thanks for sharing your work!
I have a little question, is it possible to change font size of a popup menu what is shown by mouse rightclick?
Thanks in advance
I noticed that the vertical line was at the wrong place after scrolling horizontal.
So I added this
x -= GetParent()->GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ);
...before drawing the line.
pDC->MoveTo(x, rc.top);
pDC->LineTo(x, rc.bottom);
Can we customize the menu in such a way that user can select multiple columns at once.
At present if user need to change the visibility of the 3 columns he needs to right click and select the columns individually. can we customs the menu in such a way that he can select the column in one go.
Thanks and Regards
Sharath B
"The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman."
There is a windows shortcut for auto resizing list control columns based on it's contents which is "Ctrl + +".
This reveals the zero width column, maybe this can also be handled.
I have ported the application to VC6. Anyone interested, send me an e-mail and I will send you the zip file.
Best regards,
I am in love with VC++
Hi Christian,
Tried several times to email you but that doesn't seem to work ( ).
I'm heavily interested in the port to VC6, can you please send it.
Thanks in advance
Hi Leon!
Sorry for responding so late but I was caught up in some major problems at work.
I will send you the version as soon as I can (I only have access to it at home and now I am in another town).
In maximum two days I believe I will send it to you.
Best wishes,
Hi Christian,
So far I have not received anything from you. Is this correct?
Try running TestListCtrl.exe in the demo project with the columns arranged
Col 0, Col 1, Col 2, Col 3, Col 4, Col 5
(Don't change the order of the columns using drag/drop)
Now right click on the header, and remove the tick from Col 1.
Next, remove tick from Col 2
Next, remove tick from Col 3
Next, remove tick from Col 4
Now put the tick back in Col 4.
The columns are now arranged in the wrong order. Col 4 is to the right of Col 5, but it should be on the left.
Nice work... I appreciated...
But I have in my project another CListCtrlEx with other functions. I would like to insert this functionalities that you created in my project, but I had problems... The first problems was with the "DWORD_PTR" and "CAutoPtr"
My project is a MFC application, in VC6.
Could you help me???
I would like a solution for VC6 too.
I solve it, in my way...
I changed DWORD_PTR for DWORD*, and CAutoPtr for int*.
I don't know if it is the best way, but it worked very well..
Excuses for my English.
See you.
I use a list control in a bare view (so I'm not using a CListView). During the creation sequence I get an ASSERT in CListCtrlEx::PreSubclassWindow: the header control is not yet created, so it's hWnd is NULL.
I worked around this as follows:
- added a Create() method to the CListCtrlEx class (same signature as CListCtrl)
- in that, first call base class version
- next, moved the contents of PreSubclassWindow()
Chen Hao, Thanks for contributing this class. Exactly what I was looking for.
Small problem: when unhiding a column, its size is reset to the original, during creation.
I applied the following fix in CHeaderCtrlEx::SetVisible (lines with >> added by me:
>> // store current width
>> CItemData *pData = (CItemData *)GetItemData(index);
>> pData->m_nWidth = GetItemWidth(index);
// hide item
SetItemWidth(index, 0);
I have 5 splitter windows where one of the view is ListView. Can anybody guide me to implement this feature for listview
Thanks for your article -- exactly what I needed!
I found one problem, however, it was easy to fix:
Dragging the rightmost header divider (i.e. to the right of the rightmost column header) can cause hidden columns to be revealed. I fixed this in CHeaderCtrlEx::OnLButtonDown:
<br />
if (ht.flags == HHT_ONDIVIDER)<br />
{<br />
ReleaseCapture();<br />
m_nDraggingItem = FindVisibleItem(index);
}<br />
else if (ht.flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN)<br />
{<br />
ReleaseCapture();<br />
m_nDraggingItem = FindVisibleItem(index);<br />
}<br />
Hence the if (ht.flags == HHT_ONDIVIDER) block is the same as the if (ht.flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN) block, and this could instead be reduced to:
<br />
if (ht.flags == HHT_ONDIVIDER || ht.flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN)<br />
{<br />
ReleaseCapture();<br />
m_nDraggingItem = FindVisibleItem(index);<br />
}<br />
- HF
You can hide column just by set its width to 0.
But then the user begin drag divider he expand and view the zero-width column.
Did you fail to read the first paragraph?
"A good athlete is the result of a good and worthy opponent." - David Crow
"To have a respect for ourselves guides our morals; to have deference for others governs our manners." - Laurence Sterne
Cool but memory leaks detected:
I think you have to change two class members:
int CHeaderCtrlEx::IndexToOrder(int index)
int nOrder = -1;
int count = GetItemCount();
if (count > 0)
int* pnColOrder = new int[count];
GetOrderArray(pnColOrder, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (pnColOrder[i] == index)
nOrder = i;
// add the following
delete[] pnColOrder;
return nOrder;
and second
void CHeaderCtrlEx::SetVisible(int index, BOOL bVisible)
CItemData *pData = (CItemData *)GetItemData(index);
if (pData->m_bVisible != bVisible)
pData->m_bVisible = bVisible;
// get total items
int count = GetItemCount();
// get current item's order
int nOrder = IndexToOrder(index);
int* pCols= new int[count];
GetOrderArray(pCols, count);
if (bVisible)
// restore item width
// move the item to the original position
int nVisible = GetVisibleItemCount();
int nTarget;
if (index > nVisible - 1)
nTarget = nVisible - 1;
nTarget = index;
ASSERT(nTarget <= nOrder);
for (int i = nOrder; i > nTarget; i--)
pCols[i] = pCols[i - 1];
pCols[nTarget] = index;
// hide item
SetItemWidth(index, 0);
SetOrderArray(count, pCols);
// insert following:
delete[] pCols ;
...in "About Chen Hao" above, because it's the logotype of Sony Ericsson, and I doubt they want it used without their explicit permission, which you on the other hand might have received...?
The Blog: Bits and Pieces
>> I searched the Internet and did not find an existing solution for this
I also think that this article is interesting, but there is a thing I miss:
An article has to describe how things work, and not only how to use the code... 4 Points.
Don't try it, just do it!
I agree with you.
This article realy usefull.