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Code profiler and optimizations

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2 May 200210 min read 224.1K   1.6K   55  
C++ code profiler and small profiling utility
Copyright (C)2001 MJSoft. All Rights Reserved.
          This source may be used freely as long as it is not sold for
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File:     SortListCtrl.cpp
Purpose:  Provides a sortable list control, it will sort text, numbers
          and dates, ascending or descending, and will even draw the
					arrows just like windows explorer!

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SortListCtrl.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

LPCTSTR g_pszSection = _T("ListCtrls");

struct ItemData
	ItemData() : arrpsz( NULL ), dwData( NULL ) {}

	LPTSTR* arrpsz;
	DWORD dwData;

	// ban copying.
	ItemData( const ItemData& );
	ItemData& operator=( const ItemData& );

	: m_iNumColumns( 0 )
	, m_iSortColumn( -1 )
	, m_bSortAscending( TRUE )



// CSortListCtrl message handlers

void CSortListCtrl::PreSubclassWindow()
	// the list control must have the report style.
	ASSERT( GetStyle() & LVS_REPORT );

	VERIFY( m_ctlHeader.SubclassWindow( GetHeaderCtrl()->GetSafeHwnd() ) );

BOOL CSortListCtrl::SetHeadings( UINT uiStringID )
	CString strHeadings;
	VERIFY( strHeadings.LoadString( uiStringID ) );
	return SetHeadings( strHeadings );

// the heading text is in the format column 1 text,column 1 width;column 2 text,column 3 width;etc.
BOOL CSortListCtrl::SetHeadings( const CString& strHeadings )
	int iStart = 0;

	for( ;; )
		const int iComma = strHeadings.Find( _T(','), iStart );

		if( iComma == -1 )

		const CString strHeading = strHeadings.Mid( iStart, iComma - iStart );

		iStart = iComma + 1;

		int iSemiColon = strHeadings.Find( _T(';'), iStart );

		if( iSemiColon == -1 )
			iSemiColon = strHeadings.GetLength();

		const int iWidth = atoi( strHeadings.Mid( iStart, iSemiColon - iStart ) );
		iStart = iSemiColon + 1;

		if( InsertColumn( m_iNumColumns++, strHeading, LVCFMT_LEFT, iWidth ) == -1 )
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

int CSortListCtrl::AddItem( LPCTSTR pszText, ... )
	const int iIndex = InsertItem( GetItemCount(), pszText );

	LPTSTR* arrpsz = new LPTSTR[ m_iNumColumns ];
	arrpsz[ 0 ] = new TCHAR[ lstrlen( pszText ) + 1 ];
	(void)lstrcpy( arrpsz[ 0 ], pszText );

 	va_list list;
	va_start( list, pszText );

	for( int iColumn = 1; iColumn < m_iNumColumns; iColumn++ )
		pszText = va_arg( list, LPCTSTR );
		VERIFY( CListCtrl::SetItem( iIndex, iColumn, LVIF_TEXT, pszText, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );

		arrpsz[ iColumn ] = new TCHAR[ lstrlen( pszText ) + 1 ];
		(void)lstrcpy( arrpsz[ iColumn ], pszText );

	va_end( list );

	VERIFY( SetTextArray( iIndex, arrpsz ) );

	return iIndex;

void CSortListCtrl::FreeItemMemory( const int iItem )
	ItemData* pid = reinterpret_cast<ItemData*>( CListCtrl::GetItemData( iItem ) );

	LPTSTR* arrpsz = pid->arrpsz;

	for( int i = 0; i < m_iNumColumns; i++ )
		delete[] arrpsz[ i ];

	delete[] arrpsz;
	delete pid;

	VERIFY( CListCtrl::SetItemData( iItem, NULL ) );

BOOL CSortListCtrl::DeleteItem( int iItem )
	FreeItemMemory( iItem );
	return CListCtrl::DeleteItem( iItem );

BOOL CSortListCtrl::DeleteAllItems()
	for( int iItem = 0; iItem < GetItemCount(); iItem ++ )
		FreeItemMemory( iItem );

	return CListCtrl::DeleteAllItems();

bool IsNumber( LPCTSTR pszText )

	for( int i = 0; i < lstrlen( pszText ); i++ )
		if( !_istdigit( pszText[ i ] ) )
			return false;

	return true;

int NumberCompare( LPCTSTR pszNumber1, LPCTSTR pszNumber2 )

	const int iNumber1 = atoi( pszNumber1 );
	const int iNumber2 = atoi( pszNumber2 );

	if( iNumber1 < iNumber2 )
		return -1;
	if( iNumber1 > iNumber2 )
		return 1;

	return 0;

bool IsDate( LPCTSTR pszText )

	// format should be 99/99/9999.

	if( lstrlen( pszText ) != 10 )
		return false;

	return _istdigit( pszText[ 0 ] )
		&& _istdigit( pszText[ 1 ] )
		&& pszText[ 2 ] == _T('/')
		&& _istdigit( pszText[ 3 ] )
		&& _istdigit( pszText[ 4 ] )
		&& pszText[ 5 ] == _T('/')
		&& _istdigit( pszText[ 6 ] )
		&& _istdigit( pszText[ 7 ] )
		&& _istdigit( pszText[ 8 ] )
		&& _istdigit( pszText[ 9 ] );

int DateCompare( const CString& strDate1, const CString& strDate2 )
	const int iYear1 = atoi( strDate1.Mid( 6, 4 ) );
	const int iYear2 = atoi( strDate2.Mid( 6, 4 ) );

	if( iYear1 < iYear2 )
		return -1;

	if( iYear1 > iYear2 )
		return 1;

	const int iMonth1 = atoi( strDate1.Mid( 3, 2 ) );
	const int iMonth2 = atoi( strDate2.Mid( 3, 2 ) );

	if( iMonth1 < iMonth2 )
		return -1;

	if( iMonth1 > iMonth2 )
		return 1;

	const int iDay1 = atoi( strDate1.Mid( 0, 2 ) );
	const int iDay2 = atoi( strDate2.Mid( 0, 2 ) );

	if( iDay1 < iDay2 )
		return -1;

	if( iDay1 > iDay2 )
		return 1;

	return 0;

int CALLBACK CSortListCtrl::CompareFunction( LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamData )
	CSortListCtrl* pListCtrl = reinterpret_cast<CSortListCtrl*>( lParamData );
	ASSERT( pListCtrl->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CListCtrl ) ) );

	ItemData* pid1 = reinterpret_cast<ItemData*>( lParam1 );
	ItemData* pid2 = reinterpret_cast<ItemData*>( lParam2 );

	ASSERT( pid1 );
	ASSERT( pid2 );

	LPCTSTR pszText1 = pid1->arrpsz[ pListCtrl->m_iSortColumn ];
	LPCTSTR pszText2 = pid2->arrpsz[ pListCtrl->m_iSortColumn ];


	if( IsNumber( pszText1 ) )
		return pListCtrl->m_bSortAscending ? NumberCompare( pszText1, pszText2 ) : NumberCompare( pszText2, pszText1 );
	else if( IsDate( pszText1 ) )
		return pListCtrl->m_bSortAscending ? DateCompare( pszText1, pszText2 ) : DateCompare( pszText2, pszText1 );
		// text.
		return pListCtrl->m_bSortAscending ? lstrcmp( pszText1, pszText2 ) : lstrcmp( pszText2, pszText1 );

void CSortListCtrl::OnColumnClick( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult )
	const int iColumn = pNMListView->iSubItem;

	// if it's a second click on the same column then reverse the sort order,
	// otherwise sort the new column in ascending order.
	Sort( iColumn, iColumn == m_iSortColumn ? !m_bSortAscending : TRUE );

	*pResult = 0;

void CSortListCtrl::Sort( int iColumn, BOOL bAscending )
	m_iSortColumn = iColumn;
	m_bSortAscending = bAscending;

	// show the appropriate arrow in the header control.
	m_ctlHeader.SetSortArrow( m_iSortColumn, m_bSortAscending );

	VERIFY( SortItems( CompareFunction, reinterpret_cast<DWORD>( this ) ) );

void CSortListCtrl::LoadColumnInfo()
	// you must call this after setting the column headings.
	ASSERT( m_iNumColumns > 0 );

	CString strKey;
	strKey.Format( _T("%d"), GetDlgCtrlID() );

	UINT nBytes = 0;
	BYTE* buf = NULL;
	if( AfxGetApp()->GetProfileBinary( g_pszSection, strKey, &buf, &nBytes ) )
		if( nBytes > 0 )
			CMemFile memFile( buf, nBytes );
			CArchive ar( &memFile, CArchive::load );
			m_ctlHeader.Serialize( ar );


		delete[] buf;

void CSortListCtrl::SaveColumnInfo()
	ASSERT( m_iNumColumns > 0 );

	CString strKey;
	strKey.Format( _T("%d"), GetDlgCtrlID() );

	CMemFile memFile;

	CArchive ar( &memFile, CArchive::store );
	m_ctlHeader.Serialize( ar );

	DWORD dwLen = memFile.GetLength();
	BYTE* buf = memFile.Detach();	

	VERIFY( AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileBinary( g_pszSection, strKey, buf, dwLen ) );

	free( buf );

void CSortListCtrl::OnDestroy() 
	for( int iItem = 0; iItem < GetItemCount(); iItem ++ )
		FreeItemMemory( iItem );


BOOL CSortListCtrl::SetItemText( int nItem, int nSubItem, LPCTSTR lpszText )
	if( !CListCtrl::SetItemText( nItem, nSubItem, lpszText ) )
		return FALSE;

	LPTSTR* arrpsz = GetTextArray( nItem );
	LPTSTR pszText = arrpsz[ nSubItem ];
	delete[] pszText;
	pszText = new TCHAR[ lstrlen( lpszText ) + 1 ];
	(void)lstrcpy( pszText, lpszText );
	arrpsz[ nSubItem ] = pszText;

	return TRUE;

BOOL CSortListCtrl::SetItemData( int nItem, DWORD dwData )
	if( nItem >= GetItemCount() )
		return FALSE;

	ItemData* pid = reinterpret_cast<ItemData*>( CListCtrl::GetItemData( nItem ) );
	ASSERT( pid );
	pid->dwData = dwData;

	return TRUE;

DWORD CSortListCtrl::GetItemData( int nItem ) const
	ASSERT( nItem < GetItemCount() );

	ItemData* pid = reinterpret_cast<ItemData*>(CListCtrl::GetItemData(nItem));
	ASSERT( pid );
	return pid->dwData;

BOOL CSortListCtrl::SetTextArray( int iItem, LPTSTR* arrpsz )
	ASSERT( CListCtrl::GetItemData( iItem ) == NULL );
	ItemData* pid = new ItemData;
	pid->arrpsz = arrpsz;
	return CListCtrl::SetItemData( iItem, reinterpret_cast<DWORD>( pid ) );

LPTSTR* CSortListCtrl::GetTextArray( int iItem ) const
	ASSERT(iItem < GetItemCount());

	ItemData* pid = reinterpret_cast<ItemData*>(CListCtrl::GetItemData( iItem ));
	return pid->arrpsz;

int CSortListCtrl::StrToNum(const TCHAR *udata, int udatalen, int base)
	long index;
	const TCHAR numdigits[] = TEXT("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
	long digitValue = 0;
	long RetVal = 0;
	TCHAR digits[sizeof(numdigits)+1];
	TCHAR *dataVal;
	TCHAR data[512] ;
	//copy the data to our variable
	_tcscpy(data, udata);
	//convert it to upper case
	ZeroMemory(digits, sizeof(digits));
	//copy the number of digits supported by base in digits
	_tcsncpy(digits, numdigits, base);
	for(index = 0; index < udatalen; index++)
		//is the number there
		dataVal = _tcschr(digits, data[index] );
		if(dataVal != 0 )
			//if it is subtract where to start point
			digitValue = long(dataVal - digits);
			//increment Retval with digitvalue
			RetVal = RetVal * base + digitValue;
	//return the result
	return RetVal;

//Custom drawing code for rendering status bar in cycles column
//I added this to the control and I think one more function
//It demonstartes using custom draw instead of owner draw which 
//would require drawing the whole control instead of just ONE column, 
//which is needed for statusbars.

void CSortListCtrl::OnCustomDraw(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)

	//Use default processing

	//Check drawing state
	if(lpcd->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT)
		*pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW;		//Return messages for each item
	else if(lpcd->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT)
		*pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW;	//Return messages for each sub item
	else if(lpcd->nmcd.dwDrawStage == (CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT))
		int iCol = lpcd->iSubItem;
		int iRow = lpcd->nmcd.dwItemSpec;

			case 2:	 //Draw the status bar in the second column
				//Let windows know not to draw
				*pResult = CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT;
				//Initialize variables
				CRect rc;
				CString buff = GetItemText(iRow, iCol);
				float maxCycle = (float)StrToNum(buff, buff.GetLength(), 10);
				//Percentage of cycles expended for current function
				maxCycle = (maxCycle / (GetColumnWidth(1))) * 100;
				if(maxCycle < 1) break;	//Don't draw

				//Bounding rectangle for status bar
				GetSubItemRect(iRow, iCol, LVIR_BOUNDS, rc);
				//Adjust bounding rectangle 
				#pragma warning(disable : 4244)
				rc.SetRect(rc.left,, rc.left+maxCycle, rc.bottom);
				#pragma warning(default : 4244)

				//Initialize device context for drawing
				CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpcd->nmcd.hdc);

				//Draw status bar
				pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, RGB(0, 0, 198));
				pDC->Draw3dRect(rc, RGB(64,64,255), RGB(0,0,128));

				//Let windows draw the control
				*pResult = CDRF_DODEFAULT;

// Oh yeah...I added this function to prevent the user from sizing the staus CUSTOM DRAW column
// I was getting ugly redrawing problems when I sized the column so the above code makes the 
//column fied in width and stays that way to prevent funny painting.

BOOL CSortListCtrl::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult) 
	//Prevent Cycles column from being resized
	if((pHDN->hdr.code == HDN_BEGINTRACKW || pHDN->hdr.code == HDN_BEGINTRACKA) && pHDN->iItem == 2)
		*pResult = TRUE;
		return TRUE;

	return CListCtrl::OnNotify(wParam, lParam, pResult);

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Web Developer
Canada Canada
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