++ using VS2010
15 Jan 2018 by Chinni Vyshnavi
This article is mainly focused on the new release of the Microsoft LUIS.
8 Oct 2018 by Sergey Kizyan
Share the one subscription between group of users and control it from one account
23 Oct 2019 by Harsh Deep Gupta
How to migrate Azure WebJobs from Azure Scheduler to Azure Logic Apps
17 Nov 2020 by Duncan Edwards Jones
Fix the 500 error if no Content-Type is specified
27 Sep 2023 by Nish Nishant
Details the additional steps needed to get WebJobs logging to Application Insights.
24 Jun 2012 by Hovanes Manucharyan
Programming with Google Apps Admin Audit API
1 Nov 2012 by Jaime Olivares
Configure an Azure solution to create users during deployment
16 Jan 2013 by Houssem_Dellai
Developing the client and server side for a chat application.
15 Feb 2013 by John Duquette
How-to setup an FTP server on an EC2 instance using S3 for storage
25 Mar 2013 by SumitJaiswal
Knowledge sharing article on WWF.
31 Jul 2013 by Erasmus Lutse
A hypothetical application that gets the company news in a specified location
9 Aug 2013 by Redslide
Modify MVC Routing to allow routes such as /Electronics/Software/Operating-Systems/PC/Windows-8-Installer
17 Sep 2013 by MAW74656
This is a drop-in solution that mimicks the functionality of xp_sendmail (including query results), without installing Outlook on the server.
19 Sep 2013 by Joan M
Changing the display resolution the hard way (in case your device doesn't allow you to select the resolution you need)
26 Sep 2014 by IInjac
Azure Mobile Services Managed Backend–fortumo Mobile Payment Integration
20 Jun 2015 by Jesus Carroll
Some typical tips about the security in the use of a mobile device
18 Aug 2015 by mohamad alameddine
The main problem of this issue is the width of the report page and the margins. Many articles are written on that. Please check if your problem is this before continuing this article. Else check the solution provided for empty pages problem.
2 Sep 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
How to insert values into a MongoDB, and then read them out into a select element in a Meteor app in seven easy steps
4 Sep 2015 by Gerardo Recinto
25 Sep 2015 by jnegron215
This tip will describe how to add a new Panel type to a customized version of the bootstrap framework.
4 Jan 2016 by Matt Comb
This tip describes how to establish a software based VPN connection with an Amazon VPC.
2 Jan 2019 by Duncan Edwards Jones
Set a custom status message with your durable functions
16 Aug 2020 by Akshay Srinivasan2
A beginner's step by step guide with screenshots to get a Spotify API App in the Spotify Developer portal and retrieve Client ID and Client Secret which are needed to access the Web API/Endpoints Spotify exposes to use in your code to consume the Spotify cloud services
27 Sep 2021 by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
Examples of questions and examples of services for passing AWS cloud Developer Associate exam
13 Nov 2013 by Mike Meinz
The COM Interop Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW) is a "Black Box" that creates references to memory that need to be released before the called program will end.
2 Feb 2015 by Michael Collins - Intervalia
Use the code below to determine the number of bindings of your Angular apps
17 Jul 2015 by Mukesh Pr@sad
This article describes blob storage service and how to use it from Visual Studio.
21 Oct 2013 by Purbasha Ghosh
Save enities to support faster CURD operations
17 Nov 2015 by Michael Gledhill
A simple example of using AngularJS to turn JSON into a beautiful Master-Detail view !
25 May 2014 by M@dHatter
Custom Javascript replaceAll() using prototype with Case Insensitive Matching!
8 Jun 2015 by Diluka Wittahachchige
Creating SQL Server database project use in Visual Studio 2012 and maintain versions use in TFS
20 Jan 2017 by Member 11228329
In this post, we will learn how to perform converting your WCF or Web Services to Azure Cloud services step by step.
19 Dec 2013 by Marin Cokarić
Configuring Apache vhosts to access subdomain from outside of local network on Microsoft Windows Azure platform
23 Jun 2014 by Dejan Mauer
This is probably the simplest solution for storing web form data into database. We will use Google Forms and Google Spreadsheets as our 'database'.
31 Jul 2013 by Nigel-Findlater
This is a generic wrapper for CRUD functions to Azure TableStorage
21 Oct 2013 by Purbasha Ghosh
Leveraging .net framework for delete azure entities faster
23 Sep 2013 by sumit_kapadia
Simple and free approach to manage your code on cloud with git-SCN and dropbox
31 Jul 2012 by Naren Chejara
Working with the Windows notification service in metro style application
9 Dec 2014 by B. Clay Shannon
Simply, quickly, and freely make your apps available to the public
10 Jul 2015 by Mukesh Pr@sad
This tip describes how to build an application in Azure Cloud with ASP.NET MVC and WCF.
19 Jan 2014 by Dinand.dotnet
Fast, easy with/without local js, allow ins HTML code by saving
1 Oct 2013 by P_Dash
Taking a SQL Azure database backup to Local instance from an SQL Azure instance using Deployment Technique
7 Mar 2015 by SuperVessel
This article will teach users how to create a dedicated IPython + Notebook environment on cloud (SuperVessel cloud), in the most easy and free way. Users could try it at once !!
25 Mar 2015 by Sergey Kizyan
Assigning domain name to Azure web site
21 Jul 2015 by Mukesh Pr@sad
Upload and Delete Video File to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage with ASP.NET MVC
3 Jul 2023 by Lingaraj 2023
A step by step guide to setup the kubernetes cluster (one master + one worker) in EC2 instances
1 Jun 2015 by Pooja Baraskar
This tip will help you to get a basic understanding of Virtual Machines on Azure and guide you about how to create and run a Virtual Machine on Azure.
9 Apr 2014 by Aqeeel
Implementing security in SQL Server by only allowing TCP/IP Network Protocol and changing default TCP port
21 Oct 2013 by Purbasha Ghosh
This part of the article walks you through tips for fetching entities quickly.
19 Dec 2017 by infal
This article shows how to send push notification to your mobile (Android) app from .NET infrastructure.
24 Dec 2012 by Shay Yannay
Create Azure cloud service application in OPC format
25 Apr 2014 by grantliu
Utilize in a Service-oriented architecture
2 Oct 2015 by Manoj Deshmukh
Steps to upgrade your Web API Swagger package to 5.2.x version from earlier 4.1.x version
9 Apr 2020 by Jesus Carroll
In Data Engineering, supporting Data Science, Data Mining and Reporting tasks, it is useful to get only fields that have data. We don't mind nulls values and we are grateful if this field's structure is dynamic. These ones might be a stat in the set of empty's kingdom.
28 Sep 2023 by Nish Nishant
Shows how to programmatically stop/exit a WebJob on Azure
4 Jun 2018 by Shayne P Boyer
Creating RazorPage apps using the CLI
30 Jul 2018 by T.Umarani
How to deploy console application as an Azure WebJob using VSTS
26 Nov 2014 by ankit57100
Azure Notificationhub - Sending Push notification to mobile devices
15 Sep 2015 by JabeenBegum
Office 365 new feature - Delve
1 Jul 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
Use Hidden Fields to Access Code-Behind/Server-Side Vals from Your Client-side (jQuery) code
24 May 2016 by debasish mishra
Running Enterprise web services in Azure