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Great Reads

by LucasB86
Translate your RESX files by using your own translation storage
by Gregory Morse
Custom TAUS Data Provider to allow increased multilingual support using Google Translate's web interface
by Kamran Saeedi
An idea on how to use .NET ExpressionVisitor to translate lambda expressions into classes that encapsulate data suitable for filtering data & creating query strings

Latest Articles

by Jason Sultana
Some options available for text-to-speech
by Kamran Saeedi
An idea on how to use .NET ExpressionVisitor to translate lambda expressions into classes that encapsulate data suitable for filtering data & creating query strings
by Gregory Morse
Custom TAUS Data Provider to allow increased multilingual support using Google Translate's web interface

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4 Oct 2019 by OriginalGriff
Natural language conversions are really, really complicated - and the companies that are good at it (such as Google) don't tell people how their code works. Understandably: it cost them a lot of time and money to produce Google Translate for example. Which means you have three choices: 1) Use...
25 Jan 2022 by Stefan_Lang
Quote: How do we do it right 1. Post your actual question at the top, maybe even in the topic heading 2. Provide your goal and relevant detail information after that, in the body of your posting. Make sure to keep it reasonably short by...
18 Jan 2016 by Sascha Lefèvre
I don't know if it can be done with AutoMapper. But this is how you could do it yourself, not including the Repository-call. There's a generic and non-generic version of the mapping-method; I think you should be able to use the generic one.using System;using...
27 Jan 2022 by Stefan_Lang
Quote: The problem was I cannot properly separate the declaration & definition of a templated symbols such as classes, structs, functions, and many more Short answer: you cannot! From the link I posted above (emphasis mine): Quote: However, when...
28 Mar 2012 by Bernhard Hiller
Refactoring the server side should not be so complicated. Change the datatype of the column from varchar to nvarchar. .Net applications handle unicode strings, so I think that that small change in the column definition should do it.
4 May 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
The thread Google AJAX API with C/C++[^] has many implemented codes.Please go through all the posts and try them. You will find one attached file here.
14 Oct 2013 by LucasB86
Translate your RESX files by using your own translation storage
29 Jul 2015 by Graham Coulby
I am having a problem with this code. When I start the program the rectangle (Ruler) is in the center of the page. When I mousemove when MouseDown is true, the Rectangle (Ruler) is dragable as I want. However, this only works on the first drag. The next time I go to drag it the Ruler jumps back...
29 Jul 2015 by Shmuel Zang
In your Rectangle_MouseMove method you calculate the TranslateTransform according to the mouse position in the MouseDown event. In the first time the MouseMove difference is equal to the wanted TranslateTransform but, after that, the MouseMove difference is according to the last...
14 Jan 2012 by SvenMe
It is hard to help you when you're not saying anything about the error message.However, according to the TranslateClient[^] class definition, there is no constructor taking a string.So, I assumeTranslateClient client = new TranslateClient();will solve your problem.
28 Mar 2012 by dada2010
Hello everybodyI have a translation problem (btw, please excuse my poor english i will do my best to be understandable).I have a label on a page, which the value is filled via javascript. On postBack of the page, i fill a field on my database (sql server) with the value of this label, for...
29 Mar 2012 by dada2010
Hello BernhardThanks, it worked. I changed the datatype to nvarchar, and the field admit cyrillics chars. You made me understand the difference between varchar and nvarchar. It seem i need also prefix with 'N' the value in my insert query. For exemple : "insert into table (field) values...
11 Sep 2012 by lore jairus
Is there a machine translation tools available and runs in windows platform?like a word or phrase level alignment tool, decoder and etc.I'm aware of the open source moses decoder,giza++ and the irst-lm. but i find it hardto install this softwares using cygwin and i dont know how to...
25 Sep 2012 by Anshul R
12 Oct 2012 by lore jairus
Is there a formula to relate the time and number of comparison to provide metric value?Pattern matching algorithm is used where if it executes comparison it increments count of comparison and time duration to complete the task is observed.
4 May 2013 by iDebD
I want to create a MFC project in C++ which will use Google Translator API to translate strings into required language from English;I Have found following link to useful:[^]But having no clue if is there any interface in Google...
28 Aug 2013 by Ranjan.D
Here's one you can have a look into.. I just published it Language Translator using Google Translate[^]Thanks,
25 Sep 2013 by khoi tran
How to using microsoft translator api in winform? and i used appid to translate but i dont know where can get it?Who can send to me a source using Client secret and Client ID in winform (.Net)?Thank all
22 Oct 2013 by Bazalgette
Hi,I'm a complete newbie to mvc5 and am trying to write a simple mapping application. At the moment, the workflow works as follows:i. user typle in a list of identifiers in textarea1ii. user click on a button.iii. the controller queries the database mapping table.iv. the result is...
10 Nov 2013 by Christian Graus
You need to handle your blur event or your changed event ( if the latter, with a timer to time when someone has stopped typing ) and then fire your event. Pretty straightforward, if you must do that. I think having a button is fine. I'd just make it so that 'enter' pushes the button, instead...
24 Apr 2015 by Member 11638929
Dear Professionals, Need help. I have Visual Studio 2010 and Sql Server 2008 R2. I am saving data in English from the front end but I need to generate report in German language. I have the following two questions - 1. The question here is that I need to see the English saved data...
28 May 2015 by Joan M
Hello all,I've just tried to go from Google translation to Microsoft translation in order to, from an excel document, translate a lot of cells automatically to several languages.I had it working before with Google, but now it looks like they've just removed the "free" from that...
14 Jun 2015 by Rinkal Bhojani
I want to create offline web application which is going to work on intranet where there is no internet connection.In this application user will type in english in one textbox and automatically marathi will be displayed in other textbox.So please suggest any solution which will work same...
17 Jan 2016 by vacho2
I would like to propagate entity framework include properties across architecture.1. Starting at the service layer where these include properties come as an argumentIEnumerable GetUsers(user => user.Classes);2. The method getUsers must translate this expressions from ViewModel to...
13 Mar 2016 by Gregory Morse
Custom TAUS Data Provider to allow increased multilingual support using Google Translate's web interface
22 Aug 2016 by Member 12698068
Hi, I come from a background with zero knowledge of computers and programming but my realization of the current and future vision of the digital world makes me think that programming is an modern man's indisputable skills to possess. So I decided to learn programming, I started with...
22 Aug 2016 by CPallini
You choose a very large topic, indeed. In order to start up, I suggest you reading the following Wikipedia page: Machine translation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[^].
6 Oct 2016 by eclipse140790
I have a website and i use google translate js to translate it automatically. But the content after translating is not extract. I use contribute feature and try to change and update the content, but after that, no thing happen. How can i do now?Thank you very much!!!What I have...
6 Oct 2016 by David_Wimbley
This issue is specific to google translate. You need to bring this up with them...we are not google and therefore cannot fix the contents of what google translate returns back as translated text.
7 Jan 2017 by Alberto Nuti
This could be a good starting point:var df = new List();var bs = new List();var percentiles = new List[100];for(int i = 0; i ();}var line_idx = 0;foreach(var line in enumerate(in1)){ ...
18 Mar 2017 by takatok
The code is functionally equivalent. You say that your problem is that qc[0] is often 0 and its causing problems. With your code your taking some C_dat array and converting every EVEN index of that array (0,2,4,etc) into a double and adding it to qc[0]. So the only reason qc[0] should equal...
17 Jun 2017 by RickZeeland
If you are brave you can get the source code from GitHub and modify that: GitHub - UweKeim/ZetaResourceEditor: Free multilingual, parallel .NET resource file editing[^] You can also make an "issue" on GitHub about the problem.
26 Jun 2017 by thehallux
I have a plain-vanilla ASP.NET web application that I need to globalize/localize. I can successfully do this using .resx file and explicit localization in my .aspx files. I would like to distribute my localized strings in the form of satellite assemblies rather than as .resx or .resources files....
26 Jun 2017 by RickZeeland
Maybe this will be of help: WebApplication Localization with satellite assemblies[^]
22 Feb 2018 by CodingLover
InstallScript MSI, the relevant text for added languages not displayed properly under "Summary Information Stream Comments" of the InstallShield. That's the description/summary of the file. What I have tried: Add the English text and then the translated text on to the string identifier...
22 Feb 2018 by RDBurmon
that is the bug in installshield, think you are using char, Have you? read this blog, this may help Customizing File Properties for the Setup Launcher[^] Updating a Summary Information Stream (Windows)[^] how to enter stream data? Entering Summary Information Stream Data[^]
26 Aug 2018 by tasinsahin
I have a web app that support multiple languages. I am successfully translating the content of the app with @ngx-translate. However; I also need to translate the route link. My link look like this Now when I change the language to something like Turkish; I need...
26 Aug 2018 by sajeetharan
This is sort of bad idea to implement, since you need to build several routes for each language. Generally i would recommend you to configure routes with languages. For example, and if its a differencet language then it should be, ...
20 Sep 2018 by VarunSharma43
Hi Friends, I am developing a translation tool. First I want the develop a glossary from existing translations so I developed a GUI which has 2 panes. left side has english and right side has hindi. For hindi its easy to find a new line using '|' however for english its a bit challenge since ....
7 May 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
This is not the proper place for such an entry. If you have something useful to share then please write an Article or Tip. See Submission Guidelines[^].
4 Mar 2020 by Trey Lewis
Hi, Im working on an survey analysis and found SAS code that creates what I want to do but I do not have SAS. Can anyone help me translate this code to R LABEL SUSCEP = 'Susceptibility Index'; if &CR7SUSCEP.=1 then do; if &CR12SUSCEP. IN...
18 Apr 2020 by OriginalGriff
Quote: I have tried a crash code in c# but i really cant, because right now i dont have the means or the time for learn c# Well, you are going to have to make time - we do not provide a code conversion service, even if one did produce good...
22 May 2020 by Kamran Saeedi
An idea on how to use .NET ExpressionVisitor to translate lambda expressions into classes that encapsulate data suitable for filtering data & creating query strings
21 Mar 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Yes, according to this:[^].What to do? I know a couple of possibilities.First, look at Microsoft Translator API:[^].Also, if you really want it, you can still use Google translate...
4 Apr 2017 by Karthik_Mahalingam
remove the Number function and try Quote: So I need a function like this one to replace all Arabic numbers by their values but other characters should stay as they are var yas = "٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ g"; yas = yas.replace(/[٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩]/g, function (d) { return d.charCodeAt(0) - 1632; }) ...
4 Apr 2017 by H.AL
I am trying to use this function to replace only Arabic numbers in text input: function parseArabic(){ var yas ="٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩"; yas = Number(yas.replace(/[٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩]/g, function (d) { return d.charCodeAt(0) - 1632; }).replace(/[۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹]/g,...
25 Jan 2022 by Stefan_Lang
I have read, but didn't understand a word of, your question. In the topic header you mention templates, so the only advice I can offer is check out this guide:[^] The section Quote:...
17 Mar 2017 by Patrice T
When you don't understand what your code is doing or why it does what it does, the answer is debugger.Use the debugger to see what your code is doing. Just set a breakpoint and see your code performing, the debugger allow you to execute lines 1 by 1 and to inspect variables as it execute, it...
25 Sep 2013 by Rick van Woudenberg
A simple google query got me :[^][^]and here's a bunch of links too :C# Language Translator[^]This should get you started.
13 Jun 2017 by User 13204940
You'd create a list containing 01, 02 etc and another list containing A, B etc. When translating forwards ie from 01 to A: outputBox.Text = list2[list1.IndexOf(inputBox.Text)] When translating backwards ie. from D to 04: outputBox.Text = list1[list2.IndexOf(inputBox.Text)] ...
13 May 2012 by Riccardo Bassilichi
A system that permit you to manage your external javascript files and use server localizations in it.
10 May 2021 by Jason Sultana
Some options available for text-to-speech
14 Jan 2012 by sas3svs
string text = "hello"; TranslateClient client = new TranslateClient(""); Language la1=Language.English; Language la2=Language.English; string translated= client.Translate("hello", la1,...
9 Aug 2014 by Abhinav S
You will have to build your own conversion language parser or buy a third party one and use it (or a trial version) in your own program.There is no other way.
12 Oct 2018 by Member 14017528
Hello all, I'm new here and started programming with c++ only 2 months ago before I was mostly working with net. (vb). In net i was able to get my strings translated but in c++ I have no clue how to start to get my string translated from English to German and backward. I´m working with Visual...
21 Mar 2012 by EddyGuzman
Hi. I want to develop a Language Translator, I heard about Google Translation API but looks like it's not free anymore. Do you know what can I do or where can I found something to achieve this? Thanks and Regards
25 May 2018 by gbalamurugan
I am using google translation in my web and the English text toggle to my preferred language while pressing CTRL+G. Same way how can i did in mobile view? I have created button, but when i clicking this button the text was not translate. Please help me...What action for button click What I have...
15 May 2013 by shimlaBoy
=> How to implement Touch based rotation with windows 8 app using C# and XAMLI have mine windows 8 analog clock app that perform Touchable task to move minutes and hour angle by single touch ,but it could not work properly. it seems to be did not find angle correctly . I had worked on...
6 Jan 2017 by dfarr1
Hey folks - I'm definitely not a python guy but I am a C# guy. Can I get a hand trying to figure out how I can recreate this code snippet in c#?Background:I have a tab-delimited file that holds a p-value/critical value (for chi squared analysis). There are 9 columns of data. The first...
4 Oct 2019 by chandranchandra
In WPF/Winforms my application, i want to convert a text from English to indian local languages (tamil,telugu, etc). I don't like to use internet connections. It should be work in offline. Please help me on this. What I have tried: I have tried OCR, but it didnt match my expectation.
25 Sep 2012 by lore jairus
Can somebody give me a step by step tutorial of a statistical machine translator decoder.. in which it is implemented using phrase-based translation in the translation model.. so that i can understand its basic and stepsThe parsing process,heuristic searching of possible candidate...
25 Sep 2012 by lore jairus
thank you sir! is there any tutorials you know that has concentrates in decoding, because it seems the process of tokenizing of the phrase is not discussed in the tutorials.. is it bigram? two words at a time? I mean how will the decoder know if the phrase is is group with two words to be...
9 Aug 2014 by pravin prajapati
How to convert english to gujarati,hindi using windows form application c# offline.?hi all, i need to convert or translate language english to hindi or gujarati or all each other using windows form application with c# offline.please help.thanks in advance
25 Sep 2015 by Member 11594902
angular translate not working with updatepanel ...
18 Mar 2017 by dfarr1
Hi there,I have a program that is filling List c_dat and t_dat with 2, 4, or 6 numbers at a time. Then the next step does some math to figure out variance and keep track of things by appending them. The problem is that the qC[0] item is quite often 0 and this is causing me a lot of...
14 Jun 2017 by Knightsurfer
I want a program that say if it read "01" in one textbox, in another textbox it would print "A" and if "02", it would print "B" and if possible I would like it to be reversible, basically my own homemade translator if you will, any help would be appreciated. EDIT: I was wanting it for a text...
17 Jun 2017 by Member 3773125
Zeta Resource Editor is not accepting the ID code generated by Google, returns 404 error for ID. I know this is old code, but was wondering if you have an updated version available for new Google Translate API logic. Thanks. What I have tried: no other resource tried since the Api call is...
25 May 2018 by X2A coding
here is the code your welcome if it does not work tell me in advance and i will research for you
7 May 2019 by py.Net.JS
I am trying to develop a Multi language Chat application which can convert any text from one language to another using Python. I have tried couple of solutions and I found the Microsoft Bing Translate Api a perfect solution for my requirement. I am posting this question and answer together...
7 May 2019 by py.Net.JS
# Please install Microsoft translate using >> pip install translate from translate import Translator class clsTranslate(): def translateText(self, strString, strTolang): self.strString = strString self.strTolang = strTolang translator =...
27 Jan 2022 by Phoenix Liveon
The problem was I cannot properly separate the declaration & definition of a templated symbols such as classes, structs, functions, and many more. Before we could continue I have this quick statement on how I organized my work/project. We can...