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XCmyk - CMYK to RGB Calculator with source code

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5 Jul 2003CPOL4 min read 330.8K   6K   53  
XCmyk implements an RGB to CMYK calculator
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "KnobControlST.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#define	PI	3.14159265358979323846


	m_nLargeChange = 50;
	m_nSmallChange = 10;

	// Show scales
	m_bShowSmallScale = TRUE;
	m_bShowLargeScale = TRUE;

	// Knob is not rotating
	m_bIsKnobRotating = FALSE;

	// Default colors

	// Do not draw as a transparent button
	m_bDrawTransparent = FALSE;
	m_pbmpOldBk = NULL;

	// No defined callbacks
	::ZeroMemory(&m_csCallbacks, sizeof(m_csCallbacks));

	// Restore old bitmap (if any)
	if (m_dcBk.m_hDC && m_pbmpOldBk)
	} // if


BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CKnobControlST, CSliderCtrl)

void CKnobControlST::FreeResources(BOOL bCheckForNULL)
	if (bCheckForNULL)
		// Destroy the icon (if any)
		// Note: the following line MUST be here! even if
		// BoundChecker says it's unnecessary!
		if (m_hIcon != NULL) ::DestroyIcon(m_hIcon);
	} // if

	// No icon
	m_hIcon = NULL;
	m_cxIcon = 0;
	m_cyIcon = 0;
} // End of FreeResources

void CKnobControlST::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
	CSliderCtrl::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);

	if (m_rKnob.Contains(point.x, point.y))
		// Start Rotation of knob         
		m_bIsKnobRotating = TRUE;
} // End of OnLButtonDown

void CKnobControlST::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
	CSliderCtrl::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);

	// Stop rotation                   
	m_bIsKnobRotating = FALSE;

	if (m_rKnob.Contains(point.x, point.y))
		// Get value                   
		SetPos(GetValueFromPosition(Point(point.x, point.y)));
		// Notify parent window
	//this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
} // End of OnLButtonUp

void CKnobControlST::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
	CSliderCtrl::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

	//  Following Handles Knob Rotating     
	if (m_bIsKnobRotating)
		//this.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
		Point p(point.x, point.y);
		// Notify parent window
	} // if
} // End of OnMouseMove

BOOL CKnobControlST::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt) 
	BOOL bRetValue = CSliderCtrl::OnMouseWheel(nFlags, zDelta, pt);

	// Notify parent window

	return bRetValue;
} // End of OnMouseWheel

void CKnobControlST::OnPaint() 
	CPaintDC dc(this);		// device context for painting
	Graphics g(dc.m_hDC);	// GDI+ object for painting
} // End of OnPaint

BOOL CKnobControlST::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* /*pDC*/) 
	return FALSE;
} // End of OnEraseBkgnd

HBRUSH CKnobControlST::CtlColor(CDC* /*pDC*/, UINT /*nCtlColor*/) 
	return (HBRUSH)::GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH); 
} // End of CtlColor

void CKnobControlST::DrawItem(Graphics* pGfx)
	CRect rCtrl;

	Pen fgPen(m_cFgColor);
	Pen	scalePen(m_cScaleColor);

	Bitmap OffScreenImage(rCtrl.Width(), rCtrl.Height());
	Graphics gOffScreen(&OffScreenImage);

	// Get smaller from height and width
	int nSize = rCtrl.Width();
	if (rCtrl.Width() > rCtrl.Height())
		nSize = rCtrl.Height();
	} // if

	// Allow 10% gap on all side to determine size of knob control
	m_rKnob.X = (int)(nSize*0.10);
	m_rKnob.Y = (int)(nSize*0.10);
	m_rKnob.Width = (int)(nSize*0.80);
	m_rKnob.Height = (int)(nSize*0.80);

	m_pntKnob.X = m_rKnob.X + m_rKnob.Width / 2;
	m_pntKnob.Y = m_rKnob.Y + m_rKnob.Height / 2;

	LinearGradientBrush bKnob(m_rKnob, OffsetColor(m_cFgColor, 55), OffsetColor(m_cFgColor, -55), LinearGradientModeForwardDiagonal);

	// Prepare draw... paint control background

	// Draw transparent?
	if (m_bDrawTransparent)
		OnDrawBackground(&gOffScreen, &rCtrl);

	gOffScreen.FillEllipse(&bKnob, m_rKnob);
	// Draw border of knob                         
	gOffScreen.DrawEllipse(&fgPen, m_rKnob);

	// Draw focus rectangle ?
	if (GetFocus() == this)
		Pen	DottedPen(OffsetColor(m_cFgColor, -40));

		gOffScreen.DrawEllipse(&DottedPen, m_rKnob);
	} // if

	// Get current position of pointer             
	Point Arrow = GetKnobPosition(&m_rKnob);

	// Draw pointer arrow that shows knob position 
	DrawInsetCircle(&gOffScreen, Rect(Arrow.X - 3, Arrow.Y - 3, 6, 6), &fgPen);

	// Draw small and large scales
	if (m_bShowSmallScale)
		for (int i = GetRangeMin(); i <= GetRangeMax();i += m_nSmallChange)
			gOffScreen.DrawLine(&scalePen, GetMarkerPoint(0, i, &m_rKnob), GetMarkerPoint(3, i, &m_rKnob));
		} // for
	} // if
	if (m_bShowLargeScale)
		for (int i = GetRangeMin(); i <= GetRangeMax(); i += m_nLargeChange)
			gOffScreen.DrawLine(&scalePen, GetMarkerPoint(0, i, &m_rKnob), GetMarkerPoint(5, i, &m_rKnob));
		} // for
	} // if

	// Draw icon
	if (m_hIcon)	OnDrawIcon(&gOffScreen, &m_rKnob);

	// Drawimage on screen                    
	pGfx->DrawImage(&OffScreenImage, 0, 0);
} // End of DrawItem

void CKnobControlST::PaintBk(Graphics* pGfx)
	Bitmap* pbmpBk = Bitmap::FromHBITMAP((HBITMAP)m_bmpBk, NULL);
	pGfx->DrawImage(pbmpBk, 0, 0);

	delete pbmpBk;
} // End of PaintBk

void CKnobControlST::SendChangeCallback()
	if (m_csCallbacks.hWnd)	::SendMessage(m_csCallbacks.hWnd, m_csCallbacks.nMessage, m_csCallbacks.wParam, m_csCallbacks.lParam);
} // End of SendChangeCallback

void CKnobControlST::InitToolTip()
	if (m_ToolTip.m_hWnd == NULL)
		// Create ToolTip control
		// Create inactive
		// Enable multiline
		m_ToolTip.SendMessage(TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 400);
	} // if
} // End of InitToolTip

BOOL CKnobControlST::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) 

	if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN)
		switch (pMsg->wParam)
			case VK_END:
				if (GetPos() != GetRangeMin()) 
					// Notify parent window
				} // if
				return 1;
			case VK_HOME:
				if (GetPos() != GetRangeMax()) 
					// Notify parent window
				} // if
				return 1;
			case VK_PRIOR:
				if (GetPos() + m_nLargeChange <= GetRangeMax())
					SetPos(GetPos() + m_nLargeChange);

				// Notify parent window
				return 1;
			case VK_NEXT:
				if (GetPos() - m_nLargeChange >= GetRangeMin())
					SetPos(GetPos() - m_nLargeChange);

				// Notify parent window
				return 1;
			case VK_UP:
			case VK_RIGHT:
				if (GetPos() < GetRangeMax()) 
					SetPos(GetPos() + 1);
					// Notify parent window
				} // if
				return 1;
			case VK_DOWN:
			case VK_LEFT:
				if (GetPos() > GetRangeMin()) 
					SetPos(GetPos() - 1);
					// Notify parent window
				} // if
				return 1;
		} // switch
	} // if
	return CSliderCtrl::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
} // End of PreTranslateMessage

Color CKnobControlST::OffsetColor(Color cColor, short shOffset)
	BYTE	byRed = 0;
	BYTE	byGreen = 0;
	BYTE	byBlue = 0;
	short	shOffsetR = shOffset;
	short	shOffsetG = shOffset;
	short	shOffsetB = shOffset;

	if (shOffset < -255 || shOffset > 255)	return cColor;

	// Get RGB components of specified color
	byRed = cColor.GetR();
	byGreen = cColor.GetG();
	byBlue = cColor.GetB();

	// Calculate max. allowed real offset
	if (shOffset > 0)
		if (byRed + shOffset > 255)		shOffsetR = (short)(255 - byRed);
		if (byGreen + shOffset > 255)	shOffsetG = (short)(255 - byGreen);
		if (byBlue + shOffset > 255)	shOffsetB = (short)(255 - byBlue);

		shOffset = min(min(shOffsetR, shOffsetG), shOffsetB);
	} // if
		if (byRed + shOffset < 0)		shOffsetR = (short)-byRed;
		if (byGreen + shOffset < 0)		shOffsetG = (short)-byGreen;
		if (byBlue + shOffset < 0)		shOffsetB = (short)-byBlue;

		shOffset = max(max(shOffsetR, shOffsetG), shOffsetB);
	} // else

	Color c1(cColor.GetAlpha(), 
			 (BYTE)(byRed + shOffset), 
			 (BYTE)(byGreen + shOffset), 
			 (BYTE)(byBlue + shOffset));
	return c1;
} // End of OffsetColor

void CKnobControlST::DrawInsetCircle(Graphics* g, Rect r, Pen* p)
	Color	PenColor;

	Pen p1(OffsetColor(PenColor, -50));
	Pen p2(OffsetColor(PenColor, 50));

	for (int i = 0; i < p->GetWidth(); i++)
		Rect r1(r.X +i, r.Y +i, r.Width - i*2, r.Height - i*2);
		g->DrawArc(&p2, r1, -45, 180);
		g->DrawArc(&p1, r1, 135, 180);
	} // for
} // End of DrawInsetCircle

Point CKnobControlST::GetKnobPosition(Rect* rKnob)
	Point Pos(0,0);

	// Avoid divide-by-zero
	if (GetRangeMax() - GetRangeMin() == 0)	return Pos;

	double degree = 270 * GetPos() / (GetRangeMax() - GetRangeMin());
	degree = (degree + 135) * PI / 180;

	Pos.X = (int)(cos(degree) * (rKnob->Width / 2 - 10)  + rKnob->X + rKnob->Width / 2);
	Pos.Y = (int)(sin(degree) * (rKnob->Width / 2 - 10)  + rKnob->Y + rKnob->Height / 2);
	return Pos;
} // End of GetKnobPosition

Point CKnobControlST::GetMarkerPoint(int length, int Value, Rect* rKnob)
	Point Pos(0,0);

	// Avoid divide-by-zero
	if (GetRangeMax() - GetRangeMin() == 0)	return Pos;

	double degree = 270 * Value / (GetRangeMax() - GetRangeMin());
	degree = (degree + 135) * PI / 180;

	Pos.X = (int)(cos(degree) * (rKnob->Width / 2 - length + 7) + rKnob->X + rKnob->Width / 2);
	Pos.Y = (int)(sin(degree) * (rKnob->Width / 2 - length + 7) + rKnob->Y + rKnob->Height / 2);

	return Pos;
} // End of GetMarkerPoint

int CKnobControlST::GetValueFromPosition(Point p)
	double degree = 0.0;
	int v = 0;
	if (p.X <= m_pntKnob.X)
		degree  = (double)(m_pntKnob.Y - p.Y ) /  (double)(m_pntKnob.X - p.X );
		degree = atan(degree);
		degree = (degree) * (180 / PI) + 45;
		v = (int)(degree * (GetRangeMax() - GetRangeMin())/ 270);
	} // if
		if (p.X > m_pntKnob.X)
			degree  = (double)(p.Y - m_pntKnob.Y ) /  (double)(p.X - m_pntKnob.X );
			degree = atan(degree);
			degree = 225 + (degree) * (180 / PI);
			v = (int)(degree * (GetRangeMax() - GetRangeMin()) / 270);
		} // if
	} // else

	if (v > GetRangeMax()) v = GetRangeMax();
	if (v < GetRangeMin()) v = GetRangeMin();

	return v;
} // End of GetValueFromPosition

// This function is called every time the control background needs to be painted.
// If the control is in transparent mode this function will NOT be called.
// This is a virtual function that can be rewritten in CKnobControlST-derived classes.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	pGfx
//				Pointer to a GDI+ Graphics object that indicates the graphic context.
//		[IN]	pRect
//				Pointer to a CRect object that indicates the bounds of the
//				area to be painted.
// Return value:
//			Function executed successfully.
DWORD CKnobControlST::OnDrawBackground(Graphics* pGfx, LPCRECT /*pRect*/)
	// Draw control background

} // End of OnDrawBackground

// This function is called every time the icon associated to the control needs to be painted.
// If the control has no icon this function will NOT be called.
// This is a virtual function that can be rewritten in CKnobControlST-derived classes.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	pGfx
//				Pointer to a GDI+ Graphics object that indicates the graphic context.
//		[IN]	rpKnob
//				Pointer to a GDI+ Rect object that indicates the bounds of the
//				area taken by the control.
// Return value:
//			Function executed successfully.
DWORD CKnobControlST::OnDrawIcon(Graphics* pGfx, Rect* rpKnob)
	int		nX = 0, nY = 0;
	Bitmap	bmpIcon(m_hIcon);

	nX = rpKnob->X;
	nY = rpKnob->Y;

	// Center icon into knob control
	nX += (rpKnob->Width - m_cxIcon) / 2;
	//if (nX < 0) nX = 0;
	nY += (rpKnob->Height - m_cyIcon) / 2;
	//if (nY < 0) nY = 0;

	pGfx->DrawImage(&bmpIcon, nX, nY);

} // End of OnDrawIcon

// This function sets the icon to be displayed.
// Any previous icon will be removed.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIcon
//				A Windows icon resource ID
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be immediately repainted
//		[IN]	hInstance
//				Handle of the instance that contains the icon.
//				If NULL the icon will be loaded from the .EXE resources
// Return value:
//			Function executed successfully.
//			Failed loading the specified resource.
DWORD CKnobControlST::SetIcon(int nIcon, BOOL bRepaint, HINSTANCE hInstance)
	HINSTANCE	hInstResource;
	HICON		hIcon;

	if (hInstance == NULL)
		hInstResource = AfxFindResourceHandle(MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIcon), RT_GROUP_ICON);
		hInstResource = hInstance;

	// Load icon from resource
	hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(hInstResource, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIcon), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0);

	return SetIcon(hIcon, bRepaint);
} // End of SetIcon

// This function sets the icon to be displayed.
// Any previous icon will be removed.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	hIcon
//				Handle fo the icon to show.
//				Pass NULL to remove any icon from the control.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be immediately repainted
// Return value:
//			Function executed successfully.
//			Failed loading the specified resource.
DWORD CKnobControlST::SetIcon(HICON hIcon, BOOL bRepaint)
	BOOL		bRetValue;

	// Free any loaded resource

	if (hIcon)
		m_hIcon = hIcon;

		// Get icon dimension
		ZeroMemory(&ii, sizeof(ICONINFO));
		bRetValue = ::GetIconInfo(m_hIcon, &ii);
		if (bRetValue == FALSE)
		} // if

		m_cxIcon = (BYTE)(ii.xHotspot * 2);
		m_cyIcon = (BYTE)(ii.yHotspot * 2);
	} // if

	// Repaint control
	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();

} // End of SetIcon

// This function sets the foreground and background colors of the control.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	cFgColor
//				A GDI+ Color object indicating the color of the knob control.
//		[IN]	cBkColor
//				A GDI+ Color object indicating the background color of the knob control.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CKnobControlST::SetColors(Color cFgColor, Color cBkColor, BOOL bRepaint)
	SetFgColor(cFgColor, FALSE);
	SetBkColor(cBkColor, bRepaint);
} // End of SetColors

// This function sets the foreground color of the control.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	cFgColor
//				A GDI+ Color object indicating the color of the knob control.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CKnobControlST::SetFgColor(Color cFgColor, BOOL bRepaint)
	m_cFgColor = cFgColor;

	// Repaint control
	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
} // End of SetFgColor

// This function sets the background color of the control.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	cBkColor
//				A GDI+ Color object indicating the background color of the knob control.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CKnobControlST::SetBkColor(Color cBkColor, BOOL bRepaint)
	m_cBkColor = cBkColor;

	// Repaint control
	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
} // End of SetBkColor

// This function sets the scale color of the control.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	cColor
//				A GDI+ Color object indicating the scale color of the knob control.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CKnobControlST::SetScaleColor(Color cColor, BOOL bRepaint)
	m_cScaleColor = cColor;

	// Repaint control
	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
} // End of SetScaleColor

// This function sets the alpha component of the colors used to draw the control.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	byAlpha
//				A BYTE value indicating the alpha component.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CKnobControlST::SetAlpha(BYTE byAlpha, BOOL bRepaint)
	ARGB argb = 0;

	// Create an ARGB value from the four component values.
	argb = Color::MakeARGB(byAlpha, m_cFgColor.GetR(), m_cFgColor.GetG(), m_cFgColor.GetB());

	// Create an ARGB value from the four component values.
	argb = Color::MakeARGB(byAlpha, m_cScaleColor.GetR(), m_cScaleColor.GetG(), m_cScaleColor.GetB());

	// Repaint control
	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
} // End of SetAlpha

// This function returns the alpha component of the colors used to draw the control.
// Return value:
//		A BYTE indicating the alpha component.
BYTE CKnobControlST::GetAlpha()
	return m_cFgColor.GetAlpha();
} // End of GetAlpha

// This function sets if the large scale around the control must be drawn.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	bShow
//				If TRUE the scale will be drawn.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CKnobControlST::ShowLargeScale(BOOL bShow, BOOL bRepaint)
	m_bShowLargeScale = bShow;

	// Repaint control
	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
} // End of ShowLargeScale

// This function sets if the small scale around the control must be drawn.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	bShow
//				If TRUE the scale will be drawn.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CKnobControlST::ShowSmallScale(BOOL bShow, BOOL bRepaint)
	m_bShowSmallScale = bShow;

	// Repaint control
	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
} // End of ShowSmallScale

// This function sets the value of the large control step.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nLargeChange
//				New value of the large control step.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CKnobControlST::SetLargeChangeValue(int nLargeChange, BOOL bRepaint)
	m_nLargeChange = nLargeChange;

	// Repaint control
	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
} // End of SetLargeChangeValue

// This function sets the value of the small control step.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nSmallChange
//				New value of the small control step.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CKnobControlST::SetSmallChangeValue(int nSmallChange, BOOL bRepaint)
	m_nSmallChange = nSmallChange;

	// Repaint control
	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
} // End of SetSmallChangeValue

// This function sets the text to show in the control tooltip.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nId
//				ID number of the string resource containing the text to show.
//		[IN]	bActivate
//				If TRUE the tooltip will be created active.
void CKnobControlST::SetTooltipText(int nId, BOOL bActivate)
	CString sText;

	// load string resource
	// If string resource is not empty
	if (sText.IsEmpty() == FALSE) SetTooltipText((LPCTSTR)sText, bActivate);
} // End of SetTooltipText

// This function sets the text to show in the control tooltip.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	lpszText
//				Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the text to show.
//		[IN]	bActivate
//				If TRUE the tooltip will be created active.
void CKnobControlST::SetTooltipText(LPCTSTR lpszText, BOOL bActivate)
	// We cannot accept NULL pointer
	if (lpszText == NULL) return;

	// Initialize ToolTip

	// If there is no tooltip defined then add it
	if (m_ToolTip.GetToolCount() == 0)
		CRect rectBtn; 
		m_ToolTip.AddTool(this, lpszText, rectBtn, 1);
	} // if

	// Set text for tooltip
	m_ToolTip.UpdateTipText(lpszText, this, 1);
} // End of SetTooltipText

// This function enables or disables the control tooltip.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	bActivate
//				If TRUE the tooltip will be activated.
void CKnobControlST::ActivateTooltip(BOOL bActivate)
	// If there is no tooltip then do nothing
	if (m_ToolTip.GetToolCount() == 0) return;

	// Activate tooltip
} // End of ActivateTooltip

// This function sets the callback message that will be sent to the
// specified window each time the control reaches a new position.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	hWnd
//				Handle of the window that will receive the callback message.
//				Pass NULL to remove any previously specified callback message.
//		[IN]	nMessage
//				Callback message to send to window.
//		[IN]	wParam
//				First 32 bits user specified value that will be passed to the callback function.
//		[IN]	lParam
//				Second 32 bits user specified value that will be passed to the callback function.
// Remarks:
//		the callback function must be in the form:
//		LRESULT On_ChangeCallback(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
//		Where:
//				[IN]	wParam
//						First 32 bits user specified value.
//				[IN]	lParam
//						Second 32 bits user specified value.
// Return value:
//			Function executed successfully.
DWORD CKnobControlST::SetChangeCallback(HWND hWnd, UINT nMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	m_csCallbacks.hWnd = hWnd;
	m_csCallbacks.nMessage = nMessage;
	m_csCallbacks.wParam = wParam;
	m_csCallbacks.lParam = lParam;

} // End of SetChangeCallback

// This function enables the transparent mode.
// Note: this operation is not reversible.
// DrawTransparent should be called just after the control is created.
// Do not use trasparent controls until you really need it (you have a bitmapped
// background) since each transparent control makes a copy in memory of its background.
// This may bring unnecessary memory use and execution overload.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
DWORD CKnobControlST::DrawTransparent(BOOL bRepaint)
	m_bDrawTransparent = TRUE;

	// Restore old bitmap (if any)
	if (m_dcBk.m_hDC != NULL && m_pbmpOldBk != NULL)
	} // if


	// Repaint the button
	if (bRepaint) Invalidate();

} // End of DrawTransparent

DWORD CKnobControlST::SetBk(CDC* pDC)
	if (m_bDrawTransparent && pDC)
		// Restore old bitmap (if any)
		if (m_dcBk.m_hDC != NULL && m_pbmpOldBk != NULL)
		} // if


		CRect rect;
		CRect rect1;



		m_bmpBk.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, rect.Width(), rect.Height());
		m_pbmpOldBk = m_dcBk.SelectObject(&m_bmpBk);
		m_dcBk.BitBlt(0, 0, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), pDC, rect1.left,, SRCCOPY);

	} // if

} // End of SetBk

#undef	PI

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior) Hans Dietrich Software
United States United States
I attended St. Michael's College of the University of Toronto, with the intention of becoming a priest. A friend in the University's Computer Science Department got me interested in programming, and I have been hooked ever since.

Recently, I have moved to Los Angeles where I am doing consulting and development work.

For consulting and custom software development, please see

Comments and Discussions