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3 Jan 2015CPOL7 min read 64.5K   1.6K   106  
Using the Facade Pattern to simplify development with COM based APIs
#include "stdafx.h"

#include "hnum_pzsp_defs.h"
#include "hnum_cblas.h"
namespace harlinn
    namespace numerics
        namespace SuperLU
            namespace DoubleComplex

                pzgssvx(int nprocs, superlumt_options_t *superlumt_options, SuperMatrix *A, 
	                int *perm_c, int *perm_r, equed_t *equed, double *R, double *C,
	                SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U,
	                SuperMatrix *B, SuperMatrix *X, double *recip_pivot_growth, 
	                double *rcond, double *ferr, double *berr, 
	                superlu_memusage_t *superlu_memusage, int *info)
                 * -- SuperLU MT routine (version 2.0) --
                 * Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Univ. of California Berkeley, 
                 * and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.
                 * September 10, 2007
                 * Purpose
                 * =======
                 * pzgssvx() solves the system of linear equations A*X=B or A'*X=B, using
                 * the LU factorization from zgstrf(). Error bounds on the solution and
                 * a condition estimate are also provided. It performs the following steps:
                 * 1. If A is stored column-wise (A->Stype = NC):
                 *    1.1. If fact = EQUILIBRATE, scaling factors are computed to equilibrate
                 *         the system:
                 *           trans = NOTRANS: diag(R)*A*diag(C)*inv(diag(C))*X = diag(R)*B
                 *           trans = TRANS:  (diag(R)*A*diag(C))**T *inv(diag(R))*X = diag(C)*B
                 *           trans = CONJ:   (diag(R)*A*diag(C))**H *inv(diag(R))*X = diag(C)*B
                 *         Whether or not the system will be equilibrated depends on the
                 *         scaling of the matrix A, but if equilibration is used, A is
                 *         overwritten by diag(R)*A*diag(C) and B by diag(R)*B 
                 *         (if trans = NOTRANS) or diag(C)*B (if trans = TRANS or CONJ).
                 *    1.2. Permute columns of A, forming A*Pc, where Pc is a permutation matrix
                 *         that usually preserves sparsity.
                 *         For more details of this step, see zsp_colorder.c.
                 *    1.3. If fact = DOFACT or EQUILIBRATE, the LU decomposition is used to 
                 *         factor the matrix A (after equilibration if fact = EQUILIBRATE) as
                 *         Pr*A*Pc = L*U, with Pr determined by partial pivoting.
                 *    1.4. Compute the reciprocal pivot growth factor.
                 *    1.5. If some U(i,i) = 0, so that U is exactly singular, then the routine
                 *         returns with info = i. Otherwise, the factored form of A is used to
                 *         estimate the condition number of the matrix A. If the reciprocal of
                 *         the condition number is less than machine precision, 
                 *         info = A->ncol+1 is returned as a warning, but the routine still
                 *         goes on to solve for X and computes error bounds as described below.
                 *    1.6. The system of equations is solved for X using the factored form
                 *         of A.
                 *    1.7. Iterative refinement is applied to improve the computed solution
                 *         matrix and calculate error bounds and backward error estimates
                 *         for it.
                 *    1.8. If equilibration was used, the matrix X is premultiplied by
                 *         diag(C) (if trans = NOTRANS) or diag(R) (if trans = TRANS or CONJ)
                 *         so that it solves the original system before equilibration.
                 * 2. If A is stored row-wise (A->Stype = NR), apply the above algorithm
                 *    to the tranpose of A:
                 *    2.1. If fact = EQUILIBRATE, scaling factors are computed to equilibrate
                 *         the system:
                 *           trans = NOTRANS:diag(R)*A'*diag(C)*inv(diag(C))*X = diag(R)*B
                 *           trans = TRANS: (diag(R)*A'*diag(C))**T *inv(diag(R))*X = diag(C)*B
                 *           trans = CONJ:  (diag(R)*A'*diag(C))**H *inv(diag(R))*X = diag(C)*B
                 *         Whether or not the system will be equilibrated depends on the
                 *         scaling of the matrix A, but if equilibration is used, A' is
                 *         overwritten by diag(R)*A'*diag(C) and B by diag(R)*B 
                 *         (if trans = NOTRANS) or diag(C)*B (if trans = TRANS or CONJ).
                 *    2.2. Permute columns of transpose(A) (rows of A), 
                 *         forming transpose(A)*Pc, where Pc is a permutation matrix that
                 *         usually preserves sparsity.
                 *         For more details of this step, see zsp_colorder.c.
                 *    2.3. If fact = DOFACT or EQUILIBRATE, the LU decomposition is used to 
                 *         factor the matrix A (after equilibration if fact = EQUILIBRATE) as
                 *         Pr*transpose(A)*Pc = L*U, with the permutation Pr determined by
                 *         partial pivoting.
                 *    2.4. Compute the reciprocal pivot growth factor.
                 *    2.5. If some U(i,i) = 0, so that U is exactly singular, then the routine
                 *         returns with info = i. Otherwise, the factored form of transpose(A)
                 *         is used to estimate the condition number of the matrix A.
                 *         If the reciprocal of the condition number is less than machine
                 *         precision, info = A->nrow+1 is returned as a warning, but the
                 *         routine still goes on to solve for X and computes error bounds
                 *         as described below.
                 *    2.6. The system of equations is solved for X using the factored form
                 *         of transpose(A).
                 *    2.7. Iterative refinement is applied to improve the computed solution
                 *         matrix and calculate error bounds and backward error estimates
                 *         for it.
                 *    2.8. If equilibration was used, the matrix X is premultiplied by
                 *         diag(C) (if trans = NOTRANS) or diag(R) (if trans = TRANS or CONJ)
                 *         so that it solves the original system before equilibration.
                 * See supermatrix.h for the definition of 'SuperMatrix' structure.
                 * Arguments
                 * =========
                 * nprocs (input) int
                 *         Number of processes (or threads) to be spawned and used to perform
                 *         the LU factorization by pzgstrf(). There is a single thread of
                 *         control to call pzgstrf(), and all threads spawned by pzgstrf() 
                 *         are terminated before returning from pzgstrf().
                 * superlumt_options (input) superlumt_options_t*
                 *         The structure defines the input parameters and data structure
                 *         to control how the LU factorization will be performed.
                 *         The following fields should be defined for this structure:
                 *         o fact (fact_t)
                 *           Specifies whether or not the factored form of the matrix
                 *           A is supplied on entry, and if not, whether the matrix A should
                 *           be equilibrated before it is factored.
                 *           = FACTORED: On entry, L, U, perm_r and perm_c contain the 
                 *             factored form of A. If equed is not NOEQUIL, the matrix A has
                 *             been equilibrated with scaling factors R and C.
                 *             A, L, U, perm_r are not modified.
                 *           = DOFACT: The matrix A will be factored, and the factors will be
                 *             stored in L and U.
                 *           = EQUILIBRATE: The matrix A will be equilibrated if necessary,
                 *             then factored into L and U.
                 *         o trans (trans_t)
                 *           Specifies the form of the system of equations:
                 *           = NOTRANS: A * X = B        (No transpose)
                 *           = TRANS:   A**T * X = B     (Transpose)
                 *           = CONJ:    A**H * X = B     (Transpose)
                 *         o refact (yes_no_t)
                 *           Specifies whether this is first time or subsequent factorization.
                 *           = NO:  this factorization is treated as the first one;
                 *           = YES: it means that a factorization was performed prior to this
                 *               one. Therefore, this factorization will re-use some
                 *               existing data structures, such as L and U storage, column
                 *               elimination tree, and the symbolic information of the
                 *               Householder matrix.
                 *         o panel_size (int)
                 *           A panel consists of at most panel_size consecutive columns.
                 *         o relax (int)
                 *           To control degree of relaxing supernodes. If the number
                 *           of nodes (columns) in a subtree of the elimination tree is less
                 *           than relax, this subtree is considered as one supernode,
                 *           regardless of the row structures of those columns.
                 *         o diag_pivot_thresh (double)
                 *           Diagonal pivoting threshold. At step j of the Gaussian 
                 *           elimination, if 
                 *               abs(A_jj) >= diag_pivot_thresh * (max_(i>=j) abs(A_ij)),
                 *           use A_jj as pivot, else use A_ij with maximum magnitude. 
                 *           0 <= diag_pivot_thresh <= 1. The default value is 1, 
                 *           corresponding to partial pivoting.
                 *         o usepr (yes_no_t)
                 *           Whether the pivoting will use perm_r specified by the user.
                 *           = YES: use perm_r; perm_r is input, unchanged on exit.
                 *           = NO:  perm_r is determined by partial pivoting, and is output.
                 *         o drop_tol (double) (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
                 *	     Drop tolerance parameter. At step j of the Gaussian elimination,
                 *           if abs(A_ij)/(max_i abs(A_ij)) < drop_tol, drop entry A_ij.
                 *           0 <= drop_tol <= 1. The default value of drop_tol is 0,
                 *           corresponding to not dropping any entry.
                 *         o work (void*) of size lwork
                 *           User-supplied work space and space for the output data structures.
                 *           Not referenced if lwork = 0;
                 *         o lwork (int)
                 *           Specifies the length of work array.
                 *           = 0:  allocate space internally by system malloc;
                 *           > 0:  use user-supplied work array of length lwork in bytes,
                 *                 returns error if space runs out.
                 *           = -1: the routine guesses the amount of space needed without
                 *                 performing the factorization, and returns it in
                 *                 superlu_memusage->total_needed; no other side effects.
                 * A       (input/output) SuperMatrix*
                 *         Matrix A in A*X=B, of dimension (A->nrow, A->ncol), where
                 *         A->nrow = A->ncol. Currently, the type of A can be:
                 *         Stype = NC or NR, Dtype = _D, Mtype = GE. In the future,
                 *         more general A will be handled.
                 *         On entry, If superlumt_options->fact = FACTORED and equed is not 
                 *         NOEQUIL, then A must have been equilibrated by the scaling factors
                 *         in R and/or C.  On exit, A is not modified 
                 *         if superlumt_options->fact = FACTORED or DOFACT, or 
                 *         if superlumt_options->fact = EQUILIBRATE and equed = NOEQUIL.
                 *         On exit, if superlumt_options->fact = EQUILIBRATE and equed is not
                 *         NOEQUIL, A is scaled as follows:
                 *         If A->Stype = NC:
                 *           equed = ROW:  A := diag(R) * A
                 *           equed = COL:  A := A * diag(C)
                 *           equed = BOTH: A := diag(R) * A * diag(C).
                 *         If A->Stype = NR:
                 *           equed = ROW:  transpose(A) := diag(R) * transpose(A)
                 *           equed = COL:  transpose(A) := transpose(A) * diag(C)
                 *           equed = BOTH: transpose(A) := diag(R) * transpose(A) * diag(C).
                 * perm_c  (input/output) int*
                 *	   If A->Stype = NC, Column permutation vector of size A->ncol,
                 *         which defines the permutation matrix Pc; perm_c[i] = j means
                 *         column i of A is in position j in A*Pc.
                 *         On exit, perm_c may be overwritten by the product of the input
                 *         perm_c and a permutation that postorders the elimination tree
                 *         of Pc'*A'*A*Pc; perm_c is not changed if the elimination tree
                 *         is already in postorder.
                 *         If A->Stype = NR, column permutation vector of size A->nrow,
                 *         which describes permutation of columns of tranpose(A) 
                 *         (rows of A) as described above.
                 * perm_r  (input/output) int*
                 *         If A->Stype = NC, row permutation vector of size A->nrow, 
                 *         which defines the permutation matrix Pr, and is determined
                 *         by partial pivoting.  perm_r[i] = j means row i of A is in 
                 *         position j in Pr*A.
                 *         If A->Stype = NR, permutation vector of size A->ncol, which
                 *         determines permutation of rows of transpose(A)
                 *         (columns of A) as described above.
                 *         If superlumt_options->usepr = NO, perm_r is output argument;
                 *         If superlumt_options->usepr = YES, the pivoting routine will try 
                 *            to use the input perm_r, unless a certain threshold criterion
                 *            is violated. In that case, perm_r is overwritten by a new
                 *            permutation determined by partial pivoting or diagonal 
                 *            threshold pivoting.
                 * equed   (input/output) equed_t*
                 *         Specifies the form of equilibration that was done.
                 *         = NOEQUIL: No equilibration.
                 *         = ROW:  Row equilibration, i.e., A was premultiplied by diag(R).
                 *         = COL:  Column equilibration, i.e., A was postmultiplied by diag(C).
                 *         = BOTH: Both row and column equilibration, i.e., A was replaced 
                 *                 by diag(R)*A*diag(C).
                 *         If superlumt_options->fact = FACTORED, equed is an input argument, 
                 *         otherwise it is an output argument.
                 * R       (input/output) double*, dimension (A->nrow)
                 *         The row scale factors for A or transpose(A).
                 *         If equed = ROW or BOTH, A (if A->Stype = NC) or transpose(A)
                 *            (if A->Stype = NR) is multiplied on the left by diag(R).
                 *         If equed = NOEQUIL or COL, R is not accessed.
                 *         If fact = FACTORED, R is an input argument; otherwise, R is output.
                 *         If fact = FACTORED and equed = ROW or BOTH, each element of R must
                 *            be positive.
                 * C       (input/output) double*, dimension (A->ncol)
                 *         The column scale factors for A or transpose(A).
                 *         If equed = COL or BOTH, A (if A->Stype = NC) or trnspose(A)
                 *            (if A->Stype = NR) is multiplied on the right by diag(C).
                 *         If equed = NOEQUIL or ROW, C is not accessed.
                 *         If fact = FACTORED, C is an input argument; otherwise, C is output.
                 *         If fact = FACTORED and equed = COL or BOTH, each element of C must
                 *            be positive.
                 * L       (output) SuperMatrix*
                 *	   The factor L from the factorization
                 *             Pr*A*Pc=L*U              (if A->Stype = NC) or
                 *             Pr*transpose(A)*Pc=L*U   (if A->Stype = NR).
                 *         Uses compressed row subscripts storage for supernodes, i.e.,
                 *         L has types: Stype = SCP, Dtype = _D, Mtype = TRLU.
                 * U       (output) SuperMatrix*
                 *	   The factor U from the factorization
                 *             Pr*A*Pc=L*U              (if A->Stype = NC) or
                 *             Pr*transpose(A)*Pc=L*U   (if A->Stype = NR).
                 *         Uses column-wise storage scheme, i.e., U has types:
                 *         Stype = NCP, Dtype = _D, Mtype = TRU.
                 * B       (input/output) SuperMatrix*
                 *         B has types: Stype = DN, Dtype = _D, Mtype = GE.
                 *         On entry, the right hand side matrix.
                 *         On exit,
                 *            if equed = NOEQUIL, B is not modified; otherwise
                 *            if A->Stype = NC:
                 *               if trans = NOTRANS and equed = ROW or BOTH, B is overwritten
                 *                  by diag(R)*B;
                 *               if trans = TRANS or CONJ and equed = COL of BOTH, B is
                 *                  overwritten by diag(C)*B;
                 *            if A->Stype = NR:
                 *               if trans = NOTRANS and equed = COL or BOTH, B is overwritten
                 *                  by diag(C)*B;
                 *               if trans = TRANS or CONJ and equed = ROW of BOTH, B is
                 *                  overwritten by diag(R)*B.
                 * X       (output) SuperMatrix*
                 *         X has types: Stype = DN, Dtype = _D, Mtype = GE. 
                 *         If info = 0 or info = A->ncol+1, X contains the solution matrix
                 *         to the original system of equations. Note that A and B are modified
                 *         on exit if equed is not NOEQUIL, and the solution to the 
                 *         equilibrated system is inv(diag(C))*X if trans = NOTRANS and
                 *         equed = COL or BOTH, or inv(diag(R))*X if trans = TRANS or CONJ
                 *         and equed = ROW or BOTH.
                 * recip_pivot_growth (output) double*
                 *         The reciprocal pivot growth factor computed as
                 *             max_j ( max_i(abs(A_ij)) / max_i(abs(U_ij)) ).
                 *         If recip_pivot_growth is much less than 1, the stability of the
                 *         LU factorization could be poor.
                 * rcond   (output) double*
                 *         The estimate of the reciprocal condition number of the matrix A
                 *         after equilibration (if done). If rcond is less than the machine
                 *         precision (in particular, if rcond = 0), the matrix is singular
                 *         to working precision. This condition is indicated by a return
                 *         code of info > 0.
                 * ferr    (output) double*, dimension (B->ncol)   
                 *         The estimated forward error bound for each solution vector   
                 *         X(j) (the j-th column of the solution matrix X).   
                 *         If XTRUE is the true solution corresponding to X(j), FERR(j) 
                 *         is an estimated upper bound for the magnitude of the largest 
                 *         element in (X(j) - XTRUE) divided by the magnitude of the   
                 *         largest element in X(j).  The estimate is as reliable as   
                 *         the estimate for RCOND, and is almost always a slight   
                 *         overestimate of the true error.
                 * berr    (output) double*, dimension (B->ncol)
                 *         The componentwise relative backward error of each solution   
                 *         vector X(j) (i.e., the smallest relative change in   
                 *         any element of A or B that makes X(j) an exact solution).
                 * superlu_memusage (output) superlu_memusage_t*
                 *         Record the memory usage statistics, consisting of following fields:
                 *         - for_lu (float)
                 *           The amount of space used in bytes for L\U data structures.
                 *         - total_needed (float)
                 *           The amount of space needed in bytes to perform factorization.
                 *         - expansions (int)
                 *           The number of memory expansions during the LU factorization.
                 * info    (output) int*
                 *         = 0: successful exit   
                 *         < 0: if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value   
                 *         > 0: if info = i, and i is   
                 *              <= A->ncol: U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization has   
                 *                    been completed, but the factor U is exactly   
                 *                    singular, so the solution and error bounds   
                 *                    could not be computed.   
                 *              = A->ncol+1: U is nonsingular, but RCOND is less than machine
                 *                    precision, meaning that the matrix is singular to
                 *                    working precision. Nevertheless, the solution and
                 *                    error bounds are computed because there are a number
                 *                    of situations where the computed solution can be more
                 *                    accurate than the value of RCOND would suggest.   
                 *              > A->ncol+1: number of bytes allocated when memory allocation
                 *                    failure occurred, plus A->ncol.

                    NCformat  *Astore;
                    DNformat  *Bstore, *Xstore;
                    doublecomplex    *Bmat, *Xmat;
                    int       ldb, ldx, nrhs;
                    SuperMatrix *AA; /* A in NC format used by the factorization routine.*/
                    SuperMatrix AC; /* Matrix postmultiplied by Pc */
                    int       colequ, equil, dofact, notran, rowequ;
                    char      norm[1];
                    trans_t   trant;
                    int       i, j, info1;
                    double amax, anorm, bignum, smlnum, colcnd, rowcnd, rcmax, rcmin;
                    int       n, relax, panel_size;
                    Gstat_t   Gstat;
                    double    t0;      /* temporary time */
                    double    *utime;
                    flops_t   *ops, flopcnt;

                    Astore = (NCformat*)A->Store;
                    Bstore = (DNformat*)B->Store;
                    Xstore = (DNformat*)X->Store;
                    Bmat   = (doublecomplex*)Bstore->nzval;
                    Xmat   = (doublecomplex*)Xstore->nzval;
                    n      = A->ncol;
                    ldb    = Bstore->lda;
                    ldx    = Xstore->lda;
                    nrhs   = B->ncol;
                    superlumt_options->perm_c = perm_c;
                    superlumt_options->perm_r = perm_r;

                    *info = 0;
                    dofact = (superlumt_options->fact == DOFACT);
                    equil = (superlumt_options->fact == EQUILIBRATE);
                    notran = (superlumt_options->trans == NOTRANS);
                    if (dofact || equil) {
	                *equed = NOEQUIL;
	                rowequ = FALSE;
	                colequ = FALSE;
                    } else {
	                rowequ = (*equed == ROW) || (*equed == BOTH);
	                colequ = (*equed == COL) || (*equed == BOTH);
	                smlnum = dlamch_("Safe minimum");
	                bignum = 1. / smlnum;

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
                       Test the input parameters.
                    if ( nprocs <= 0 ) *info = -1;
                    else if ( (!dofact && !equil && (superlumt_options->fact != FACTORED))
	                      || (!notran && (superlumt_options->trans != TRANS) && 
		                 (superlumt_options->trans != CONJ))
	                      || (superlumt_options->refact != YES && 
		                  superlumt_options->refact != NO)
	                      || (superlumt_options->usepr != YES &&
		                  superlumt_options->usepr != NO)
	                      || superlumt_options->lwork < -1 )
                        *info = -2;
                    else if ( A->nrow != A->ncol || A->nrow < 0 ||
	                      (A->Stype != SLU_NC && A->Stype != SLU_NR) ||
	                      A->Dtype != SLU_Z || A->Mtype != SLU_GE )
	                *info = -3;
                    else if ((superlumt_options->fact == FACTORED) && 
	                     !(rowequ || colequ || (*equed == NOEQUIL))) *info = -6;
                    else {
	                if (rowequ) {
	                    rcmin = bignum;
	                    rcmax = 0.;
	                    for (j = 0; j < A->nrow; ++j) {
		                rcmin = SUPERLU_MIN(rcmin, R[j]);
		                rcmax = SUPERLU_MAX(rcmax, R[j]);
	                    if (rcmin <= 0.) *info = -7;
	                    else if ( A->nrow > 0)
		                rowcnd = SUPERLU_MAX(rcmin,smlnum) / SUPERLU_MIN(rcmax,bignum);
	                    else rowcnd = 1.;
	                if (colequ && *info == 0) {
	                    rcmin = bignum;
	                    rcmax = 0.;
	                    for (j = 0; j < A->nrow; ++j) {
		                rcmin = SUPERLU_MIN(rcmin, C[j]);
		                rcmax = SUPERLU_MAX(rcmax, C[j]);
	                    if (rcmin <= 0.) *info = -8;
	                    else if (A->nrow > 0)
		                colcnd = SUPERLU_MAX(rcmin,smlnum) / SUPERLU_MIN(rcmax,bignum);
	                    else colcnd = 1.;
	                if (*info == 0) {
	                    if ( B->ncol < 0 || Bstore->lda < SUPERLU_MAX(0, A->nrow) ||
		                      B->Stype != SLU_DN || B->Dtype != SLU_Z || 
		                      B->Mtype != SLU_GE )
		                *info = -11;
	                    else if ( X->ncol < 0 || Xstore->lda < SUPERLU_MAX(0, A->nrow) ||
		                      B->ncol != X->ncol || X->Stype != SLU_DN ||
		                      X->Dtype != SLU_Z || X->Mtype != SLU_GE )
		                *info = -12;
                    if (*info != 0) {
	                i = -(*info);
	                xerbla_("pzgssvx", &i);
                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
                       Allocate storage and initialize statistics variables. 
                    panel_size = superlumt_options->panel_size;
                    relax = superlumt_options->relax;
                    StatAlloc(n, nprocs, panel_size, relax, &Gstat);
                    StatInit(n, nprocs, &Gstat);
                    utime = Gstat.utime;
                    ops = Gstat.ops;
                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
                       Convert A to NC format when necessary.
                    if ( A->Stype == SLU_NR ) {
	                NRformat *Astore = (NRformat*)A->Store;
	                AA = (SuperMatrix *) SUPERLU_MALLOC( sizeof(SuperMatrix) );
	                zCreate_CompCol_Matrix(AA, A->ncol, A->nrow, Astore->nnz, 
                                    (doublecomplex*)Astore->nzval, Astore->colind, Astore->rowptr,
			                       SLU_NC, A->Dtype, A->Mtype);
	                if ( notran ) { /* Reverse the transpose argument. */
	                    trant = TRANS;
	                    notran = 0;
	                } else {
	                    trant = NOTRANS;
	                    notran = 1;
                    } else { /* A->Stype == NC */
	                trant = superlumt_options->trans;
	                AA = A;

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
                       Diagonal scaling to equilibrate the matrix.
                    if ( equil ) {
	                t0 = SuperLU_timer_();
	                /* Compute row and column scalings to equilibrate the matrix A. */
	                zgsequ(AA, R, C, &rowcnd, &colcnd, &amax, &info1);
	                if ( info1 == 0 ) {
	                    /* Equilibrate matrix A. */
	                    zlaqgs(AA, R, C, rowcnd, colcnd, amax, equed);
	                    rowequ = (*equed == ROW) || (*equed == BOTH);
	                    colequ = (*equed == COL) || (*equed == BOTH);
                    utime[int(PhaseType::EQUIL)] = SuperLU_timer_() - t0;

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
                       Scale the right hand side.
                    if ( notran ) {
	                if ( rowequ ) {
	                    for (j = 0; j < nrhs; ++j)
		                for (i = 0; i < A->nrow; ++i) {
                                        zd_mult(&Bmat[i+j*ldb], &Bmat[i+j*ldb], R[i]);
                    } else if ( colequ ) {
	                for (j = 0; j < nrhs; ++j)
	                    for (i = 0; i < A->nrow; ++i) {
                                    zd_mult(&Bmat[i+j*ldb], &Bmat[i+j*ldb], C[i]);

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
                       Perform the LU factorization.
                    if ( dofact || equil ) {
                        /* Obtain column etree, the column count (colcnt_h) and supernode
	                   partition (part_super_h) for the Householder matrix. */
	                t0 = SuperLU_timer_();
	                sp_colorder(AA, perm_c, superlumt_options, &AC);
	                utime[int(PhaseType::ETREE)] = SuperLU_timer_() - t0;

                #if ( PRNTlevel >= 2 )    
	                printf("Factor PA = LU ... relax %d\tw %d\tmaxsuper %d\trowblk %d\n", 
	                       relax, panel_size, sp_ienv(3), sp_ienv(4));
	                /* Compute the LU factorization of A*Pc. */
	                t0 = SuperLU_timer_();
	                pzgstrf(superlumt_options, &AC, perm_r, L, U, &Gstat, info);
	                utime[int(PhaseType::FACT)] = SuperLU_timer_() - t0;
	                flopcnt = 0;
	                for (i = 0; i < nprocs; ++i) flopcnt += Gstat.procstat[i].fcops;
	                ops[int(PhaseType::FACT)] = flopcnt;

	                if ( superlumt_options->lwork == -1 ) {
	                    superlu_memusage->total_needed = *info - A->ncol;

                    if ( *info > 0 ) {
	                if ( *info <= A->ncol ) {
	                    /* Compute the reciprocal pivot growth factor of the leading
	                       rank-deficient *info columns of A. */
	                    *recip_pivot_growth = zPivotGrowth(*info, AA, perm_c, L, U);
                    } else {

	                /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	                   Compute the reciprocal pivot growth factor *recip_pivot_growth.
	                *recip_pivot_growth = zPivotGrowth(A->ncol, AA, perm_c, L, U);

	                /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	                   Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of A.
	                t0 = SuperLU_timer_();
	                if ( notran ) {
	                    *(unsigned char *)norm = '1';
	                } else {
	                    *(unsigned char *)norm = 'I';
	                anorm = zlangs(norm, AA);
	                zgscon(norm, L, U, anorm, rcond, info);
	                utime[int(PhaseType::RCOND)] = SuperLU_timer_() - t0;
	                /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	                   Compute the solution matrix X.
	                for (j = 0; j < nrhs; j++)    /* Save a copy of the right hand sides */
	                    for (i = 0; i < B->nrow; i++)
		                Xmat[i + j*ldx] = Bmat[i + j*ldb];
	                t0 = SuperLU_timer_();
	                zgstrs(trant, L, U, perm_r, perm_c, X, &Gstat, info);
	                utime[int(PhaseType::SOLVE)] = SuperLU_timer_() - t0;
	                ops[int(PhaseType::SOLVE)] = ops[int(PhaseType::TRISOLVE)];
	                /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	                   Use iterative refinement to improve the computed solution and
	                   compute error bounds and backward error estimates for it.
	                t0 = SuperLU_timer_();
	                zgsrfs(trant, AA, L, U, perm_r, perm_c, *equed,
	                       R, C, B, X, ferr, berr, &Gstat, info);
	                utime[int(PhaseType::REFINE)] = SuperLU_timer_() - t0;

	                /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	                   Transform the solution matrix X to a solution of the original
	                if ( notran ) {
	                    if ( colequ ) {
		                for (j = 0; j < nrhs; ++j)
		                    for (i = 0; i < A->nrow; ++i) {
                                        zd_mult(&Xmat[i+j*ldx], &Xmat[i+j*ldx], C[i]);
	                } else if ( rowequ ) {
	                    for (j = 0; j < nrhs; ++j)
		                for (i = 0; i < A->nrow; ++i) {
                                    zd_mult(&Xmat[i+j*ldx], &Xmat[i+j*ldx], R[i]);
	                /* Set INFO = A->ncol+1 if the matrix is singular to 
	                   working precision.*/
	                if ( *rcond < dlamch_("E") ) *info = A->ncol + 1;

                    superlu_zQuerySpace(nprocs, L, U, panel_size, superlu_memusage);

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
                       Deallocate storage after factorization.
                    if ( superlumt_options->refact == NO ) {
                    if ( dofact || equil ) {
                    if ( A->Stype == SLU_NR ) {

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
                       Print timings, then deallocate statistic variables.
                #ifdef PROFILE
	                SCPformat *Lstore = (SCPformat *) L->Store;
	                ParallelProfile(n, Lstore->nsuper+1, Gstat.num_panels, nprocs, &Gstat);


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Written By
Architect Sea Surveillance AS
Norway Norway
Chief Architect - Sea Surveillance AS.

Specializing in integrated operations and high performance computing solutions.

I’ve been fooling around with computers since the early eighties, I’ve even done work on CP/M and MP/M.

Wrote my first “real” program on a BBC micro model B based on a series in a magazine at that time. It was fun and I got hooked on this thing called programming ...

A few Highlights:

  • High performance application server development
  • Model Driven Architecture and Code generators
  • Real-Time Distributed Solutions
  • C, C++, C#, Java, TSQL, PL/SQL, Delphi, ActionScript, Perl, Rexx
  • Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle RDBMS, IBM DB2, PostGreSQL
  • AMQP, Apache qpid, RabbitMQ, Microsoft Message Queuing, IBM WebSphereMQ, Oracle TuxidoMQ
  • Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere
  • Corba, COM, DCE, WCF
  • AspenTech InfoPlus.21(IP21), OsiSoft PI

More information about what I do for a living can be found at: or LinkedIn

You can contact me at

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