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A Simple Generic Wizard

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12 May 20033 min read 67.1K   893   26  
A custom AppWizard application to create simple CTreePropSheet-based wizards.
// $$root$$.cpp : Defines the class behaviors for the application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "$$root$$.h"
#include "TreePropSheet\\TreePropSheet.h"
#include "WizDlg1.h"
#include "WizDlg2.h"
#include "WizDlg3.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// C$$Safe_root$$App

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(C$$Safe_root$$App, CWinApp)
		// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
		//    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!

// C$$Safe_root$$App construction

	// TODO: add construction code here,
	// Place all significant initialization in InitInstance
	_tcscpy( wizInfo.sProjectName, _T("myproj") );

// The one and only C$$Safe_root$$App object

C$$Safe_root$$App theApp;

BOOL C$$Safe_root$$App::MyEnumResNameProc( HANDLE hModule,
								  LPCTSTR lpszType,
								  LPTSTR lpszName,
								  LONG lParam )
	CFile f;
	if ( f.Open(lpszName,CFile::modeWrite|CFile::modeCreate) ) {
		HRSRC hResInfo;
		if ( (hResInfo=FindResource(NULL,lpszName,lpszType)) ) {
			if ( (h=LoadResource(NULL,hResInfo)) ) {
				f.Write( h, SizeofResource(NULL,hResInfo) );
	return TRUE;

BOOL C$$Safe_root$$App::CreateDefaultTemplatesFromResources() {
	return EnumResourceNames( NULL,
					(long)this );

BOOL C$$Safe_root$$App::AskCreateDefaultTemplates() {
	CString s;
	s.Format( _T("Important configuration file not found (%s). "
				"Do you want to create default templates?\n"
				"NOTE: any template with the same name as a default"
				" template will be overwritten."), WIZ_FILE_PROJECT );
	int iRet = AfxMessageBox( s, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION );
	if ( IDYES == iRet )
		return TRUE;
		return FALSE;

void C$$Safe_root$$App::InitTemplatesFolder() {
	DWORD dwSize = 80;
	char sUserName[80];
	GetUserName( sUserName, &dwSize );
	m_sTemplatesFolder.Format( "Templates_%s", sUserName );
	CreateDirectory( m_sTemplatesFolder, NULL );
	SetCurrentDirectory( m_sTemplatesFolder );

void C$$Safe_root$$App::GetConfirmText( CString& sText ) {
	sText = m_sConfirmBuf;

PTCHAR C$$Safe_root$$App::LoadTemplate( LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName ) {
	DWORD dwSize;
	CFile fo;
	if ( fo.Open(lpszTemplateName,CFile::modeRead) ) {
		dwSize = fo.GetLength();
		Buf = new char[dwSize+1];
		fo.Read( Buf, dwSize );
		Buf[dwSize] = NULL;
		return Buf;
	else {
		return NULL;

DWORD C$$Safe_root$$App::FileStatusInProject( CString& sFName ) {
	int i = 0;
	BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
	while ( bContinue ) {
		TCHAR c = sFName[i++];
		// TODO: modifiy according to the symbol supported by your wizard
		switch( c ) {
		case '!': // add code to manipulate this symbol
			sFName.Remove( c );
			fstatus |= FILE_STATUS_1;
		case '-': // add code to manipulate this symbol
			sFName.Remove( c );
			fstatus |= FILE_STATUS_2;
		case '*': // add code to manipulate this symbol
			sFName.Remove( c );
			fstatus |= FILE_STATUS_3;
		case '^': // add code to manipulate this symbol
			sFName.Remove( c );
			fstatus |= FILE_STATUS_4;
			bContinue = FALSE;
	return fstatus;

BOOL C$$Safe_root$$App::LoadProjectInfo() {
	CStdioFile f;
	CString sTemplateName;
	CString s;
	TCHAR seps[] = " ,\t\n";
	if ( f.Open(WIZ_FILE_PROJECT,CFile::modeRead) ) {
		while ( f.ReadString(s) ) {
			if ( s.Find("$$_//_$$")==-1 && !s.IsEmpty() ) {
				sTemplateName = _tcstok( (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)s, seps );
				DWORD dwFS = FileStatusInProject( sTemplateName );
				// TODO: add your code depending on how you want
				// to handle the different types of files in the
				// project
				if ( dwFS&FILE_STATUS_DEF ) {
					m_saTemplates.Add( _tcstok( NULL, seps) );
					Buf = LoadTemplate( sTemplateName );
					if ( Buf ) {
						m_saTemplatesBuf.Add( Buf );
						delete Buf;
					else {
						return FALSE;
				else if ( dwFS&FILE_STATUS_1 ) {
				else if ( dwFS&FILE_STATUS_2 ) {
				else if ( dwFS&FILE_STATUS_3 ) {
				else if ( dwFS&FILE_STATUS_4 ) {
				else {
		Buf = LoadTemplate( WIZ_FILE_CONFIRM );
		if ( Buf ) {
			m_sConfirmBuf = Buf;
			delete Buf;
		else {
			return FALSE;
	else {
		AfxMessageBox( "Error: Project info file was not found.", MB_ICONERROR );
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

BOOL C$$Safe_root$$App::CreateProjectFiles() {
	CString s = "..\\";
	s += wizInfo.sProjectName;
	CreateDirectory( s, NULL );
	SetCurrentDirectory( s );
	CFile f;
	for ( int i=0;i<m_saTemplates.GetSize();i++ ) {
		if ( f.Open(m_saTemplates[i],CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite) ) {
			f.Write( m_saTemplatesBuf[i], m_saTemplatesBuf[i].GetLength() );
		else {
			return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

BOOL C$$Safe_root$$App::VerifyWizardConfigFile() {
	CFileFind ff;

	if ( !ff.FindFile(WIZ_FILE_PROJECT) ) {
		if ( !AskCreateDefaultTemplates() )
			return FALSE;
		else {
			if ( !CreateDefaultTemplatesFromResources() )
				return FALSE;
				return VerifyWizardConfigFile();
	return TRUE;

void C$$Safe_root$$App::AddMacroFromDouble( LPCTSTR lpszMacro, double value ) {
	CString sMacro;

	sMacro.Format( "%f", value );
	m_Dictionary[lpszMacro] = sMacro;

void C$$Safe_root$$App::AddMacroFromInt( LPCTSTR lpszMacro, int value ) {
	CString sValue;

	sValue.Format( "%d", value );
	m_Dictionary[lpszMacro] = sValue;

void C$$Safe_root$$App::CreateAndFillMacros() {
	// TODO: create and assign values to your
	// macros.
	m_Dictionary["PROJNAME"] = wizInfo.sProjectName;
	if ( wizInfo.dwInputNodes != 0 ) {
		AddMacroFromInt( _T("INPUT_NODES"), wizInfo.dwInputNodes );
		m_Dictionary[_T("USE_INPUT_NODES")] = _T("YES");
	if ( wizInfo.dwHiddenNodes != 0 ) {
		AddMacroFromInt( _T("HIDDEN_NODES"), wizInfo.dwHiddenNodes );
		m_Dictionary[_T("USE_HIDDEN_NODES")] = _T("YES");
	if ( wizInfo.dwInputNodes != 0 ) {
		AddMacroFromInt( _T("OUTPUT_NODES"), wizInfo.dwOutputNodes );
		m_Dictionary[_T("USE_OUTPUT_NODES")] = _T("YES");

void C$$Safe_root$$App::ProcessTemplates() {
	CString sMacro;
	CString sValue;
	CString sTmp;
	// Create the macros from the data collected through
	// the wizard's GUI
	for ( POSITION pos=m_Dictionary.GetStartPosition();pos!=NULL; ) {
		m_Dictionary.GetNextAssoc( pos, sMacro, sValue );
		sTmp.Format( _T("$$s$$"), sMacro );
		sMacro = sTmp;
		for ( int i=0;i<m_saTemplatesBuf.GetSize();i++ ) {
			TRACE(_T("%s\n"), m_saTemplates[i]);
			int pos_if;
			while ( (pos_if=m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Find(_T("$$_IF_$$")))!= -1 ) {
				int pos_endif = pos_if;
				int if_counter = 0;
				int t_endif = 0;
				int t_if = pos_if;
				do {
					t_endif = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Find( _T("$$_ENDIF_$$"), pos_endif+3 );
					t_if = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Find( _T("$$_IF_$$"), t_if+3 );
					if ( t_endif != -1 )
						pos_endif = t_endif;
				}while( t_endif>t_if && t_endif!=-1 && t_if!=-1 );
				CString s;
				int p1 = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Find( _T("("), pos_if );
				int p2 = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Find( _T(")"), pos_if );
				if ( p1!=-1 && p2!=-1 ) {
					s = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Mid( p1+1, p2-p1-1 );
					if ( pos_endif != -1 ) {
						if ( m_Dictionary.Lookup(s,sTmp) ) {
							m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Delete( pos_endif, 9 );
							m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Delete( pos_if, p2-pos_if+3 );
						else {
							m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Delete( pos_if, pos_endif-pos_if+9 );
				else { // error: open parenthesis
			int pos_beginloop;
			while ( (pos_beginloop=m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Find("$$_BEGINLOOP_$$"))!= -1 ) {
				CString s1;
				CString s2;
				int pos_endloop = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Find( "$$_ENDLOOP_$$", pos_beginloop+9 );
				int p1 = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Find( "(", pos_beginloop );
				int p2 = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Find( ")", pos_beginloop );
				if ( p1!=-1 && p2!=-1 ) {
					sTmp = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Mid( p1+1, p2-p1-1 );
					int pc = sTmp.Find( "," );
					if ( pc != -1 ) {
						s1 = sTmp.Mid( 0, pc );
						s2 = sTmp.Mid( pc+1, sTmp.GetLength()-pc );
					else {
						s1 = sTmp;
					if ( pos_endloop != -1 ) {
						if ( m_Dictionary.Lookup(s1,sTmp) ) {
							CString snew;
							CString sbetween = m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Mid( p2+3, pos_endloop-p2-3 );
							m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Delete( pos_beginloop, pos_endloop-pos_beginloop+11 );
							int n = atoi( sTmp );
							for ( int k=0;k<n;k++ ) {
								CString ss;
								ss.Format( _T("%s_%d"), s1, k );
								sTmp = sbetween;
								sTmp.Replace( s1, ss );
								if ( !s2.IsEmpty() ) {
									ss.Format( _T("%s_%d"), s2, k );
									sTmp.Replace( s2, ss );
								snew += sTmp;
							m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Insert( pos_beginloop, snew );
						else {
							m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Delete( pos_beginloop, pos_endloop-pos_beginloop+11 );
				else { // error: open parenthesis
			// replace macros in file names
			m_saTemplates[i].Replace( sMacro, sValue );
			// replace macros in file buffers
			m_saTemplatesBuf[i].Replace( sMacro, sValue );
		// confirm text
		m_sConfirmBuf.Replace( sMacro, sValue );

// C$$Safe_root$$App initialization

BOOL C$$Safe_root$$App::InitInstance()
	// Standard initialization
	// If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
	//  of your final executable, you should remove from the following
	//  the specific initialization routines you do not need.

#ifdef _AFXDLL
	Enable3dControls();			// Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL
	Enable3dControlsStatic();	// Call this when linking to MFC statically

	// set images
	CImageList	DefaultImages, Images;
	DefaultImages.Create(IDB_DEFAULT, 16, 0, RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x80));
	Images.Create(IDB_IMAGES, 16, 0, RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x80));

	// declare and create the only property (wizard) page
	TreePropSheet::CTreePropSheet wizardWnd( _T("$$root$$") );
	// declare and add the pages (wizard dialogs) to the wizard page
	// TODO: add as many are necessary to implement your wizard
	CWizDlg1 wndPage1;
	CWizDlg2 wndPage2;
	CWizDlg3 wndPage3;
	wizardWnd.AddPage( &wndPage1 );
	wizardWnd.AddPage( &wndPage2 );
	wizardWnd.AddPage( &wndPage3 );

	wizardWnd.SetEmptyPageText( _T("Please expand and select an item of '%s'.") );
	wizardWnd.SetTreeViewMode( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
	wizardWnd.SetTreeDefaultImages( &DefaultImages );
	wizardWnd.SetActivePage( &wndPage1 );

	// make sure the user's folder exists
	// TODO: determine if the configuration files exist under
	// the user's folder.
	if ( !VerifyWizardConfigFile() ) {
		return FALSE;
	m_pMainWnd = &wizardWnd;
	int iRes = wizardWnd.DoModal();
	if ( IDOK == iRes ) {
	else {

	// Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the
	//  application, rather than start the application's message pump.
	return FALSE;

/** < The global structure containing all of the wizard's parameters that
should be transfered to the macros.*/

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Written By
United States United States
Carlos Buelna works in the automotive industry.

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