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Ultimate TCP-IP is now Open Source
// ===================================================================
//      File: UTPing.idl
//	IDL source for UTPing.dll
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
// produce the type library (UTPing.tlb) and marshalling code.
// ===================================================================
// Ultimate TCP-IP v4.2
// This software along with its related components, documentation and files ("The Libraries")
// is � 1994-2007 The Code Project (1612916 Ontario Limited) and use of The Libraries is
// governed by a software license agreement ("Agreement").  Copies of the Agreement are
// available at The Code Project (, as part of the package you downloaded
// to obtain this file, or directly from our office.  For a copy of the license governing
// this software, you may contact us at, or by calling 416-849-8900.
// ===================================================================

import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";
#include "olectl.h"

// Include the error codes enumeration in the generated header
cpp_quote("#include \"UTErr.h\" ")
cpp_quote("#include \"UT_ICMP.h\" ")

// Avoid redeclaration of error codes enumeration
cpp_quote("#ifdef _AVOID_ERRORS_REDECLARATION")  
#include "UTErr.h"
#include "UT_ICMP.h"

		helpstring("IPing Interface"),
	interface IPing : IDispatch

		//	Interface methods IDs
		const int DISPID_GET_ERROR_TEXT			= 1;
		const int DISPID_CANCEL_PING			= 2;
		const int DISPID_PING					= 3;
		const int DISPID_TRACE_ROUTE			= 4;
		const int DISPID_BLOCKING_MODE			= 5;
		const int DISPID_DO_LOOKUP				= 6;
		const int DISPID_MAX_TIME_OUTS			= 7;
		const int DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_SIZE		= 8;
		const int DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_MSG		= 9;
		const int DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_NAME		= 11;
		const int DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_TYPE		= 13;
		const int DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_CODE		= 14;

		//	Data Get methods
		[id(DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_SIZE), helpstring("Gets the size of the response vector.")] 
			HRESULT GetResponseSize([out,retval] long *Size);

		[id(DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_MSG), helpstring("method GetResponseMessage")] 
			HRESULT GetResponseMessage([in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index, [out,retval] BSTR *Message);

		[id(DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_ADDRESS), helpstring("method GetResponseAddress")] 
			HRESULT GetResponseAddress([in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index, [out, retval] BSTR * Address);

		[id(DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_NAME), helpstring("method GetResponseName")] 
			HRESULT GetResponseName([in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index, [out, retval] BSTR *Name);

		[id(DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_DURATION), helpstring("method GetResponseDuration")] 
			HRESULT GetResponseDuration([in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index, [out,retval] long *Duration);

		[id(DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_TYPE), helpstring("method GetResponseType")] 
			HRESULT GetResponseType([in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index, [out,retval] long *Type);

		[id(DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_CODE), helpstring("method GetResponseCode")] 
			HRESULT GetResponseCode([in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index, [out,retval] long *Code) ;

		[id(DISPID_GET_RESPONSE_SEQUENCE), helpstring("method GetResponseSequence")] 
			HRESULT GetResponseSequence([in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index, [out,retval] long *Sequence);

		//	Properties Set/Get methods
		[propget, bindable, requestedit, id(DISPID_BLOCKING_MODE), helpstring("Blocking mode flag")] 
			HRESULT BlockingMode([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);

		[propput, bindable, requestedit, id(DISPID_BLOCKING_MODE), helpstring("Blocking mode flag")] 
			HRESULT BlockingMode([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

		[propget, bindable, requestedit, id(DISPID_DO_LOOKUP), helpstring("property DoLookup")] 
			HRESULT DoLookup([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);

		[propput, bindable, requestedit, id(DISPID_DO_LOOKUP), helpstring("property DoLookup")] 
			HRESULT DoLookup([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

		[propget, bindable, requestedit, id(DISPID_MAX_TIME_OUTS), helpstring("property MaxTimeOuts")] 
			HRESULT MaxTimeOuts([out, retval] long *pVal);

		[propput, bindable, requestedit, id(DISPID_MAX_TIME_OUTS), helpstring("property MaxTimeOuts")] 
			HRESULT MaxTimeOuts([in] long newVal);

		//	Interface methods
		[id(DISPID_GET_ERROR_TEXT), helpstring("Get error message text by error code")] 
			HRESULT GetErrorText([in] long ErrorCode, [out, retval] BSTR *ErrorText);

		[id(DISPID_CANCEL_PING), helpstring("Cancel Ping request")] 
			HRESULT CancelPing();

		[id(DISPID_ABOUTBOX), helpstring("Shows About Box")] 
			HRESULT AboutBox();

		[id(DISPID_PING), helpstring("Ping address")] HRESULT 
			Ping([in] BSTR Address, [in, defaultvalue(5)] int Count, [in, defaultvalue(2000)] int TimeOut, [in, defaultvalue(500)] int Interval, [in, defaultvalue(32)] int DataSize, [out, retval] int *Result);

		[id(DISPID_TRACE_ROUTE), helpstring("Trace route address")] 
			HRESULT TraceRoute([in] BSTR Address,  [in, defaultvalue(2000)] int TimeOut,  [in, defaultvalue(30)] int MaxHops, [in, defaultvalue(32)] int DataSize, [out, retval] int *Result);


	helpstring("Ultimate TCP/IP Ping Control 4.2")
library UTPINGLib

		helpstring("_IPingEvents Interface")
	dispinterface _IPingEvents
		[id(1), helpstring("method OnPing")] HRESULT OnPing([in] long Result);
		[id(2), helpstring("method OnTraceRoute")] HRESULT OnTraceRoute(long Result);
		[id(3), helpstring("method OnReceiveICMP")] HRESULT OnReceiveICMP();

		helpstring("Ultimate TCP/IP Ping Control 4.2")
	coclass Ping
		[default] interface IPing;
		[default, source] dispinterface _IPingEvents;

	//	Error codes enumeration
	typedef [uuid (3EFFB4E5-03E3-11d3-A465-0080C858F182), helpstring("Ping Error Codes")]
	enum PingErrorCodes
		[helpstring("Successful")]				ecSuccess				= UTE_SUCCESS,
		[helpstring("Invalid Address Format")]	ecInvalidAddressFormat	= UTE_INVALID_ADDRESS_FORMAT,
		[helpstring("Invalid Address")]			ecInvalidAddress		= UTE_INVALID_ADDRESS,
		[helpstring("Socket creation failed")]	ecCreateSocketFailed	= UTE_SOCK_CREATE_FAILED,
		[helpstring("Socket send error")]		ecSocketSendFailed		= UTE_SOCK_SEND_ERROR,
		[helpstring("Socket receive error")]	ecSocketReceiveFailed	= UTE_SOCK_RECEIVE_ERROR,
		[helpstring("Aborted")]					ecAborted				= UTE_ABORTED,
		[helpstring("Timed out")]				ecTimeOut				= UTE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
		[helpstring("In use")]					ecInUse					= UTE_ALREADY_IN_USE,
		[helpstring("Internal error")]			ecInternalError			= UTE_INTERNAL_ERROR,
		[helpstring("Data is ready")]			ecDataIsReady			= 1000

	} PingErrorCodes;

	// ICMP message Types 
	typedef [uuid (CD4FCD2D-5FB4-11d3-A4DB-0080C858F182), helpstring("ICMP message Types")]
	enum MessageType
		[helpstring("EchoReply RFC792")]		icmpEchoReply		= UTT_ICMP_ECHO_REPLY,
		[helpstring("DestUnrch RFC792")]		icmpDestUnrch		= UTT_ICMP_DEST_UNRCH,
		[helpstring("SourceQueNch RFC792")]		icmpSourceQueNch	= UTT_ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH,
		[helpstring("Redirect RFC792")]			icmpRedirect		= UTT_ICMP_REDIRECT,
		[helpstring("AltHostAddr")]				icmpAltHostAddr		= UTT_ICMP_ALT_HOST_ADDR,
		[helpstring("Echo RFC792")]				icmpEcho			= UTT_ICMP_ECHO,
		[helpstring("RouterAdvert RFC 1256")]	icmpRouterAdvert	= UTT_ICMP_ROUTER_ADVERT,
		[helpstring("RouterSelect RFC 1256")]	icmpRouterSelect	= UTT_ICMP_ROUTER_SELECT,
		[helpstring("TimeExceeded RFC792")]		icmpTimeExceeded	= UTT_ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED,
		[helpstring("ParamProblem RFC792")]		icmpParamProblem	= UTT_ICMP_PARAM_PROBLEM,
		[helpstring("TimeStamp RFC792")]		icmpTimeStamp		= UTT_ICMP_TIMESTAMP,
		[helpstring("TimeStampReply RFC792")]	icmpTimeStampReply	= UTT_ICMP_TIMESTAMP_REPLY,
		[helpstring("InfoReq RFC792")]			icmpInfoReq			= UTT_ICMP_INFO_REQ,
		[helpstring("InfoReply RFC792")]		icmpInfoReply		= UTT_ICMP_INFO_REPLY,
		[helpstring("AddrMaskReq RFC950")]		icmpAddrMaskReq		= UTT_ICMP_ADDR_MASK_REQ,
		[helpstring("AddrMaskReply RFC950")]	icmpAddrMaskReply	= UTT_ICMP_ADDR_MASK_REPLY,
		[helpstring("TraceRoute RFC1393")]		icmpTraceRoute		= UTT_ICMP_TRACEROUTE,
		[helpstring("DgarmConvErr RFC1475")]	icmpDgarmConvErr	= UTT_ICMP_DGRAM_CONV_ERR,
		[helpstring("MobHstRedir")]				icmpMobHstRedir		= UTT_ICMP_MOB_HST_REDIR,
		[helpstring("IPV6WAU (where are you)")]	icmpIPV6WAU			= UTT_ICMP_IPV6_WAY,
		[helpstring("IPV6IAH (i am here)")]		icmpIPV6IAH			= UTT_ICMP_IPV6_IAH,
		[helpstring("MobRegReq")]				icmpMobRegReq		= UTT_ICMP_MOB_REG_REQ,
		[helpstring("MobRegReply")]				icmpMobRegReply		= UTT_ICMP_MOB_REG_REPLY,
		[helpstring("DomNameReq")]				icmpDomNameReq		= UTT_ICMP_DOM_NAME_REQ,
		[helpstring("DomNameReply")]			icmpDomNameReply	= UTT_ICMP_DOM_NAME_REPLY,
		[helpstring("Skip")]					icmpSkip			= UTT_ICMP_SKIP,
		[helpstring("Photuris")]				icmpPhoturis		= UTT_ICMP_PHOTURIS,
		[helpstring("No Response")]				icmpNoResponse		= UTT_NO_RESPONSE

	} MessageType;
	// ICMP message type sub-codes for Destination Unreachable
	typedef [uuid (CD4FCD2F-5FB4-11d3-A4DB-0080C858F182), helpstring("Sub-codes for Destination Unreachable")]
	enum DestUnrchSubCode
		[helpstring("Net Unreachable")]		
			scNetUR			= UTC_NET_UR,
		[helpstring("Host Unreachable")]		
			scHostUR		= UTC_HOST_UR,
		[helpstring("Protocol Unreachable")]		
			scProtocolUR	= UTC_PROTOCOL_UR,
		[helpstring("Port Unreachable")]		
			scPortUR		= UTC_PORT_UR,
		[helpstring("Fragmentation Needed and Don't Fragment was Set")]		
			scFragNeeded	= UTC_FRAG_NEEDED,
		[helpstring("Source Route Failed")]		
			scSrcRteFailed	= UTC_SOURCE_RTE_FAILED,
		[helpstring("Destination Network Unknown")]		
			scDestNetUnkn	= UTC_DEST_NET_UNKNOWN,
		[helpstring("Destination Host Unknown")]		
			scDestHostUnkn	= UTC_DEST_HOST_UNKNOWN,
		[helpstring("Source Host Isolated")]		
			scSrcHostIsolated	= UTC_SOURCE_HOST_ISOLATED,
		[helpstring("Communication with Destination Network is Administratively Prohibited")]		
			scNetCommAdminProhibit		= UTC_NET_COMM_ADMIN_PROHIBIT,
		[helpstring("Communication with Destination Host is Administratively Prohibited")]		
			scHostCommAdminProhibit		= UTC_HOST_COMM_ADMIN_PROHIBIT,
		[helpstring("Destination Network Unreachable for Type of Service")]		
			scNetUrForTos	= UTC_NET_UR_FOR_TOS,
		[helpstring("Destination Host Unreachable for Type of Service")]		
			scHostUrForTos	= UTC_HOST_UR_FOR_TOS,
		[helpstring("Communication Administratively Prohibited RFC1812")]		
			scCommAdminProhibit	= UTC_COMM_ADMIN_PROHIBIT,
		[helpstring("Host Precedence Violation RFC1812")]		
			scHostPrecViolate	= UTC_HOST_PREC_VIOLATE,
		[helpstring("Precedence cutoff in effect RFC1812")]		
			scPrecCutOff	= UTC_PREC_CUTOFF

	} DestUnrchSubCode;

	// ICMP message type sub-codes for Redirect
	typedef [uuid (CD4FCD32-5FB4-11d3-A4DB-0080C858F182), helpstring("Sub-codes for Redirect")]
	enum RedirectSubCode
		[helpstring("Redirect Datagram for the Network (or subnet)")]		
			scRedirectNet		= UTC_REDIRECT_NET,
		[helpstring("Redirect Datagram for the Host")]		
			scRedirecthost		= UTC_REDIRECT_HOST,
		[helpstring("Redirect Datagram for the Type of Service and Network")]		
			scRedirectNetTos	= UTC_REDIRECT_NET_TOS,
		[helpstring("Redirect Datagram for the Type of Service and Host")]		
			scRedirectHostTos	= UTC_REDIRECT_HOST_TOS

	} RedirectSubCode;

	// ICMP message type sub-codes for Time Exceeded
	typedef [uuid (CD4FCD34-5FB4-11d3-A4DB-0080C858F182), helpstring("Sub-codes for Time Exceeded")]
	enum TimeExceededSubCode
		[helpstring("Time to Live exceeded in Transit")]		
			scTTLExceeded		= UTC_TTL_EXCEEDED,
		[helpstring("Fragment Reassembly Time Exceeded")]		
			scFragReasmExceeded	= UTC_FRAG_REASM_EXCEEDED

	} TimeExceededSubCode;

	// ICMP message type sub-codes for Parameter Problem
	typedef [uuid (CD4FCD36-5FB4-11d3-A4DB-0080C858F182), helpstring("Sub-codes for Parameter Problem")]
	enum ParamProblemSubCode
		[helpstring("Pointer indicates the error")]		
			scPointer		= UTC_POINTER,
		[helpstring("Missing a Required Option RFC1108")]		
			scOptionRequired= UTC_OPTION_REQUIRED,
		[helpstring("Bad Length")]		
			scBadLength		= UTC_BAD_LENGTH

	} ParamProblemSubCode;

		helpstring("PingProp Class")
	coclass PingProp
		interface IUnknown;

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Canada Canada
In January 2005, David Cunningham and Chris Maunder created, a new group dedicated to the continued development, support and growth of Dundas Software’s award winning line of MFC, C++ and ActiveX control products.

Ultimate Grid for MFC, Ultimate Toolbox for MFC, and Ultimate TCP/IP have been stalwarts of C++/MFC development for a decade. Thousands of developers have used these products to speed their time to market, improve the quality of their finished products, and enhance the reliability and flexibility of their software.
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