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Great Reads

by Graeme_Grant
Enabling development and production AppSettings support for non-ASP.NET Core apps
by Greg Utas
No breakpoints or drooling all over the console!
by Sibeesh Passion
Easy set up Build and Release pipeline configuration of Angular app
by Olivia Glenn
Create meaningful version numbers that everyone - developers, testers, operations, managers, and even end-users - will find helpful

Latest Articles

by Graeme_Grant
Enabling development and production AppSettings support for non-ASP.NET Core apps
by Greg Utas
No breakpoints or drooling all over the console!
by Sibeesh Passion
Easy set up Build and Release pipeline configuration of Angular app
by Olivia Glenn
Create meaningful version numbers that everyone - developers, testers, operations, managers, and even end-users - will find helpful

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by Graeme_Grant
Enabling development and production AppSettings support for non-ASP.NET Core apps
by Greg Utas
No breakpoints or drooling all over the console!
by Sibeesh Passion
Easy set up Build and Release pipeline configuration of Angular app
by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Implementation of the git flow releasing model
by ASP.NET Community
MS.NET VERSIONSWith the recent release of.NET 4.0 a lot of confusion has crept into .NET versions. Right from the beginning .NET versions numbers
by ASP.NET Community
With the release of ASP.NET 2.0, a new set of controls were made available to help provide navigational elements to your web sites. These controls
by KevinPo
How to navigate and program against the Release Management API, even though it does not have official documentation.