There have been wider implications of wireless proficiencies being utilized for comprehensive utilization of voice and data applications. Nevertheless; we are seeing a completely new-fangled environment being developed that focuses on mobility of knowledge, capital, people, inventory and other assets, conveniently accessible 24 x 7 irrespective of location. However; Enterprise mobility is perhaps far better and extensive as compared to wireless.
Industry Gurus predict a time when, enterprise mobility will prove to be a guiding force which will take us to a new veracity where every enterprise must eventually cut its figurative internet umbilical cord and discover its place in the new hierarchy. This period of hesitation is not new; and was prominent during the mid-1990s when internet first came into existence. After a lot of confrontation by those who were against web, there still were selected few companies that had faith in the internet during those trial days.
In the current scenario, wireless insurgency is in full swing. But there are still people who are uncertain about what will be the next big thing after internet, which can at least give it competition.
Unmanageable to imagine a business without internet – isn’t it? In a very short period, internet has become the technology to work for and now it has become an essential part of our day-to-day life, for enterprises and consumers too. Taking the example of internet further and taking it as a catalyst for enterprise mobility, it is safe to say that innovators will get value for money for their early enterprise mobility investments. The question now will not be how enterprise mobility will have an impact on companies that conduct business; but it will be how vividly enterprise mobility will transmute the whole value chain.
The upsurge in connectivity globally has shaped a lifestyle amongst commoners where mobile devices have become a crucial addition in their lives. We are now seeing businesses familiarizing with this change and finding newer ways of communicating with their customers, partners, and employees.
Facts and Figures
- In the last decade, the number of mobile phone users improved by ten times. Today, there are approximately five billion active instruments, of which 70 per cent of the global population has at least one instrument with them.
- Tablets and other connected devices have also received rave responses from global audience. In the initial period when Apple launched iPad tablet in 2010, the company was able to sell three million plus devices within the first 100 days. By the end of the same year, 11 million plus tablets were accessible by enthusiast customers.
- In the year 2010, approximately 12.5 million devices were connected universally and it has been predicted that this number will reach to 50 billion by the end of the year 2020.
- This also means that if we estimate the population on our planet to reach 7.6 billion in the year 2020, approximately 6.6 devices will be accessible by every person. This is very startling statistics!!!
Some predictions about expectation from enterprise mobility...in the near future…!!!
Personal Experience as a Consumer will Play a Huge Role in Enterprise Mobility
25% of researchers claim that personal experience as a consumer by an employee will play a huge role in enterprise mobility. We are seeing a trend wherein professionals from organizations purchase mobility products and services as a consumer and then utilize them in their business. This is an upcoming trend wherein employees hold the key to the success of enterprise mobility. In the case of personal computers, the same thing occurred. Employees did not wait for the companies to provide instruction on the products but they instead went ahead and initiated to create their own computing infrastructure at the departmental level. So; the future of enterprise mobility lies in the hands of employees and how they utilize the key features of enterprise mobility in future.
End Winners will be those Companies that adapt themselves for Mobility as a standard rather than taking it as a casual change
15% of researchers are under the impression that the ultimate winners in the hoard for enterprise mobility will be those companies that are able to adapt to enterprise mobility quickly with the prevailing procedures and applications. Companies that are swift in adapting to the presently available procedures and applications to mobile platforms will gain a competitive advantage. Those companies that will dare to think differently will be able to do extraordinarily in enterprise mobility by redefining the rules of the games for years to come.
Package deals will act as a driving force that will enforce promotion
10% of researchers have the notion that package deals will play a key role in the future of enterprise mobility. It is very significant for organizations to implement comprehensive range of solutions including wireless networks, devices, applications, management tools, physical distribution and management of devices, user training, help desk, break / fix, etc. For the companies, it is important to get revenues out of their hard-earned investments so that they get the desired output in terms of value instead of focusing on technology.
Organizations that utilize Enterprise Mobility to transmute the business rules will emerge as the real winners
18% of researchers perceive that organizations that utilize enterprise mobility to transform business rules will emerge as the real winners. It is imperative for organizations to comprehend the new business models, products or services mobility and turn them into their advantage. A prime example of this is that many automobiles, sensors are present to scrutinize things including speed, location, throttle position, and state of the engine. These sensors are presently beneficial for technicians providing a solution to a problem after there is a collapse. By downloading the information from the car, the technician can comprehend the situation that is caused due to the problem. But if these sensors were amalgamated with wireless technologies, it would enable the technician to get information regularly without interruption on how the car is functioning and it would assist them to get to the neck of the problem. If the technician locates a swiftly decaying catalytic converter, they can alter the design instantly and cease the production of the cars so that major costs can be saved.
The demand for Enterprise Mobility will come from unforeseen sources which will open avenues for value creation prospects
25% of researchers claim that the demand for enterprise mobility will come from unforeseen sources which will open avenues for value creation prospects. There is tremendous potential of development when we talk about enterprise mobility and when organizations recognize breakthrough ideas to utilize enterprise mobility, the value addition of enterprise mobility will increase. A prime example of this is cell phone ring tones. According to Reuters New Service, Jan 14 2014, “The sales of downloaded ringtone accelerated by about 40% in a single year to reach $ 3.5 billion.
IDC whitepaper, quotes, “Enterprise mobility requires a tactical and rounded method that will be critical for organizations as they concentrate on empowering IT and business goals and talking about risk management and business transformation.” As IT and business professionals work on a common objective to employ a rounded approach to fortifying enterprise mobility, they will be able to secure the true enterprise mobility benefits. They will be in better condition to exploit $19 million of Internet of everything value at stake thereby remaining cost-effective in the marketplace and allow business revolution.
The Three Commandments when it comes to future of Enterprise Mobility
- Absorb and Smear as the assistance of recurrent reviews will fetch them opportunities for value addition.
- Evaluate the employee contribution to the company’s operations, as the amount of value created by the employee while remaining mobile should at least be proportionate to when he is stationary.
- Evaluate the mobility index wherein you see what employees do anywhere is divided by what they do at the office or plant.
You might agree to the fact that enterprise mobility is critical, but the more important question is how critical is it? Future has the answer. The most important thing to note is if your organization is not mobile - it is static; and if it is static it means that there is stagnancy which can act as a slow poison for it. If your competitor gains 5% cost advantage to your organization; just due to the fact that they are more mobile then – consider it to be a big thing in the market. It is often said that speed kills but in this particular case; if you are stagnant then slow-moving competitors will kill your business. So start acting now; and work on the future of enterprise mobility.