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Great Reads

by Oz Solomon
Window and File Management add-in for Visual C++
by Davide Calabro
The reference control for MFC flat buttons with text and icons. Give your CE applications a professional look!
by MiamiCoder
How to create a real-world BlackBerry application.
by emranallan
Add your local inside windows local to be supported for unicode

Latest Articles

by ljw1004
Adding zip/unzip easily, no LIBS or DLLs, with an elegant and powerful API
by emranallan
Server Application to remote your mobile device through wireless/wire connection not based on RAPI
by emranallan
WINDOWS CE API HOOKING and Replace Function inside GWES.exe on all models since pocket PC 2003 until Windows mobile 6.5
by emranallan
Black List Application in window mobile (Blocker Application)

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11 Jul 2002 by Oz Solomon
Window and File Management add-in for Visual C++
18 Dec 2001 by Davide Calabro
The reference control for MFC flat buttons with text and icons. Give your CE applications a professional look!
16 Apr 2009 by MiamiCoder
How to create a real-world BlackBerry application.
6 May 2012 by emranallan
Add your local inside windows local to be supported for unicode
18 May 2012 by emranallan
Server Application to remote your mobile device through wireless/wire connection not based on RAPI
21 Sep 2009 by Apriorit Inc, Oleksandr Dodatko
This article describes the process of initial configuration and basic work with Palm Web OS on the lower level than it's described in Palm SDK docs.
5 Dec 2009 by Noel Dillabough
A (hopefully) complete extended MAPI wrapper for WinXP, WinCE, and .NET
7 Sep 2002 by Tanzim Husain
This article describes a non full screen dialog class that does not switch to full screen when the SIP is activated.
31 Jul 2009 by Dmitry Klionsky
Bluetooth for Microsoft Device Emulator enables Bluetooth communication from and to the emulator.
27 Jun 2006 by Marco Zaratti
This article presents a new socket wrapper class specifically designed for the WinCE (PokcetPC) platform that solves the issues of asynchronous notifications and more.
29 Feb 2004 by Peter Tewkesbury
Allows the reading of CHM files on a Pocket PC2003.
15 Jan 2005 by Ramanan.T
Useful tool to view functions in a library (.LIB) file and export them to a header (.H) file
16 Mar 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
Handling multiple toolbars - Pocket Word-style.
19 Sep 2012 by ljw1004
Adding zip/unzip easily, no LIBS or DLLs, with an elegant and powerful API
17 Dec 2003 by Daniel Strigl
Learn how to make your Pocket PC speak with your mobile phone.
16 Aug 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a font chooser dialog with preview and ClearType support.
12 Sep 2004 by Rui A. Rebelo
A function which returns the similarity between two strings (how much they're equal).
18 Aug 2004 by Sprotty
An introduction to XML Data Binding, and a review of a number of leading products.
5 Feb 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
An implementation of the Office 97 style Colour Picker control for Windows CE.
26 Jan 2004 by João Paulo Figueira
An implementation of a full-browsing file open dialog.
31 Mar 2005 by xryl669
The final article about API hooking, with a working example of a thread deadlock detector.
6 May 2003 by Nick Deacon
An article describing how to use the IR port on a pocket PC to control a TV.
24 Jun 2002 by Jie Tang
CEDraw is a high speed graphics library for WinCE.
26 Aug 2001 by Vassili Philippov
A library that provides an easy wrapper that encapsulates most of work done with the HtmlView control in CE
13 Dec 2004 by Alain Rist
Some proposed WTL classes and functions at work: CAppWindow, CFullScreenFrame, CStdDialog, CF_DIB clipboard support, and more...
2 Nov 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
Putting imgdecmp.lib to work with a few extras.
30 Jul 2007 by dzolee
A Wifi scanner with custom slider, tab control, buttons and checkboxes
6 Aug 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
Porting Carlos Antollini's ADO classes to the Pocket PC.
28 Feb 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
Tips on how to handle tap-and-hold user commands.
17 Jun 2004 by Girish Nurani Sankaranarayanan
A beginner level article describing the creation of Pocket PC application setup packages using the CAB Wizard application.
19 Feb 2005 by Przemyslaw Syrek
Viewing windows in full screen mode.
7 Jun 2003 by ljw1004
If you don't want to use CAB, this is how.
19 Mar 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
How to eneble and disable top-level popup menus in the Command Bar of PocketPC 2002 applications.
26 Mar 2009 by Alex_Intw
A cross-platform state-oriented application framework and a ClassWizard-like round-trip UML dynamic modeling/development tool that runs in popular IDEs. Aims at providing concurrent, distributed, and real-time application development tools for Win32/Linux
14 Apr 2004 by João Paulo Figueira
Enabling the fastest database access protocol for C++ developers on the Pocket PC.
12 Aug 2002 by Tanzim Husain
This article describes an undocumented API that enables you to load images (bmp, gif etc.) from files under Pocket PC 2002
14 May 2003 by Daniel Strigl
A owner drawn list control to emulate a single select list box with a little icon at the beginning of each line.
19 Dec 2002 by CT CHANG
Establish a TCP/IP connection to other applications.
26 Oct 2002 by CT CHANG
Add full screen capability in your PocketPC applications.
24 Mar 2007 by dzolee
A fast solution to create custom-shaped windows from a bitmap mask.
11 Feb 2008 by João Paulo Figueira
Capture your Windows Mobile device screen via ActiveSync or WMDC.
12 Mar 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
An implementation of the selection bars found on PocketPC 2002 applications.
28 Jul 2009 by Slava Khristich
How to deliver GPS data asynchronously to the server over the internet without queues.
20 Nov 2006 by Dustin Metzgar
Create 3D bar charts and pie graphs using WPF
26 Jul 2001 by Ciprian Miclaus
This article presents a class to encapsulate threads, leaving the user to focus on project details.
17 Oct 2004 by Abdul Munaf Chhatra
A unit testing framework for eVC++ applications, and its usage.
3 Mar 2006 by Fernando A. Gomez F.
How to change the color of Windows CE components without modifying your program.
5 Jan 2008 by Aleh
Shows how to unload the Input Method (IM) DLL for the Software Input Panel (SIP) on Pocket PC, which is important to Input Method uninstallers
1 Nov 2005 by Prathamesh S Kulkarni
The article shows how to use keyboard hooks in WinCE.
30 Aug 2005 by Channa Jayasinghe
How to remove the annoying “Backup Battery Very Low” (bogus) critical notification programmatically.
19 Feb 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
A class to format COleDateTime objects into strings using standard formatting codes.
7 Jun 2003 by ljw1004
Manipulate the "Folders" drop-down in a PocketPC 2002 application.
2 Mar 2003 by CT CHANG
Add, edit, and delete records/table/database in MS SQL Server CE v1.0/v2.0.
10 Aug 2003 by eXEden
An article on writing custom today items using the CTodayWindow class.
29 Jun 2006 by kishore Gaddam
Log generation functions including COM error information logging and MFC exception information logging.
13 Sep 2000 by Ramon de Klein
An addictive game for PocketPCs with full source code included.
3 Sep 2005 by João Paulo Figueira
An easier way to accept numeric input on the Pocket PC.
7 Jun 2003 by ljw1004
How to read XML documents using MSXML, in a modern C++/template manner
29 Dec 2005 by midnightEngineer
A SQLite3 MFC wrapper with Unicode/Pocket PC 2003 support.
4 Dec 2005 by mb2sync
Performs conversions between values of type bool, BOOL and VARIANT_BOOL.
11 Dec 2005 by Sreekanth Muralidharan
A simple task enumerator for Windows Mobile SmartPhones.
24 Apr 2005 by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a managed wrapper to the CEDB database engine with some C++ help.
30 Jun 2004 by João Paulo Figueira
Managing large data types on SQL CE databases and the ATL OLE DB Consumer Templates.
21 Nov 2001 by Ray Kinsella
CCeFileFind - A FileFind class for Windows CE.
2 Nov 2004 by Alain Rist
CZoomScrollImpl extends WTL CScrollImpl to allow continuous zooming.
8 Sep 2005 by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A library for enumeration of serial ports that works on 9x, NT 4.0 and 2000, XP and CE platforms
7 Sep 2003 by EK_Kiwi
Creating and using a header bar control in MFC in Windows CE.
12 Jan 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a letter strip control for record selection.
8 Apr 2004 by Adrian Stanley
This article describes how to combine managed and unmanaged projects into a single Visual Studio .NET solution.
19 Sep 2011 by isemenov
15 Sep 2004 by RedSunBeer
Some thoughts on estimating before having a design in place.
11 Aug 2003 by eXEden
An article on writing custom today items using the CTodayOptionsDialog and CTodayWindow classes.
28 Sep 2006 by Alain Rist
Plug-in CodeProject's CStdString as WTL::CString and get the WTL CString support with a Standard C++ Library implementation.
30 Aug 2003 by EK_Kiwi
Creating and using a header bar style control in Windows CE.
5 Feb 2009 by Santosh Ingawale
Register a reference mobile number, and receive a reference message on SIM change.
6 Feb 2005 by João Paulo Figueira
Exploring SQL CE 2.0 schema information with the ATL OLE DB Consumer Templates.
24 Jun 2003 by Idael Cardoso
A C++ class to allow simple serial communication in Win32 platforms
19 Sep 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a wizard-like dialog on the Pocket PC using property sheets.
25 May 2003 by João Paulo Figueira
How to insert title and footer links in Pocket PC property sheets, using MFC
31 Mar 2005 by D. Ajith Nilantha de Silva
24 Jun 2007 by kris_raj
How to trap a C# application window message in an eMbedded VC++ created DLL.
11 May 2012 by emranallan
WINDOWS CE API HOOKING and Replace Function inside GWES.exe on all models since pocket PC 2003 until Windows mobile 6.5
7 May 2012 by emranallan
Black List Application in window mobile (Blocker Application)
20 Apr 2004 by Tuan Nguyen
An article on creating a streaming video player for Pocket PC.
28 Oct 2004 by 110_110_110
A class for setting various attributes of static text such as font, color, or alignment.
11 May 2009 by Hani Gamal Eldeen
.NET controls to be used for development of Arabic applications for smart devices.
12 Jun 2001 by Ciprian Miclaus
This code detects memory leaks in embedded VC++ almost the same way crtdbg does in VC++.
25 Oct 2003 by Yaroslav Goncharov
Porting process of the registry viewer sample from the user interface design to the implementation details.
15 Mar 2005 by Iven Xu
Implement an explorer using .NET Compact Framework in Pocket PC.
7 Jun 2003 by ljw1004
A complete PocketPC app in plain Win32/C++.
8 Mar 2005 by kbrryder
This is a conversion sheet to go from C++ API calls to .NET P/Invoke. It includes data type conversions and tips.
11 Jul 2002 by Bradley Manske
This article continues to chronicle my quest to get a Dialog Based WinCE application that I can use
14 Jul 2004 by Girish Nurani Sankaranarayanan
An article describing the implementing of Custom actions in Pocket PC application Setup packages.
12 Apr 2007 by Diogo Ferreira Lopes
A basic sample on how to rotate the screen of a pocket PC.
16 May 2004 by João Paulo Figueira
Extending the DrawText function to display truncated text with a terminating ellipsis
12 Jun 2007 by dstefanov
Virtual Serial (COM) Driver that translates GPS input from NMEA 0183 v2.3 to v2.0 so it can be consumed from legacy GPS applications
22 Aug 2004 by fftz
The CMDIBase template provides multiple view UI support for WinCE WTL-based projects.
3 Nov 2005 by Prathamesh S Kulkarni
An article on using keyboard hooks in WinCE.