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Inserting JSON Text into SQL Server Table

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26 Mar 2016CPOL7 min read 302.1K   1.3K   35   22
How to easily insert array of JSON objects into SQL Server 2016 tables
In this article, we will see how you can use OPENJSON function to insert array of JSON object into table.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Use Case - Loading JSON into Database
    1. Handling Required Fields
    2. Importing Complex JSON Structures
  4. GenerateCode
  5. Inside
  6. History


SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database have a new function OPENJSON that enables you to easily parse JSON text and insert it into any table. See more details about JSON support in Friday the 13th - JSON is coming to SQL Server. In this article, we will see how you can use this function to insert array of JSON object into table.


Have you ever created some REST API that accepts JSON and you had to import this JSON into database? Maybe you have REST service that receives JSONs from JQuery, AngularJS or ReactJS applications? Did you ever call some REST service that returns response as JSON or loaded some JSON from file and then you had to store results in SQL tables? Maybe you had to load some JSON documents from Twitter or MongoDB into database?

In the past, you probably had to parse this JSON using JSON.Net or some other serializer or use frameworks to map JSON into objects and then store them into database using ADO.NET or Entity Framework. With SQL Server 2016, you have another alternative - just send the entire JSON text to database and parse it using new OPENJSON function.

In this article, we will see how you can do it.

Use Case - Importing JSON in Database

Imagine that you have one or many JSON objects like in the following example:

 { "id" : 2,"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith",
   "age": 25, "dateOfBirth": "2007-03-25T12:00:00" },
 { "id" : 5,"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith",
   "age": 35, "dateOfBirth": "2005-11-04T12:00:00" },
 { "id" : 7,"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith",
   "age": 15, "dateOfBirth": "1983-10-28T12:00:00" },
 { "id" : 8,"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith",
   "age": 12, "dateOfBirth": "1995-07-05T12:00:00" },
 { "id" : 9,"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith",
   "age": 37, "dateOfBirth": "2015-03-25T12:00:00" }

If you send this JSON as a parameter of some query or stored procedure, or set it as some local variable, you can easily convert this array of JSON objects to set of rows using OPENJSON function, and see what's in this JSON:

     WITH (id int, firstName nvarchar(50), lastName nvarchar(50),
           age int, dateOfBirth datetime2)

OPENJSON function will parse JSON, and in WITH clause, you can specify what column names you want to see. OPENJSON will match column names with keys in JSON arrays and return set of rows. Also, it will do automatic conversion from character data into types that are associated to each column. If you execute this query, you will get results something like below:

2    John    Smith    25    2007-03-25 12:00:00.0000000
5    John    Smith    35    2005-11-04 12:00:00.0000000
7    John    Smith    15    1983-10-28 12:00:00.0000000
8    John    Smith    12    1995-07-05 12:00:00.0000000
9    John    Smith    37    2015-03-25 12:00:00.0000000

Now, you can easily import these values in any table:

INSERT INTO Person (id, name, surname, age, dateOfBirth)
 SELECT id, firstNAme, lastName, age, dateOfBirth 
 WITH (id int,
       firstName nvarchar(50), lastName nvarchar(50), 
       age int, dateOfBirth datetime2)

So, this is a single command that directly imports your JSON into table. You can put this in your stored procedure and just provide JSON as an input parameter:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.PersonInsertJson(@Person NVARCHAR(MAX))
  INSERT INTO Person (id, name, surname, age, dateOfBirth)
  SELECT id, firstNAme, lastName, age, dateOfBirth
       WITH (id int, firstName nvarchar(50), lastName nvarchar(50), _
             age int, dateOfBirth datetime2)

You can use similar procedures to update existing rows in table from JSON object. In the following example, I will use OPENJSON to parse input JSON text, and update name, surname, age, and dateOfBirth fields by matching id field:

 SET name = json.firstname,
 surname = json.lastname,
 age = json.age,
 dateOfBirth = json.dateOfBirth
 WITH (id int,
       firstName nvarchar(50), lastName nvarchar(50), 
       age int, dateOfBirth datetime2) AS json

See details in this post OPENJSON – The easiest way to import JSON text into table.

If you are an advanced SQL user, you can use MERGE statement that will insert row if it does not exist in the table, and update it if there is a match.

    SELECT *
    FROM  OPENJSON(@json)
          WITH (id int, firstName nvarchar(50), lastName nvarchar(50),
                age int, dateOfBirth datetime2) InputJSON
   ON ( =
    UPDATE SET P.firstName = InputJSON.firstName,
               P.lastName = InputJSON.lastName,
               P.age = InputJSON.age,
               P.dateOfBirth = InputJSON.dateOfBirth
    INSERT (firstName, lastName, age, dateOfBirth)
    VALUES (InputJSON.firstName, InputJSON.lastName, InputJSON.age, InputJSON.dateOfBirth);

This is combined UPdate or inSERT command that will either update row by id, or add a new one. You can see more details at Upsert JSON documents in SQL Server 2016.

Handling Required Fields

JSON may have some missing fields in objects, which might be fine. OPENJSON will return NULL if there is no property in input. However, if you want to ensure that you have all required fields in input JSON, you can add strict option in column:

 WITH (id int 'strict $.id',
       firstName nvarchar(50) 'strict $.firstName',
       lastName nvarchar(50),
       age int,
       dateOfBirth datetime2)

If you add '$.strict keyName' option after type, OPENJSON will know that this keyName is required. If it cannot find value in the keyName, it will throw an error.

Fields that are not marked with strict are not required, and OPENJSON will return null if it cannot find them.

Importing Complex JSON Objects

JSON does not need to be flat. Your JSON objects may have nested values like in the following example:

 { "id" : 2,
   "info": { "name": "John", "surame": "Smith" },
   "age": 25 },
   "id" : 5,
   "info": { "name": "Jane", "surame": "Smith" },
   "dateOfBirth": "2005-11-04T12:00:00" }

OPENJSON can also parse this structure. If you don't have flat hierarchy of key:value pairs, you can specify "path" of each property after type:

 WITH (id int 'strict $.id',
       firstName nvarchar(50) 'strict $',
       lastName nvarchar(50) '$.info.surname',
       age int,
       dateOfBirth datetime2)

If you don't have flat hierarchy of key value pairs and you have some fields in nested objects, you can specify something like JavaScript-like path of the field. You can combine nested paths with strict keyword.

JSON can even have nested arrays like in the following example:

  { "id" : 2,
   "info": { "name": "John", "surame": "Smith" },
   "age": 25,
   "skills": ["C#","SQL","JSON","REST"]
   "id" : 5,
   "info": { "name": "Jane", "surame": "Smith" },
   "dateOfBirth": "2005-11-04T12:00:00",
  "skills": ["C#","SQL"] }

You can also parse this JSON text with OPENJSON. Since we want to read this skills JSON array as "whole JSON", we need to add AS JSON option:

 WITH (id int 'strict $.id',
       firstName nvarchar(50) 'strict $',
       lastName nvarchar(50) '$.info.surname',
       age int,
       dateOfBirth datetime2,
       skills NVARCHAR(MAX) AS JSON

Now OPENJSON will return entire JSON array is skills column:

id firstName lastName age  dateOfBirth                 skills
2  John      Smith    25   NULL                        ["C#","SQL","JSON","REST"]
5  Jane      Smith    NULL 2005-11-04 12:00:00.0000000 ["C#","SQL"]

As you can see, with a few options, you can easily read any JSON structure and validate required fields.

Generating Code that Inserts JSON

Although this is a simple command, it might be hard to write it if you have wide tables with 20-30 columns. Also, if some of the columns have special characters, you will need to surround them with [ ] in SQL names, and with " " in JSON paths.

Therefore, I have created a function that generates this script - you can download it here. The signature of this SQL function looks like this:

dbo.GenerateJsonInsertProcedure(@SchemaName sysname, @TableName sysname, _
    @JsonColumns nvarchar(max), @IgnoredColumns nvarchar(max))

In order to generate Insert stored procedure, you can specify Schema name of your table and table name. Also, if you have some columns in table that contain JSON text and if you will have some nested JSON in your input, you can specify list of these columns in @JsonColumns parameter. Finally, if some columns should not be inserted via JSON (e.g., DateModified, ModifiedBy) you can provide them as comma separated list of column names.

Now, let's see how it works. I will generate JSON insert stored procedure for AdventureWorks Person.Address table:

declare @SchemaName sysname = 'Person' --> Name of the table where we want to insert JSON
declare @TableName sysname = _
    'Address' --> Name of the table schema where we want to insert JSON
declare @IgnoredColumns nvarchar(max) = _
    'DateModified' --> List of columns that should be ignored
-- comma separated column names in this list will not be included in WITH schema 
declare @JsonColumns nvarchar(max) = '||' --> List of pipe-separated NVARCHAR(MAX) 
--column names that contain JSON text, e.g. '|AdditionalInfo|Demographics|'

print (dbo.GenerateJsonInsertProcedure(@SchemaName, @TableName, @JsonColumns, @IgnoredColumns))

In this case, I will just print the script that function returns. Output will be:

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS [Person].[AddressInsertJson]
CREATE PROCEDURE [Person].[AddressInsertJson](@Address NVARCHAR(MAX))
INSERT INTO Address([AddressLine1],[AddressLine2],[City],[StateProvinceID],_
 SELECT [AddressLine1],[AddressLine2],[City],[StateProvinceID],[PostalCode],[ModifiedDate]
 FROM OPENJSON(@AddressJson)
 [AddressLine1] nvarchar(120) N'strict $."AddressLine1"',
 [AddressLine2] nvarchar(120) N'$."AddressLine2"',
 [City] nvarchar(60) N'strict $."City"',
 [StateProvinceID] int N'strict $."StateProvinceID"',
 [PostalCode] nvarchar(30) N'strict $."PostalCode"',
 [ModifiedDate] datetime N'strict $."ModifiedDate"')

Function will go through all columns in the specified table, check what is the type, is it required column (in that case, it will generate $.strict modifier in path) and create script. You can modify this query and remove unnecessary columns if you want.

If you want to try it, you can download that contains SQL script.

Inside the Script

If you want to know details about this script, here are some more detailed explanations.

First, we need a query that will return list of columns that will be generated in INSERT list, SELECT list, and WITH clause. I have used this query:

select as ColumnName,
    column_id ColumnId, as ColumnType,
 -- create type with size based on type name and size
  when 'char' then '(' + cast(col.max_length as varchar(10))+ ')'
        when 'nchar' then '(' + cast(col.max_length as varchar(10))+ ')'
        when 'nvarchar' then (IIF(col.max_length=-1, '(MAX)', _
        '(' + cast(col.max_length as varchar(10))+ ')'))
        when 'varbinary' then (IIF(col.max_length=-1, '(MAX)', _
        '(' + cast(col.max_length as varchar(10))+ ')'))
        when 'varchar' then (IIF(col.max_length=-1, '(MAX)', _
        '(' + cast(col.max_length as varchar(10))+ ')'))
  else ''
 end as StringSize,
 -- if column is not nullable, add Strict mode in JSON
        when col.is_nullable = 1 then '$.' else 'strict $.'
    end Mode,
 CHARINDEX(, @JsonColumns,0) as IsJson
from sys.columns col
    join sys.types typ on
        col.system_type_id = typ.system_type_id AND col.user_type_id = typ.user_type_id
   LEFT JOIN dbo.syscomments SM ON col.default_object_id = 
where object_id = object_id(QUOTENAME(@SchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@TableName))
-- Do not insert identity, computed columns, hidden columns, 
-- rowguid columns, generated always columns
-- Skip columns that cannot be parsed by JSON, e.g. text, sql_variant, etc.
and col.is_identity = 0
and col.is_computed = 0
and col.is_hidden = 0
and col.is_rowguidcol = 0
and generated_always_type = 0
and (sm.text IS NULL OR sm.text NOT LIKE '(NEXT VALUE FOR%')
and LOWER( _
    NOT IN ('text', 'ntext', 'sql_variant', 'image','hierarchyid','geometry','geography')
and NOT IN (SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(@IgnoredColumns, ','))

This query will return list of columns with their id, names and types b looking in system tables.

Interesting thing is StringSize column. This column formats type in WITH clause, e.g., nvarchar(50) or varchar(max) based on type and length.Mode column returns "strict $" instead of "$" if column is required, i.e., not null. This mode requires that key must exists in JSON. All columns in @jsonColumns variable will be marked with 1 in IsJson column.

This code will not return columns that should not be inserted in table using explicit insert. In this code, I'm excluding identity, hidden, computed, rowguid and generated always columns. Also, I have excluded all columns that will be populated via sequences.

Also, if OPENJSON cannot return some types like CLR, ot geometry/geography, this query will ignore these columns.

Finally, all columns placed in IgnoredColumns will be ignored.

Now I need to generate list of columns that belongs to table schema that will be added in INSERT (<<column list>>) and SELECT <<column list>> parts in stored procedure. I'm using this script:

declare @TableSchema nvarchar(max) = '';

select @TableSchema = @TableSchema + QUOTENAME(ColumnName) + ','
from <<col_def>>
order by ColumnId

SET @TableSchema = SUBSTRING(@TableSchema, 0, LEN(@TableSchema)) --> remove last comma

<<col_def>> is previous query (used as CTE in my script). This code will concatenate all column names from that query and return them as comma separated string.

Now I need to generate columns, types and json paths in WITH clause of OPENJSON function. Here is the query:

declare @JsonSchema nvarchar(max) = '';

select @JsonSchema = @JsonSchema + '
 ' + QUOTENAME(ColumnName) + ' ' + ColumnType + StringSize +
 N''' + Mode + '"' + STRING_ESCAPE(ColumnName, 'json') + _
        '"''' +IIF(IsJson>0, ' AS JSON', '') + ','
from col_def
order by ColumnId

This query is similar to the previous one. Here, I am generating the following sequence:

column_name type json_path [AS JSON],

Finally, I need to inject these two column lists in INSERT SELECT OPENJSON WITH() script and generate script that will be returned by stored procedure:

declare @Result nvarchar(max) =
       QUOTENAME(@TableName + 'InsertJson') + '
CREATE PROCEDURE ' + QUOTENAME( @SchemaName) + '.' + _
       QUOTENAME(@TableName + 'InsertJson') + '(@' + @TableName + ' NVARCHAR(MAX))

 INSERT INTO ' + @TableName + '(' + @TableSchema + ')
 SELECT ' + @TableSchema + '
 FROM OPENJSON(' + @JsonParam + ')
  WITH (' + @JsonSchema + ')

RETURN REPLACE(@Result,',)',')')

Final replace command is used to remove last comma in WITH clause.

If you just want to call this stored procedure, you don't need these details; however, if you are planning to modify it, you will need these details.


  • 25th March, 2016 - Initial version
  • 26th March, 2016 - Added details about implementation of function that generates code


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Program Manager Microsoft
Serbia Serbia
Graduated from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Techniques and Informatics, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Currently working in Microsoft as Program Manager on SQL Server product.
Member of JQuery community - created few popular plugins (four popular JQuery DataTables add-ins and loadJSON template engine).
Interests: Web and databases, Software engineering process(estimation and standardization), mobile and business intelligence platforms.

Comments and Discussions

PraisegenerateJsonInsertSP2.sql Pin
Steve Salt6-Sep-24 1:15
Steve Salt6-Sep-24 1:15 
QuestionWonderfull article best on web better than actual microsoft website Pin
B K Akash17-Dec-21 19:45
B K Akash17-Dec-21 19:45 
QuestionTypo in Upsert block with missing closing bracket for USING after "datetime2)") Pin
Member 1405314016-Sep-21 7:52
Member 1405314016-Sep-21 7:52 
AnswerCode download link Pin
emailarijit@gmail.com8-Jul-18 10:47
emailarijit@gmail.com8-Jul-18 10:47 
Questiontnx man Pin
Member 1379308022-Apr-18 18:29
Member 1379308022-Apr-18 18:29 
QuestionCode download is missing Pin
Member 1378842219-Apr-18 8:19
Member 1378842219-Apr-18 8:19 
When trying to download the script, Code Project can't find it


Can you upload another copy?

Questionobject mapping through SP from JSON file Pin
Member 1341467617-Sep-17 16:51
Member 1341467617-Sep-17 16:51 
QuestionLoading a folder of Json Pin
Kev KO 10-May-17 0:53
Kev KO 10-May-17 0:53 
QuestionImporting complex JSON objects: nested arrays Pin
Kev KO 5-May-17 6:01
Kev KO 5-May-17 6:01 
SuggestionFound the code Pin
Schoenholzer28-Aug-16 22:58
Schoenholzer28-Aug-16 22:58 
QuestionGreat! Is there a Update Script Generator as well? Pin
SQLUSERVA19-Aug-16 6:34
SQLUSERVA19-Aug-16 6:34 
QuestionSource code Pin
Member 1265720327-Jul-16 15:28
Member 1265720327-Jul-16 15:28 
BugRe: Source code Pin
Schoenholzer28-Aug-16 22:48
Schoenholzer28-Aug-16 22:48 
PraiseNice article, can't wait to play with SQL2016 Pin
Wolverine201625-Apr-16 22:35
Wolverine201625-Apr-16 22:35 
Questionpomoc oko C# i mysql konekcije Pin
Member 1227854225-Apr-16 20:03
Member 1227854225-Apr-16 20:03 
Questionpotrebna mi je pomoc oko mysql i c# Pin
Member 1227854225-Apr-16 19:54
Member 1227854225-Apr-16 19:54 
Questionpotrebna mi je pomoc oko mysql i c# Pin
Member 1227854225-Apr-16 19:44
Member 1227854225-Apr-16 19:44 
Questionpotrebna mi je pomoc oko mysql i c# Pin
Member 1227854225-Apr-16 19:36
Member 1227854225-Apr-16 19:36 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Vaso Elias25-Apr-16 5:37
Vaso Elias25-Apr-16 5:37 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
D V L7-Apr-16 21:08
professionalD V L7-Apr-16 21:08 

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