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A simple POC using ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework, Autofac, Cross Domain Support

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27 Oct 2012CPOL11 min read 343.2K   8.3K   154  
The purpose of this article is to create a proof of concept to demonstrate the feasibility of ASP.NET Web API Beta Version.
=== version 3.1
change - Windsor will no longer allow components from parent container to have dependencies from
	child container when resolving via child container.
	Class ParentHandlerWithChildResolver was renamed to ParentHandlerWrapper

impact - low
fixability - medium

description - Previously in some cases, when resolving from child container Windsor would allow
	component from the parent container to depend on components from a child container.
	This would lead to all sorts of problems (child coomponents leaking to parent scope, parent
	components being released prematurely when disposing of the child container etc.
	Overall this behavior was a mess, and was removed.
	See for more details

fix - If you were depending on the old behavior it is best to restructure your dependencies so
	you don't have to have those inverted dependencies.
	Since each scenario is different it's best to discuss any questions you may have on the user

change - IHandler.SupportsAssignable(Type) method has been added

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - This was added to better support IGenericServiceStrategy on generic handlers when
	calling IKernel.GetAssignableHandlers(Type). Now the handler can decide whether it wants to
	consider itself assigmable to given service.

fix - This change affects you only if you're implementing custom IHandler. Implementation is
	dependent on your usage and semantics you want to support for this scenario. When in doubt
	ask on castle-users-group on Google Groups.

change - System.String, and some other types can no longer be registered as a service
	in the container

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - This is something that probably should never have made it into the codebase. Now
	if you try to register String, a collection of strings or collection of value types Windsor
	will throw an ArgumentException and not allow you to do that.

fix - If you did register those types in the container change them from being components
	to being parameters on the components that were depending on them.

change - DependencyModel.IsValueType is renamed to DependencyModel.IsPrimitiveTypeDependency.

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - This is part of unification of how types that can not be registered as valid
	services are found and treated in Windsor.
	Also the property now returns true if TargetItemType is null. Previously it returned false.

fix - Change usages of IsValueType to IsPrimitiveTypeDependency if you depended on behavior when
	TargetItemType is null, you might also need to check its value to preserve the old behavior.

=== version 3.0
change - Typed factory using DefaultTypedFactoryComponentSelector when resolving component 
	by name will not fallback to resolving by type if component with that name can not be found
	and will throw an exception instead.

id - typedFactoryFallbackToResolveByTypeIfNameNotFound
impact - medium
fixability - easy

description - Original behavior from v2.5 could lead to bugs in cases when named component was
	not registered or the name was misspelleed and a wrong component would be picked leading to
	potentially severe issues in the application. New version adapts fail-fast approach in those
	cases to give dvelopers immediate feedback the configuration is wrong.

fix - Actual fix depends on which part of the behavior you want:
	- If you do care about the fallback behavior, that is get the component by name and if
	not present fallback to resolve by type, you can specify it explicitly when registering your
		new DefaultTypedFactoryComponentSelector(fallbackToResolveByTypeIfNameNotFound: true));
	- if you don't care about the fallback and what you really want is a 'GetSomeFoo' method
	that resolves by type, either rename the method so that its name doesn't start with 'get'
	or disable the "'get' methods resolve by name" behavior explicitly when registering your
	.AsFactory(new DefaultTypedFactoryComponentSelector(getMethodsResolveByName: false))
change - Referencing interceptors by type will not work if the interceptor has custom name.

impact - medium
fixability - easy

description - We unified how referencing components by type works all across Windsor and that
	introduced change for some areas like referencing interceptors. Now referencing component
	by type means "component implemented by given type with default name". This is how it worked
	for service overrides and is now adapted all across the framework.

fix - Remove Name (id in XML registration) from the referenced components if you're not using it
	or reference the component by its name.
change - .Service method on mixing registration has been removed and replaced with .Component.

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - The method had misleading name and behavior inconsistent with the rest of Windsor.
	As such it's been replaced with .Component method which is more explicit about what argument
	passed to it means

fix - Replace with .Component method:
			        .Proxy.MixIns(m => m.Component<A>()));
	Notice the new method is behaving consistently with how referencing interceptors and service
	overrides works. So you may need to adjust generic argument to point to other component's
	implementation type rather than its exposed service.
change - Generic overloads of .Insert(this IDictionary dictionary, otherarguments) extension
	method have been removed.

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - The overload could cause unexpected behavior when the generic parameter was being
	inferred, and as such it is removed to make the type always explicit. 

fix - Use overload that specifies type explicitly:
	d.Insert(typeof(IFoo), new MyFoo()) instead of d.Insert<IFoo>(new MyFoo()) or new, explicit
	d.InsertTyped<IFoo>(new MyFoo())
change - Method object Generate(IProxyBuilder, ProxyGenerationOptions, IInterceptor[]) on type
	IProxyFactoryExtension changed signature.

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - To handle new scenarios two additional arguments were introduced:
	ComponentModel model and CreationContext context.

fix - If you were implementing IProxyFactory and calling down to IProxyFactoryExtension pass your
	own arguments down to IProxyFactoryExtension. If you're implementing IProxyFactoryExtension
	adjust your signature and if that makes sense in your context use the arguments.
change - ProxyUtil class was split and part moved to Castle.Core.dll and other was renamed

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - ProxyUtil contained logic useful not just in the context of Windsor. As such
	it was moved to be part of DynamicProxy and most methods are now part of the other assembly.
	The only method specific to Windsor: ObtainProxyOptions was left and is now an extension
	method in class ProxyOptionsUtil.

fix - If you were using ObtainProxyOptions use it either as extension method or update its type
	name to ProxyOptionsUtil. Remining methods are now part of ProxyUtil class which was moved
	to Castle.DynamicProxy namespaces and lives in Castle.Core.dll
change - CreateLifestyleManager method was moved from handlers to IKernelInternal

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - That behavior belongs in the kernel.

fix - You shouldn't be using this method unless you're implementing custom handlers. If you do
	call back to the kernel instead of implementing it in yoru handler.
change - Removed interface Castle.Core.ILifecycleConcern

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - This change was made because with this base interface it was impossible to
	implement Castle.Core.ICommisssionConcern and Castle.Core.IDecommissionConcers in single class
	Additionaly ILifecycleConcern had no meaning, only the ICommisssionConcern and
	IDecommissionConcers have

fix - If you have code using directly ILifecycleConcern (but what for?) you need to
	migrate to either ICommisssionConcern or IDecommissionConcers. For code that use
	ICommisssionConcern and IDecommisssionConcern you can recompile it to be extra save, but it
	is not required.
change - Removed overloads of Configure and ConfigureFor<> methods of the fluent registration
	API that had ConfigureDelegate parameter

impact - high
fixability - easy

description - This change was made to simplify the API and remove ambiguity in cases where a 
	private method is used to provide the configuration.

fix - This change breaks scenarios where a property was being used as the last element of the
	chain in the nested deledate, like:
	Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.Transient)
	This code will no longer compile. To fix it switch to the new methods exposing lifestyle:
	Configure(c => c.LifestyleTransient()) or simply::
change - ITypedFactoryComponentResolver interface was removed and ITypedFactoryComponentSelector
	now returns Func<IKernelInternal, IReleasePolicy, object> from SelectComponent method

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - This change was made to simplify coding of advanced custom selectors which means
	now only one type needs to be created instead of two and change is much more localized.

fix - If you were using DefaultTypedFactoryComponentSelector this change does not affect you.
	otherwise return delegate pointing to Resolve method of your ITypedFactoryComponentResolver
	class or inline it altogether.
change - Add() methods on PropertySetCollection and ConstructorCandidateCollection are no longer
	publicly accessible

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - This change was made to ensure and encapsulate the fact that as constructor or
	property dependency is added the dependency is also added to Dependencies collection on

fix - Use new AddProperty or AddConstructor methods respectively.
rename -  WithService.DefaultInterface() -> WithService.DefaultInterfaces()
description - changed to plural to emphasize more than one interface may be matched.
change - ResolveAll methods have now different bahaviour.

impact - high
fixability - medium

description - Previously Windsor when ResolveAll was called would try to resolve all components
	with implementation type assignable to the type requirested and silently ignore those it
	could not resolve. This behavior was introduced before Windsor had ability to support multi
	service components and at the time it was the only way to support certain scenarios.
	Currently this behavior is no longer required and is indeed leading to issues when dealing
	with code that doesn't strictly follow good OOP principles. Also by silently ignoring 
	unresolvable components it may mask registration issues, that's why it was changed.

fix - Now ResolveAll<Foo>() will only resolve components that explicitly expose Foo as their
	service. If you were depending on the implicit behavior previously, make sure you add all
	types you resolve via this method as service to the desired components.
	Also Windsor now will throw exception if any of the components can't be resolved. If you
	have a legitimate reason to have unresolvable component use IHandlersFilter to filter that
	components out.
change - The following methods were removed:
	IHandler.OnHandlerStateChanged event
	IKernelInternal.RegisterCustomDependencies (all 4 overloads)

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - Those members were remainings from the old era and there's no longer any point in
	having them.

fix - Pass the dependencies directly to the ComponentModel using DependsOn method on the fluent
	registration API. The OnHandlerStateChanged event would no longer be raised so there was no
	point in keeping it around either. Use HandlersChanged event on kernel instead.
change - IReference<out T>.Attach and .Detach method have now ComponentModel as their parameter.

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - To accomodate changes in DependencyModel and ParameterModel it was required to
	have access to both of them hence ComponentModel is being passed as a more generic object
	exposing access to all required elements.

fix - Pass in full ComponentModel, not just it's .Dependencies property. In the reference
	use component's properties to do all you require
change - IDependencyAwareActivator has new method: bool IsManagedExternally(ComponentModel);

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - To implement feature IOC-277 this new customization point was introduced which
	allows custom activators to specify whether the instance they activate shoud be managed
	by the container. If true is returned this signifies to the container that the component
	should not be tracked by the release policy. The activator should in that case also not
	invoke any lifecycle steps. Notice that lifestyle manager can override the choice and that
	this method will not be called in all cases.

fix - Implement the method however makes sense to you. By default you should just return false.
change - IExposeDependencyInfo.ObtainDependencyDetails method signature has changed

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - To move the code for constructing the exception when dependencies are missing
	out of handlers and open way for different scenarios a new interface was introduced:
	IDependencyInspector and it is now used by IExposeDependencyInfo to provide the same
	functionality as before.

fix - Adjust the calls to the new signature. If you have custom handler type take a look at
	how built in handlers are now implemented.
change - type attribute is now required and id is ignored in facility XML configuration

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - Since type is uniquely identifying facilities there was no point in keeping the id
	around anymore.

fix - This change can affect you in two ways. If you were using facilities node in the XML and
	not specifying the type it is now mandatory. Notice Windsor's ability to apply short type
	names works here as well, so often just type name is enough - no need to specify assembly
	qualified name. Also the assembly will now be instantiated by the container, so if you were
	adding it in code later on, this is no longer required (in fact it will throw an exception
	saying the assembly was already added).
	The other thing that may affect you is if you were looking up facility config namnually via
	IConfigurationStore.GetFacilityConfiguration method. It now expects full name of the type
	as the key, so you should be calling it like this:
change - EventWiringFacility, FactorySupportFacility and RemotingFacility are extracted to their
	own assemblies

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - These facilities are rarely used and two of them (FactorySupportFacility and 
	RemotingFacility) are mostly considered legacy. As such there's no point in keeping them
	in Windsor's assembly, especially in Silverlight version.

fix - Reference the new assemblies and update your references in XML if you use it.
change - Component.For(ComponentModel) overload was removed.

impact - low
fixability - medium

description - To simplify internal structure of fluent registration API and bring it more in 
	line with standard registration the overload was removed.

fix - If you really need this overload you can create custom IRegistration that exposes this
	functionality. Or better rethink why you need it in the first place.
change - Adding more than a single facility of any given type is not legal anymore

impact - none (I hope)
fixability - easy

description - Doing so is a bug. Why would you do it in the first place?

fix - Stop doing it.
change - RegisterCustomDependencies methods were moved from IKernel to IKernelInternal.

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - Those methods are hardly ever used these days so there was no point in polluting
	the public API with them

fix - Are you really using those methods? Perhaps you should be using the fluent API? If not
	just cast the kernel to IKernelInternal and you can access them.
change - IWindsorContainer.AddFacility and IKernel.AddFacility overloads that were taking
	Func<TFacility,object> were removed.

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - Those overloads were only cluttering the API and confusing users. There was no
	point in keeping them

fix - You should not have to fix that at all. C# compiler (in version 3 or higher) should be
	smart enough to pick the Action<TFacility> overload automatically if you're using lambda
	syntax. If you aren't, please do, or adjust the call to match the Action<TFacility> overload
change - IComponentModelBuilder.BuildModel and ComponentModel constructor take ComponenName now
	instead of string for 'name' parameter

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - Most of the time name given to components is automatically generated and user does
	not care what it is and never interacts with it. To be able to tell apart cases when user
	did set the name manually, and when it was auto-generated a new type ComponenName has been
	introduced which in addition to the name value keeps track of whether the name was provided
	by user or autogenerated.

fix - Update your calls accordingly, creating the ComponentName and passing right values in.
	Also in the fluent API the method NamedAutomatically was introduced for use by facilities
	and such to register their own components with some name that the user will not care about.
change - IConfigurationInterpreter.ProcessResource now takes an additional argument: IKernel

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - To accomodate ability not to specify id when configuring components or facilities
	in XML config in conjunction with simple type name support in Windsor (this feature that
	lets you specify just simple type name like Foo, instead of assembly qualified name like
	Acme.Crm.Foo, Acme.Crm) access to conversion subsystem was required and it made sense to
	grab entire kernel as some other things could be taken advantage of.

fix - Pass the kernel in.
change - Release policies have now slightly different semantics.

impact - medium
fixability - medium

description - To limit unnecessary tracking of components, which unnecessarily consumes memory
	and causes contention in multithreaded scenarios the following change was made to release
	policy semantics:
	- only objects whose decommission is managed by the policy (ie which are released by call to
	policy.Release, or indirectly: container.Release) can now be Tracked. This is determined by
	the 'RequiresPolicyRelease' flag on Burden. If the flag is not set the policy can throw.

fix - The change is likely to affect code using custom lifetime managers. It is now up to the
	manager to decide if it will release the object itself (then it should pass 'true' to
	'public Burden CreateBurden(bool trackedExternally)' method on CreationContext). Tracking
	happens also for objects that require it ('RequiresDecommission' on burden is 'true').
	If lifestyle manager wants to make sure the object will be tracked it can set this flag.
	Otherwise it is up to Windsor to decide if it needs to track the object or not.
	Another side-effect of the change is that calling 'container.Kernel.ReleasePolicy.HasTrack'
	may now return 'false', when it previously would return 'true', if the object does not meet
	the criteria mentioned above. If you were using this method, make sure you review your code
	that depends on it, and adjust it to the new requirements. The semantics of 'HasTrack' is 
	'does the release policy track this object', not 'does anything in the container track it'
change - IReleasePolicy interface has a new method: IReleasePolicy CreateSubPolicy(); usage of
	sub-policies changes how typed factories handle out-of-band-release of components (see

impact - medium
fixability - easy

description - This was added as an attempt to enable more fine grained lifetime scoping (mostly
	for per-typed-factory right now, but in the future also say - per-window in client app).
	As a side-effect of that (and change to release policy behavior described above) it is no
	longer possible to release objects resolved via typed factories, using container.Release.
	As the objects are now tracked only in the scope of the factory they will be released only
	if a call to factory releasing method is made, or when the factory itself is released.

fix - Method should return new object that exposes the same behavior as the 'parent' usually it
	is just best to return object of the same type (as the built-in release policies do).
change - IHandler.Release now takes Burden, not object as its parameter. Burden.Release now has
	no arguments (used to take IReleasePolicy)

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - The method used to take component instance to release. Now it takes Burden which
	has some additional information and behavior. Also to decouple Burden from IReleasePolicy
	it now uses callback (via Released event) as notification mechanism.

fix - Adjust calls appropriately
//TODO: expand this with better description once the rest of the changes is in place.
change - AllComponentsReleasePolicy was removed, ILifestyleManager.Resolve has different
	signature now, and additional responsibilities.

impact - medium
fixability - medium

description - Handling of decision regarding tracking is now happening in two steps. First step
	happens in the lifestyle manager, which gets to decide if the instance should be tracked
	at all (which should be chosen when a new instance is created) and if IReleasePolicy should
	own (trigger) the release process.

fix - If you implement custom lifestyle consult the implementation of standard lifestyles for
	examples how to handle each aspect of component lifestyle management. Broadly speaking the
	behavior should be the following (*do* inherit from AbstractLifestyleManager for your own
	- if your lifestyle employs caching, it should cache Burdens, not the objects resolved
	directly. Look up its cache, and if you find matching burden return object it manages 
	(accessed via 'Instance' property)
	- on cache miss call base.CreateInstance to obtain new instnace from activator. This method
	will not return the managed object directly but rather a Burden instance. The 2nd argument
	'trackedExternally' should be set to true if the lifestyle manager uses some external mecha-
	nism to track end of life for components. If not, (when set to true) releasePolicy will take
	the responsibility.
	- inspect burden's RequiresDecommission property. If its value is true that means either
	the intsance obtained or at least one of its dependencies can not be released out of band
	and will require to be released explicitly. If the property is set to true you are required
	to track the componetn obtained with releasePolicy provided (you can use base.Track method 
	to acheave that). If the property is false, release policy will ignore the component when 
	container's Release method is called, and rely on your out of band handling).
	- cache your newly obtained instance if needed.
	- return the intance, (burden.Instance)
rename -  CreationContext.Empty -> CreationContext.CreateEmpty()
description - readability change to make it obvious that new instance is created each time.
change - IServiceProviderEx was removed as base interface for IWindsorContainer and IKernel

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - To make the interface for the container more compact the functionality was 
	extracted to external class - WindsorServiceProvider.

fix - Use WindsorServiceProvider instead.
rename -  INamingSubSystem.GetHandlers -> INamingSubSystem.GetAllHandlers
description - readability change. No affect on behavior
change - Removed the following methods:
	INamingSubSystem.this[Type service],
	INamingSubSystem.UnRegister(String key),
	INamingSubSystem.UnRegister(Type service)
Also INamingSubSystem.Register now takes only IHandler as its argument

impact - low
fixability - none

description - The methods were implementation of "remove component from the container" feature
	which was flawed and problematic, hecen was scraped.

fix - Working around is quite dependant on your specific usage. Try utilizing IHandlerSelectors.
	For changed Register method, just update your calling code not to pass the name.
	handler.ComponentModel.Name is now used as the key, as it was happening in all places so far
	anyway, so this change should have no real impact.
change - Removed the following types: ContainerAdapter, ContainerWrapper, IContainerAdapter,

impact - low
fixability - none

description - These types require ability to remove components from a container. This ability
	was removed and since these types are hardly ever used, they were removed as well.

fix - No quick fix is possible. If you are depending on this functionality proaly your best shot
	is to replicate it, espeicially catering for the removal of components which is no longer
	available in Windsor.
change - Removed ComponentRegistration.If and ComponentRegistration.Until methods, as well as
	Component.ServiceAlreadyRegistered method, and replaced their most common usage with
	ComponentRegistration.OnlyNewServices method

impact - medium
fixability - easy/hard

description - To make the API simpler easier to discover as well as to allow changes in internal
	architecture, the aforementioned changes were made.

fix - Most of the time the removed methods were used in the following combination:
	In this case the fix is simple. Just replace the .Unless(Component.ServiceAlreadyRegistered)
	with .OnlyNewServices()
	If you were using the method in some other way, the fix may be more complicated and depend
	on your particular scenario. In those cases it's best to consult Castle users group for
	advice on how to proceed.
change - Rebuilt how components exposing multiple services are handled internally. This includes
	several changes to the API:
	ForwardingHandler class and IHandlerFactory.CreateForwarding method were removed.
	ComponentModel.Service property was removed replaced with ClassService and InterfaceServices
	properties. Also AddService method was added. Constructor's argument for service was changed
	to be Type[] instead of single Type.
	IHandler.Service property was removed, replaced by Services property.
	IComponentModelBuilder.BuildModel method takes now ICollection<Type> isntead of single Type
	as services.
	ComponentRegistration.For(Type serviceType, params Type[] forwaredTypes) method was removed.
	ComponentFilter delegate type was removed as no longer needed

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - As part of improvement to internal architecture changed how components exposing 
	more than one service are handled.

fix - This change should not affect most users, unless extending internals of the container. If
	that's the case, adjust your calls to the new signatures, and change code anticipating
	ForwardedHandlers to use Services collection from the solve IHnadler for any given component
change - Proxies no longer implicitly implement all interfaces of component implementation type.

impact - medium
fixability - medium

description - This original behavior was actually a bug and would produce unpredictible behavior
	for components exposing several services including their class.

fix - if you were depending on the additional non-service intrfaces being forwarded to the proxy
	specify them explicitly as addtional interfaces to proxy:
change - NamingPartsSubSystem, KeySearchNamingSubSystem, ComponentName, BinaryTreeComponentName
	and TreeNode types were removed.

impact - medium
fixability - medium

description - As part of internal cleanup these esoteric, alternative implementations of naming
	subsystem were removed.

fix - behavior of these implementations of naming subsystem can be easily emulated with default
	naming subsystem and custom IHandlerSelectors, which is the recommended way to go.
change - UseSingleInterfaceProxy option was removed

impact - low
fixability - easy

description - As part of clean up of the obsolete API the option was removed to enable certain
	internal changes for the release.

fix - if you were using this option and you have to use it, use a IProxyGenerationHook impl
	and choose to only proxy members of that single interface.

release 2.5.2 ==================================================================================
change - One of CreationContext constructors has now additional argument; parent CreationContext
	Method public IDisposable ParentResolutionContext(...) on CreationContext was removed
	Method protected CreationContext CreateCreationContext(...) has now additional argument;
	parent CreationContext

impact - low
fixability - medium

description - To fix issue with false positive cycle detection (see issue IOC-238) changes had
	to be made to how parent creation context gets propagated in certain situation (when call
	to kernel.Resolve/ResolveAll is performed as part of resolution process, for example when
	CollectionResolver is being used).

fix - If you override CreateCreationContext method on DefaultKernel pass the additional argument
	as new constructor parameter to CreationContext.
	If you were using ParentResolutionContext method it should be fairly safe to remove the call
	if it was preceded by call to updated CreationContext constructor and the CreationContext is
	not used outside of local scope. In other cases it's best to consult Castle users group for
	advice on how to proceed.
change - IReference<> interface has two new methods

impact - low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - To make it possible to statically analyze dynamic dependencies provided by 
	the IReference interface two new methods were added:
			void Attach(DependencyModelCollection dependencies);
			void Detach(DependencyModelCollection dependencies);

fix - if you're providing dependencies on a component from the container call Attach so that 
	reference gets a chance to create and add DependencyModel for that dependency so that
	it can be statically analyzed by the container.
change - Method IDependencyResolver.Initialize change signature

impact - low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - To make it possible to use custom DependencyResolver inheriting from 
	DefaultDependencyResolver initialization of DefaultDependencyResolver was moved out of its
	constructor and to IDependencyResolver.Initialize method which now takes IKernel as its
	additional parameter

fix - if you're implementing the interface adjust signature of the overriding method to
	public void Initialize(IKernel kernel, DependencyDelegate dependencyDelegate)
	The method is called by the kernel at the end of its constructor.
change - Changed visibility of members on AbstractFacility to protected and implementation of
	interface members to explicit.

impact - low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - To make it less confusing to users when fluently configuring facilities (via 
	AddFacility<SomeFacility>(f => f.ConfigureSomething()) method) visibility of certain members
	of AbstractFacility class was changed. Public properties FacilityConfig and Kernel are now
	protected, and all methods from IFacility interface are implemented explicitly. Additionally
	protected Dispose method was introduced to allow inheriting classes to still be disposed.

fix - If you were using FacilityConfig and/or Kernel properties outside of inherited classes
	refactor your code accordingly not to do so. If you were overriding Dispose method change
	its signature from
	public override void Dispose() to
	protected override void Dispose()
release 2.5.1 ==================================================================================
change - ILazyComponentLoader.Load now accepts a third argument for additional arguments.

impact - medium
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - To allow maximum flexibility and usage with Resolve, any additional arguments
   are now passed to the lazy loader.
change - LifecycleStepCollection class was removed. Instaed LifecycleConcernsCollection class
	was introduced. ILifecycleConcern has now two innerited interfaces for commission and
	decommission. LifecycleSteps property of ComponentModel was renamed to Lifecycle.
	LifecycleStepType type was removed.

impact - medium
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - To improve strongly typed nature and decrease probability of mistake and improve
	general usability of the type LifecycleStepCollection was removed. In it place similar type
	was introduced - LifecycleConcernsCollection. Instead of using untyped Objects and enums
	it works with two new interfaces : ICommissionConcern and IDecommissionConcern.

fix - have your lifecycle steps implement one of the new lifecycle interfaces. Use appropriate
	overload of Add/AddFirst to add them.
change - Typed Factories will not implicitly pick default ITypedFactoryComponentSelector 
	registered in the container anymore

impact - low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - In version 2.1 where ITypedFactoryComponentSelectors were introduced, when you had
	a selector registered in the container that selector would be implicitly picked for every
	factory you had. Since the behavior of a selector tends to be fine grained and targetet for
	a specific factories, this behavior was removed. You have to explicitly associate the selector
	with a factory (using .AsFactory(f => f.SelectUsing("MySelector")); or via xml configuration)
	to override selection behavior.

fix - using either fluent API .AsFactory(f => f.SelectUsing("MySelector")), or XML configuration
	selector="${MySelector}" specify the selector explicitly for each of your factories.
change - ServiceSelector delegate (used in WithService.Select calls) changed signature

impact - low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - To fix a bug which would occur if type implemented multiple closed version of base
	open generic interface the signature of the delegate was changed from
	public delegate IEnumerable<Type> ServiceSelector(Type type, Type baseType);
	public delegate IEnumerable<Type> ServiceSelector(Type type, Type[] baseTypes);
	so that multiple base types are possible (they would be closed versions of the same open
	generic interface)

fix - depending on the scenario. You would either ignore it, or wrap your current method's body
	in foreach(var baseType in baseTypes)
change - moved IWindsorInstaller to Castle.MicroKernel.Registration namespace

impact - very low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description -In order to improve developer experience when writing installers the interface
	was moved so that Component and AllTypes entry types for registration are already in scope.

fix - add using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration directive.
change - Added two new overloads to ITypeConverter.PerformConversion

impact - very low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - To reduce casting in the most common scenario where converted value is casted to
	the type it's been converted to, ITypeConverter.PerformConversion has now generic overloads
	for handling this case.

fix - If you're implementing ITypeConverter via AbstractTypeConverter you don't have to do
	anything as the base class will handle the conversion for you. Otherwise implement it like
	in AbstractTypeConverter.

change - AddCustomComponent method were moved from IKernel to IKernelInternal interface

impact - very low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - This method constitute internally used contract of kernel and is not intended
	for external usage. As such it was moved to internal interface to declutter public
	interface of IKernel.

fix - You should not have been using this method so it should not affect you in any way. If
	you did, cast the IKernel to IKernelInternal to invoke the method.

change - IModelInterceptorsSelector.SelectInterceptors method changed its signature and how it
	is used.

impact - medium
fixability - medium
revision - 

description - To accomodate additional scenarios that were impossible (or hard to achieve
	with previous design the method now has additional parameter, an array of references to
	interceptors, which contains either default interceptors for the component, or interceptors
	selected by previous interceptors in line). Also, Windsor will now never call
	IModelInterceptorsSelector.SelectInterceptors without calling 
	IModelInterceptorsSelector.HasInterceptors before it, or when the latter returns false.

fix - When adjusting your implementation remember that model's interceptors are the default value
	passed as methods second parameter, so you don't need to merge them again manually (otherwise
	they'll be invoked twice).

change - CreateComponentActivator, RaiseHandlerRegistered, RaiseHandlersChanged and
	 RegisterHandlerForwarding methods were moved from IKernel to IKernelInternal interface

impact - very low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - These methods constitute internally used contract of kernel and are not intended
	for external usage. As such they were moved to internal interface to declutter public
	interface of IKernel.

fix - You should not have been using these methods so it should not affect you in any way. If
	you did, cast the IKernel to IKernelInternal to invoke the methods.

change - IProxyHook interface was removed

impact - very low
fixability - easy
revision - 

description - Since MicroKernel was merged with Windsor and now depends on DynamicProxy directly
	there's no need to provide additional abstraction on top of IProxyGenerationHook.

fix - Make types that were implementing IProxyHook to implement IProxyGenerationHook. Change all
	usages of IProxyHook to IProxyGenerationHook.

change -  AddInstallerConfiguration and GetComponents methods were added to IConfigurationStore.

impact - very low
fixability - easy
revision - 3bf716cc6fc218601dab92a6dd75fe269bcb63d0

description - To enable installers to be exposed via configuration the interface has been 
	extended by addition of the two methods.

fix - Implement the methods accordingly to your situation.

change - Multiple types were moved between namespaces

impact - low
fixability - trivial
revision - 3bf716cc6fc218601dab92a6dd75fe269bcb63d0

description - To improve the internal structure several types were moved to other namespaces.

fix - When compilation error occurs adjust namespace imports as suggested by Visual Studio

change - Assembly Castle.MicroKernel.dll was merged into Castle.Windsor.dll

impact - high
fixability - easy
revision - 730b202b0ed23a6b42258a6ffd6a3e63f89501fc

description - Since vast majority of users used Windsor, as opposed to bare MicroKernel it was
	decided it didn't make sense to maintain two containers. As result of that their assemblies
	were merged, as first step of integration between Windsor and MicroKernel.

fix - In your projects remove reference to Castle.MicroKernel.dll. If you weren't using Windsor
	add reference to Castle.Windsor.dll
	In all places where your were referencing types from Castle.MicroKernel.dll via string
	(like xml configuration when registering facilities, or <httpModules> section on your 
	web.config) update references from Castle.MicroKernel to Castle.Windsor.

change - ComponentRegistration<S>.Startable public method has been removed.
	ComponentRegistration<S>.StartUsingMethod public method was moved to extension method.
	ComponentRegistration<S>.StopUsingMethod public method was moved to extension method.

impact - low
fixability - trivial
revision - 6710

description - StartUsingMethod/StopUsingMethod belong to StartableFacility and do not make sense
	as part of generic API. Startable method was superfluous.

fix - Remove calls to Startable(). Import namespace Castle.Facilities.Startable to use
	StartUsingMethod and StopUsingMethod as extension methods.

change - DefaultProxyFactory.CreateProxyGenerationOptionsFrom protected method  and
	DefaultProxyFactory.CustomizeProxy protected virtual method have changed signature

impact - very low
fixability - easy
revision - 6691

description - the methods now also takes IKernel and CreationContext, to be used by IReferences
	to do resolution of components they reference

fix - pass required parameters to the methods.

change - ProxyOption's properties changed types: 
	Selector, from IInterceptorSelector to IReference<IInterceptorSelector>
	Hook from IProxyHook to IReference<IProxyHook>
	MixIns from object[] to IEnumerable<IReference<object>>

impact - very low
fixability - easy
revision - 6691

description - the properties now use IReferences instead of live objects to allow for
	resolution of their values from the container, as required in case of usage from xml.

fix - wherever used, adjust types appropriately. To obtain actual objects, use Resolve method.

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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