This is a high performance knockout datagrid
. The main benefit we get out of KoGrid
is the ability to define custom row and cell templates.
Using the Code
It works in all mainstream browsers. Here I am going to show a basic example of the KoGrid
. Through NuGet, we can install Knockout and KoGrid
in our application.
After I created a JavaScript file for the View Model:
function viewModel() {
var self = this;
self.items = ko.observableArray([{ firstName: "Eric", lastName: "Sam",
mail: "",phno:"1212121" },
{ firstName: "Manuel", lastName: "Dan",
mail: "", phno: "234232" },
{ firstName: "Allen", lastName: "Ken",
mail: "", phno: "564523" },
{ firstName: "Joe", lastName: "George",
mail: "", phno: "46545435" },
{ firstName: "aki", lastName: "Ken",
mail: "", phno: "32267565"}]);
$(document).ready(function () {
ko.applyBindings(new viewModel(), document.getElementById('disp'));
After that, I create a bundle for KoGrid.js, Knockout.js, and MyGrid.js:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/myBundle").Include(
After that, add KoGrid.css into Style Bundle for a good look and feel for the grid.
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(
Here, I am adding a static
array for the grid display. Here is the CSHTML code:
<div id="disp" >
<div id="grid" style="height: 200px; width:600px"
data-bind="koGrid: { data: items,afterSelectionChange: function () { return true; },
columnDefs: [{ field: 'firstName', displayName: 'First Name',width:'150'},
{ field: 'lastName', displayName: 'Last Name',width:'100' },
{ field: 'phno',displayName: 'PhNo',width:'100' },
{ field: 'mail',displayName: 'MailID',width:'205'}],
autogenerateColumns: false,
isMultiSelect: true,
showFilter: true,
showColumnMenu: false
is very configurable. Here, we will get more configuration information.
- 10th September, 2013: Initial post
This tip is based on this blog.