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PlantUML Editor: A Fast and Simple UML Editor using WPF

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11 Jun 2011CPOL16 min read 239.4K   6.4K   233  
A WPF smart client to generate UML diagrams from plain text using plantuml tool
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<title>PlantUML Editor: A WPF editor for coding UML diagrams
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        <img alt="Screenshot of PlantUML Editor" src="plantumleditor/screenshot.png" /></p>
        Download code and installer from:
        <a href=""></a></p>
        Please read the pre-requisites.</p>
        PlantUML Editor, built using WPF and .NET 3.5, is an IDE for drawing UML diagram 
        using the amazing <a href="">PlantUML</a> tool. If you have used 
        PlantUML before, you know you can code UML diagrams super fast without 
        struggling with a designer environment. Especially those who use Visio to draw UML 
        diagrams (God forbid!), you will be at heaven. This is a super fast way to get 
        your diagrams up and ready for show. You can *write* UML diagrams in plain 
        English, following a simple syntax and get diagrams generated on-the-fly.</p>
        This editor really saves time designing UML diagrams. I have to produce quick 
        diagrams to convey ideas quickly to Architects, Designers and Developers 
        everyday. So, I use this tool to write some quick diagrams at the speed of 
        coding, and the diagrams get generated on the fly. Instead of writing a long 
        mail explaining some complex operation or some business process in English, I 
        can quickly write it in the editor in almost plain English, and get a nice 
        looking activity/sequence diagram generated instantly. Making major changes is 
        also as easy as doing search-replace and copy-pasting blocks here and there. You 
        don&#39;t get such agility in any conventional mouse-based UML designers.&nbsp;</p>

        How does it work</h2>
        Here&#39;s a quick screencast how it works:</p>
    <img alt="PlantUML Screencast" src="" />
        How to install it</h2>
        First install <a href="">GraphViz</a>. Then create an 
        environment variable named <code>GRAPHVIZ_DOT</code> that points to the location where 
        GraphViz has stored the dot.exe. For example, <code>C:\Program Files 
        Graphviz is used by plantuml to render the diagrams. </p>
        Then you can just download the installer that I made and install it. It has plantuml 
        java jar embedded as well.</p>
        The code</h2>
        It&#39;s a single WPF project with some utility classes that you can reuse in your 
        projects. The Utilities has a <code>BackgroundWork</code> class 
        which is used to perform background tasks in WPF. It&#39;s more powerful than .NET&#39;s 
        default <code>BackgroundWorker</code> component or
        <code>Dispatcher</code> because you can get more control over how 
        the background tasks run, wait until all background work is finished, abort a 
        work etc. I will write about the BackgroundWork library separately.</p>
    <img src="plantumleditor/solutiontree.png" alt="PlantUML Editor Solution Tree" />
        The <code>MainWindow.xaml</code> is the main window that you see 
        on screenshot. It hosts the left side file list and the right side welcome 
        panel. The editor and the diagram image is in the <code>
        DiagramViewControl.xaml</code> that takes care of showing and editing of a 
        particular diagram.</p>
        This is my second WPF app I ever made, so have mercy.</p>
        Let&#39;s look at the cool stuffs to take out from the code.</p>
        The theme </h3>
        You must be salivating to get your hands on the theme for this project. I was 
        too :) I must say I have taken a lot of inspiration (and code copy and paste) 
        from the famous <a href="">Family.Show</a> 
        project and tailored it to fit the need. Then I got the background image from 
        some example of Expression blend.</p>
        You should look at the Skins\Black\BlackResource.xaml to get an idea how such 
        custom themes are built. The amount of wisdom in this file is mind boggling.</p>
        Listbox with preview of file content and diagram </h3>
        The left side listbox shows preview of content from the actual file and the 
        generated diagram. First you have to define a custom template for ListBox items:</p>
&lt;ListBox Grid.Row="1" 
	ItemContainerStyle="{DynamicResource ListBoxItemStyle1}"
	ItemsSource="{StaticResource DesignTimeDiagramFiles}" 
	SelectionChanged="DiagramFileListBox_SelectionChanged" &gt;
		  &lt;Border Padding="0,2,0,2" 
			  &lt;WrapPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" 
				<b>&lt;Image MaxWidth="64" 
					   Source="{Binding Path=ImageFilePath, Converter={StaticResource uriToImageConverter}}" 
					   Margin="3, 5, 10, 0" VerticalAlignment="Top"&gt;&lt;/Image&gt;</b>
				  &lt;TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DiagramFileNameOnly}"  /&gt;
<b>				  &lt;TextBlock Foreground="White" 
							 Text="{Binding Path=Preview}" 
							 VerticalAlignment="Top" /&gt;
</b>				&lt;/StackPanel&gt;                      
			  &lt;Separator Foreground="Green" Opacity="0.5" /&gt;
        Here the <code>ListBox</code>&#39;s <code>ItemSource</code> 
        attribute is bound to a design time data source that I will talk about soon. 
        Basically it is bound to a collection of <code>DiagramFile</code> 
        class which holds information about a diagram file - the path, path to the 
        diagram image, preview of the actual content etc. </p>
        The Image is bound to the path of the diagram image. In order to preview the 
        diagram, I had to create a custom converter. Otherwise the Image holds a lock on 
        the image file and does not let it to be changed. Here&#39;s the code of the 
public class UriToCachedImageConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        if (value == null)
            return null;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()))
            BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
            bi.UriSource = new Uri(value.ToString());
            // OMAR: Trick #6
            // Unless we use this option, the image file is locked and cannot be modified.
            // Looks like WPF holds read lock on the images. Very bad.
            bi.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
            // Unless we use this option, an image cannot be refrehsed. It loads from 
            // cache. Looks like WPF caches every image it loads in memory. Very bad.
            bi.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache;
                return bi;
                return default(BitmapImage);

        return null;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException("Two way conversion is not supported.");
        It solves two problems. First, it does not hold a lock on the file so that the 
        file can be changed while you edit the diagram. Secondly, it looks like WPF has 
        some kind of internal cache and it holds the image in the cache. You cannot 
        refresh the image and make it load from source. So, you have to do the
        <code>BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache</code> trick to make 
        it work.</p>
        On the code behind, the grid is loaded in a background thread when the 
        application starts. Also when you change the path in the top-left corner 
        location box, the grid is refreshed. It looks for all the text files in the 
        given folder and check if any of the text file is in plantuml format. If it is, 
        then it loads it in the list.</p>
private void LoadDiagramFiles(string path, Action loaded)
    this.StartProgress("Loading diagrams...");

        () =>
            var diagrams = new List<DiagramFile>();
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(path))
                string content = File.ReadAllText(file);
                if (content.Length > 0)
                    string firstLine = content.Substring(0, 
                    if (firstLine.StartsWith("@startuml"))
                        string imageFileName = firstLine.Substring(content.IndexOf(' ') + 1)

                        diagrams.Add(new DiagramFile{
                                              Content = content,
                                              DiagramFilePath = file,
                                              ImageFilePath =
                                          System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(imageFileName) ? 
                                            : System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(
                                                System.IO.Path.Combine(path, imageFileName))

            return diagrams;
        (diagrams) =>
            this._DiagramFiles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramFile>(diagrams);
            this.DiagramFileListBox.ItemsSource = this._DiagramFiles;
            this.StopProgress("Diagrams loaded.");
        (exception) =>
            MessageBox.Show(this, exception.Message, "Error loading files", 
                MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        Here you will see one use of my <code>BackgroundWork</code> 
        class. I am using it to load the files from the given path in a separate thread 
        so the UI remains responsive. The first callback is for doing the work on a 
        separate thread. Here I am building a new collection of diagram files. I cannot 
        change the existing collection which is already bound to the ListBox because 
        that would trigger an update on the <code>ListBox</code> and .NET 
        would not allow that to happen from a seaprate thread. So, once the new 
        collection is built, the second callback is fired which is the
        <code>onSuccess</code> callback. It executes on the UI thread and 
        here I can re-bind the <code>ListBox</code>.</p>
        Here&#39;s the <code>DiagramFile</code> class which holds information 
        about each diagram:</p>
public class DiagramFile
    public string DiagramFilePath { get; set; }
    public string ImageFilePath { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }

    public string Preview
            // Ignore first @startuml line and select non-empty lines
            return Content.Length &gt; 100 ? Content.Substring(0, 100) : Content;

    public string DiagramFileNameOnly
            return Path.GetFileName(this.DiagramFilePath);

    public string ImageFileNameOnly
            return Path.GetFileName(this.ImageFilePath);

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var diagram = obj as DiagramFile;
        return diagram.DiagramFilePath == this.DiagramFilePath;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return this.DiagramFilePath.GetHashCode();
        It&#39;s a simple entity class to hold information about a plantuml formatted 
        diagram. For example, a diagram in plantuml would look like this:</p>
@startuml img/sequence_img014.png
participant User

User -&gt; A: DoWork
activate A

	A -&gt; A: Internal call
	activate A

		A -&gt; B: &lt;&lt; createRequest &gt;&gt;
		activate B
			B --&gt; A: RequestCreated
		deactivate B
	deactivate A
	A -&gt; User: Done
deactivate A

@enduml  </pre>
        When you render it using plantuml, it looks like this:</p>
        <img alt="" src="plantumleditor/sample_diagram.png" /></p>
        Now this is loaded at run time. How does the design time environment show 
        realistic data in the <code>ListBox</code>?</p>
        Live rendering of data in design time inside ListBox</h3>
        In WPF, you have to create a <code>
        ObservableCollection&lt;YourClass&gt;</code> and then create a 
        <code>StaticResource</code> out of 
        it to show the result of binding at design time. For example, here I am showing 
        the result of binding diagrams to the <code>ListBox</code> and 
        the tabs:</p>
        <img alt="Design time view of data in WPF" src="plantumleditor/DesignTimeView.png" /></p>
        Here&#39;s how you do it. First create an <code>ObservableCollection</code> 
        out of your entity class and in the constructor, populate it with dummy data.</p>
public class DiagramFiles : ObservableCollection&lt;DiagramFile&gt;
        public DiagramFiles()
            this.Add(new DiagramFile()
                Content = 
@"@startuml cpe.png
actor EndUser
participant SaaS
participant CPE
                DiagramFilePath = "test.txt",
                ImageFilePath = ""

            this.Add(new DiagramFile()
                Content = 
@"@startuml btconnectjourney.png
actor User
participant AOOJ
participant SaaS
participant DnP
                DiagramFilePath = "test2.txt",
                ImageFilePath = ""
    }  </pre>
        Then you build it and you need to create a static resource for it. First you 
        need to add a namespace reference inside the <code>&lt;Window&gt;</code> 
xmlns:DesignTimeData="clr-namespace:PlantUmlEditor.DesignTimeData"  </pre>
        Then inside the ResourceDictionary of the Window, you create a tag to declare a 
        static resource:</p>
      &lt;DesignTimeData:DiagramFiles x:Key="DesignTimeDiagramFiles" /&gt;    </pre>
        That&#39;s it. You can then bind <code>ItemSource</code> attribute of 
        controls to this static resource.</p>
        Smooth auto collapse grid column to give more space</h3>
        You might have noticed that, when you go into editing mode by clicking on the 
        diagram text box, the left column smoothly collapses to give you more editing 
        space. You can do this by using a custom animation to reduce the width of the 
        left column. </p>
        First name the column so that you can refer to it from animation:</p>
          &lt;ColumnDefinition Width="300" 
          x:Name="LeftColumn" /&gt;
          &lt;ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" 
          MinWidth="10" /&gt;
          &lt;ColumnDefinition Width="*" /&gt;
        Then create two <span class="style1">Storyboards</span>, one for collapsing and 
        one for expanding. You will have to create a custom animation here because by 
        default there&#39;s no animation class available to animate a Grid&#39;s
        <span class="style1">Width</span> or <span class="style1">Height</span> property 
        which are of <span class="style1">GridLength</span> data type. I have used the 
        great example from this article, which saved a lot of time:
        <a href=""></a></p>
        Here&#39;s how the animation class looks like:</p>
// Source:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace PlantUmlEditor.CustomAnimation
    internal class GridLengthAnimation : AnimationTimeline
        static GridLengthAnimation()
            FromProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("From", typeof(GridLength),

            ToProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("To", typeof(GridLength), 

        public override Type TargetPropertyType
                return typeof(GridLength);

        protected override System.Windows.Freezable CreateInstanceCore()
            return new GridLengthAnimation();

        public static readonly DependencyProperty FromProperty;
        public GridLength From
                return (GridLength)GetValue(GridLengthAnimation.FromProperty);
                SetValue(GridLengthAnimation.FromProperty, value);

        public static readonly DependencyProperty ToProperty;
        public GridLength To
                return (GridLength)GetValue(GridLengthAnimation.ToProperty);
                SetValue(GridLengthAnimation.ToProperty, value);

        public override object GetCurrentValue(object defaultOriginValue, 
            object defaultDestinationValue, AnimationClock animationClock)
            double fromVal = ((GridLength)GetValue(GridLengthAnimation.FromProperty)).Value;
            double toVal = ((GridLength)GetValue(GridLengthAnimation.ToProperty)).Value;
            if (fromVal &gt; toVal)
                return new GridLength((1 - animationClock.CurrentProgress.Value) * (fromVal - toVal) + toVal, GridUnitType.Pixel);
                return new GridLength(animationClock.CurrentProgress.Value * (toVal - fromVal) + fromVal, GridUnitType.Pixel);
        Once the class is compiled, add a reference to the namespace inside
        <span class="style1">&lt;Window&gt;</span> tag and then you can use it inside 
      &lt;Storyboard x:Key="CollapseTheDiagramListBox"&gt;
        From="{Binding Path=Width, ElementName=LeftColumn}" 
      &lt;Storyboard x:Key="ExpandTheDiagramListBox" &gt;
        From="{Binding Path=Width, ElementName=LeftColumn}" 
      &lt;/Storyboard&gt;    </pre>
        These animations are triggered from the code. Whenever you click on the editor 
        text box, the <span class="style1">GotFocus</span> event gets fired on the 
        usercontrol that wraps the text box. On the event, I start the animation. 
        Similarly when you leave the editing environment and click on the
        <span class="style1">ListBox</span>, the
        <span class="style1">LostFocus</span> event is fired and I run the Expand 
    <pre>private void DiagramView_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (this.LeftColumn.ActualWidth &gt; this.LeftColumnLastWidthBeforeAnimation.Value)
        this.LeftColumnLastWidthBeforeAnimation = new GridLength(this.LeftColumn.ActualWidth);
    ((Storyboard)this.Resources["CollapseTheDiagramListBox"]).Begin(this, true);                        
private void DiagramView_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var storyboard = ((Storyboard)this.Resources["ExpandTheDiagramListBox"]);
    (storyboard.Children[0] as GridLengthAnimation).To = this.LeftColumnLastWidthBeforeAnimation;
    storyboard.Begin(this, true);
        As you see, it&#39;s not straightforward. When the column is collapsed, you need to 
        remember the Width of the column before you start collapsing, so that you can 
        restore it to its original width when it is expanded.</p>
        The cool tabs</h3>
        The default tabs in WPF are so uncool. As soon as you put the
        <span class="style1">TabControl</span> on your form, your hard effort in making 
        amazing UI goes to the drain. So, I have customized the appearance of the tabs 
        using custom templates. </p>
&lt;Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}"&gt;
&lt;Setter Property="Template"&gt;
    &lt;ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}"&gt;
        CornerRadius="6,6,0,0" &gt;
          &lt;ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentSite"
        &lt;Trigger Property="IsSelected" 
          &lt;Setter TargetName="Border" 
          Value="black" /&gt;
          &lt;Setter Property="Foreground" 
          Value="White" /&gt;                  
          &lt;Setter TargetName="Border" 
          Value="4,4,4,1" /&gt;
        &lt;Trigger Property="IsSelected" 
          &lt;Setter TargetName="Border" 
          Value="gray" /&gt;
          &lt;Setter Property="Foreground" 
          Value="black" /&gt;
          &lt;Setter TargetName="Border" 
          Value="0.4" /&gt;
        Next, like the <span class="style1">ListBox</span>, the
        <span class="style1">TabControl</span> is bound to the same design time 
        collection, so that you can see how the tabs look like on the design view. 
        Inside the <span class="style1">TabControl</span>, the <span class="style1">
        DiagramViewControl</span> is hosted, which delivers the editing and preview 
        features for a single diagram. The <span class="style1">DataContext</span> 
        property of the <span class="style1">DiagramViewControl</span> is mapped to the
        <span class="style1">SelectedItem</span> property of the tabs so that it gets 
        the active tab&#39;s associated <span class="style1">DiagramFile</span> object. So, 
        if you change tab, the <span class="style1">DataContext</span> property of
        <span class="style1">DiagramViewControl</span> changes as well to show the 
        correct tab&#39;s data. </p>
        ItemsSource="{StaticResource DesignTimeDiagramFiles}"&gt;
              &lt;TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DiagramFileNameOnly}"  /&gt;
              &lt;plantuml:DiagramViewControl x:Name="DiagramView"
              DataContext="{Binding Path=SelectedItem, ElementName=DiagramTabs, Mode=TwoWay}" 
        Notice the two way binding. It&#39;s because any changes made inside the
        <span class="style1">DiagramViewControl</span> on the content is reflected to 
        the associated <span class="style1">DiagramFile</span> object as well.</p>
        Now you will notice, when you double click a file on the <span class="style1">
        ListBox</span>, a new tab is created dynamically to show that particular 
        diagram. At run time, the TabControl is attached to another <span class="style1">
        ObservableCollection&lt;DiagramFile&gt;</span> called <span class="style1">
        OpenDiagrams</span>. All you need to do is, add a <span class="style1">
        DiagramFile</span> object to this collection and a new tab pops up. Joy of data 
private void DiagramFileListBox_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    var diagramFile = this.DiagramFileListBox.SelectedItem as DiagramFile;

private void OpenDiagramFile(DiagramFile diagramFile)
    if (!_OpenDiagrams.Contains(diagramFile))

        this.DiagramTabs.ItemsSource = _OpenDiagrams;
        this.DiagramTabs.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
        this.WelcomePanel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
    this.DiagramTabs.SelectedItem = diagramFile;            
        That&#39;s it!</p>
        Diagram Editor - powerful code editor </h3>
        The code editor uses the
        <a href="">
        ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit</a> control, mostly because it supports block indenting, 
        which is not available in WPF&#39;s default text editors. Using this control is 
        pretty straightforward. Add the reference to the DLL, declare the namespace 
        inside &lt;UserControl&gt; tag and then use it like this:</p>
      &lt;/avalonEdit:TextEditor&gt;  </pre>
        That&#39;s it. The only caveat is it does not support binding the Text property to a 
        string. So, I could not find it to the <span class="style1">DiagramFile.Content</span> 
        property to show and reflect changes in the text. So, I did this from the
        <span class="style1">DataContextChanged</span> event of the <span class="style1">
        UserControl</span>, which gets fired whenever the <span class="style1">
        DataContext</span> is changed to some other object. </p>
private void UserControl_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.NewValue != null)
        var newDiagram = (e.NewValue as DiagramFile);
        ContentEditor.Text = newDiagram.Content;
        ContentEditor.Tag = newDiagram.DiagramFilePath;
}    </pre>
        This keep the <span class="style1">DataContext</span> of the text editor control 
        in sync with the <span class="style1">DataContext</span> of the usercontrol.</p>
        Diagram image preview with zoom support</h3>
        You can use the <span class="style1">Image</span> control in WPF to show image 
        from local file, from a URL or from a MemoryStream. The Image control is super 
        powerful. It has complex transformation support. You can zoom, twist, transform 
        images many ways. You can also bind the transformation to other WPF controls. 
        For example, you can bind a Scaling transformation to a slider, so that when you 
        slide the slider up and down, the image zooms in and out.</p>
    &lt;ContextMenu x:Name="ImageContextMenu" Style="{DynamicResource ContextMenuStyle}"&gt;
        &lt;MenuItem Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}" 
                  Header="Copy to Clipboard" 
        &lt;MenuItem Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}" 
                  Header="Open in explorer" 
        &lt;ScaleTransform ScaleX="{Binding ElementName=ZoomSlider, Path=Value}" 
        ScaleY="{Binding ElementName=ZoomSlider, Path=Value}"/&gt;
        Here you see, I have bound the <span class="style1">ScaleTransform</span> to the
        <span class="style1">ZoomSlider</span> control&#39;s value.</p>
        Whenever you save the diagram, it&#39;s generated again using plantuml and then the 
        diagram image is refreshed. Since we have to use a custom value converter to 
        bind the image to a path, we miss the auto refresh ability. The Image control no 
        longer listens on the file for change. So, we have to force a refresh on the 
        image using custom code:</p>
BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(DiagramImage, Image.SourceProperty).UpdateTarget();    </pre>
        However, doing this only does not refresh the Image. WPF has its internal cache 
        where it remembers the images based on Uri. So, the custom value converter has 
        to be changed to stop caching:</p>
public class UriToCachedImageConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        if (value == null)
            return null;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()))
            BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
            bi.UriSource = new Uri(value.ToString());
            // OMAR: Trick #6
            // Unless we use this option, the image file is locked and cannot be modified.
            // Looks like WPF holds read lock on the images. Very bad.
            bi.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
            // Unless we use this option, an image cannot be refrehsed. It loads from 
            // cache. Looks like WPF caches every image it loads in memory. Very bad.
            bi.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache;
        You can read the comment to understand the pain I went through and you won&#39;t 
        have to go through anymore.</p>
        Diagram image show in explorer </h3>
        Since is a simple trick, but worth mentioning. You can right click on the image 
        and select &quot;Show in explorer&quot; which would launch Windows Explorer where the 
        image is already selected. You can immediately copy and paste the file or do any 
        other file operations. This is done by this:</p>
private void OpenInExplorer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        .Start("explorer.exe","/select," + this.CurrentDiagram.ImageFilePath)
        Simple but handy feature.</p>
        Auto refresh and render diagram in background </h3>
        When you keep typing on the code editor, it keeps refreshing the diagram every 
        10 seconds. This is where my BackgroundWork class comes handy. I can check if 
        any background work is already running. If not, I can queue a work to happen 
        after 10 seconds, in a separate thread.</p>
private void ContentEditor_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (AutoRefreshCheckbox.IsChecked.Value)
        if (!BackgroundWork.IsWorkQueued())
        This prevents multiple diagram generation request from getting queued and 
        running into race conditions.</p>
        The diagram is generated by running the plantuml command line program. It takes 
        the path of a diagram text file and generates the diagram image specified inside 
        the diagram text file.</p>
    () =&gt;
        // Save the diagram content
        File.WriteAllText(diagramFileName, content);

        // Use plantuml to generate the graph again                    
        using (var process = new Process())
            var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
            startInfo.FileName = plantUmlPath;
            startInfo.Arguments = "\"" + diagramFileName + "\"";
            startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; // OMAR: Trick #5
            startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; // OMAR: Trick #5
            process.StartInfo = startInfo;
            if (process.Start())
    () =&gt;
        BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(DiagramImage, Image.SourceProperty).UpdateTarget();

    (exception) =&gt;
        MessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), exception.Message, "Error running PlantUml",
                        MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        First it waits for all background work to complete. Then it starts running the 
        planuml process in a separate thread. The program is run without any window so 
        that it does not take the focus away from your code editor. When diagram is 
        successfully generated, the diagram image is refreshed.</p>
        Running Java program as exe</h3>
        I have used the fantastic <a href="">JSmooth</a> 
        utility to create an exe out of plantuml jar. It has sophisticated JVM detection 
        ability built-in. The exe wrapper it creates detects the right JVM and then runs 
        the jar.</p>
        <img alt="" src="plantumleditor/jsmooth.png" /></p>
        You can embed the jar inside the generated exe to create a single exe file that 
        automatically extracts and runs the jar.
        Show the right ContextMenu automatically from a button click</h3>
        There&#39;s a &quot;Add&quot; button which, when clicked, shows a context menu 
        <img alt="" src="plantumleditor/contextmenu.png" /></p>
        That&#39;s not it. It also remembers which submenu you clicked last time and it 
        automatically opens that submenu saving you one click. When you are on a use 
        case diagram and adding use case elements, it&#39;s likely you will keep on adding 
        use case items. Clicking on &quot;use case&quot; and then selecting an item from it is 
        cumbersome. The intelligent context menu saves you from making that unnecessary 
private void AddStuff_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Trick: Open the context menu automatically whenever user
    // clicks the "Add" button
    AddContextMenu.IsOpen = true;

    // If user last added a particular diagram items, say Use case
    // item, then auto open the usecase menu so that user does not
    // have to click on use case again. Saves time when you are adding
    // a lot of items for the same diagram
    if (_LastMenuItemClicked != default(WeakReference&lt;MenuItem&gt;))
        MenuItem parentMenu = (_LastMenuItemClicked.Target.Parent as MenuItem);
        parentMenu.IsSubmenuOpen = true;
}    </pre>
        Here the context menu is programmatically opened by using <span class="style1">
        IsOpen</span> property. However, right after opening it, I am checking what was 
        the last submenu item that was clicked and I open that automatically as well.</p>
        If you look at the xaml for the button, you would notice, there&#39;s no click 
        handler. There are so many submenus and grand-child menus that it&#39;s hard to add 
        a event handler from the markup. </p>
          &lt;Button Style="{DynamicResource RedButtonStyle}" 
          Padding="20, 0, 20, 0"
          Content="_Add..." &gt;
              &lt;ContextMenu x:Name="AddContextMenu" Style="{DynamicResource ContextMenuStyle}"&gt;                
                &lt;MenuItem Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}" Header="Use Case"&gt;
                  &lt;MenuItem Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}" Header="Actor"&gt;
actor :Last actor: as Men &lt;&lt; Human &gt;&gt;
        Instead I programmatically traverse the menu hierarchy and add a click handler 
        to it.</p>
public DiagramViewControl()

    foreach (MenuItem topLevelMenu in AddContextMenu.Items)
        foreach (MenuItem itemMenu in topLevelMenu.Items)
            itemMenu.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(MenuItem_Click);
        Inside the menu click handler, I have set the <span class="style1">LastMenuItemClicked</span> variable to 
        remember which menu item was last clicked.</p>
private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    this._LastMenuItemClicked = e.Source as MenuItem;
    this.AddCode((e.Source as MenuItem).Tag as string);
}    </pre>
        Now those who know me, you know very well that I am careful about
        <a href="">strong refs</a> 
        <a href="">
        memory leaks</a>. I would not do such nasty things like holding reference to an 
        UI element in a private variable, or trying to access controls at parent scope 
        from anonmous delegates. That&#39;s evil! So, I use strongly typed
        <span class="style1">WeakReference&lt;T&gt;</span> class to hold reference to UI 
        elements and pass the weak refs to the delegates.</p>
        For example, you can see use of weak reference to anonymous delegates:</p>
WeakReference&lt;ListBox&gt; listbox = this.DiagramFileListBox;
  () =&gt; 
      var diagramOnList = this._DiagramFiles.First(d =&gt; d.DiagramFilePath == diagramFileName);
      ListBox diagramListBox = listbox;
      diagramListBox.SelectedItem = diagramOnList;
  });  </pre>
        I have a handy <span class="style1">WeakReference&lt;T&gt;</span> class at my disposal which 
        supports implicit conversion to and from any class. It makes it easy to use the 
        reference as if it can take any class and can become anyclass. As you see in the 
        above code example, there&#39;s no cast to ListBox data type anywhere. It behaves 
        almost like a implicit pointer.</p>
        So, here it is:</p>
        The strongly typed WeakReference&lt;T&gt; with implicit operator conversion</h3>
        I have taken this from the great         <a href="">Damien</a>&#39;s 
        blog and made some enhacements to it:</p>
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class WeakReference&lt;T&gt; : IDisposable        
    private GCHandle handle;
    private bool trackResurrection;

    public WeakReference(T target)
        : this(target, false)

    public WeakReference(T target, bool trackResurrection)
        this.trackResurrection = trackResurrection;
        this.Target = target;


    public void Dispose()

    public virtual bool IsAlive
        get { return (handle.Target != null); }

    public virtual bool TrackResurrection
        get { return this.trackResurrection; }

    public virtual T Target
            object o = handle.Target;
            if ((o == null) || (!(o is T)))
                return default(T);
                return (T)o;
            handle = GCHandle.Alloc(value,
              this.trackResurrection ? GCHandleType.WeakTrackResurrection : GCHandleType.Weak);

    public static implicit operator WeakReference&lt;T&gt;(T obj)  
        return new WeakReference&lt;T&gt;(obj);

    public static implicit operator T(WeakReference&lt;T&gt; weakRef)  
        return weakRef.Target;
}    </pre>
        I have added the implicit operator conversions to make use of
        <span class="style1">WeakReference&lt;T&gt;</span> more convenient.</p>
        SStuffing lots of data in MenuItem</h3>
        You must have noticed my clever use of <span class="style1">Tag</span> property? If not, then here&#39;s it is 
        again. I am storing the UML snippet inside the <span class="style1">Tag</span> of each menu item this way:</p>
&lt;MenuItem Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}" Header="Note beside usecase"&gt;
note right of (Use)\r
  A note can also\r
  be on several lines\r
end note
        When a menu item is clicked, I can read the UML snippet from the Tag and then 
        use it to inject into the code editor. I am using Clipboard to copy the UML 
        snippet and then paste it inside the editor. This way it preserves the 
private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    this._LastMenuItemClicked = e.Source as MenuItem;
    this.AddCode((e.Source as MenuItem).Tag as string);

private void AddCode(string code)
    ContentEditor.SelectionLength = 0;

    var formattedCode = code.Replace("\\r", Environment.NewLine) 
        + Environment.NewLine
        + Environment.NewLine;


        Anyone know a better way to do this?</p>
        Auto updater</h3>
        What&#39;s a smart client without an auto updater? When you launch this app, it 
        starts a background thread to check if there&#39;s any update submitted for this 
        app. Now this application is uploaded into Google Code site. So, I need to check 
        if there&#39;s a newer version of the installer file. I do this by making a Web 
        Request to the download URL and check the Last-Modified response header. Then I 
        compare it with the last modification date of the exe running on your computer. 
        If they are off by one day, then we have an update.</p>
public static bool HasUpdate(string downloadUrl)
    HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(downloadUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
    using (var response = request.GetResponse())
        var lastModifiedDate = default(DateTime);
        if (DateTime.TryParse(response.Headers["Last-Modified"], out lastModifiedDate))
            var path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
            var localFileDateTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(path);

            return (localFileDateTime &lt; lastModifiedDate.AddDays(-1));

    return false;
}    </pre>
        When there&#39;s a new update available, the following function downloads the latest 
        file and stores in a local file to run it.</p>
public static void DownloadLatestUpdate(string downloadUrl, string localPath)
    DownloadedLocation = localPath;
    using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
        client.DownloadFileCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler(client_DownloadFileCompleted);
        client.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(client_DownloadProgressChanged);
        client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(downloadUrl), localPath);
}    </pre>
        The <span class="style1">WebClient</span> class has an asynchronous version of
        <span class="style1">DownloadFile</span> to download files in a separate thread and the notification 
        of progress and download complete/cancel is given via the event handlers. </p>
        You will find this code in <span class="style1">UpdateChecker</span> which is a 
        reusable class that you can use in your projects too. The way I use it from the
        <span class="style1">MainWindow</span> is:</p>
// Check if there's a newer version of the app
BackgroundWork.DoWork&lt;bool&gt;(() =&gt; 
    return UpdateChecker.HasUpdate(Settings.Default.DownloadUrl);
}, (hasUpdate) =&gt;
    if (hasUpdate)
        if (MessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(me),
            "There's a newer version available. Do you want to download and install?",
            "New version available",
            MessageBoxImage.Information) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
            BackgroundWork.DoWork(() =&gt; {
                var tempPath = Path.Combine(

                UpdateChecker.DownloadLatestUpdate(Settings.Default.DownloadUrl, tempPath);
            }, () =&gt; { },
                (x) =&gt;
                        "Download failed. When you run next time, it will try downloading again.",
                        "Download failed",
(x) =&gt; { });    </pre>
        When the download is in progress, the <span class="style1">
        DownloadProgressChanged</span> event is fired and when the download 
        completes/cancels, it fires the <span class="style1">DownloadCompleted</span> 
        event. The completed event handler takes care of finishing the installation.</p>
UpdateChecker.DownloadCompleted = new Action&lt;AsyncCompletedEventArgs&gt;((e) =&gt;
    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =&gt;
        if (e.Cancelled || e.Error != default(Exception))
                        "Download failed. When you run next time, it will try downloading again.",
                        "Download failed",

UpdateChecker.DownloadProgressChanged = new Action&lt;DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs&gt;((e) =&gt;
    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =&gt;
        this.StartProgress("New version downloaded " + e.ProgressPercentage + "%");
});   </pre>
        When download completes, it runs the installer and quits the application so that 
        the installer can install the latest version over it. </p>
        The installer</h2>
    <p>Visual Studio still does not offer creating setup projects which produces a 
        single exe or msi file which has a bootstrapper to detect .NET framework 
        version, download and install if needed and then run the real msi. So, I had to 
        use the famouse <a href="">dotnetInstaller</a>. 
        But getting it to detect .NET framework 3.5 was a challenge. It does not come 
        with built-in support. Moreover, creating a single exe with self-extracting 
        installer is not so straighforward. Here&#39;s my take.</p>
    <p>First you have to add a custom component to your configuration file in order to 
        get .NET framework detected. The solution is given here:
        <a href=""></a></p>
    <p>Then you have to add a msi component that points to the msi file. But there&#39;s a 
        trick to the file path.</p>
        <img src="plantumleditor/dotnetinstaller.png" alt="dotnetInstaller path trick" /></p>
        You have to provide the path in this format. And you have to add a Embed File 
        underneath the .msi component you added and set the path exactly like this:</p>
        <img src="plantumleditor/dotnetinstaller_embed.png" alt="dotnetInstaller path trick" /></p>
        Notice the targetfilepath is blank.</p>
        Then you need to create a folder, where you will copy the dotnetinstaller.exe 
        file, the .msi file. Both of the file needs to be in same folder. And then Make 
        the project to prepare the single installer.</p>
        This editor really saves time designing UML diagrams. I have to produce quick 
        diagrams to convey ideas quickly to Architects, Designers and Developers 
        everyday. So, I use this tool to write some quick diagrams at the speed of 
        coding, and the diagrams get generated on the fly. Instead of writing a long 
        mail explaining some operations or some process in English, I can quickly write 
        the text in the editor and get a nice looking activity/sequence diagram 
        produced. Making major changes is also as easy as doing search replace and 
        copy-pasting blocks here and there. You don&#39;t get such agility in any 
        conventional mouse-based UML designers. Hope you find this tool useful and 
        spread the love.&nbsp;</p>


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Written By
Architect BT, UK (ex British Telecom)
United Kingdom United Kingdom

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