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fastJSON - Smallest, Fastest Polymorphic JSON Serializer

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23 Jan 2021CPOL37 min read 6.1M   63.8K   985  
In this article I demonstrate why fastJSON is the smallest, fastest polymorphic JSON serializer (with Silverlight4, MonoDroid and .NET core support)
Here we look at: the what and why of JSON, features of this implementation, some of the JSON alternatives that I have personally used, using the code, and performance tests.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

namespace fastJSON
    public delegate string Serialize(object data);
    public delegate object Deserialize(string data);

    public sealed class JSONParameters
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the optimized fast Dataset Schema format (default = True)
        /// </summary>
        public bool UseOptimizedDatasetSchema = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the fast GUID format (default = True)
        /// </summary>
        public bool UseFastGuid = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize null values to the output (default = True)
        /// </summary>
        public bool SerializeNullValues = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the UTC date format (default = True)
        /// </summary>
        public bool UseUTCDateTime = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the readonly properties of types in the output (default = False)
        /// </summary>
        public bool ShowReadOnlyProperties = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the $types extension to optimise the output json (default = True)
        /// </summary>
        public bool UsingGlobalTypes = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// ** work in progress
        /// </summary>
        public bool IgnoreCaseOnDeserialize = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Anonymous types have read only properties 
        /// </summary>
        public bool EnableAnonymousTypes = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Enable fastJSON extensions $types, $type, $map (default = True)
        /// </summary>
        public bool UseExtensions = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Use escaped unicode i.e. \uXXXX format for non ASCII characters (default = True)
        /// </summary>
        public bool UseEscapedUnicode = true;

        public void FixValues()
            if (UseExtensions == false) // disable conflicting params
                UsingGlobalTypes = false;
            if (EnableAnonymousTypes)
                ShowReadOnlyProperties = true;

    public sealed class JSON
        private static JSON _instance;

        public static JSON Instance
            get { return _instance ?? (_instance = new JSON()); }

        private JSON()
        /// <summary>
        /// You can set these paramters globally for all calls
        /// </summary>
        public JSONParameters Parameters = new JSONParameters();
        private JSONParameters _params;

        public string ToNiceJSON(object obj, JSONParameters param)
            string s = ToJSON(obj, param);

            return Beautify(s);

        public string ToJSON(object obj)
            _params = Parameters;
            return ToJSON(obj, Parameters);

        public string ToJSON(object obj, JSONParameters param)
            _params = param;
            Type t = null;

            if (obj == null)
                return "null";

            if (obj.GetType().IsGenericType)
                t = obj.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition();
            if (t == typeof(Dictionary<,>) || t == typeof(List<>))
                _params.UsingGlobalTypes = false;

            // FEATURE : enable extensions when you can deserialize anon types
            if (_params.EnableAnonymousTypes) { _params.UseExtensions = false; _params.UsingGlobalTypes = false; }
            _usingglobals = _params.UsingGlobalTypes;
            return new JSONSerializer(_params).ConvertToJSON(obj);

        public object Parse(string json)
            _params = Parameters;
            return new JsonParser(json, _params.IgnoreCaseOnDeserialize).Decode();

        public dynamic ToDynamic(string json)
            return new DynamicJson(json);

        public T ToObject<T>(string json)
            Type t = typeof(T);
            var o = ToObject(json, t);

            if (t.IsArray)
                if ((o as ICollection).Count == 0) // edge case for "[]" -> T[]
                    Type tt = t.GetElementType();
                    object oo = Array.CreateInstance(tt, 0);
                    return (T)oo;
                    return (T)o;
                return (T)o;

        public object ToObject(string json)
            return ToObject(json, null);

        public object ToObject(string json, Type type)
            _params = Parameters;
            Type t = null;
            if (type != null && type.IsGenericType)
                t = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
            if (t == typeof(Dictionary<,>) || t == typeof(List<>))
                _params.UsingGlobalTypes = false;
            _usingglobals = _params.UsingGlobalTypes;

            object o = new JsonParser(json, Parameters.IgnoreCaseOnDeserialize).Decode();
            if (o == null)
                return null;

            if (type != null && type == typeof(DataSet))
                return CreateDataset(o as Dictionary<string, object>, null);

            if (type != null && type == typeof(DataTable))
                return CreateDataTable(o as Dictionary<string, object>, null);
            if (o is IDictionary)
                if (type != null && t == typeof(Dictionary<,>)) // deserialize a dictionary
                    return RootDictionary(o, type);
                else // deserialize an object
                    return ParseDictionary(o as Dictionary<string, object>, null, type, null);

            if (o is List<object>)
                if (type != null && t == typeof(Dictionary<,>)) // kv format
                    return RootDictionary(o, type);

                if (type != null && t == typeof(List<>)) // deserialize to generic list
                    return RootList(o, type);
                    return (o as List<object>).ToArray();

            if (type != null && o.GetType() != type)
                return ChangeType(o, type);

            return o;

        public string Beautify(string input)
            return Formatter.PrettyPrint(input);

        public object FillObject(object input, string json)
            _params = Parameters;
            Dictionary<string, object> ht = new JsonParser(json, Parameters.IgnoreCaseOnDeserialize).Decode() as Dictionary<string, object>;
            if (ht == null) return null;
            return ParseDictionary(ht, null, input.GetType(), input);

        public object DeepCopy(object obj)
            return ToObject(ToJSON(obj));

        public T DeepCopy<T>(T obj)
            return ToObject<T>(ToJSON(obj));

        internal SafeDictionary<Type, Serialize> _customSerializer = new SafeDictionary<Type, Serialize>();
        internal SafeDictionary<Type, Deserialize> _customDeserializer = new SafeDictionary<Type, Deserialize>();

        public void RegisterCustomType(Type type, Serialize serializer, Deserialize deserializer)
            if (type != null && serializer != null && deserializer != null)
                _customSerializer.Add(type, serializer);
                _customDeserializer.Add(type, deserializer);
                // reset property cache
                _propertycache = new SafeDictionary<string, SafeDictionary<string, myPropInfo>>();

        internal bool IsTypeRegistered(Type t)
            if (_customSerializer.Count == 0)
                return false;
            Serialize s;
            return _customSerializer.TryGetValue(t, out s);

        #region [   JSON specific reflection   ]

        private enum myPropInfoType


        private enum myPropInfoFlags
            Filled = 1 << 0,
            CanWrite = 1 << 1

        private struct myPropInfo
            public Type pt;
            public Type bt;
            public Type changeType;
            public Reflection.GenericSetter setter;
            public Reflection.GenericGetter getter;
            public Type[] GenericTypes;
            public string Name;
            public myPropInfoType Type;
            public myPropInfoFlags Flags;

            public bool IsClass;
            public bool IsValueType;
            public bool IsGenericType;

        SafeDictionary<string, SafeDictionary<string, myPropInfo>> _propertycache = new SafeDictionary<string, SafeDictionary<string, myPropInfo>>();
        private SafeDictionary<string, myPropInfo> Getproperties(Type type, string typename)
            SafeDictionary<string, myPropInfo> sd = null;
            if (_propertycache.TryGetValue(typename, out sd))
                return sd;
                sd = new SafeDictionary<string, myPropInfo>();
                PropertyInfo[] pr = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
                foreach (PropertyInfo p in pr)
                    myPropInfo d = CreateMyProp(p.PropertyType, p.Name);
                    d.Flags |= myPropInfoFlags.CanWrite;
                    d.setter = Reflection.CreateSetMethod(type, p);
                    d.getter = Reflection.CreateGetMethod(type, p);
                    sd.Add(p.Name, d);
                FieldInfo[] fi = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
                foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
                    myPropInfo d = CreateMyProp(f.FieldType, f.Name);
                    d.setter = Reflection.CreateSetField(type, f);
                    d.getter = Reflection.CreateGetField(type, f);
                    sd.Add(f.Name, d);

                _propertycache.Add(typename, sd);
                return sd;

        private myPropInfo CreateMyProp(Type t, string name)
            myPropInfo d = new myPropInfo();
            myPropInfoType d_type = myPropInfoType.Unknown;
            myPropInfoFlags d_flags = myPropInfoFlags.Filled | myPropInfoFlags.CanWrite;

            if (t == typeof(int) || t == typeof(int?)) d_type = myPropInfoType.Int;
            else if (t == typeof(long) || t == typeof(long?)) d_type = myPropInfoType.Long;
            else if (t == typeof(string)) d_type = myPropInfoType.String;
            else if (t == typeof(bool) || t == typeof(bool?)) d_type = myPropInfoType.Bool;
            else if (t == typeof(DateTime) || t == typeof(DateTime?)) d_type = myPropInfoType.DateTime;
            else if (t.IsEnum) d_type = myPropInfoType.Enum;
            else if (t == typeof(Guid) || t == typeof(Guid?)) d_type = myPropInfoType.Guid;
            else if (t.IsArray)
       = t.GetElementType();
                if (t == typeof(byte[]))
                    d_type = myPropInfoType.ByteArray;
                    d_type = myPropInfoType.Array;
            else if (t.Name.Contains("Dictionary"))
                d.GenericTypes = t.GetGenericArguments();
                if (d.GenericTypes.Length > 0 && d.GenericTypes[0] == typeof(string))
                    d_type = myPropInfoType.StringDictionary;
                    d_type = myPropInfoType.Dictionary;
            else if (t == typeof(Hashtable)) d_type = myPropInfoType.Hashtable;
            else if (t == typeof(DataSet)) d_type = myPropInfoType.DataSet;
            else if (t == typeof(DataTable)) d_type = myPropInfoType.DataTable;

            else if (IsTypeRegistered(t))
                d_type = myPropInfoType.Custom;

            d.IsClass = t.IsClass;
            d.IsValueType = t.IsValueType;
            if (t.IsGenericType)
                d.IsGenericType = true;
       = t.GetGenericArguments()[0];

   = t;
            d.Name = name;
            d.changeType = GetChangeType(t);
            d.Type = d_type;
            d.Flags = d_flags;

            return d;

        private object ChangeType(object value, Type conversionType)
            if (conversionType == typeof(int))
                return (int)((long)value);

            else if (conversionType == typeof(long))
                return (long)value;

            else if (conversionType == typeof(string))
                return (string)value;

            else if (conversionType == typeof(Guid))
                return CreateGuid((string)value);

            else if (conversionType.IsEnum)
                return CreateEnum(conversionType, (string)value);

            else if (IsTypeRegistered(conversionType))
                return CreateCustom((string)value, conversionType);

            return Convert.ChangeType(value, conversionType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        #region [   p r i v a t e   m e t h o d s   ]

        private object RootList(object parse, Type type)
            Type[] gtypes = type.GetGenericArguments();
            IList o = (IList)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(type);
            foreach (var k in (IList)parse)
                _usingglobals = false;
                object v = k;
                if (k is Dictionary<string, object>)
                    v = ParseDictionary(k as Dictionary<string, object>, null, gtypes[0], null);
                    v = ChangeType(k, gtypes[0]);

            return o;

        private object RootDictionary(object parse, Type type)
            Type[] gtypes = type.GetGenericArguments();
            Type t1 = null;
            Type t2 = null;
            if (gtypes != null)
                t1 = gtypes[0];
                t2 = gtypes[1];
            if (parse is Dictionary<string, object>)
                IDictionary o = (IDictionary)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(type);

                foreach (var kv in (Dictionary<string, object>)parse)
                    object v;
                    object k = ChangeType(kv.Key, gtypes[0]);

                    if (kv.Value is Dictionary<string, object>)
                        v = ParseDictionary(kv.Value as Dictionary<string, object>, null, gtypes[1], null);

                    else if (gtypes != null && t2.IsArray)
                        v = CreateArray((List<object>)kv.Value, t2, t2.GetElementType(), null);
                    else if (kv.Value is IList)
                        v = CreateGenericList((List<object>)kv.Value, t2, t1, null);
                        v = ChangeType(kv.Value, gtypes[1]);
                    o.Add(k, v);

                return o;
            if (parse is List<object>)
                return CreateDictionary(parse as List<object>, type, gtypes, null);

            return null;

        bool _usingglobals = false;
        private object ParseDictionary(Dictionary<string, object> d, Dictionary<string, object> globaltypes, Type type, object input)
            object tn = "";

            if (d.TryGetValue("$types", out tn))
                _usingglobals = true;
                globaltypes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                foreach (var kv in (Dictionary<string, object>)tn)
                    globaltypes.Add((string)kv.Value, kv.Key);

            bool found = d.TryGetValue("$type", out tn);
            if (found == false && type == typeof(System.Object))
                return CreateDataset(d, globaltypes);
            if (found)
                if (_usingglobals)
                    object tname = "";
                    if (globaltypes.TryGetValue((string)tn, out tname))
                        tn = tname;
                type = Reflection.Instance.GetTypeFromCache((string)tn);

            if (type == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot determine type");

            string typename = type.FullName;
            object o = input;
            if (o == null)
                o = Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(type);

            SafeDictionary<string, myPropInfo> props = Getproperties(type, typename);
            foreach (string n in d.Keys)
                string name = n;
                if (_params.IgnoreCaseOnDeserialize) name = name.ToLower();
                if (name == "$map")
                    ProcessMap(o, props, (Dictionary<string, object>)d[name]);
                myPropInfo pi;
                if (props.TryGetValue(name, out pi) == false)
                if ((pi.Flags & (myPropInfoFlags.Filled | myPropInfoFlags.CanWrite)) != 0)
                    object v = d[name];

                    if (v != null)
                        object oset = null;

                        switch (pi.Type)
                            case myPropInfoType.Int: oset = (int)((long)v); break;
                            case myPropInfoType.Long: oset = (long)v; break;
                            case myPropInfoType.String: oset = (string)v; break;
                            case myPropInfoType.Bool: oset = (bool)v; break;
                            case myPropInfoType.DateTime: oset = CreateDateTime((string)v); break;
                            case myPropInfoType.Enum: oset = CreateEnum(, (string)v); break;
                            case myPropInfoType.Guid: oset = CreateGuid((string)v); break;

                            case myPropInfoType.Array:
                                if (!pi.IsValueType)
                                    oset = CreateArray((List<object>)v,,, globaltypes);
                                // what about 'else'?
                            case myPropInfoType.ByteArray: oset = Convert.FromBase64String((string)v); break;
                            case myPropInfoType.DataSet: oset = CreateDataset((Dictionary<string, object>)v, globaltypes); break;
                            case myPropInfoType.DataTable: oset = this.CreateDataTable((Dictionary<string, object>)v, globaltypes); break;
                            case myPropInfoType.Hashtable: // same case as Dictionary
                            case myPropInfoType.Dictionary: oset = CreateDictionary((List<object>)v,, pi.GenericTypes, globaltypes); break;
                            case myPropInfoType.StringDictionary: oset = CreateStringKeyDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)v,, pi.GenericTypes, globaltypes); break;

                            case myPropInfoType.Custom: oset = CreateCustom((string)v,; break;
                                    if (pi.IsGenericType && pi.IsValueType == false && v is List<object>)
                                        oset = CreateGenericList((List<object>)v,,, globaltypes);

                                    else if (pi.IsClass && v is Dictionary<string, object>)
                                        oset = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)v, globaltypes,, pi.getter(o));

                                    else if (v is List<object>)
                                        oset = CreateArray((List<object>)v,, typeof(object), globaltypes);

                                    else if (pi.IsValueType)
                                        oset = ChangeType(v, pi.changeType);

                                        oset = v;

                        o = pi.setter(o, oset);
            return o;

        private object CreateCustom(string v, Type type)
            Deserialize d;
            _customDeserializer.TryGetValue(type, out d);
            return d(v);

        private void ProcessMap(object obj, SafeDictionary<string, JSON.myPropInfo> props, Dictionary<string, object> dic)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kv in dic)
                myPropInfo p = props[kv.Key];
                object o = p.getter(obj);
                Type t = Type.GetType((string)kv.Value);
                if (t == typeof(Guid))
                    p.setter(obj, CreateGuid((string)o));

        static int CreateInteger(out int num, string s, int index, int count)
            num = 0;
            bool neg = false;
            for (int x = 0; x < count; x++, index++)
                char cc = s[index];

                if (cc == '-')
                    neg = true;
                else if (cc == '+')
                    neg = false;
                    num *= 10;
                    num += (int)(cc - '0');
            if (neg) num = -num;

            return num;

        internal static long CreateLong(out long num, char[] s, int index, int count)
            num = 0;
            bool neg = false;
            for (int x = 0; x < count; x++, index++)
                char cc = s[index];

                if (cc == '-')
                    neg = true;
                else if (cc == '+')
                    neg = false;
                    num *= 10;
                    num += (int)(cc - '0');
            if (neg) num = -num;

            return num;

        private object CreateEnum(Type pt, string v)
            // TODO : optimize create enum
            return Enum.Parse(pt, v);
            return Enum.Parse(pt, v, true);

        private Guid CreateGuid(string s)
            if (s.Length > 30)
                return new Guid(s);
                return new Guid(Convert.FromBase64String(s));

        private DateTime CreateDateTime(string value)
            bool utc = false;
            //                   0123456789012345678
            // datetime format = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
            int year;
            int month;
            int day;
            int hour;
            int min;
            int sec;
            CreateInteger(out year, value, 0, 4);
            CreateInteger(out month, value, 5, 2);
            CreateInteger(out day, value, 8, 2);
            CreateInteger(out hour, value, 11, 2);
            CreateInteger(out min, value, 14, 2);
            CreateInteger(out sec, value, 17, 2);

            //if (value.EndsWith("Z"))
            if (value[value.Length - 1] == 'Z')
                utc = true;

            if (_params.UseUTCDateTime == false && utc == false)
                return new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec);
                return new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToLocalTime();

        private object CreateArray(List<object> data, Type pt, Type bt, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
            Array col = Array.CreateInstance(bt, data.Count);
            // create an array of objects
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)// each (object ob in data)
                object ob = data[i];
                if (ob is IDictionary)
                    col.SetValue(ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)ob, globalTypes, bt, null), i);
                    col.SetValue(ChangeType(ob, bt), i);

            return col;

        private object CreateGenericList(List<object> data, Type pt, Type bt, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
            IList col = (IList)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(pt);
            // create an array of objects
            foreach (object ob in data)
                if (ob is IDictionary)
                    col.Add(ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)ob, globalTypes, bt, null));

                else if (ob is List<object>)

                    col.Add(ChangeType(ob, bt));
            return col;

        private object CreateStringKeyDictionary(Dictionary<string, object> reader, Type pt, Type[] types, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
            var col = (IDictionary)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(pt);
            Type t1 = null;
            Type t2 = null;
            if (types != null)
                t1 = types[0];
                t2 = types[1];

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> values in reader)
                var key = values.Key;
                object val = null;

                if (values.Value is Dictionary<string, object>)
                    val = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)values.Value, globalTypes, t2, null);
                else if (types != null && t2.IsArray)
                    val = CreateArray((List<object>)values.Value, t2, t2.GetElementType(), globalTypes);
                else if (values.Value is IList)
                    val = CreateGenericList((List<object>)values.Value, t2, t1, globalTypes);
                    val = ChangeType(values.Value, t2);
                col.Add(key, val);

            return col;

        private object CreateDictionary(List<object> reader, Type pt, Type[] types, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
            IDictionary col = (IDictionary)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(pt);
            Type t1 = null;
            Type t2 = null;
            if (types != null)
                t1 = types[0];
                t2 = types[1];

            foreach (Dictionary<string, object> values in reader)
                object key = values["k"];
                object val = values["v"];

                if (key is Dictionary<string, object>)
                    key = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)key, globalTypes, t1, null);
                    key = ChangeType(key, t1);

                if (val is Dictionary<string, object>)
                    val = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)val, globalTypes, t2, null);
                    val = ChangeType(val, t2);

                col.Add(key, val);

            return col;

        private Type GetChangeType(Type conversionType)
            if (conversionType.IsGenericType && conversionType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)))
                return conversionType.GetGenericArguments()[0];

            return conversionType;

        private DataSet CreateDataset(Dictionary<string, object> reader, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            ds.EnforceConstraints = false;

            // read dataset schema here
            ReadSchema(reader, ds, globalTypes);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in reader)
                if (pair.Key == "$type" || pair.Key == "$schema") continue;

                List<object> rows = (List<object>)pair.Value;
                if (rows == null) continue;

                DataTable dt = ds.Tables[pair.Key];
                ReadDataTable(rows, dt);


            return ds;

        private void ReadSchema(Dictionary<string, object> reader, DataSet ds, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
            var schema = reader["$schema"];

            if (schema is string)
                TextReader tr = new StringReader((string)schema);
                DatasetSchema ms = (DatasetSchema)ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)schema, globalTypes, typeof(DatasetSchema), null);
                ds.DataSetName = ms.Name;
                for (int i = 0; i < ms.Info.Count; i += 3)
                    if (ds.Tables.Contains(ms.Info[i]) == false)
                    ds.Tables[ms.Info[i]].Columns.Add(ms.Info[i + 1], Type.GetType(ms.Info[i + 2]));

        private void ReadDataTable(List<object> rows, DataTable dt)
            List<int> guidcols = new List<int>();
            List<int> datecol = new List<int>();

            foreach (DataColumn c in dt.Columns)
                if (c.DataType == typeof(Guid) || c.DataType == typeof(Guid?))
                if (_params.UseUTCDateTime && (c.DataType == typeof(DateTime) || c.DataType == typeof(DateTime?)))

            foreach (List<object> row in rows)
                object[] v = new object[row.Count];
                row.CopyTo(v, 0);
                foreach (int i in guidcols)
                    string s = (string)v[i];
                    if (s != null && s.Length < 36)
                        v[i] = new Guid(Convert.FromBase64String(s));
                if (_params.UseUTCDateTime)
                    foreach (int i in datecol)
                        string s = (string)v[i];
                        if (s != null)
                            v[i] = CreateDateTime(s);


        DataTable CreateDataTable(Dictionary<string, object> reader, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
            var dt = new DataTable();

            // read dataset schema here
            var schema = reader["$schema"];

            if (schema is string)
                TextReader tr = new StringReader((string)schema);
                var ms = (DatasetSchema)this.ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)schema, globalTypes, typeof(DatasetSchema), null);
                dt.TableName = ms.Info[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < ms.Info.Count; i += 3)
                    dt.Columns.Add(ms.Info[i + 1], Type.GetType(ms.Info[i + 2]));

            foreach (var pair in reader)
                if (pair.Key == "$type" || pair.Key == "$schema")

                var rows = (List<object>)pair.Value;
                if (rows == null)

                if (!dt.TableName.Equals(pair.Key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                ReadDataTable(rows, dt);

            return dt;


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Written By
Architect -
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Mehdi first started programming when he was 8 on BBC+128k machine in 6512 processor language, after various hardware and software changes he eventually came across .net and c# which he has been using since v1.0.
He is formally educated as a system analyst Industrial engineer, but his programming passion continues.

* Mehdi is the 5th person to get 6 out of 7 Platinum's on Code-Project (13th Jan'12)
* Mehdi is the 3rd person to get 7 out of 7 Platinum's on Code-Project (26th Aug'16)

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