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Great Reads

by Sacha Barber
Azure Service Fabric Demo + IOC, logging, encryption
by V.
Second article on creating a reusable framework
by Mark Pelf
In this article, we build a practical reusable Logging Proxy in C#
by Greg Utas
No breakpoints or drooling all over the console!

Latest Articles

by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) is a crucial component of PostgreSQL's data integrity and recovery mechanisms. In this article, we'll explore how WAL works, its benefits, and how to leverage it for effective database management.
by Lance Ford
A walkthrough to enable request/response logging to an ASP.NET web application (or web service) by using an IIS module.
by Ivan Yakimov
A look at the issue of growing log volume in production systems by introducing the concept of a block of log entries
by Illya Reznykov
The post describes PowerShell script which creates WAF resources for the scenario when Application Load Balancer is used to serve content for a public website, but to block requests from attackers and to protect from OWASP Top 10 security risks.

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28 Feb 2022 by Utku Ozan ÇANKAYA
Basics of improving WCF service quality