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Shape Control for .NET

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23 Mar 2017CPOL10 min read 391.7K   21.8K   302  
Implementing shape control that supports transparency, custom design-time editors and simple animation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;

namespace TestShapeControl
    public partial class Form3 : Form
        List<ShapeControl.CustomControl1> ctrllist = new List<ShapeControl.CustomControl1>();
        private int sx, sy;

        private int static_i = 0;
        private bool ctrlKey = false;
        private bool altKey = false;
        private bool plusKey = false;
        private bool minusKey = false;
        public Form3()

        private void btnAddCam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private int getNextCamIndex()
            if (ctrllist.Count == 0) return 1;

            var tempvar = ctrllist.OrderBy(x => x.Name);
            tempvar=tempvar.OrderBy(x => x.Name.Length);
            List<ShapeControl.CustomControl1> templist =tempvar.ToList();
            int count = templist.Count;
            int retval = count+1;
            //find missing index
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string ctrlname = templist[i].Name;
                string ctrlindex = ctrlname.Substring(3);
                if ((i + 1) != int.Parse(ctrlindex))
                    retval = (i + 1);

            return retval;

        private void AddCam(string caminfo)

            bool bNew =(caminfo =="");
            string name="";
            string tag = "",tag2 = "";
            int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0, c = 0;

            if (caminfo != "")
                var info = caminfo.Split('|');
                for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                    var details = info[i].Split('=');
                    switch (details[0])
                        case "name": name = details[1]; break;
                        case "x": x = int.Parse (details[1]); break;
                        case "y": y = int.Parse (details[1]); break;
                        case "w": w = int.Parse(details[1]); break;
                        case "h": h = int.Parse(details[1]); break;
                        case "c": c = int.Parse(details[1]); break;
                        case "tag": tag = details[1]; break;
                        case "tag2": tag2 = details[1]; break; 

            ShapeControl.CustomControl1 ctrl1 = new ShapeControl.CustomControl1();
           // ctrllist.Add(ctrl1);
            ctrl1.BackColor = bNew?System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(126)))),Color.Red):Color.FromArgb(c);
            ctrl1.Blink = false;
            ctrl1.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(0)))), ((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(255)))));
            ctrl1.BorderStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid;
            ctrl1.BorderWidth = 3;
          //  ctrl1.CenterColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(100)))), ((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(0)))), ((int)(((byte)(0)))));
            ctrl1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 8f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
            ctrl1.Name =bNew? "cam" + getNextCamIndex():name ;//ctrllist.Count;
            ctrl1.Shape = ShapeControl.ShapeType.Ellipse;
            ctrl1.ShapeImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)global::TestShapeControl.Properties.Resources.camshape);
            ctrl1.Size = bNew? new System.Drawing.Size(40, 40):new System.Drawing.Size(w,h);
           // ctrl1.SurroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(100)))), ((int)(((byte)(0)))), ((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(255)))));
            ctrl1.TabIndex = 0;
            ctrl1.UseGradient = false;
            ctrl1.Vibrate = false;
            ctrl1.Visible = true;
            ctrl1.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(ctrl1_MouseDown);
            ctrl1.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(ctrl1_MouseMove);
            ctrl1.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(ctrl1_MouseUp);
            ctrl1.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(ctrl1_MouseDoubleClick);
            ctrl1.MouseHover += new EventHandler(ctrl1_MouseHover);
            int ypos = (50 * ctrllist.Count) % panel1.Height ;
            int xpos = ((50 * ctrllist.Count) / panel1.Height) * 50;
            ctrl1.Location =bNew? new System.Drawing.Point(50 + xpos, ypos-40):new System.Drawing.Point(50,50);
            ctrl1.Text = "cam";
            ctrl1.Text = bNew ?(string)ctrl1.Name.ToString().Clone(): name ;
            ctrl1.Tag2=bNew? " cam":tag2;
            //set the color
              ctrl1_MouseDoubleClick(ctrl1, new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left,2,0,0,0));

            float dy = (float)(ctrl1.Top + ctrl1.Height /2) - (float)panel1.Height/2;
            float dx = (float)(ctrl1.Left +ctrl1.Width /2) -(float) panel1.Width/2;

            ctrl1.Tag = bNew? (dx + "," + dy+ "," +getNumPixelforImageDisplayed()):tag;

        void ctrl1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            //if (e.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Left))
            //   ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Region = tempregion;

        void ctrl1_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
            toolTip1.Show(((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Tag2 + ",(" +
                ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Left + "," + ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Top +")", 
                (ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender, 2000);

        private void ctrl1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Clicks < 2) return;

                if (plusKey && !minusKey)
                    if (((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Width < 80)
                          new Size(((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Width +5,((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Height+5);
                    plusKey = false;

                if (minusKey && !plusKey)
                    if (((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Width > 20)
                        ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Size =
                            new Size(((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Width - 5, ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Height - 5);

                    minusKey = false;
                if(ctrlKey && !altKey)
                   DialogResult dr=MessageBox.Show (this,"Delete cam?","Delete",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
                    if (dr==DialogResult.OK )
                    ctrlKey = false;

                if (altKey && !ctrlKey )
                    ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Vibrate = !((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Vibrate;
                    altKey = false;
                if (static_i >= 6) static_i = 0;
                switch (static_i)
                    case 0:
                       ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(126, Color.Red);
                    case 1:
                       ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(126, Color.Blue);

                    case 2:
                        ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(126, Color.Green);

                    case 3:
                        ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(126, Color.Wheat );
                    case 4:
                        ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(126, Color.GreenYellow);


                    case 5:
                        ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(126, Color.Cyan);




        private void ctrl1_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Left))
                sx = e.X;
                sy = e.Y;
                //tempregion = ((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Region.Clone();
                //((ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender).Region = null;

                FormProperty frm = new FormProperty();
                frm.Caller  = (ShapeControl.CustomControl1)sender;


        private void ctrl1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Left))
                ((Control)sender).Left = ((Control)sender).Left + (e.X - sx);
                ((Control)sender).Top = ((Control)sender).Top + (e.Y - sy);

                float dy = (float)((Control)sender).Top + ((Control)sender).Height / 2 - (float)panel1.Height / 2;
                float dx = (float)((Control)sender).Left + ((Control)sender).Width / 2 - (float)panel1.Width / 2;
                ((Control)sender).Tag = dx + "," + dy + "," + getNumPixelforImageDisplayed();

        private void Form3_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            ctrlKey = e.Control;
            altKey = e.Alt;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.OemMinus) minusKey = true;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Oemplus ) plusKey = true;

        private void Form3_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            ctrlKey =false  ;
            altKey = false;
            minusKey = false;
            plusKey = false;

        private void panel1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            openFileDialog1.Filter="Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            DialogResult dr=openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
            if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                    using (var tempImage = new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName))
                        panel1.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(tempImage);



        private int getNumPixelforImageDisplayed()
            float panelratio = (float)panel1.Width / panel1.Height;
            float imgratio = (float)panel1.BackgroundImage.Width / (float)panel1.BackgroundImage.Height;
            float dispwidth,dispheight;
            if (panelratio > imgratio) //height limiting
                dispheight = panel1.Height;
                dispwidth = imgratio * dispheight;
                dispwidth = panel1.Width;
                dispheight = dispwidth / imgratio;

           // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(imgratio +"," + dispwidth + "," + dispheight);
            return (int) (dispwidth * dispheight);

        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            label1.Text ="NewMap_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() +".map";
            panel1.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(panel1.Width, panel1.Height);
            Graphics.FromImage(panel1.BackgroundImage).FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(0, 0, panel1.Width, panel1.Height));
            Graphics.FromImage(panel1.BackgroundImage).DrawString("Dbl Click here to insert floor plan..",
                                 new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 12), Brushes.Black, 50, 50);


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(label1.Text))
                var tempvar=ctrllist.OrderBy(x=>x.Name);
                tempvar  =tempvar.OrderBy(x=>x.Name.Length);
                List<ShapeControl.CustomControl1 > templist=tempvar.ToList();
                writer.WriteLine("CAM_COUNT=" + templist.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < ctrllist.Count; i++)
                    writer.WriteLine("name=" + templist[i].Name + "|" +
                                     "x=" + templist[i].Left + "|" +
                                     "y=" + templist[i].Top + "|" +
                                     "w=" + templist[i].Width + "|" +
                                     "h=" + templist[i].Height + "|" +
                                     "c=" + templist[i].BackColor.ToArgb()+ "|" +
                                     "tag=" + templist[i].Tag.ToString()+"|"+
            if (panel1.BackgroundImage != null)
                panel1.BackgroundImage.Save(label1.Text + ".jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            MessageBox.Show(label1.Text + " is saved");

        private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            this.DoubleBuffered = true;

            //invoke double buffer 
            typeof(Panel ).InvokeMember(
               BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetProperty,
               new object[] { true });

            label2.Text = "On Cam> Right Click:Set Properties, Dbl_Click:Change Color, Ctl+Dbl_Click:Del, Alt+Dbl_Click:Vibrate, Minus+Dbl_Click:Smaller, Plus+Dbl_Click:Larger";
            button2_Click(null, null);

        private void btnImportMap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            openFileDialog1.Filter = "Map files (*.map)|*.map";
            DialogResult dr = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
            if (dr == DialogResult.OK)

                button2_Click(null, null);
                label1.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName;

                    using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(label1.Text))
                        string s = reader.ReadLine();
                        var info = s.Split('=');
                        for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(info[1]); i++)
                            s = reader.ReadLine();


                //    this.panel1.Visible = false;
                    using (var tempImage = new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName+".jpg"))
                        panel1.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(tempImage);


                 //   this.panel1.Visible = true;



        private void updateCamPosAfterResize()
            int newarea = getNumPixelforImageDisplayed();

            for (int i = 0; i < ctrllist.Count; i++)
                var info = ctrllist[i].Tag.ToString().Split(',');
                float dx = float.Parse(info[0]);
                float dy = float.Parse(info[1]);
                int area = int.Parse(info[2]);
                float ratio = (float)Math.Sqrt((float)newarea / area);
                float newdx=ratio * dx;
                float newdy=ratio * dy;
              //  ctrllist[i].Tag = dx + "," + dy + "," + newarea;

                ctrllist[i].Left = (int)(panel1.Width / 2 + newdx - ctrllist[i].Width / 2);
                ctrllist[i].Top = (int)(panel1.Height / 2 + newdy - ctrllist[i].Height / 2);



        private void Form3_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.panel1.Visible = false;

            panel1.Height = this.ClientSize.Height - ( 3* panel1.Top/2);
            panel1.Width = this.ClientSize.Width - 2 * panel1.Left;
            label2.Top = panel1.Top + panel1.Height + 10;

            this.panel1.Visible = true;



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Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Singapore Singapore
Coder. Hacker. Fixer.

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