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Wizard and CRUD Applications to Build other CRUD Applications

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8 Jun 2010GPL37 min read 112K   4.1K   146  
Looking at the possibility of using CRUD applications to manage other CRUD applications inside a web browser and without any hand-coding. Also, presenting a step wizard deriving the database structure from the UI rather than the opposite.
'    (c) 2003-2008 Olivier Giulieri - 

'    This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
'    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
'    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
'    (at your option) any later version.

'    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

'    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
'    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Option Explicit On 
Option Strict On

Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
'Imports System.Data

Module EvoLibDB

    'field types
    Friend Const t_text As String = "text"
    Friend Const t_txtm As String = "textmultiline"
    Friend Const t_bool As String = "boolean"
    Friend Const t_dec As String = "decimal"
    Friend Const t_int As String = "integer"
    Friend Const t_date As String = "date"
    Friend Const t_time As String = "time"
    Friend Const t_datetime As String = "datetime"
    Friend Const t_pix As String = "image"
    Friend Const t_doc As String = "document"
    Friend Const t_lov As String = "lov"
    Friend Const t_formula As String = "formula"
    Friend Const t_html As String = "html"
    Friend Const t_email As String = "email"
    Friend Const t_url As String = "url"

    Friend Const p_itemid As String = "@itemid", p_userid As String = "@userid"
    Friend Const SQL_WHERE As String = " WHERE "
    Friend Const SQL_EXEC As String = "EXEC "

    Friend Function RunSQL(ByVal SQL As String, ByVal aSqlConnection As String, Optional ByVal InTransaction As Boolean = False) As String
        Dim NoError As Boolean = True
        Dim myCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(aSqlConnection)
        Dim ErrorMsg1 As String = String.Empty

        If SQL <> String.Empty Then
            If InTransaction Then SQL = sqlTRANSACTION(SQL)
            myCommand = New SqlCommand(SQL, myConnection)
                NoError = False
            End Try
            If NoError Then
                Catch ex As Exception
                    ErrorMsg1 = HTMLtextMore("Cannot execute SQL.", ex.ToString()) ' & vbCrLf & SQL)
                End Try
            End If
        End If
        Return ErrorMsg1
    End Function

	Friend Function dbformat2(ByVal myVal As String, ByVal myType As String, ByVal language As String) As String
		'Used for Export
		Select Case myType
			Case "System.String"
				Return "N'" & SQLescape(myVal) & "'"
			Case "System.Boolean"
				If myVal = "True" Then
					Return "1"
					Return CStr(Val(myVal))
				End If
			Case "System.DateTime"
				If language = "FR" Then
					Return GetFrenchDate(myVal)
					If IsDate(myVal) Then
						Return "'" & Format(CDate(myVal), "yyyy-M-d hh:mm:ss tt") & "'"
						Return "NULL"
					End If
				End If
			Case Else '"System.Int32", "System.Byte", "Sysem.Decimal"
				Return LTrim(CStr(Val(myVal)))
		End Select
	End Function

    Friend Function dbFormat(ByVal fieldValue As String, ByVal fieldType As String, ByVal fieldMaxLength As Integer, ByVal language As String) As String
        Dim buffer As String = String.Empty

        Select Case fieldType
            Case t_text, t_txtm, t_pix, t_doc, t_email, t_url, t_html
                If fieldMaxLength > 0 AndAlso fieldValue.Length > fieldMaxLength Then
					Return "N'" & fieldValue.Substring(0, fieldMaxLength).Replace("'", "''") & "'"
					Return String.Format("N'{0}'", fieldValue.Replace("'", "''"))
                End If
            Case t_lov
                If String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue) Then
                    Return String.Empty
                    Return CStr(Val(fieldValue))
                End If
            Case t_bool, t_int
                Return CStr(Val(fieldValue))
            Case t_dec
                If language = "FR" Then
                    fieldValue = fieldValue.Replace(",", ".")
                End If
                If IsNumeric(fieldValue) Then
                    Return LTrim(fieldValue)
                ElseIf fieldValue <> String.Empty Then
                    Return LTrim(CStr(Val(fieldValue)))
                    Return "NULL"
                End If
            Case t_date, t_datetime, t_time
                If language = "FR" Then 
                    Return GetFrenchDate(fieldValue)
                    If IsDate(fieldValue) Then
                        Select Case fieldType
                            Case t_date
                                Return String.Format("'{0}'", Format(CDate(fieldValue), "yyyy-M-d"))
                            Case t_datetime
                                Return String.Format("'{0}'", Format(CDate(fieldValue), "yyyy-M-d hh:mm:ss tt"))
                            Case Else '"time"
                                Return String.Format("'{0}'", Format(CDate(fieldValue), "hh:mm:ss tt"))
                        End Select
                        Return "NULL"
                    End If
                End If
            Case Else
                Return SQLescape(fieldValue)
        End Select
    End Function

    Friend Function GetFrenchDate(ByVal dateString As String) As String
        Dim ValidDate As Boolean
        Dim dateParts() As String = Split(dateString, "/")
        If dateParts.Length = 3 Then
            If Val(dateParts(2)) < 100 Then
                dateParts(2) = CStr(2000 + Val(dateParts(2)))
            End If
            If ServerUsesFrenchDates() Then
                ValidDate = IsDate(dateString)
                ValidDate = IsDate(String.Format("{1}/{0}/{2}", dateParts(0), dateParts(1), dateParts(2)))
            End If
            If ValidDate Then
                Return String.Format("convert(datetime,'{1}/{0}/{2}',101)", dateParts(0), dateParts(1), dateParts(2))
                Return "NULL"
            End If
            Return "NULL"
        End If
    End Function

    Friend Function ServerUsesFrenchDates() As Boolean
        Return IsDate("16/1/2008")
    End Function

    Friend Function BuildSQL(ByVal SQLselect As String, ByVal SQLfrom As String, Optional ByVal SQLwhere As String = "", Optional ByVal SQLorderby As String = "") As String
        Dim sql As New StringBuilder

        sql.Append("SELECT ").Append(SQLselect).Append(" FROM ").Append(SQLfrom)
        If SQLwhere <> String.Empty Then sql.Append(SQL_WHERE).Append(SQLwhere)
        If SQLorderby <> String.Empty Then sql.Append(" ORDER BY ").Append(SQLorderby)
        Return sql.Append(";").ToString
    End Function

    Friend Function sqlINSERT(ByVal SQLTable As String, ByVal SQLColumns As String, ByVal SQLvalues As String) As String
        Return (New StringBuilder).Append("INSERT INTO ").Append(SQLTable).Append("(").Append(SQLColumns).Append(") VALUES (").Append(SQLvalues).Append(");").ToString
    End Function

    Friend Function sqlUPDATE(ByVal SQLTable As String, ByVal SQLColumnsValuesTuples As String, ByVal SQLWhere As String) As String
        Return (New StringBuilder).Append("UPDATE ").Append(SQLTable).Append(" SET ").Append(SQLColumnsValuesTuples).Append(SQL_WHERE).Append(SQLWhere).ToString
        ' NO ";"
    End Function

    Friend Function sqlDELETE(ByVal SQLTable As String, ByVal SQLWhere As String) As String
        Return (New StringBuilder).Append("DELETE FROM ").Append(SQLTable).Append(SQL_WHERE).Append(SQLWhere).ToString
        ' NO ";"
    End Function

    Friend Function sqlTRANSACTION(ByVal mySQL As String) As String
        Return (New StringBuilder).Append("BEGIN TRANSACTION").Append(vbCrLf).Append(mySQL).Append(vbCrLf).Append("COMMIT TRANSACTION").Append(vbCrLf).ToString
    End Function

    Friend Function SQLec(ByVal FieldType As String, ByVal FieldValue As String, ByVal [Operator] As String) As String
        'returns a "condition" in SQL or plain English

        If FieldType = t_text Then  'textmultiline is passed as text !
            Select Case [Operator]
                Case "eq"
					Return (New StringBuilder).Append("=N'").Append(FieldValue).Append("'").ToString
                Case "sw"
					Return (New StringBuilder).Append(" LIKE N'").Append(FieldValue).Append("%'").ToString
				Case "fw"
					Return (New StringBuilder).Append(" LIKE N'%").Append(FieldValue).Append("'").ToString
                Case Else ' "ct" 
					Return (New StringBuilder).Append(" LIKE N'%").Append(FieldValue).Append("%'").ToString
            End Select
            Select Case [Operator]
                Case "gt"
                    Return ">"
                Case "st"
                    Return "<"
                Case Else
                    Return "="
            End Select
        End If
    End Function

    Friend Function SPcall_Paging(ByVal SPname As String, ByVal spSelect As String, ByVal spFrom As String, ByVal spWhere As String, ByVal spOrderBy As String, Optional ByVal spPageID As Integer = 1, Optional ByVal spPageSize As Integer = 10, Optional ByVal spUserID As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal myDBtable As String = "") As String
        'replace parameters by values in stored procedure SQL call
        Dim sql As New StringBuilder
        Dim parameters As String, buffer As String, i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer  ', myArray() As String

        parameters = SPname
        i = InStr(parameters, "@")
        If i = 0 Then
            While i > 0
                sql.Append(Left(parameters, i - 1))
                parameters = Right(parameters, parameters.Length - i)
                j = 0
                buffer = LCase(Left(parameters, 10))
                'If Left(buffer, 6) = "field-" Then

                k = InStr(buffer, ",")
                If k > 1 Then buffer = Left(buffer, k - 1)
                k = InStr(buffer, "+")
                If k > 1 Then buffer = Left(buffer, k - 1)
                buffer = Left(buffer & "          ", 10)
                If buffer = "sqlselect " Then
                    j = 9
                ElseIf buffer = "sqlfrom   " Then
                    j = 7
                ElseIf buffer = "sqlwhere  " Then
                    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(spWhere) Then
                        If InStr(spWhere, """") > 0 Then
                            sql.Append(spWhere.Replace("""", """"""))
                        End If
                    End If
                    j = 8
                ElseIf buffer = "sqlorderby" Then
                    j = 10
                ElseIf buffer = "pageid    " Then
                    j = 6
                ElseIf buffer = "pagesize  " Then
                    j = 8
                ElseIf buffer = "userid    " Then
                    j = 6
                ElseIf buffer = "sqltable  " Then
                    j = 8
                    j = 1
                End If
                'End If
                If j > 0 Then parameters = Right(parameters, parameters.Length - j)
                i = InStr(parameters, "@")
            End While
        End If
        Return sql.ToString
    End Function

    Friend Function SQLescape(ByVal aString As String) As String
        'simple SQL escaping to avoid SQL injection attack
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(aString) Then
            Return String.Empty
            Return aString.Replace("'", "''")
        End If
    End Function

    Friend Function SQLescape2(ByVal aString As String) As String
        'SQL escaping for WHERE clause w/ LIKE
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(aString) Then
            Return String.Empty
            Return aString.Replace("[", "[[]").Replace("]", "[]]").Replace("%", "[%]").Replace("_", "[_]")
        End If
    End Function

    Friend Function SPcall_Get(ByVal SPname As String, ByVal itemID As Integer, ByVal userID As Integer, Optional ByVal fieldID As Integer = 0) As String
        'replace parameters by values in stored procedure SQL call
        Return SPname.Replace(p_itemid, CStr(itemID)).Replace(p_userid, CStr(userID)).Replace("@fieldid", CStr(fieldID))
    End Function

	Friend Function FieldTypeID(ByVal TypeName As String) As String
		'For EvoDico
		Select Case TypeName
			Case t_text : Return "5"
			Case t_bool : Return "1"
			Case t_date : Return "2"
			Case t_email : Return "3"
			Case t_lov : Return "4"
			Case t_txtm : Return "6"
			Case t_url : Return "7"
			Case t_html : Return "8"
			Case t_dec : Return "9"
			Case t_int : Return "10"
			Case t_pix : Return "11"
			Case t_doc : Return "12"
			Case "hidden" : Return "13"
			Case t_formula : Return "19"
			Case Else : Return "5"
		End Select
	End Function

End Module

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Written By
United States United States
I'm a UI engineer with an eye for UX and a passion for model-driven UIs.

I usually build UIs for startups in the San Francisco Bay Area.

My hobby open source project is Evolutility, a minimalist low-code platform with a model-driven UI, a model-driven backend, and a set of models to play with.

More about me on my GitHub page.

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