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Remote Library

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30 Sep 200516 min read 128.6K   3.7K   115  
A library that implements a common interface for remote memory handling and remote execution for all Windows versions.
 * Structures and definitions undocumented or included in the NTDDK. *

#ifndef __STRUCT_H__
#define __STRUCT_H__

///////////////// Windows NT ///////////////

typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR, *PULONG_PTR;

#define NT_SUCCESS(Status) ((NTSTATUS)(Status) >= 0)


typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING {
  USHORT Length;
  USHORT MaximumLength;
  PWSTR  Buffer;

typedef struct _CLIENT_ID {
   HANDLE UniqueProcess;
   HANDLE UniqueThread;

#define InitializeObjectAttributes( p, n, a, r, s ) { \
    (p)->Length = sizeof( OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES );        \
    (p)->RootDirectory = r;                           \
    (p)->Attributes = a;                              \
    (p)->ObjectName = n;                              \
    (p)->SecurityDescriptor = s;                      \
    (p)->SecurityQualityOfService = NULL;             \

#define OBJ_INHERIT             0x00000002L
#define OBJ_PERMANENT           0x00000010L
#define OBJ_EXCLUSIVE           0x00000020L
#define OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE    0x00000040L
#define OBJ_OPENIF              0x00000080L
#define OBJ_OPENLINK            0x00000100L
#define OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE       0x00000200L

typedef struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {
       ULONG Length;
       HANDLE RootDirectory;
       PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName;
       ULONG Attributes;
       PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor;
       PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE SecurityQualityOfService;

typedef struct RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR {        // Size = 0x10
    USHORT          Flags;
    USHORT          Length;
    ULONG           TimeStamp;

typedef struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS {   // Size = 0x290
    ULONG           AllocationSize;
    ULONG           Size;
    ULONG           Flags;
    ULONG           DebugFlags;
    HANDLE          hConsole;
    ULONG           ProcessGroup;
    HANDLE          hStdInput;
    HANDLE          hStdOutput;
    HANDLE          hStdError;
    UNICODE_STRING  CurrentDirectoryName;
    HANDLE          CurrentDirectoryHandle;
    UNICODE_STRING  ImagePathName;
    UNICODE_STRING  CommandLine;
    PWSTR           Environment;
    ULONG           StartingPositionLeft;
    ULONG           StartingPositionTop;
    ULONG           Width;
    ULONG           Height;
    ULONG           CharWidth;
    ULONG           CharHeight;
    ULONG           ConsoleTextAttributes;
    ULONG           WindowFlags;
    ULONG           ShowWindowFlags;
    UNICODE_STRING  WindowTitle;
    UNICODE_STRING  DesktopName;
    UNICODE_STRING  ShellInfo;
    UNICODE_STRING  RuntimeInfo;
    RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR DLCurrentDirectory[0x20];

typedef struct _LDR_MODULE {
        LIST_ENTRY     InLoadOrderModuleList;
        LIST_ENTRY     InMemoryOrderModuleList;
        LIST_ENTRY     InInitializationOrderModuleList;
        PVOID          BaseAddress;
        PVOID          EntryPoint;
        ULONG          SizeOfImage;
        UNICODE_STRING FullDllName;
        UNICODE_STRING BaseDllName;
        ULONG          Flags;
        SHORT          LoadCount;
        SHORT          TlsIndex;
        LIST_ENTRY     HashTableEntry;
        ULONG          TimeDateStamp;

typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA {                          // Size = 0x24
    ULONG           Length;                             // 00
    BOOLEAN         Initialized;                        // 04
    PVOID           SsHandle;                           // 08
    LIST_ENTRY      InLoadOrderModuleList;              // 0C
    LIST_ENTRY      InMemoryOrderModuleList;            // 14
    LIST_ENTRY      InInitializationOrderModuleList;    // 1C
//  void *          EntryInProgress;                    // 24

typedef struct _PEB_FREE_BLOCK {  // Size = 8
struct _PEB_FREE_BLOCK *Next;

// Structured Exception Handler
typedef struct _SEH {
    struct _SEH *pNext;
    FARPROC     pfnHandler;

#pragma pack(1)

// Thread Information Block (FS:[0])
typedef struct _TIB_NT {
    PSEH       pvExcept;             // 00 Head of exception record list
    PVOID      pvStackBase;          // 04
    PVOID      pvStackLimit;         // 08
    PVOID      SubSystemTib;         // 0C
    union {
        PVOID FiberData;             // 10
        DWORD Version;
    PVOID      pvArbitrary;          // 14 Available for application use
    struct _TIB_NT *pTIBSelf;        // 18 Linear address of TIB structure


// PEB (Process Environment Block) data structure (FS:[0x30])
// Located at addr. 0x7FFDF000
typedef struct _PEB_NT {                                        // Size = 0x1E8
  BOOLEAN                      InheritedAddressSpace;           //000
  BOOLEAN                      ReadImageFileExecOptions;        //001
  BOOLEAN                      BeingDebugged;                   //002
  BOOLEAN                      SpareBool;                       //003 Allocation size
  HANDLE                       Mutant;                          //004
  HINSTANCE                    ImageBaseAddress;                //008 Instance
  PPEB_LDR_DATA                LdrData;                         //00C
  PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS ProcessParameters;               //010
  ULONG                        SubSystemData;                   //014
  HANDLE                       ProcessHeap;                     //018
  KSPIN_LOCK                   FastPebLock;                     //01C
  PPEBLOCKROUTINE              FastPebLockRoutine;              //020
  PPEBLOCKROUTINE              FastPebUnlockRoutine;            //024
  ULONG                        EnvironmentUpdateCount;          //028
  PVOID *                      KernelCallbackTable;             //02C
  PVOID                        EventLogSection;                 //030
  PVOID                        EventLog;                        //034
  PPEB_FREE_BLOCK              FreeList;                        //038
  ULONG                        TlsExpansionCounter;             //03C
  ULONG                        TlsBitmap;                       //040
  LARGE_INTEGER                TlsBitmapBits;                   //044
  PVOID                        ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase;        //04C
  PVOID                        ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap;        //050
  PVOID *                      ReadOnlyStaticServerData;        //054
  PVOID                        AnsiCodePageData;                //058
  PVOID                        OemCodePageData;                 //05C
  PVOID                        UnicodeCaseTableData;            //060
  ULONG                        NumberOfProcessors;              //064
  LARGE_INTEGER                NtGlobalFlag;                    //068 Address of a local copy
  LARGE_INTEGER                CriticalSectionTimeout;          //070
  ULONG                        HeapSegmentReserve;              //078
  ULONG                        HeapSegmentCommit;               //07C
  ULONG                        HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold;  //080
  ULONG                        HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold;  //084
  ULONG                        NumberOfHeaps;                   //088
  ULONG                        MaximumNumberOfHeaps;            //08C
  PVOID **                     ProcessHeaps;                    //090
  PVOID                        GdiSharedHandleTable;            //094
  PVOID                        ProcessStarterHelper;            //098
  PVOID                        GdiDCAttributeList;              //09C
  KSPIN_LOCK                   LoaderLock;                      //0A0
  ULONG                        OSMajorVersion;                  //0A4
  ULONG                        OSMinorVersion;                  //0A8
  USHORT                       OSBuildNumber;                   //0AC
  USHORT                       OSCSDVersion;                    //0AE
  ULONG                        OSPlatformId;                    //0B0
  ULONG                        ImageSubsystem;                  //0B4
  ULONG                        ImageSubsystemMajorVersion;      //0B8
  ULONG                        ImageSubsystemMinorVersion;      //0BC
  ULONG                        ImageProcessAffinityMask;        //0C0
  ULONG                        GdiHandleBuffer[0x22];           //0C4
  ULONG                        PostProcessInitRoutine;          //14C
  ULONG                        TlsExpansionBitmap;              //150
  UCHAR                        TlsExpansionBitmapBits[0x80];    //154
  ULONG                        SessionId;                       //1D4
  void *                       AppCompatInfo;                   //1D8
  UNICODE_STRING               CSDVersion;                      //1DC

// TEB (Thread Environment Block) data structure (FS:[0x18])
// Located at 0x7FFDE000, 0x7FFDD000, ...
typedef struct _TEB_NT {                        // Size = 0xF88
  NT_TIB        Tib;                            //000
  PVOID         EnvironmentPointer;             //01C
  CLIENT_ID     ClientId;                       //020
  HANDLE        ActiveRpcHandle;                //028
  PVOID         ThreadLocalStoragePointer;      //02C
  PPEB_NT       ProcessEnvironmentBlock;        //030 PEB
  ULONG         LastErrorValue;                 //034
  ULONG         CountOfOwnedCriticalSections;   //038
  ULONG         CsrClientThread;                //03C
  ULONG         Win32ThreadInfo;                //040
  UCHAR         Win32ClientInfo[0x7C];          //044
  ULONG         WOW32Reserved;                  //0C0
  ULONG         CurrentLocale;                  //0C4
  ULONG         FpSoftwareStatusRegister;       //0C8
  UCHAR         SystemReserved1[0xD8];          //0CC
  ULONG         Spare1;                         //1A4
  ULONG         ExceptionCode;                  //1A8
  UCHAR         SpareBytes1[0x28];              //1AC
  UCHAR         SystemReserved2[0x28];          //1D4
  UCHAR         GdiTebBatch[0x4E0];             //1FC
  ULONG         GdiRgn;                         //6DC
  ULONG         GdiPen;                         //6E0
  ULONG         GdiBrush;                       //6E4
  CLIENT_ID     RealClientId;                   //6E8
  ULONG         GdiCachedProcessHandle;         //6F0
  ULONG         GdiClientPID;                   //6F4
  ULONG         GdiClientTID;                   //6F8
  ULONG         GdiThreadLocalInfo;             //6FC
  UCHAR         UserReserved[0x14];             //700
  UCHAR         glDispatchTable[0x460];         //714
  UCHAR         glReserved1[0x68];              //B74
  ULONG         glReserved2;                    //BDC
  ULONG         glSectionInfo;                  //BE0
  ULONG         glSection;                      //BE4
  ULONG         glTable;                        //BE8
  ULONG         glCurrentRC;                    //BEC
  ULONG         glContext;                      //BF0
  ULONG         LastStatusValue;                //BF4
  LARGE_INTEGER StaticUnicodeString;            //BF8
  UCHAR         StaticUnicodeBuffer[0x20C];     //C00
  ULONG         DeallocationStack;              //E0C
  UCHAR         TlsSlots[0x100];                //E10
  LARGE_INTEGER TlsLinks;                       //F10
  ULONG         Vdm;                            //F18
  ULONG         ReservedForNtRpc;               //F1C
  LARGE_INTEGER DbgSsReserved;                  //F20
  ULONG         HardErrorsAreDisabled;          //F28
  UCHAR         Instrumentation[0x40];          //F2C
  ULONG         WinSockData;                    //F6C
  ULONG         GdiBatchCount;                  //F70
  ULONG         Spare2;                         //F74
  ULONG         Spare3;                         //F78
  ULONG         Spare4;                         //F7C
  ULONG         ReservedForOle;                 //F80
  ULONG         WaitingOnLoaderLock;            //F84
//  PVOID         StackCommit;
//  PVOID         StackCommitMax;
//  PVOID         StackReserved;
//  PVOID         MessageQueue;

#pragma pack()

typedef enum _PROCESSINFOCLASS {
    ProcessBasicInformation = 0,
    ProcessQuotaLimits = 1,
    ProcessIoCounters = 2,
    ProcessVmCounters = 3,
    ProcessTimes = 4,
    ProcessBasePriority = 5,
    ProcessRaisePriority = 6,
    ProcessDebugPort = 7,
    ProcessExceptionPort = 8,
    ProcessAccessToken = 9,
    ProcessLdtInformation = 10,
    ProcessLdtSize = 11,
    ProcessDefaultHardErrorMode = 12,
    ProcessIoPortHandlers = 13,
    ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits = 14,
    ProcessWorkingSetWatch = 15,
    ProcessUserModeIOPL = 16,
    ProcessEnableAlignmentFaultFixup = 17,
    ProcessPriorityClass = 18,
    ProcessWx86Information = 19,
    ProcessHandleCount = 20,
    ProcessAffinityMask = 21,
    ProcessPriorityBoost = 22,
    ProcessDeviceMap = 23,
    ProcessSessionInformation = 24,
    ProcessForegroundInformation = 25,
    ProcessWow64Information = 26,

typedef enum _THREADINFOCLASS {

     NTSTATUS  ExitStatus;
     PTIB_NT   TebBaseAddress;
     CLIENT_ID ClientId;
     KAFFINITY AffinityMask;
     KPRIORITY Priority;
     KPRIORITY BasePriority;

     NTSTATUS  ExitStatus;
     PPEB_NT   PebBaseAddress;
     KAFFINITY AffinityMask;
     KPRIORITY BasePriority;
     ULONG     UniqueProcessId;
     ULONG     InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;

#define SystemProcessesAndThreadsInformation    5

typedef struct _IO_COUNTERS {
    LARGE_INTEGER  ReadOperationCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER  WriteOperationCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER  OtherOperationCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER  ReadTransferCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER  WriteTransferCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER  OtherTransferCount;

typedef struct _VM_COUNTERS {
    SIZE_T          PeakVirtualSize;
    SIZE_T          VirtualSize;
    ULONG           PageFaultCount;
    SIZE_T          PeakWorkingSetSize;
    SIZE_T          WorkingSetSize;
    SIZE_T          QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage;
    SIZE_T          QuotaPagedPoolUsage;
    SIZE_T          QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage;
    SIZE_T          QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage;
    SIZE_T          PagefileUsage;
    SIZE_T          PeakPagefileUsage;

    LARGE_INTEGER   KernelTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER   UserTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER   CreateTime;
    ULONG                 WaitTime;
    PVOID                 StartAddress;
    CLIENT_ID     ClientId;
    KPRIORITY     Priority;
    KPRIORITY     BasePriority;
    ULONG                 ContextSwitchCount;
    LONG                  State;
    LONG                  WaitReason;

// The size of the SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION structure is
// different on NT 4 and Win2K.

    ULONG                 NextEntryDelta;
    ULONG                 ThreadCount;
    ULONG                 Reserved1[6];
    LARGE_INTEGER   CreateTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER   UserTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER   KernelTime;
    UNICODE_STRING  ProcessName;
    KPRIORITY     BasePriority;
    ULONG                 ProcessId;
    ULONG                 InheritedFromProcessId;
    ULONG                 HandleCount;
    ULONG                 Reserved2[2];
    VM_COUNTERS   VmCounters;

    ULONG                 NextEntryDelta;
    ULONG                 ThreadCount;
    ULONG                 Reserved1[6];
    LARGE_INTEGER   CreateTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER   UserTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER   KernelTime;
    UNICODE_STRING  ProcessName;
    KPRIORITY     BasePriority;
    ULONG                 ProcessId;
    ULONG                 InheritedFromProcessId;
    ULONG                 HandleCount;
    ULONG                 Reserved2[2];
    VM_COUNTERS   VmCounters;
    IO_COUNTERS   IoCounters;

/////////////////////// Windows 95 /////////////////////////

#pragma pack(1)

#define VA_SHARED 0x8000000             // Undocumented flag to allocate shared memory in Win9x

// Kernel32 objects (WIN95)
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_SEMAPHORE            0x1
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_EVENT                0x2
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_MUTEX                0x3
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_CRITICAL_SECTION     0x4
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_PROCESS              0x5
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_THREAD               0x6
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_FILE                 0x7
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_CHANGE               0x8
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_CONSOLE              0x9
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_SCREEN_BUFFER        0xA
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_MEM_MAPPED_FILE      0xB
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_SERIAL               0xC
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_DEVICE_IOCTL         0xD
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_PIPE                 0xE
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_MAILSLOT             0xF
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT    0x10
#define WIN95_K32OBJ_SOCKET               0x11

// TIB flags
#define TIBF_WIN32                    0x00000001
#define TIBF_TRAP                     0x00000002

// Process Database flags (WIN95)
#define fDebugSingle                  0x00000001  // Set if process is being debugged
#define fCreateProcessEvent           0x00000002  // Set in debugged process after starting
#define fExitProcessEvent             0x00000004  // Might be set in debugged process at exit time
#define fWin16Process                 0x00000008  // 16-bit process
#define fDosProcess                   0x00000010  // DOS process
#define fConsoleProcess               0x00000020  // 32-bit console process
#define fFileApisAreOem               0x00000040  // SetFileAPIsToOEM
#define fNukeProcess                  0x00000080
#define fServiceProcess               0x00000100  // RegisterServiceProcess
#define fLoginScriptHack              0x00000800  // Might be a Novell network login process
#define fSendDllNotifications         0x00200000
#define fDebugEventPending            0x00400000  // e.g. stopped in debugger
#define fNearlyTerminating            0x00800000
#define fFaulted                      0x08000000
#define fTerminating                  0x10000000
#define fTerminated                   0x20000000
#define fInitError                    0x40000000
#define fSignaled                     0x80000000

// Thread Database flags (WIN95)
#define fCreateThreadEvent            0x00000001   // Set if thread is being debugged
#define fCancelExceptionAbort         0x00000002
#define fOnTempStack                  0x00000004
#define fGrowableStack                0x00000008
#define fDelaySingleStep              0x00000010
#define fOpenExeAsImmovableFile       0x00000020
#define fCreateSuspended              0x00000040   // CREATE_SUSPENDED flag to CreateProcess()
#define fStackOverflow                0x00000080
#define fNestedCleanAPCs              0x00000100
#define fWasOemNowAnsi                0x00000200   // ANSI/OEM file function
#define fOKToSetThreadOem             0x00000400   // ANSI/OEM file function

// TDBX flags (WIN95)
#define WAITEXBIT                     0x00000001
#define WAITACKBIT                    0x00000002
#define SUSPEND_APC_PENDING           0x00000004
#define SUSPEND_TERMINATED            0x00000008
#define BLOCKED_FOR_TERMINATION       0x00000010
#define EMULATE_NPX                   0x00000020
#define WIN32_NPX                     0x00000040
#define EXTENDED_HANDLES              0x00000080
#define FROZEN                        0x00000100
#define DONT_FREEZE                   0x00000200
#define DONT_UNFREEZE                 0x00000400
#define DONT_TRACE                    0x00000800
#define STOP_TRACING                  0x00001000
#define WAITING_FOR_CRST_SAFE         0x00002000
#define CRST_SAFE                     0x00004000
#define BLOCK_TERMINATE_APC           0x00040000

// Thread list
typedef struct {
    struct THREADLIST *pNext;
    struct THREADLIST *pPrev;
    DWORD  pTDB;

// Environment Database
typedef struct _ENVIRONMENT_DATABASE {
    PSTR    pszEnvironment;             //00 Pointer to Process Environment
    DWORD   un1;                        //04 (always 0)
    PSTR    pszCmdLine;                 //08 Pointer to command line
    PSTR    pszCurrDirectory;           //0C Pointer to current directory
    LPSTARTUPINFOA pStartupInfo;        //10 Pointer to STARTUPINFOA struct
    HANDLE  hStdIn;                     //14 Standard Input handle
    HANDLE  hStdOut;                    //18 Standard Output handle
    HANDLE  hStdErr;                    //1C Standard Error handle
    DWORD   un2;                        //20 (always 1)
    DWORD   InheritConsole;             //24 Inherit console from parent
    DWORD   BreakType;                  //28 Handle console events (like CTRL+C)
    DWORD   BreakSem;                   //2C Pointer to K32OBJ_SEMAPHORE
    DWORD   BreakEvent;                 //30 Pointer to K32OBJ_EVENT
    DWORD   BreakThreadID;              //34 Pointer to K32OBJ_THREAD
    DWORD   BreakHandlers;              //38 Pointer to list of installed console control handlers

// Handle Table Entry
typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY {
    DWORD  flags;                   // Valid flags depend on what type of object this is
    PVOID  pObject;                 // Pointer to the object that the handle refers to

// Handle Table
typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE {
    DWORD cEntries;                 // Max number of handles in table
    HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY array[1];    // An array (number is given by cEntries)

typedef struct _MODREF {
    struct MODREF*  pNextModRef;    //00 Pointer to next MODREF in list (EOL=NULL)
    DWORD  un1;                     //04 number of ?
    DWORD  un2;                     //08 Ring0 TCB ?
    DWORD  un3;                     //0C
    WORD   mteIndex;                //10 Index to global array of pointers to IMTEs
    WORD   un4;                     //12
    DWORD  un5;                     //14
    PVOID  ppdb;                    //18 Pointer to process database
    DWORD  un6;                     //1C
    DWORD  un7;                     //20
    DWORD  un8;                     //24

typedef struct _IMTE
    DWORD           un1;            // 00h
    PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS   pNTHdr;     // 04h
    DWORD           un2;            // 08h
    PSTR            pszFileName;    // 0Ch
    PSTR            pszModName;     // 10h
    WORD            cbFileName;     // 14h
    WORD            cbModName;      // 16h
    DWORD           un3;            // 18h
    DWORD           cSections;      // 1Ch
    DWORD           un5;            // 20h
    DWORD           baseAddress;    // 24h
    WORD            hModule16;      // 28h
    WORD            cUsage;         // 2Ah
    DWORD           un7;            // 2Ch
    PSTR            pszFileName2;   // 30h
    WORD            cbFileName2;    // 34h
    PSTR            pszModName2;    // 36h
    WORD            cbModName2;     // 3Ah

// Thread Information Block (FS:[0x18])
typedef struct _TIB95 {         // Size = 0x34
    PSEH    pvExcept;           // 00 Pointer to head of structured exception handling chain
    PVOID   pvStackUserTop;     // 04 Max. address for stack
    PVOID   pvStackUserBase;    // 08 Lowest page aligned addr. of stack
    WORD    pvTDB;              // 0C Ptr to win-16 task database
    WORD    pvThunksSS;         // 0E SS selector used for thunking to 16 bits
    DWORD   SelmanList;         // 10 Pointer to selector manager list
    PVOID   pvArbitrary;        // 14 Available for application use
    struct _TIB95 *pTIBSelf;    // 18 Linear address of TIB structure
    WORD    TIBFlags;           // 1C TIBF_WIN32 = 1, TIBF_TRAP = 2
    WORD    Win16MutexCount;    // 1E Win16Lock
    DWORD   DebugContext;       // 20 Pointer to debug context structure
    DWORD   pCurrentPriority;   // 24 Pointer to DWORD containing current priority level
    DWORD   pvQueue;            // 28 Message Queue selector
    PVOID*  pvTLSArray;         // 2C Thread Local Storage (TLS) array
    PVOID*  pProcess;           // 30 Pointer to owning process database (PDB)
} TIB95, *PTIB95;

// Process Database (FS:[0x30])
typedef struct _PDB95 {                 // Size = 0xC0 (from Kernel32)
    DWORD   Type;                       //00 KERNEL32 object type (K32OBJ_PROCESS = 5)
    DWORD   cReference;                 //04 Number of references to process
    DWORD   Unknown1;                   //08 (always 0)
    DWORD   pEvent;                     //0C Pointer to K32OBJ_EVENT (2)
    DWORD   TerminationStatus;          //10 Returned by GetExitCodeProcess()
    DWORD   Unknown2;                   //14 (always 0)
    DWORD   DefaultHeap;                //18 Address of the default process heap
    DWORD   MemoryContext;              //1C Pointer to the process's context (Returned by GetProcessHeap())
    DWORD   Flags;                      //20 Flags
    DWORD   pPSP;                       //24 Linear address of PSP ?
    WORD    PSPSelector;                //28 Selector for DOS PSP
    WORD    MTEIndex;                   //2A *4 + ModuleList = IMTE
    WORD    cThreads;                   //2C Number of threads belonging to this process
    WORD    cNotTermThreads;            //2E Number of threads for this process that haven't yet been terminated
    WORD    Unknown3;                   //30 (always 0)
    WORD    cRing0Threads;              //32 Number of ring 0 threads
    HANDLE  HeapHandle;                 //34 Heap to allocate handle tables out of (this seems to always be the KERNEL32 heap)
    HTASK   W16TDB;                     //38 Win16 Task Database selector
    DWORD   MemMapFiles;                //3C Pointer to memory mapped file list
    PEDB    pEDB;                       //40 Pointer to Environment Database
    PHANDLE_TABLE pHandleTable;         //44 Pointer to process handle table
    struct PDB95* ParentPDB;            //48 Parent process database
    PMODREF MODREFlist;                 //4C Pointer to module reference list
    DWORD   ThreadList;                 //50 Pointer to list of threads owned by this process
    DWORD   DebuggeeCB;                 //54 Debuggee Context block ?
    DWORD   LocalHeapFreeHead;          //58 Pointer to head of free list in process heap
    DWORD   InitialRing0ID;             //5C (always 0)
    CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection;   //60 Defined in winnt.h (len=0x18)
    DWORD   Unknow4[2];                 //78 (always 0)
    DWORD   pConsole;                   //80 Pointer to console object for process (K32OBJ_CONSOLE = 9)
    DWORD   tlsInUseBits1;              //84 Represents TLS status bits 0 - 31
    DWORD   tlsInUseBits2;              //88 Represents TLS status bits 32 - 63
    DWORD   ProcessDWORD;               //8C Retrieved by GetProcessDword()
    struct PDB95* ProcessGroup;         //90 Pointer to the master process (K32_OBJ_PROCESS = 5)
    DWORD   pExeMODREF;                 //94 Pointer to EXE's MODREF
    DWORD   TopExcFilter;               //98 Top Exception Filter
    DWORD   PriorityClass;              //9C Base scheduling priority for process (8 = NORMAL)
    DWORD   HeapList;                   //A0 Head of the list of process heaps
    DWORD   HeapHandleList;             //A4 Pointer to head of heap handle block list
    DWORD   HeapPointer;                //A8 Normally zero, but can pointer to a moveable handle block in the heap
    DWORD   pConsoleProvider;           //AC Zero or process that owns the console we're using (K32OBJ_CONSOLE)
    WORD    EnvironSelector;            //B0 Selector containing process environment
    WORD    ErrorMode;                  //B2 Value set by SetErrorMode()
    DWORD   pEventLoadFinished;         //B4 Pointer to event LoadFinished (K32OBJ_EVENT = 2)
    WORD    UTState;                    //B8
    DWORD   Unknown5[2];                //BA
} PDB95, *PPDB95;

// Thread Database Extension
typedef struct _TDBX95 {
    DWORD  ptdb;              // 00 TDB
    DWORD  ppdb;              // 04 PDB
    DWORD  ContextHandle;     // 08 R0 memory context
    DWORD  un1;               // 0C
    DWORD  TimeOutHandle;     // 10
    DWORD  WakeParam;         // 14
    DWORD  BlockHandle;       // 18 R0 semaphore on which thread will wait inside VWIN32
    DWORD  BlockState;        // 1C
    DWORD  SuspendCount;      // 20 Number of times SuspendThread() was called
    DWORD  SuspendHandle;     // 24
    DWORD  MustCompleteCount; // 28 Count of EnterMustComplete's minus LeaveMustComplete's
    DWORD  WaitExFlags;       // 2C Flags
    DWORD  SyncWaitCount;     // 30
    DWORD  QueuedSyncFuncs;   // 34
    DWORD  UserAPCList;       // 38
    DWORD  KernAPCList;       // 3C
    DWORD  pPMPSPSelector;    // 40 Pointer to protected mode PSP selector
    DWORD  BlockedOnID;       // 44
    DWORD  un2[7];            // 48
    DWORD  TraceRefData;      // 64
    DWORD  TraceCallBack;     // 68
    DWORD  TraceEventHandle;  // 6C
    WORD   TraceOutLastCS;    // 70
    WORD   K16TDB;            // 72 Win16 TDB selector
    WORD   K16PDB;            // 74 Win16 PSP selector
    WORD   DosPDBSeg;         // 76 Real mode segment value of PSP
    WORD   ExceptionCount;    // 78
} TDBX95, *PTDBX95;

// Thread Database (FS:[0x18] - 0x10)
typedef struct _TDB95 {                // Size = 0x1D4 (from Kernel32)
    DWORD      Type;                   // 00 Object type = K32OBJ_THREAD (6)
    DWORD      cReference;             // 04 Reference count for thread
    PPDB95     pProcess;               // 08 Pointer to PDB
    DWORD      pSomeEvent;             // 0C Pointer to K32OBJ_EVENT
    TIB95      tib;                    // 10-40 TIB
    DWORD      Flags;                  // 44 Flags
    DWORD      TerminationStatus;      // 48 Returned by GetExitCodeThread()
    WORD       TIBSelector;            // 4C TIB selector
    WORD       EmulatorSelector;       // 4E 80387 emulator state selector
    DWORD      cHandles;               // 50 (always 0)
    DWORD      WaitNodeList;           // 54 Pointer to event list
    DWORD      un4;                    // 58 (0 or 2)
    DWORD      Ring0Thread;            // 5C Pointer to ring0 THCB (Thread Control Block)
    TDBX95     *pTDBX;                 // 60 Pointer to TDBX
    DWORD      StackBase;              // 64 Lowest stack address
    DWORD      TerminationStack;       // 68 ESP for thread termination
    DWORD      EmulatorData;           // 6C Linear address for 80387 emulator data
    DWORD      GetLastErrorCode;       // 70 Value returned by GetLastErrorCode()
    DWORD      DebuggerCB;             // 74 Pointer do debugger data
    DWORD      DebuggerThread;         // 78 If thread is being debugged contains a non-NULL value
    PCONTEXT   ThreadContext;          // 7C Register context defined in WINNT.H
    DWORD      Except16List;           // 80 (always 0)
    DWORD      ThunkConnect;           // 84 (always 0)
    DWORD      NegStackBase;           // 88 StackBase + NegStackBase
    DWORD      CurrentSS;              // 8C 16-bit stack selector for thunking
    DWORD      SSTable;                // 90 Pointer to memory block with 16-bit stack info for thunking
    DWORD      ThunkSS16;              // 94 Selector for thunking
    DWORD      TLSArray[64];           // 98 TLS array
    DWORD      DeltaPriority;          // 198 Diference between priority of thread and priority class of the owning process
    DWORD      un5[7];                 // 19C
    DWORD      APISuspendCount;        // 1B8 Number of times SuspendThread() has been called
    DWORD      un[6];                  // 1BC

    // The retail version breaks off somewhere around here.
    // All the remaining fields are most likely only in the debug version
    DWORD      un5[7];                 // 19C (always 0)
    DWORD      pCreateData16;          // 1B8 Pointer to struct with PProcessInfo and pStartupInfo (always 0)
    DWORD      APISuspendCount;        // 1BC Number of times SuspendThread() has been called
    DWORD      un6;                    // 1C0
    DWORD      WOWChain;               // 1C4 (always 0)
    WORD       wSSBig;                 // 1C8 32-bit stack selector (always 0)
    WORD       un7;                    // 1CA
    DWORD      lp16SwitchRec;          // 1CC
    DWORD      un8[6];                 // 1D0 (always 0)
    DWORD      pSomeCritSect1;         // 1E8 Pointer to K32OBJ_CRITICAL_SECTION
    DWORD      pWin16Mutex;            // 1EC Pointer to Win16Mutex in KRNL386.EXE
    DWORD      pWin32Mutex;            // 1F0 Pointer to Krn32Mutex in KERNEL32.DLL
    DWORD      pSomeCritSect2;         // 1F4 Pointer to K32OBJ_CRITICAL_SECTION
    DWORD      un9;                    // 1F8 (always 0)
    DWORD      ripString;              // 1FC
    DWORD      LastTlsSetValueEIP[64]; // 200 Parallel to TlsArray, contains EIP where TLS value was last set from
} TDB95, *PTDB95;

/////////////////////// Windows 98 /////////////////////////

// Kernel32 objects (WIN98)
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_SEMAPHORE            0x1
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_EVENT                0x2
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_MUTEX                0x3
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_CRITICAL_SECTION     0x4
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_CHANGE               0x5
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_PROCESS              0x6
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_THREAD               0x7
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_FILE                 0x8
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_CONSOLE              0x9
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_SCREEN_BUFFER        0xA
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_MAILSLOT             0xB
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_SERIAL               0xC
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_MEM_MAPPED_FILE      0xD
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_PIPE                 0xE
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_DEVICE_IOCTL         0xF
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT    0x10
#define WIN98_K32OBJ_SOCKET               0x11

typedef struct _TDBX98 TDBX98;
typedef struct _PDB98  PDB98;

// Thread Information Block (FS:[0x18])
typedef struct _TIB98 {        // Size = 0x38
    PSEH    pvExcept;          // 00 Head of exception record list
    PVOID   pvStackUserTop;    // 04 Top of user stack
    PVOID   pvStackUserBase;   // 08 Base of user stack
    WORD    pvTDB;             // 0C Ptr to win-16 task database
    WORD    pvThunksSS;        // 0E SS selector used for thunking to 16 bits
    DWORD   SelmanList;        // 10 Pointer to selector manager list
    PVOID   pvArbitrary;       // 14 Available for application use
    struct _TIB98 *pTIBSelf;   // 18 Linear address of TIB structure
    WORD    TIBFlags;          // 1C TIBF_WIN32 = 1, TIBF_TRAP = 2
    WORD    Win16MutexCount;   // 1E Win16Lock
    DWORD   DebugContext;      // 20 Pointer to debug context structure
    DWORD   pCurrentPriority;  // 24 Pointer to DWORD containing current priority level
    DWORD   pvQueue;           // 28 Message Queue selector
    PVOID   *pvTLSArray;       // 2C Thread Local Storage (TLS) array
    PVOID   *pProcess;         // 30 Pointer to owning process database (PDB)
    DWORD   Unknown;           // 34 Pointer to ???
} TIB98, *PTIB98;

// Thread database (FS:[0x18] - 0x8)
typedef struct _TDB98 {        // Size = 0x228 (from Kernel32)
    WORD    Type;              // 00 K32 object type
    WORD    cReference;        // 02 Reference count
    DWORD   pSomeEvent;        // 04 K32 event object used when someone waits on the thread object
    TIB98   tib;               // 08 Thread information block (TIB)
    DWORD   Unknown;           // 40
    DWORD   Flags;             // 44 Flags
    DWORD   TerminationStatus; // 48 Exit code
    WORD    TIBSelector;       // 4C Selector used in FS to point to TIB
    WORD    EmulatorSelector;  // 4E Memory block for saving x87 state
    DWORD   cHandles;          // 50 Handle count
    DWORD   Ring0Thread;       // 54 R0 thread control block (TCB)
    TDBX98  *pTDBX;            // 58 R0 thread database extension (TDBX)
    DWORD   un1[109];          // 5C
    DWORD   APISuspendCount;   // 210 Count of SuspendThread's minus ResumeThread's
} TDB98, *PTDB98;

// Thread database extension
typedef struct _TDBX98 {
    DWORD  un0;                // 00
    TDB98  *ptdb;              // 04 R3 thread database
    PDB98  *ppdb;              // 08 R3 process database
    DWORD  ContextHandle;      // 0C R0 memory context
    DWORD  Ring0Thread;        // 10 R0 thread control block [TCB *]
    DWORD  WaitNodeList;       // 14 Anchor of things we're waiting on  [WAITNODE *]
    DWORD  WaitFlags;          // 18 Blocking flags
    DWORD  un1;                // 1C
    DWORD  TimeOutHandle;      // 20
    DWORD  WakeParam;          // 24
    DWORD  BlockHandle;        // 28 R0 semaphore on which thread will wait inside VWIN32
    DWORD  BlockState;         // 2C
    DWORD  SuspendCount;       // 30
    DWORD  SuspendHandle;      // 34
    DWORD  MustCompleteCount;  // 38 Count of EnterMustComplete's minus LeaveMustComplete's
    DWORD  WaitExFlags;        // 3C Flags
    DWORD  SyncWaitCount;      // 40
    DWORD  QueuedSyncFuncs;    // 44
    DWORD  UserAPCList;        // 48
    DWORD  KernAPCList;        // 4C
    DWORD  pPMPSPSelector;     // 50
    DWORD  BlockedOnID;        // 54
} TDBX98, *PTDBX98;

// Process Database (FS:0x30])
typedef struct _PDB98 {                 // Size = 0xC4 (from Kernel32)
    BYTE    Type;                       // 00 Kernel object type = K32OBJ_PROCESS (6)
    BYTE    Unknown_A;                  // 01 (align ?)
    WORD    cReference;                 // 02 Number of references to process
    DWORD   Unknown_B;                  // 04 Pointer to ???
    DWORD   Unknown1;                   // 08 (zero)
    DWORD   pEvent;                     // 0C Event for process waiting
    DWORD   TerminationStatus;          // 10 GetExitCodeProcess
    DWORD   Unknown2;                   // 14 May be used for private purposes
    DWORD   DefaultHeap;                // 18 GetProcessHeap
    DWORD   MemoryContext;              // 1C Pointer to process context
    DWORD   Flags;                      // 20 Flags
    DWORD   pPSP;                       // 24 Linear address of DOS PSP
    WORD    PSPSelector;                // 28 Selector to DOS PSP
    WORD    MTEIndex;                   // 2A Index into global module table
    WORD    cThreads;                   // 2C Threads.ItemCount
    WORD    cNotTermThreads;            // 2E Threads.ItemCount
    WORD    Unknown3;                   // 30 (zero)
    WORD    cRing0Threads;              // 32 Normally Threads.ItemCount (except kernel32)
    HANDLE  HeapHandle;                 // 34 Kernel32 shared heap
    DWORD   w16TDB;                     // 38 Win16 task database selector
    DWORD   MemMappedFiles;             // 3C List of memory mapped files
    PEDB    pEDB;                       // 40 Pointer to Environment Database
    PHANDLE_TABLE pHandleTable;         // 44 Pointer to Handle Table
    struct PDB98* ParentPDB;            // 48 Pointer to parent process (PDB)
    PMODREF MODREFList;                 // 4C Pointer to list of modules
    DWORD   ThreadList;                 // 50 Pointer to list of threads
    DWORD   DebuggeeCB;                 // 54 Debuggee context block
    DWORD   LocalHeapFreeHead;          // 58 Free list for process default heap
    DWORD   InitialRing0ID;             // 5C Meaning unknown
    CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection;   // 60 For synchronizing threads
    DWORD   Unknown4[3];                // 78
    DWORD   pConsole;                   // 84 Output console
    DWORD   tlsInUseBits1;              // 88 Status of TLS indexes  0 - 31
    DWORD   tlsInUseBits2;              // 8C Status of TLS indexes 32 - 63
    DWORD   ProcessDWORD;               // 90 Undocumented API GetProcessDword, meaning unknown
    struct PDB98* ProcessGroup;         // 94 Master process PDB (in debugging)
    DWORD   pExeMODREF;                 // 98 Points to exe's module structure
    DWORD   TopExcFilter;               // 9C SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
    DWORD   PriorityClass;              // A0 PriorityClass (8 = NORMAL)
    DWORD   HeapList;                   // A4 List of heaps
    DWORD   HeapHandleList;             // A8 List of moveable memory blocks
    DWORD   HeapPointer;                // AC Pointer to one moveable memory block, meaning unknown
    DWORD   pConsoleProvider;           // B0 Console for DOS apps
    WORD    EnvironSelector;            // B4 Environment database selector
    WORD    ErrorMode;                  // B6 SetErrorMode
    DWORD   pEventLoadFinished;         // B8 Signaled when the process has finished loading
    WORD    UTState;                    // BC Universal thunking, meaning unknown
    WORD    Unknown5;                   // BE (zero)
    DWORD   Unknown6;                   // C0
} PDB98, *PPDB98;

/////////////////////// Windows Me /////////////////////////

typedef TIB98   TIBME;
typedef TIBME   *PTIBME;

typedef struct _TDBME {        // Size = 0x228 (from Kernel32)
    WORD    Type;              // 00 K32 object type
    WORD    cReference;        // 02 Reference count
    DWORD   pSomeEvent;        // 04 K32 event object used when someone waits on the thread object
    TIB98   tib;               // 08 Thread information block (TIB)
    DWORD   Unknown;           // 40
    DWORD   Unknown2;          // 44
    WORD    TIBSelector;       // 46 Selector used in FS to point to TIB
    DWORD   TerminationStatus; // 48 Exit code
    DWORD   Flags;             // 4C Flags
    DWORD   cHandles;          // 50 Handle count
    DWORD   Ring0Thread;       // 54 R0 thread control block (TCB)
    DWORD   Unknown3;          // 58 Selector for ???
    DWORD   un1[109];          // 5C
    DWORD   APISuspendCount;   // 210 Count of SuspendThread's minus ResumeThread's

typedef struct _PDBME {                 // Size = 0xC4 (from Kernel32)
    BYTE    Type;                       // 00 Kernel object type = K32OBJ_PROCESS (6)
    BYTE    Unknown_A;                  // 01 (align ?)
    WORD    cReference;                 // 02 Number of references to process
    DWORD   Unknown_B;                  // 04 Pointer to ???
    DWORD   Unknown1;                   // 08 (zero)
    DWORD   pEvent;                     // 0C Event for process waiting
    DWORD   TerminationStatus;          // 10 GetExitCodeProcess
    DWORD   Unknown2;                   // 14 May be used for private purposes
    DWORD   DefaultHeap;                // 18 GetProcessHeap
    DWORD   MemoryContext;              // 1C Pointer to process context
    DWORD   Flags;                      // 20 Flags
    DWORD   pPSP;                       // 24 Linear address of DOS PSP
    WORD    PSPSelector;                // 28 Selector to DOS PSP
    WORD    MTEIndex;                   // 2A Index into global module table
    WORD    cThreads;                   // 2C Threads.ItemCount
    WORD    cNotTermThreads;            // 2E Threads.ItemCount
    WORD    Unknown3;                   // 30 (zero)
    WORD    cRing0Threads;              // 32 Normally Threads.ItemCount (except kernel32)
    HANDLE  HeapHandle;                 // 34 Kernel32 shared heap
    DWORD   w16TDB;                     // 38 Win16 task database selector
    DWORD   MemMappedFiles;             // 3C List of memory mapped files
    PEDB    pEDB;                       // 40 Pointer to Environment Database
    PHANDLE_TABLE pHandleTable;         // 44 Pointer to Handle Table
    struct PDB98* ParentPDB;            // 48 Pointer to parent process (PDB)
    PMODREF MODREFList;                 // 4C Pointer to list of modules
    DWORD   ThreadList;                 // 50 Pointer to list of threads
    DWORD   DebuggeeCB;                 // 54 Debuggee context block
    DWORD   LocalHeapFreeHead;          // 58 Free list for process default heap
    DWORD   InitialRing0ID;             // 5C Meaning unknown
    CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection;   // 60 For synchronizing threads
    DWORD   Unknown4[2];                // 78
    DWORD   pConsole;                   // 80 Output console
    DWORD   tlsInUseBits1;              // 84 Status of TLS indexes  0 - 31
    DWORD   tlsInUseBits2;              // 88 Status of TLS indexes 32 - 63
    DWORD   ProcessDWORD;               // 8C Undocumented API GetProcessDword, meaning unknown
    DWORD   Unknown_C;                  // 90 Unknown
    struct PDB98* ProcessGroup;         // 94 Master process PDB (in debugging)
    DWORD   pExeMODREF;                 // 98 Points to exe's module structure
    DWORD   TopExcFilter;               // 9C SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
    DWORD   PriorityClass;              // A0 PriorityClass (8 = NORMAL)
    DWORD   HeapList;                   // A4 List of heaps
    DWORD   HeapHandleList;             // A8 List of moveable memory blocks
    DWORD   HeapPointer;                // AC Pointer to one moveable memory block, meaning unknown
    DWORD   pConsoleProvider;           // B0 Console for DOS apps
    WORD    EnvironSelector;            // B4 Environment database selector
    WORD    ErrorMode;                  // B6 SetErrorMode
    DWORD   pEventLoadFinished;         // B8 Signaled when the process has finished loading
    WORD    UTState;                    // BC Universal thunking, meaning unknown
    WORD    Unknown5;                   // BE (zero)
    DWORD   Unknown6;                   // C0

#pragma pack()

#endif // __STRUCT_H__

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Written By
Portugal Portugal
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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