Computer mouse single and double-clicks are widely used in software applications. Less known is the mouse triple-click option, which could increase the convenience and overall productivity of computer operations.
Triple-click in Web Browsers
Mouse triple-click feature is implemented in all major web browsers,: Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge, Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome and Apple Safari 2.0+. You could try this mouse triple-click technique right now: triple-click at any place within the paragraph to get it selected.
A bit more tricky part is to select the paragraph containing the hyperlinks on the web page; in this case, do the triple-click while pointing the cursor slightly to the right of the hyperlink "hot spot" in order to avoid the page redirection to the target URL.
Triple-click in Other Apps
Mouse triple-click feature is also implemented in many popular text editing software apps, like, for example, Microsoft Word (wider set of options is available in Microsoft Word, including the combination of mouse-click with Ctrl
Please be aware, that continuous repetitive mouse operations could cause muscle fatigue, wrist pain and even certain medical conditions, such as tunnel carpal syndrome. To reduce the risk of such complications, use the ergonomically-designed keyboard/mouse and try to limit daily computer operations to the safe level. For better user experience, adjust the mouse double-click event responsiveness up to your maximum convenience. Also, consider alternative (or complementary) solution of using voice input (i.e., speech recognition) in a command/dictation mode.