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Delegates, Multicast delegates and Events in C# - Notes

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1 Dec 2015CPOL6 min read 114.1K   98   26
In this article we will try to understand Delegates, Multicast delegates and Events in C#

Answering in short
Delegate is a pointer to a function
So what’s the big deal of indirect calling?
No, Do not even think this
Implementing Callbacks with delegates
Multicast delegates
Events: - The encapsulated delegate


I do understand there are lot of articles on delegates and events and i am sure that more 1000 articles will come in coming times. But still lot of developers are confused about :-

  • What is a delegate and where to use it?
  • What are multicast delegates?
  • When to use Delegate VS Event

So in this article we will try to attempt to answer the above three queries.

Answering in short

Below is a simple diagram which explains how delegates, multicast delegates and events are connected.

Image 1

  • Delegates are pointer to functions and used for call back.
  • Multicast delegates help to invoke multiple callbacks.
  • Events encapsulate delegate and implement publisher and subscriber model.
  • Events and Multicast are types of delegates. So delegate is the base for events and multicast.

In the rest of the article we will try to understand the above statements in more detail.

Delegate is a pointer to a function

“Delegate is a pointer to a function” and you can invoke the pointed function via the delegate.

Creation of delegate is a three step process:-

  1. Declare the delegate: - In this step you will use the delegate keyword but you will need to ensure that the signature of this delegate has to be same as the method. For example in the below code “SomeMethod()” is returning void and not taking any input parameters. So delegate “SomeMethodPtr()” is defined accordingly.
  2. Create object of delegate: - Once you have defined the delegate you need to create object to use it. This is shown in the code as step 2.
  3. Invoke the delegate: - To invoke the delegate you need to call “Invoke” method to call “SomeMethod”.
delegate void SomeMethodPtr(); // 1. Declare delegate
static void Main(string[] args)
SomeMethodPtr ptrObject = SomeMethod; // 2. Create object of delegate
ptrObject.Invoke(); // 3 . invoke the delegate
static void SomeMethod()
// some code

So what’s the big deal of indirect calling?

Ok so now that we have understood that delegate is a pointer to a function, but what is so great about it. How does it benefit to invoke a method indirectly ,when we can invoke it directly and make our life better?.

Just think is not the below code more simple as compared to invoking indirectly via delegate.

static void Main(string[] args)
static void SomeMethod()
            // some code

The first point to understand is importance of delegates is seen when you are invoking code which is in a different library. For example below is a simple file search library which searches files in a directory.

Please note at this moment there is NO code for file search in reality, think that the for loop is a search and the file name is coming in string “str”.

public class SearchFile
        public void Search()
            // File search is happening
            for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
                string str = "File " + i;

Now the above component is consumed in a console application as shown below. Now we want that as soon as the file is searched we want the UI to be notified immediately with the file name.

static void Main(string[] args)
SearchFile f1 = new SearchFile();

In other words we need a CALLBACK from the filesearch component back to the console application. And that’s what exactly delegate is meant for CALLBACK , CALLBACK and CALLBACK.

Image 2

No, Do not even think this

One of the things as a developer which you would think is why cannot we just write “Console.Write” in the search method itself as shown below. But by doing this your “SearchFile” is tightly coupled with the UI technology. What if we need to use the below code in a “Winform” or “Wpf” application ?. The below code will crash.

public class SearchFile
        public void Search()
            // File search is happening
            for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
                string str = "File " + i;

Implementing Callbacks with delegates

Now in order to implement delegate the first thing is the file search component should provide the necessary infrastructure by exposing a delegate. Below is the “SearchFile” class through which we have exposed a delegate “wheretocall” . Look for step 1 and step 2 in the below code. This delegate “wheretocall” is empty at this moment and its saying that any client who is expecting callbacks from me please pass your method pointer here.

Inside the for loop the delegate is passing data of the current file name through the delegate.

public class SearchFile
        public delegate void WheretoCall(string status); // Step 1
        public WheretoCall wheretocall = null; // Step 2
        public void Search()
            // File search is happening
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                string str = "File " + i;
                wheretocall(str); // Step 3

Now the client who is consuming the above class needs to pass the method reference to the delegate pointer. See Step 1 in the below code. In this place we are passing our method where we expect “SearchFile” class to call back and send information.

static void Main(string[] args)
            SearchFile f1 = new SearchFile();
            f1.wheretocall = CallHere; // Step 1
        static void CallHere(string message)

Multicast delegates

Image 3

Now think about a situation where we want the “SearchFile” class to send notifications( broadcast) to three methods in one go.. We can also term this as publisher subscriber architecture. Where the “SearchFile” is publisher and all the other methods are subscribers attached to the publisher.

static void CallHereToWriteToFile(string message)
           System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"c:\somtext.txt", message);
       static void CallHereForConsole(string message)
       static void CallHereToWriteInternally(string message)

In order to achieve the same we do not have to change a single line of code in the “SearchFile” class. In the client side we just need to use “+=” sign to assign the methods to the “wheretocall” delegate.

If you want to unsubscribe you can use “-=” sign.

static void Main(string[] args)
            SearchFile f1 = new SearchFile();
            f1.wheretocall += CallHereForConsole;
            f1.wheretocall += CallHereToWriteInternally;
            f1.wheretocall += CallHereToWriteToFile;            

Now when the “SearchFile” class invokes the delegate all the three methods attached with the delegate gets invoked.

Events: - The encapsulated delegate

The publisher subscriber architecture created by multicast delegate has one serious problem that subscribers CAN MODIFY THE DELEGATE. Now in a truepublisher subscriber architecture or broadcasting architecture the subscribers can only subscribe and unsubscribe. In other words they can only listen but not modify the delegate.

Image 4

For example in the below code you can see the subscriber code is making the publisher delegate reference NULL and also he can invoke the delegate. In other word the client can modify the delegate. If you visualize in real world a television works on publisher subscriber architecture. As an end user we can subscribe or unsubscribe from a TV channel but we do not have authority to slap a TV anchor if we do not like any show.

SearchFile f1 = new SearchFile();
f1.wheretocall += CallHereForConsole;
f1.wheretocall.invoke();// The client can invoke.
f1.wheretocall = null; // The delegate can be modified.
f1.wheretocall += CallHereToWriteInternally;

That’s where events come in to picture. Events encapsulate delegates. On the publisher side we need to create the instance of delegate using the “event” keyword.

public class SearchFile
    public delegate void WheretoCall(string status);
    public event  WheretoCall wheretocall = null;    
    // Remaining code removed for clarity.

If we do that the client can no more modify the delegate. You can see the below error highlighted on the subscriber side that you can use only “+=” or “-=” but not “=”.

If we translate the below error to simple English it says that you can only subscribe (+=) or unsubscribe (-=) from a delegate but not modify them. So by using event we have achieved a proper publisher subscriber model.

Image 5


So if we summarize delegate is a call back , multicast delegate is for multiple call backs while events do multicast callback but client has no control on the delegate. In case of event clients can only subscribe to the delegate.

Image 6

Below is a simple you tube video Events and Delegates in C# , worth a watch.

Image 7

For Further reading do watch  the below interview preparation videos and step by step video series.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
India India

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GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Armen58009-Jan-20 2:30
Armen58009-Jan-20 2:30 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Raul Iloc13-Jan-16 0:57
Raul Iloc13-Jan-16 0:57 
Praisevery nice Pin
BillW3312-Jan-16 9:51
professionalBillW3312-Jan-16 9:51 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
maq_rohit11-Jan-16 9:21
professionalmaq_rohit11-Jan-16 9:21 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Santhakumar M7-Jan-16 20:41
professionalSanthakumar M7-Jan-16 20:41 
PraiseTop notch! Pin
jediYL3-Jan-16 16:24
professionaljediYL3-Jan-16 16:24 
QuestionNo, a delegate instance is not a pointer to a function PinPopular
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov4-Dec-15 15:26
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov4-Dec-15 15:26 
AnswerRe: No, a delegate instance is not a pointer to a function Pin
Shivprasad koirala4-Dec-15 16:28
Shivprasad koirala4-Dec-15 16:28 
GeneralIn my article... Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov4-Dec-15 18:48
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov4-Dec-15 18:48 
GeneralRe: No, a delegate instance is not a pointer to a function Pin
Vijay Gill7-Dec-15 2:25
professionalVijay Gill7-Dec-15 2:25 
QuestionVisual Studio C# compiler Pin
jrobb2294-Dec-15 11:21
jrobb2294-Dec-15 11:21 
AnswerRe: Visual Studio C# compiler Pin
Shivprasad koirala4-Dec-15 14:40
Shivprasad koirala4-Dec-15 14:40 
QuestionYou really shouldn't post articles if you don't speak the language. Pin
exyyle4-Dec-15 9:37
professionalexyyle4-Dec-15 9:37 
AnswerRe: You really should post articles if you don't speak the language. Pin
Vijay Gill4-Dec-15 10:00
professionalVijay Gill4-Dec-15 10:00 
GeneralRe: You really should post articles if you don't speak the language. Pin
jrobb2294-Dec-15 11:04
jrobb2294-Dec-15 11:04 
GeneralRe: You really should post articles if you don't speak the language. Pin
Shivprasad koirala4-Dec-15 14:45
Shivprasad koirala4-Dec-15 14:45 
AnswerRe: You really shouldn't post articles if you don't speak the language. Pin
Shivprasad koirala4-Dec-15 14:39
Shivprasad koirala4-Dec-15 14:39 
AnswerYou are on codeproject and not english teaching site Pin
Member 121915157-Dec-15 4:37
Member 121915157-Dec-15 4:37 
GeneralRe: You are on codeproject and not english teaching site Pin
exyyle10-Dec-15 6:41
professionalexyyle10-Dec-15 6:41 
PraiseMy first post Pin
Member 121333533-Dec-15 21:28
Member 121333533-Dec-15 21:28 
QuestionGreat explanation Pin
Marc Murdoch3-Dec-15 8:12
professionalMarc Murdoch3-Dec-15 8:12 
Questionstatic delegate Pin
Member 114517172-Dec-15 20:40
Member 114517172-Dec-15 20:40 
AnswerRe: static delegate Pin
Shivprasad koirala2-Dec-15 20:52
Shivprasad koirala2-Dec-15 20:52 
AnswerRe: static delegate Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov4-Dec-15 15:28
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov4-Dec-15 15:28 
GeneralGood Article Once Again Pin
aarif moh shaikh2-Dec-15 19:14
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